Report Title:

CIP; 49th Representative District



Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 49th representative district.



H.B. NO.














relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the forty-ninth representative district.





SECTION 1.  The following sums, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act, are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2007-2008:

1.   To be expended by the University of Hawaii:

A.   Windward community college, Oahu

     Design, construction, and equipment to build a new library/learning center.

     Design                                  $1,799,000

     Construction                           $40,168,000

     Equipment                               $2,988,000

     Total funding                          $44,955,000

2.   To be expended by the department of education:

A.   Heeia elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for electrical upgrades.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                              $548,000

     Total funding                             $550,000

B.   Enchanted Lake elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for campus-wide electrical upgrades.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                               $98,000

     Total funding                             $100,000

C.   Enchanted Lake elementary school, Oahu, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for exit door for principal's office and rewiring of the administrative building.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                               $13,000

     Total funding                              $15,000

D.   Enchanted Lake elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for covered walkway from building F (library) to main corridor.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                               $98,000

     Total funding                             $100,000

E.   Enchanted Lake elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for a telecommunications upgrade.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                               $13,000

     Total funding                              $15,000

F.   Enchanted Lake elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for a windbreaker from buildings E to G.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                               $28,000

     Total funding                              $30,000

G.   Kailua high school, Oahu

     Plans, design, construction, and equipment for a new library and renovation of the existing library.

     Plans                                     $750,000

     Design                                    $750,000

     Construction                            $6,000,000

     Equipment                               $1,000,000

     Total funding                           $8,500,000

H.   Kailua high school, Oahu

     Design for a new cafeteria.

     Design                                    $500,000

     Total funding                             $500,000

I.   Maunawili elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, construction, and equipment for a campus-wide electrical upgrade.

     Plans                                      $50,000

     Design                                     $50,000

     Construction                              $500,000

     Equipment                                 $100,000

     Total funding                             $700,000

J.   Maunawili elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, construction, and equipment for repaving and reconstruction of cafeteria parking lot.

     Plans                                       $5,000

     Design                                      $5,000

     Construction                               $70,000

     Equipment                                   $5,000

     Total funding                              $85,000

K.   Maunawili elementary school, Oahu

     Design and construction for sidewalk improvements on Kamehameha highway from Lilipuna road to King intermediate.

     Design                                     $25,000

     Construction                              $200,000

     Total funding                             $225,000

L.   Maunawili elementary school, Oahu

     Design and construction for a cattle gate for the dumpster area.

     Design                                      $5,000

     Construction                              $100,000

     Total funding                             $105,000

M.   James B. Castle high school, Oahu

     Design, construction, and equipment for a multimedia and computing center.

     Design                                     $75,000

     Construction                              $750,000

     Equipment                                 $100,000

     Total funding                             $925,000

N.   James B. Castle high school, Oahu

     Plans, design, construction, and equipment for a cafeteria.

     Plans                                      $25,000

     Design                                    $300,000

     Construction                            $3,000,000

     Equipment                                 $500,000

     Total funding                           $3,825,000

O.   Governor Samuel Wilder King intermediate school, Oahu

     Design and construction for remodeling the cafeteria into cafetorium.

     Design                                     $75,000

     Construction                              $750,000

     Total funding                             $825,000

P.   Olomana school, Oahu

     Design, construction, and equipment for a community gymnasium.

     Design                                    $350,000

     Construction                            $3,500,000

     Equipment                                 $100,000

     Total funding                           $3,950,000

Q.   Olomana school, Oahu

     Design and construction of a twelve foot extension to the existing physical education portable.

     Design                                      $6,000

     Construction                               $69,000

     Total funding                              $75,000

R.   Puohala elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for electrical upgrades.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                              $463,000

     Total funding                             $465,000

S.   Puohala elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, construction, and equipment for school-wide air conditioning system.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                            $3,497,000

     Equipment                                   $1,000

     Total funding                           $3,500,000

T.   Puohala elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for security screens for the cafeteria.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                                $2,000

     Total funding                               $4,000

U.   Puohala elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for re-keying of all doors.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                                $3,000

     Total funding                               $5,000

V.   Puohala elementary school, Oahu

     Design and construction for a partition in the principal's office.

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                                $1,000

     Total funding                               $2,000

W.   Puohala elementary school, Oahu

     Design and construction for replacement of motion detectors in C building.

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                                $1,000

     Total funding                               $2,000

X.   Keolu elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for electrical upgrades.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                              $463,000

     Total funding                             $465,000

Y.   Keolu elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for a media/communications center.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                              $463,000

     Total funding                             $465,000

Z.   Kaelepulu elementary school, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for a covered walkway to connect the classrooms, cafeteria, and administration building.

     Plans                                       $1,000

     Design                                      $1,000

     Construction                              $315,000

     Total funding                             $317,000

3.  To be expended by the department of land and natural resources:

A.   Kaelepulu pond, Oahu

     Design, construction, and equipment for dredging, installation of drain inlets, sediment devices, and other modifications.

     Design                                     $25,000

     Construction                              $800,000

     Equipment                                 $500,000

     Total funding                           $1,325,000

B.   Maunawili valley, Oahu

     Plans, land acquisition, design, and construction for a parking and rest area.

     Plans                                      $25,000

     Land                                        $1,000

     Design                                     $75,000

     Construction                            $1,000,000

     Total funding                           $1,101,000

C.   Heeia state park, Oahu

     Plans, design, and construction for access and parking at Heeia fishpond.

     Plans                                      $25,000

     Design                                     $55,000

     Construction                              $500,000

     Total funding                             $580,000

4.   To be expended by the department of transportation:

A.   William Henry road, Oahu

     Design and construction for sidewalk and pedestrian improvements on William Henry road.

     Design                                     $10,000

     Construction                              $100,000

     Total funding                             $110,000

B.   Olomana residential area roads, Oahu

     Plans for ingress and egress improvements for Olomana residential area.

     Plans                                     $100,000

     Total funding                             $100,000

     SECTION 2.  The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2007.


