2006 Legislative Session
All Governor's Messages Filed
Generated on 9/18/2006 9:16:01 AM
Measure | Measure Title | Introducer(s) |
GM1 | Dated April 26, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report for the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii for Fiscal Year 2002-2003. | None |
GM2 | Dated May 6, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on the reporting requirements of Act 41, Section 37.1, SLH 2004, the General Appropriations Act of 2004, updated as of March 31, 2005. | None |
GM3 | Dated May 10, 2005, transmitting the Department of Health 2004 Annual Report - Healthy People, Healthy Communities, Healthy Islands. | None |
GM4 | Dated May 18, 2005, transmitting the FY 2004 Annual Report of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority, pursuant to Chapter 227D, HRS. | None |
GM5 | Dated May 20, 2005, transmitting the Office on Youth Services' Reports on youth gangs: Volume I: Gangs in Hawaii: Past and Present Findings (Report No. 418); and Volume II: Gender, Ethnicity, and Delinquency in Hawaii (Report No. 419), prepared by Dr. Meda Chesney-Lind, Principal Investigator, Center for Youth Research, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii was funded by the Department of Human Services, Office of Youth Services. | None |
GM6 | Dated June 15, 2005, transmitting a report, "Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003," prepared by the Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Development Division, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service. | None |
GM7 | Dated July 7, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, pursuant to H.B. No. 100, Section 42 (2005), information on the Department's progress toward the achievement of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). | None |
GM8 | Dated July 15, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Operations Review Project, Finding and Recommendation, June 2005, prepared by Hoike Consulting LLC for the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Bureau of Conveyances pursuant to Act 200, Section 61, SLH 2003. | None |
GM9 | Dated August 1, 2005, transmitting a Report on Deployed Positions, pursuant to Act 178, Section 164, SLH 2005, the General Appropriations Act. | None |
GM10 | Dated August 1, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, pursuant to Act 178, Section 43, SLH 2005. | None |
GM11 | Dated August 5, 2005, transmitting the Department of Defense's Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2004. | None |
GM12 | Dated August 26, 2005, transmitting the Compact of Free Association Grant Plan, 2005. | None |
GM13 | Dated August 29, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on the reporting requirements of Act 41, Section 37.1, SLH 2004, the General Appropriations Act of 2004, updated as of June 30, 2005. | None |
GM14 | Dated September 30, 2005, transmitting a report the Hawaii Community Development Authority's Kalaeloa Master Plan Draft and Technical Appendices, prepared by SMS Research & Marketing Services, Inc., Bay Area Economics, prepared for Belt Collins Hawaii, Ltd., Hawaii Community Development Authority. | None |
GM15 | Dated October 1, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Practice of Reallocating Funds Between Budget Cost Categories, and the Legal Authority for Such Reallocation, October 2005, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 178, Section 66, SLH 2005. | None |
GM16 | Dated October 3, 2005, transmitting the Department of Labor and Industrial Relation's Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2004, pursuant to Section 371-7, HRS; Report on Non-General Fund Information; 2003-2004 Annual Report to the Governor, prepared by the Hawaii Labor Relations Board pursuant to Section 89-5, HRS; the Annual Report of the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission from July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004; the Annual Evaluation of the Hawaii Unemployment Compensation Fund; the Employment and Training Fund Program (ETF), prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Workforce Development Division; "Hawaii's Workforce in 2005: Addressing the Labor Shortage and Improving the Pipeline, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Hawai`i Workforce Development Council pursuant to H.C.R. No. 112 (2004); a report Urging the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to Enforce the Provisions of Act 44, SLH 2003, in accordance with the Legislature's intent, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 77 (2004); a Report of Contested Cases from July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004; and a report prepared by the Hoisting Machine Operators' Advisory Board. | None |
GM17 | Dated October 3, 2005, transmitting a Report on Unauthorized Positions, pursuant to Act 178, Section 167, SLH 2005. | None |
GM18 | Dated October 5, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, on Multi-Agency Case Coordinators and Case Support Aides, pursuant to Act 178, Section 37, SLH 2005. | None |
GM19 | Dated October 5, 2005, transmitting the Spouse and Child Abuse Special Account Annual Report for FY 2005, prepared by the Department Human Services, Social Services Division pursuant to Section 346-7.5, HRS. | None |
GM20 | Dated October 14, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, on the transfer of funds between program IDs and cost elements, pursuant to Act 178, Section 162, SLH 2005. | None |
GM21 | Dated October 19, 2005, transmitting the Progress Report of the Implementation of A.R.T.S. FIRST: Hawaii's Arts Education Strategic Plan 2001-2006, prepared by the Hawai`i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts on behalf of the ARTS FIRST PARTNERS aka Hawai`i Arts Education Partners pursuant to Act 306, SLH 2001. | None |
GM22 | Dated October 26, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the Tobacco Enforcement Unit for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 28-15, HRS. | None |
