Report Title:
Office of International Relations; Appropriation
Establishes and funds the office of international relations.
H.B. NO. |
1634 |
SECTION 1. The spirit of internationalism has been the foundation for a myriad of activities in business, government, education, and culture, as well as personal ties between our citizens and those from many other nations, especially the Pacific-Asian region.
Establishing an office of international relations will strengthen these ties and the cooperative relationships between the State and countries throughout the world. An office of international relations will coordinate the international activities of the various state agencies to maximize the use of resources and avoid duplication of efforts. The office will coordinate and focus the State's international efforts, heighten public awareness of the importance of Hawaii's role in the world market, and propose new programs to achieve our international goals.
The purpose of this Act is to establish an office of international relations to play a critical and needed role in fostering, coordinating, and creating international programs and policies to improve and enhance the State's role in international relations.
SECTION 2. The Hawaii Revised Statutes is amended by adding a new chapter to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
§ -1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
"Director" means the director of the office of international relations.
"Office" means the office of international relations.
"Sister-state agreement" means a formal agreement between the State, through the governor of Hawaii, and an equivalent jurisdiction of another country, that provides for cultural and economic exchanges.
§ -2 Office of international relations. There is established, within the office of the governor, the office of international relations. The head of the office shall be known as the director of international relations. The director shall have experience in international affairs, business, law, or other related fields. The director shall be appointed by the governor without regard to chapters 76 and 77, and shall be compensated at a salary level set by the governor. The director, without regard to chapters 76 and 77, may retain staff necessary for the purpose of this chapter and may set their salary levels. The director and staff shall be included in any benefit program generally applicable to the officers and employees of the State.
§ -3 General functions, duties, and powers of the office of international relations. The office shall serve as the governor's principal resource for the overall analysis, formulation, and coordination of state policies and strategies relating to international matters. The office shall have the following powers, functions, and responsibilities:
(1) Formulate and articulate comprehensive statewide goals, objectives, policies, and priorities with respect to matters of an international nature; provided that the office may consult with the chairpersons of appropriate legislative subject matter committees in formulating its goals, objectives, policies, and priorities;
(2) Identify and analyze significant issues, problems, and opportunities in the international arena that may confront the State and its citizens;
(3) Collect, analyze, maintain, and disseminate information relating to international activities, programs, and organizations within the State and that involve or may involve the State and its agencies;
(4) Serve as the governor's representative and the State's liaison with county, state, and federal agencies, as well as foreign governments and their local consulates, with respect to international matters;
(5) Provide direction and coordination of the international programs, projects, and activities of the various state departments and agencies;
(6) Devise and recommend legislative and administrative actions for the accomplishment of the State's international policies and goals;
(7) Stimulate and promote an international awareness and education by the State and its citizens through various programs, including, but not limited to, the publication of newsletters, bulletins, and other materials, and community outreach efforts;
(8) Meet with foreign governmental agencies and officials, institutions of higher education, and other organizations, to nurture and promote new cooperative ventures and agreements of scientific and technological exchange, as well as health, educational, and cultural exchanges;
(9) Host government and business officials and other foreign dignitaries at conferences, meetings, and social occasions, or other events on matters pertaining to economic opportunities overseas, to enhance the State's image in the global marketplace;
(10) Enter into contracts of cooperative agreements with foreign nations or political subdivisions thereof on behalf of the State, subject to approval by the governor and in accordance with the laws of the United States;
(11) Adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 for the purposes of this chapter;
(12) Attract international trade, businesses, and investments to the State;
(13) Make and execute contracts and all other instruments necessary or convenient for the exercise of its powers and functions under this chapter;
(14) Do anything in its discretion, with the prior approval of the governor and within available resources, as may be relevant to this chapter and beneficial to the State's economy;
(15) Keep the legislature informed through the chairpersons of appropriate subject matter committees so that legislators may participate in planned international affairs events; and
(16) Submit an annual report to the legislature prior to the convening of each regular session on the status of international relations as it pertains to the activities of the office for the preceding year.
§ -4 State strategic plan for international activities. The office shall develop a comprehensive, state strategic plan for international activities. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the establishment of immediate and long-range goals for programs and services relating to international activities in the State and the assignment of goals to appropriate state agencies. The office may consult with the chairpersons of appropriate legislative subject matter committees before developing a strategic plan. The office shall submit its plan to the legislature not later than December 31, 2008.
§ -5 Protocol services. The office shall develop uniform protocol procedures for state agencies.
§ -6 Sister-state agreements. The office shall develop criteria by which sister-state agreements shall be established and maintained, and shall be the lead agency to implement each sister-state agreement.
§ -7 Powers of other departments and agencies; cooperation with office. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every state agency that operates programs and services relating to international activities, to actively work toward the goals and objectives articulated in the state strategic plan for international activities and to coordinate these goals and objectives with the office. The executive heads of all appropriate departments and agencies shall cooperate with the office in providing information as the office deems necessary for the effective discharge of its duties. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to delegate or detract in any way from the functions, powers, and duties prescribed by law for any other department or agency of the State, nor to interrupt or preclude the direct relationships of any department or agency or units of county government in the performance of their functions, powers, and duties. Each department, agency, officer, and employee of the State shall cooperate and assist the office in the performance of the functions, powers, and duties of the office.
§ -8 Gifts. (a) The office may receive, manage, and invest moneys or other property, real, personal, or mixed, that may be given, bequeathed, devised, or in any manner received from sources other than the legislature or any federal appropriation, for the benefit of the office, or the aid or advantage of the State or counties, and in general act as trustee on behalf of the governor for any of these purposes or objectives.
(b) The office shall keep suitable books of accounts to record and manage each gift and the expenditure of the income. A statement of all receipts and expenditures shall be included in the regular reports prepared by the office that are required under this chapter.
§ -9 Gift account. The office, with the approval of the director of finance, may establish a separate account to receive, manage, and invest moneys that may be given, bequeathed, devised, or in any manner received from sources other than the legislature or any federal appropriation for the benefit of the office, or the aid or advantage of the State or counties."
SECTION 3. No person who transfers to the office of international relations from another state agency, after being retained by the director of the office of international relations pursuant to section ‑2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall suffer any loss of prior service credit, vacation, sick leave, or other employee benefit or privilege as a consequence of that transfer.
SECTION 4. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2008-2009, for the purposes of this Act.
The sums appropriated shall be expended by the office of the governor for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2007.
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