FLOOR AMENDMENT NO.                                                     Date                                              


TO:     H.B. No.  2164, H.D. 1, S.D. 1


            SECTION 1.  Senate Bill No. 2164, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, section 2, is amended by deleting the quote at the end of subsection (c) and adding a new subsection (d) to section 304A-2168, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to read as follows:


     "(d)  No moneys in the special fund shall be used for capital expenditures for the construction of any new facility, building, or structure within any:

     (1)  Anticipated inundation area designated on the department of defense's civil defense tsunami inundation maps; or

     (2)  Special flood hazard area as delineated on flood maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.""






















Offered by:                                                      

(      )  Carried



(      )  Failed to Carry



(      )  Withdrawn