GM23 | Dated October 26, 2005, transmitting the Report of the Investigations Division Cold Case Squad for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 178, Section 75, SLH 2005. | None |
GM24 | Dated October 26, 2005, transmitting the Report of the Drug Nuisance Abatement Unit, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 178, Section 76, SLH 2005. | None |
GM25 | Dated October 26, 2005, transmitting a Report Concerning Special, Trust, and Revolving Funds for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 178, Section 161, SLH 2005. | None |
GM26 | Dated November 2, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Annual Update Report on Home Property Liens, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division pursuant to Section 346-29.5, HRS. | None |
GM27 | Dated November 2, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, on the Nursing Home Without Walls and the Residential Alternative Community Care Programs, pursuant to Act 178, Section 40, SLH 2005. | None |
GM28 | Dated November 9, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, on the Department of Human Services position vacancies of over one year, pursuant to Act 178, Section 159, SLH 2005. | None |
GM29 | Dated November 21, 2005, transmitting a Report on Employer Contributions for Health Benefits, Social Security/Medicare, and Pension Accumulation for Charter School Employees for the Period July 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Act 178, Sections 44 and 46, SLH 2005. | None |
GM30 | Dated November 22, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to the Hawaii Invasive Species Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Act 41, Section 18.1, SLH 2004, and Act 178, Section 19, SLH 2005. | None |
GM31 | Dated November 23, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, on the Title IV-E Eligibility Determination Unit for FY 2006 and FY 2007, pursuant to Act 178, Section 38, SLH 2005. | None |
GM32 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to Public Land Liability, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Na Ala Hele Trail and Access Program pursuant to Act 82, Section 4, SLH 2003. | None |
GM33 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting a Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 37-52.5, HRS. | None |
GM34 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Geothermal Royalties and Geothermal and Cable Development Activities, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Sections 182-18 and 196D-11, HRS. | None |
GM35 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Implementation of Chapter 190D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Ocean and Submerged Lands Leasing, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture pursuant to Act 176, Section 12, SLH 1999. | None |
GM36 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management, urging the Commission on Water Resource Management to fulfill its constitutional and statutory mandate to protect public instream uses, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 293 (2005). | None |
GM37 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Identification of Rivers and Streams Worthy of Protection, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management, pursuant to Section 174C-31, HRS. | None |
GM38 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Hawaii Historic Preservation Special Fund for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 6E-3, HRS. | None |
GM39 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report Relating to the Forest Stewardship Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195F-6, HRS. | None |
GM40 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Hawaii Statewide Trail and Access System, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife pursuant to Section 198D-9, HRS. | None |
GM41 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Status of the Issuance of Incidental Take Licenses for Endangered, Threatened, Proposed, and Candidate Species; and the Condition of the Endangered Species Trust Fund for the Period July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195D-26, HRS. | None |
GM42 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report Relating to the Wildlife Revolving Fund for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 183D-10.5, HRS. | None |
GM43 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report Relating to Invasive Species, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Act 85, SLH 2003. | None |
GM44 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Status of the Kaho`olawe Rehabilitation Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 05, prepared by the Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission, Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 6K-9.5, HRS. | None |
GM45 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Land and Natural Resources, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 143 (2005), requesting participation in a federal program to assist states in obtaining scrapped federal ships to use as artificial reefs in the waters of the State of Hawaii. | None |
GM46 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Administratively Established Appropriations, prepared by the Department of Agriculture pursuant to Act 178, SLH 2002. | None |
GM47 | Dated November 22, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of Proceedings Under the Hawaii Omnibus Criminal Forfeiture Act for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General. | None |
GM48 | Dated November 25, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on the reporting requirements of Act 178, Section 166, SLH 2005, the General Appropriations Act of 2005. | None |
GM49 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting the Hawaii Injury Prevention Plan, 2005-2010, prepared by the Department of Health, Injury Prevention and Control Program. | None |
