Report Title:
Invasive Species Special Fund; Airport Revenue Fund; Harbor Special Fund
Establishes the Hawaii invasive species special fund that is funded by airport landing fees and harbor fees to finance the fight against invasive species.
H.B. NO. |
1638 |
relating to invasive species.
SECTION 1. Section 141, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amending by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§141- Hawaii invasive species special fund. There is created in the treasury of the State of Hawaii the Hawaii invasive species special fund into which shall be deposited revenue from the airport revenue fund under section 261-5(c) and the harbor special fund under section 266‑19(c). Proceeds from the fund shall be used by the department of agriculture exclusively for the inspection and eradication of invasive species (as that term is defined in section 520A-2) at ports of entry into the state."
SECTION 2. Section 261-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§261-5 Disposition of airport revenue fund. (a) Except for that portion of the payments received by the department under a contract entered into as authorized by section 261-7 and deposited in the transportation use special fund pursuant to section 261D-1, and except for all proceeds from the passenger facility charge and deposited in the passenger facility charge special fund, all moneys received by the department from rents, fees, and other charges collected pursuant to this chapter, as well as all aviation fuel taxes paid pursuant to section 243-4(a)(2), shall be paid into the airport revenue fund created by section 248-8.
[All] (b) Except as provided in
subsection (c), all moneys paid into the airport revenue fund shall be
appropriated, applied, or expended by the department for any purpose within the
jurisdiction, powers, duties, and functions of the department related to the
statewide system of airports, including, without limitation, the costs of
operation, maintenance, and repair of the statewide system of airports and
reserves therefor, and acquisitions (including real property and interests
therein), constructions, additions, expansions, improvements, renewals,
replacements, reconstruction, engineering, investigation, and planning for the
statewide system of airports, all or any of which in the judgment of the department
are necessary to the performance of its duties or functions. The department
shall generate sufficient revenues from its airport properties to meet all of
the expenditures of the statewide system of airports and to comply with section
39‑61; provided that as long as sufficient revenues are generated to meet
such expenditures, the director of transportation [may], in the
director's discretion, may grant a rebate of the aviation fuel taxes
paid into the airport revenue fund during a fiscal year pursuant to sections
243-4(a)(2) and 248-8 to any person who has paid airport use charges or landing
fees during [such] the fiscal year. Such rebate may be granted
during the next succeeding fiscal year but shall not exceed one-half cent per
gallon per person[,] and shall be computed on the total number of
gallons for which the tax was paid by such person[,] for [such] the
fiscal year.
(c) From the moneys paid into the airport revenue fund under subsection (b), per cent of the funds collected from airport landing fees shall be deposited into the Hawaii invasive species special fund created by section 141- to be used exclusively for the inspection and eradication of invasive species (as that term is defined in section 520A-2) at ports of entry into the state.
[(b) At any time the] (d) The
director of transportation may transfer from the airport revenue fund all or
any portion of the moneys received by the department paid under a contract
entered into as authorized by section 261-7 on account of the display, sale and
delivery of in-bond merchandise displayed or sold at locations in the State
other than on airport properties, as permitted under federal law without
causing a violation of federal grant agreements, which the director of
transportation shall determine, pursuant to rules promulgated pursuant to
chapter 91, to be in excess of one hundred fifty per cent of the requirements
of the airport revenue fund for the ensuing twelve months.
[(c)] (e) All expenditures by
the department shall be on vouchers duly approved by the director of
transportation or such other officer as may be designated by the director.
[(d)] (f) Notwithstanding the
provisions contained in any contract authorized by section 261-7 in effect on
June 13, 1989, from and after June 13, 1989, to and including
June 30, 1990, all payments made under such contract allocable to the
display and sale of in-bond merchandise at locations in the State other than on
airport properties shall be credited to the transportation use special fund
established by section 261D-1 in the airport revenue fund established by
section 248-8, but shall not be appropriated, applied, or expended prior to
July 1, 1990, except for purposes provided under this section."
SECTION 3. Section 266-19, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§266-19 Creation of harbor special fund; disposition of harbor special fund. (a) There is created in the treasury of the State the harbor special fund. All moneys received by the department of transportation from the rates and fees pursuant to section 266-17(a)(1) shall be paid into the harbor special fund. The harbor special fund and the second separate harbor special fund heretofore created shall be consolidated into the harbor special fund at such time as there are no longer any revenue bonds payable from the second separate harbor special fund. The harbor reserve fund heretofore created is abolished.
[All] Except as provided in
subsection (c), all moneys derived pursuant to this chapter from harbor
properties of the statewide system of harbors (excluding properties principally
used for recreation or the landing of fish, except properties located at Kewalo
Basin, ewa of Ala Moana Park, Honolulu) shall be paid into the harbor special
fund and each fiscal year shall be appropriated, applied, or expended by the
department of transportation for the statewide system of harbors for any
purpose within the jurisdiction, powers, duties, and functions of the
department of transportation related to the statewide system of harbors
(excluding properties principally used for recreation or the landing of fish,
except the properties located at Kewalo Basin, ewa of Ala Moana Park,
Honolulu), including, without limitation, the costs of operation, maintenance,
and repair of the statewide system of harbors and reserves therefor, and
acquisitions (including real property and interests therein), constructions,
additions, expansions, improvements, renewals, replacements, reconstruction,
engineering, investigation, and planning, for the statewide system of harbors,
all or any of which in the judgment of the department of transportation are
necessary to the performance of its duties or functions.
(b) [At any time] Except as provided
in subsection (c), the director of transportation may transfer from the
harbor special fund, created by [paragraph] subsection (a)
[of this section], all or any portion of available moneys on deposit in
the harbor special fund determined by the director of transportation to be in
excess of one hundred fifty per cent of the requirements for the ensuing twelve
months for the harbor special fund as permitted by and in accordance with
section 37-53. For purposes of such determination, the director of
transportation shall take into consideration the amount of federal funds and
bond funds on deposit in, and budgeted to be expended from, the harbor special
fund during such period, amounts on deposit in the harbor special fund [which]
that are encumbered or otherwise obligated, budgeted amounts payable
from the harbor special fund during such period, and revenues anticipated to be
received by and expenditures to be made from the harbor special fund during
such period based on existing agreements and other information for the ensuing
twelve months, and such other factors as the director of transportation shall
deem appropriate.
(c) From the moneys paid into the harbor special fund under subsection (a), per cent of those funds shall be deposited into the Hawaii invasive species special fund created by section 141- to be used exclusively for the inspection and eradication of invasive species (as that term is defined in section 520A-2) at ports of entry into the state.
[(c)] (d) All expenditures by
the department shall be made on vouchers duly approved by the director of
transportation or such other officer as may be designated by the director of
SECTION 4. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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