Report Title:
West Maui Transportation Access Plan; Appropriation
Creates an informal, temporary West Maui transportation access plan working group to develop a West Maui transportation access plan; allows hiring of a consultant without regard to the Hawaii procurement code to develop the plan; appropriates funds to the department of transportation. (SD1)
H.B. NO. |
2531 |
H.D. 1 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that West Maui is one of the largest generators of state and county revenues and is one of the largest visitor destinations outside of Waikiki. Yet access in and out of the region is served by only one major highway that may be closed for days at a moment's notice, which occurred in the past two years due to wildfires. In West Maui, unlike in other areas where a full-blown natural disaster is the cause for a total shutdown of transportation access, events and accidents that do not rise to the level of an emergency have closed the highway for days. Because of the non-emergency status of these incidents, the State has no coordinated plan to transport people into and out of West Maui during road closures. Because there is no hospital in West Maui, such road closures put people's lives at risk. They also divide families, as many Maui residents work in West Maui but reside in other parts of Maui county. The booming visitor industry in West Maui is also jeopardized.
During July of 2007 when a fire closed the highway for several days, a task force was created by the department of land and natural resources to address transportation access to West Maui. However, because no official support was mandated for this group's work, the task force has dispersed. The legislature finds that a West Maui transportation access plan is critical.
The purpose of this Act is to require the department of transportation to develop a West Maui transportation access plan, which can serve as a model for developing plans in other areas having similar problems, such as West Kauai, Wainee, and the Kealakekua area.
SECTION 2. West Maui transportation access plan; informal temporary working group; duties; report. (a) There is created the informal, temporary West Maui transportation access plan working group within the department of transportation to develop a West Maui transportation access plan to address road closures in West Maui. The working group may elect from among its members a chairperson. The working group shall consist of the following members:
(1) The director of transportation;
(2) The state senator representing district 5 in West Maui;
(3) The state representative representing district 10 in West Maui;
(4) The member of the Maui county council representing West Maui;
(5) The chief of the highway division of the department of transportation;
(6) A staff member of the department of land and natural resources representing the Lahaina small boat harbor;
(7) The mayor of Maui county;
(8) The director of the department of transportation of Maui county;
(9) The police chief of Maui county;
(10) The fire chief of Maui county;
(11) The administrator of the civil defense agency of Maui county;
(12) A representative of Lahaina Bypass Now;
(13) A representative of the Kaanapali Beach Resort Association;
(14) A representative of the Maui Visitor's Bureau;
(15) A Maui-based representative of Island Air;
(16) A Maui-based representative of the Car and Truck Renting and Leasing Association;
(17) A representative of the Maui Hotel and Lodging Association;
(18) A Maui-based representative of the Hawaii Transportation Association;
(19) A representative of the Pacific Radio Group;
(20) A representative of Expeditions Lanai Ferry;
(21) A representative of Molokai Princess Ferry; and
(22) A Maui-based representative of Cruise Lines International Association.
(b) The temporary working group shall develop a West Maui transportation access plan to address road closures in West Maui and may contract with a consultant to develop the plan without regard to chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
(c) The temporary working group shall submit a written report including findings, recommendations, the finalized West Maui transportation access plan, and any necessary proposed legislation to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2009.
(d) The temporary working group shall terminate on June 30, 2009.
SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009 for the West Maui transportation access plan temporary working group to develop a West Maui transportation access plan, including the hiring of a technical consultant.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of transportation for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval, except that section 3 shall take effect on July 1, 2050.