GM50 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Loan Fund, prepared by the Department of Health, Environmental Health Administration, Environmental Management Division, Safe Drinking Water Branch, Wastewater Branch pursuant to Section 340E-33, HRS. | None |
GM51 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting the Annual Financial Report for the Newborn Metabolic Screening Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-291, HRS. | None |
GM52 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting a Report on Unused Prescription Drugs, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 190, Section 8, SLH 2004, Requiring the Department of Health to Report the Implementation and Operation of the Prescription Drug Repository Program and Drug Donations. | None |
GM53 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Upcountry Maui Drinking Water Systems, prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 222 (2005), Requesting the Department of Health to Review and Strengthen Its Water Quality Standards and Practices. | None |
GM54 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Health Resources Administration, Family Health Services Division, Maternal and Child Health Branch, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 10 (2005), requesting the emergency contraception interagency work group to develop a mechanism to effectively disseminate information on the availability of over-the-counter emergency contraception in the state. | None |
GM55 | Dated December 5, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report Relating to Agricultural Marketing, prepared by the Agribusiness Development Corporation pursuant to Act 194, SLH 2002. | None |
GM56 | Dated November 22, 2005, transmitting the Report on Litigation Deposits Trust Fund Transactions and Collections Made on Behalf of Other Departments and Agencies for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General. | None |
GM57 | Dated November 28, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the State Risk Management Revolving Fund on the Transfer of Funds for Risk Management, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 178, Section 139, SLH 2005. | None |
GM58 | Dated November 29, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Kaneohe Bay Regional Council Annual Report, submitted on behalf of the Kaneohe Bay Regional Council by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 200D-5, HRS. | None |
GM59 | Dated December 5, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board for the Period July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 138-6, HRS. | None |
GM60 | Dated December 5, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the State Educational Facilities Improvement Special Fund for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 36-32, HRS. | None |
GM61 | Dated December 5, 2005, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Annual Report on Privatization for the Period July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005, pursuant to Act 90, SLH 2001. | None |
GM62 | Dated December 5, 2005, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Annual Report of Claims and Lawsuits Arbitrated, Compromised, or Settled for $10,000 or Less for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, pursuant to Section 41D-4, HRS. | None |
GM63 | Dated November 29, 2005, transmitting the Department of Land and Natural Resources' Division of State Parks Report to Establish a South Kona - Ka`u Coastal Conservation Task Force, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to H.C.R. No. 5 (2005). | None |
GM64 | Dated December 2, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 88 (2005), requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to consider imposing restrictions on public access to the Ahihi-Kinau natural area reserve. | None |
GM65 | Dated December 2, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report Relating to the NARS and Natural Area Partnership Program and the Financial Condition of the Natural Area Reserve Fund, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife pursuant to Section 195-6.6, HRS. | None |
GM66 | Dated December 6, 2005, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's 2004 Annual Report on Special Purpose Revenue Bonds Authorized Under Act 262, SLH 1998. | None |
GM67 | Dated December 6, 2005, transmitting the Department of Public Safety's Annual Report on the Status of the Federal Reimbursement Maximization Special Fund for Fiscal Year 2005, pursuant to Section 353C-7, HRS; a Report Relating to the State Budget, pursuant to Act 178, SLH 2005; a Report on Expenditures for the Housing of Inmates at Mainland Correctional Facilities; and a Report on Expenditures for the Housing of Inmates at the Hawaii-Based Federal Detention Center and Mainland Correctional Facilities, pursuant to Act 178, Sections 64 and 65, SLH 2005. | None |
GM68 | Dated December 9, 2005, transmitting the Department of Land and Natural Resources' Status Report from the Task Force on Beach and Water Safety, pursuant to Act 190, SLH 1996, as amended by Act 101, SLH 1999, as amended by Act 170, SLH 2002. | None |
GM69 | Dated December 6, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Incentives and Strategies for Primary Health Care Incentive Program and the Primary Care Roundtable, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-1.5, HRS. | None |
GM70 | Dated December 6, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Regarding Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities or Mental Retardation, Directing the Department of Health to Keep Waiting Lists of All Individuals Who Are Eligible for Services and Supports, but for Whom Services and Supports Have Not Been Provided, and the Reasons for the Lack of Services and Supports, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 333F, Section 6, HRS. | None |
GM71 | Dated December 7, 2005, transmitting a Report on How the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs' Expenditures will be Aligned with its Special Fund Revenue Collections, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Act 178, Section 68, SLH 2005. | None |
GM72 | Dated December 8, 2005, transmitting the Department of Budget and Finance's Report on Employer Contributions for Health Benefits, Social Security/Medicare, and Pension Accumulation for Charter School Employees for the period July 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005, pursuant to Act 178, Sections 44 and 46, SLH 2005. | None |
GM73 | Dated December 9, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report Relating to Land Conservation Fund for Fiscal Year 2006, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 173A-5, HRS. | None |
GM74 | Dated December 6, 2005, transmitting the Department of Public Safety's FY 2005 Annual Report on Correctional Industries, pursuant to Section 354D-3.5, HRS. | None |
GM75 | Dated December 8, 2005, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Special Maintenance Reports, pursuant to Act 178, Sections 10, 12 and 15, SLH 2005. | None |
GM76 | Dated December 8, 2005, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Report Covering an Update on Contraflow and Other Traffic Mitigation Measures for Pali Highway, pursuant to Act 178, Section 17, SLH 2005. | None |
GM77 | Dated December 14, 2005, transmitting a Report Requiring all Departments and Agencies to Identifying Their Goals, Objectives, and Policies, to Provide a Basis for Determining Priorities and Allocating Limited Public Funds and Human Resources, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, pursuant to Act 100, Sections 6 and 7, SLH 1999. | None |
GM78 | Dated December 15, 2005, transmitting the Department of Budget and Finance's Plan of Action for Implementation of Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. | None |
GM79 | Dated December 8, 2005, transmitting the Department of Agriculture's Annual Report, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. | None |
GM80 | Dated December 14, 2005, transmitting the Pesticide Use Revolving Fund Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Agriculture pursuant to Act 154, SLH 2000. | None |
GM81 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annualized and Projected Report on Revenues, Expenditures and Number of Meals to be Served, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 178, Section 48, SLH 2005. | None |
GM82 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Capital Improvement Program and Repair and Maintenance Program Transfer Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 178, Section 168, SLH 2005. | None |
GM83 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report for Repair and Maintenance of Public School Facilities in the State of Hawaii, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Sections 36-35, 36-36, 302A-1312, HRS and Act 189, SLH 2005. | None |
GM84 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Two-Tiered Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Program, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 219, SLH 2004. | None |
GM85 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Executive Supplemental Budget (Budget Period: 2005-2007), pursuant to Section 37-72, HRS; the Variance Report for Fiscal Years 2005-2006, pursuant to Section 37-75, HRS; and the FY2007 Executive Supplemental Budget in Brief, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance. | None |
GM86 | Dated December 9, 2005, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Harbor Division Report on Actual Expenditures of All Security Appropriations as of June 30, 2005," pursuant to Act 178, Section 14, SLH 2005. | None |
GM87 | Dated December 12, 2005, transmitting the Report on the Establishment of Separate Series for Social Workers and Human Services Professionals and the Development of a Transition Plan in Collaboration with Stakeholder Groups, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to Act 238, SLH 2005 and H.C.R. No. 265 (2005). | None |
GM88 | Dated December 15, 2005, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's Special Fund Report for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, pursuant to Section 269-33 HRS. | None |
GM89 | Dated December 15, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the Public Utilities Commission for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, pursuant to Section 269-5, HRS. | None |
GM90 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Annual Compliance Resolution Fund Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 26-9, HRS. | None |
GM91 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Hawaii Real Estate Commission for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Professional and Vocational Licensing Division, Real Estate Branch. | None |
GM92 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the Insurance Commissioner's Report on the Effectiveness of the Hawaii Insurance Bureau's Fire Rating Program, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division pursuant to H.C.R. No. 113 (2005). | None |
GM93 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the Insurance Commissioner's Report on the Advisability of Entering Interstate Compacts with Other States Concerning Certain Perils Affecting the Cost of Property and Casualty Insurance, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division pursuant to H.C.R. No. 4 (2005). | None |
GM94 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the Annual External Review Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division, pursuant to Section 432E-13, HRS. | None |
GM95 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the Condominium Dispute Resolution Pilot Program Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Act 164, SLH 2004, as amended by Act 92, SLH 2005. | None |
GM96 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Medical Claims Conciliation Panel, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 671-20, HRS. | None |
GM97 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Annual Report on Goals and Objectives for the Period July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. | None |
GM98 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm for School Year 2004-05, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1134, HRS. | None |
GM99 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on Civil Service Exempt Positions, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to H.C.R. No. 270 (2005) and H.R. No. 199 (2005). | None |
GM100 | Dated December 7, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to the State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund of the Department of Health, prepared by the Department of Health, Environmental Health Administration, Environmental Management Division, Wastewater Branch, pursuant to Section 342D-82, HRS. | None |
GM101 | Dated December 7, 2005, transmitting a report, "Regarding Maternal and Child Health Services and Contract Services for Early Identification and Home Visiting Services to Support Healthy Start Program," prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to Act 178, Section 23, SLH 2005. | None |
GM102 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Revenues and Expenditures of the Environmental Response Revolving Fund as of December 1, 2005, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 178, Section 20, SLH 2005. | None |
GM103 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Environmental Council, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 140, SLH 2005, a process and plan to accomplish environmental justice guidelines. | None |
GM104 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting the Annual Evaluation Report on Elder Programs, prepared by the Department of Health, Executive Office on Aging pursuant to Section 349-5, HRS. | None |
GM105 | Dated December 8, 2005, transmitting the Department of the Attorney General's 2006 Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, Section 7, SLH 1999, as amended by Act 154, SLH 2005. | None |
GM106 | Dated December 9, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Drug Abatement Efforts, pursuant to Section 26-14.6, HRS; and the Annual Report on Schedules for Controlled Substances, and Regulated Chemicals for the Manufacture of Controlled Substances, pursuant to Sections 329-11 and 329-61, HRS prepared by the Department of Public Safety. | None |
GM107 | Dated December 15, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Clean Air Branch, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 135 (2005), requiring the Department of Health to share its findings and a report on the plan with the Big Island community on the vog emission monitoring system. | None |
GM108 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 51 (2005), requesting a review and analysis of the issues surrounding the shoreline certification process for the purpose of establishing shoreline setbacks. | None |
GM109 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, Benefit Employment, and Support Services Division, to meet the requirements of Act 208, SLH 2004, amended Section 346-71, HRS. | None |
GM110 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to Act 209, SLH 2005, on the enrollment and financial status of the State Pharmacy Assistance Program. | None |
GM111 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to Psychotropic Medication, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division pursuant to Act 239, SLH 2005. | None |
GM112 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, pursuant to Act 150, SLH 2005 and H.C.R. No. 175 (2005), requiring the establishment of a temporary private preschool licensing and accreditation task force. | None |
GM113 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting a Report of the Task Force on the Electrical and Plumbing Licensing Laws, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Regulated Industries Complaints Office pursuant to S.R. No. 24 (2005) and S.C.R. No. 49 (2005). | None |
GM114 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual School-by-School Expenditure Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004, HRS. | None |
GM115 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on Federal and Trust Funds, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 29-25, HRS. | None |
GM116 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Operations of the Incentive and Innovation Grant Award and Review Panel, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-301, HRS. | None |
GM117 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Federal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1405, HRS. | None |
GM118 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Carryover of Funds, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 37-41.5, HRS. | None |
GM119 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 37-74, HRS. | None |
GM120 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the School-Level Minor Repairs and Maintenance Account, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1504, HRS. | None |
GM121 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Comprehensive Accountability Accountability System, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004, HRS. | None |
GM122 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Hawaii 3R's School Repair and Maintenance Fund, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1502.4, HRS. | None |
GM123 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Restructured Schools, Accountability of Education Service Provider Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.C.R. No. 191 (2005) and H.R. No. 180 (2005). | None |
GM124 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on Edible School Gardens, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.R. No. 7 (2005) and H.R. No. 21 (2005). | None |
GM125 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Educational Assessment and Accountability, pursuant to Section 302A-1004, prepared by the Department of Education. | None |
GM126 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Federal Maximization Program for IDEA/Medicaid Eligible School-Aged Children, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 141, SLH 2005. | None |
GM127 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Substitute Teachers Classification and Compensation Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 70, SLH 2005. | None |
GM128 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on School Transportation; Extra Curricular Activities; Summer School, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to H.C.R. No. 101 (2005). | None |
GM129 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Department of Education's Findings Relating to School-Level Activities that Promote Civic Learning in Students, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.R. No. 102 (2005). | None |
GM130 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Status of the Program for Environmentally-Themed Products to Support the Environment Established Under Section 195D-5.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife pursuant to Section 195D-5.5, HRS. | None |
GM131 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report of Administratively Established New Accounts or Funds, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Act 178, SLH 2002. | None |
GM132 | Dated December 19, 2005, transmitting a Report on Operations of the Filing Office for Financing Statements Under the Uniform Commercial Code, Secured Transactions for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 490:9-527, HRS. | None |
GM133 | Dated December 21, 2005, transmitting a Progress Report: "Plan for the Evaluation of Hawaii's Graduated Licensing Program," prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 72, Section 12, SLH 2005. | None |
GM134 | Dated December 21, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Enrollment and Financial Status of the Hawaii Rx Plus Program, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to Section 346-319, HRS. | None |
GM135 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Environmental Response Law and Hawai`i Community Right to Know Act Financial and Environmental Site Information, prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to Chapters 128D and 128E, HRS. | None |
GM136 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting the Annual Financial Report for the Domestic Violence Prevention Special Fund and S.B. 1419, S.D. 1 Related to Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, prepared by the Department of Health, Health Resources Administration, Family Health Services Division, Maternal and Child Health Branch, pursuant to Section 321-1.3, HRS. | None |
GM137 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the Hawaii Advisory Commission on Drug Abuse and Controlled Substances (HACDACS) for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of Health, Hawaii Advisory Commission on Drug Abuse and Controlled Substances pursuant to Section 329-3, HRS. | None |
GM138 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Environmental Council Annual Report with Recommendations for Improvement, Environmental Report Card 2005, prepared by the Department of Health, Environmental Council pursuant to Section 341-6, HRS. | None |
GM139 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting a Report on Expenditures on Substance Abuse, Sex Offender, and Mental Health Treatment; and Job Development for Pretrial, Incarcerated, and Parolee Populations, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 178, Section 63, SLH 2005. | None |
GM140 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Tobacco Settlement Special Fund, Healthy Hawaii Initiative, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 7 (2005), requesting the Department of Health to develop a statewide strategic plan to promote obesity prevention and healthy lifestyles. | None |
GM141 | Dated December 23, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, STD/AIDS Prevention Branch, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 109 (2005), on the implementation of SCR 109 SD1 which requests the Department of Health to make educational materials available, in written and electronic form, on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hepatitis C to physicians, other health care providers, and other persons at high risk for hepatitis C. | None |
GM142 | Dated December 27, 2005, transmitting a Report on Parental Preferences in Government Contracts, Programs, and Services, prepared by the Executive Branch pursuant to Act 162, SLH 2002. | None |
GM143 | Dated December 27, 2005, transmitting a Report on Goals, Objectives and Policies, Action Plans and Performance Measures, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to Act 100, Section 7, SLH 1999. | None |
GM144 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on Initiatives and Improvements in Kalaupapa Settlement and to Track Patient and Non-Patient Costs Separately, Whenever Appropriate and Possible, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 326-25.5. | None |
GM145 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting the Tanf Progress Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services pursuant to Act 178, Section 42, SLH 2005. | None |
GM146 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Tobacco Settlement Special Fund, The Healthy Hawaii Initiative, pursuant to Act 178, Section 25, SLH 2005, requiring the Department of Health to prepare a yearly detailed progress report on the status of the Healthy Hawaii Initiative and to identify the impact on any aspect of the Healthy Hawaii Initiative success due to the reallocation of funds from the tobacco settlement fund to the healthy start purchase of service contracts. | None |
GM147 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii, pursuant to Act 178, Section 39, SLH 2005, requesting the Department of Human Services to submit a report identifying the number of homeless persons assisted in the prior two fiscal years and the number of individuals anticipated to be assisted in the current and succeeding fiscal year. | None |
GM148 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report of the Working Group to Review the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) Property-Casualty Insurance Modernization Act, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division pursuant to H.C.R. No. 83 (2005). | None |
GM149 | Dated December 20, 2005, transmitting a report on the reporting requirements of Act 178, SLH 2005. | None |
GM150 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting the Department of Human Resources Development's reports on all expenditures, including the number of claims for workers' compensation claim payments; statistics on the duration of payments made to claimants; statistics on the average compensation paid per claimant; and a breakdown of claims paid by department for fiscal year ending June 30, 2005, pursuant to Act 41, Section 72, SLH 2004. | None |
GM151 | Dated December 27, 2005, transmitting the Report on Any Shortage or Condition Affecting the Supply of Petroleum Products, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 486H-17, HRS. | None |
GM152 | Dated December 27, 2005, transmitting a Report on Receipts and Expenditures of the Antitrust Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 28-13, HRS. | None |
GM153 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Office of Information Practices. | None |
GM154 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Efforts to Increase the Number of High-Skilled Jobs in Targeted Industry Clusters in 2005, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 148, SLH 2003. | None |
GM155 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to H.R. No. 198 (2005) on the number of less than full-time public employees that are ineligible for health benefits. | None |
GM156 | Letter Dated December 29, 2005, informing the Senate that pursuant to Act 253, Sections 119 and 120, SLH 2000, the Department of Human Resources Development reports that there was no election of Separation Incentives by any employee affected by Reduction-in-Force (RIF) in the Executive Branch for the 2005 calendar year and that during the calendar year 2005, two members of civil service in permanent appointments were served official notices of RIF. | None |
GM157 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Study of Parity Between Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Speech Pathologists Working Within the Department of Education, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to H.C.R. No. 203 (2004). | None |
GM158 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a report prepared by the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii, pursuant to Act 227, Section 9, SLH 2002, which puts into place streamlined public housing eviction procedures. | None |
GM159 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to the Reorganization of the State's Housing Functions, prepared by the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii pursuant to Act 196, SLH 2005. | None |
GM160 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Assessment of Central Data Center Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Strategies, prepared by Gartner for the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 178, Section 78, SLH 2005. | None |
GM161 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the 2006 Report on Positions Exempted from the Civil Service, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to H.C.R. No. 270 (2005). | None |
GM162 | Dated December 16, 2005, transmitting the Crime Victim Compensation Commission's Annual Report for July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to 351-70, HRS. | None |
GM163 | Dated December 21, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 pursuant to Section 317-7, HRS. | None |
GM164 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting the Department of Taxation's Report Regarding the Department's Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. | None |
GM165 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to Diversified Agriculture Industry, prepared by the Department of Agriculture, Plant Industry Division pursuant to S.C.R. No. 28 (2005). | None |
GM166 | Dated December 28, 2005, transmitting a Report on Deployed Positions, pursuant to Act 178, Section 164, SLH 2005. | None |
GM167 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the Annual Evaluation of the Hawaii Unemployment Compensation Fund, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 383-126.5, HRS. | None |
GM168 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Employment and Training Fund Program for Program Year 2004 - 2005, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Workforce Development Division. | None |
GM169 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report of Contested Cases from July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Occupational Safety and Health Division pursuant to Section 396-11, HRS. | None |
GM170 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report on Non-General Fund Information 2004 - 2005, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations | None |
GM171 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the Hoisting Machine Operators' Advisory Board Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. | None |
GM172 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the Hawaii Labor Relations Board Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2004 - 2005 and reflecting the status of the Board on June 30, 2005, pursuant to Section 89-5, HRS. | None |
GM173 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a report regarding the streamlined sales tax project, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 3, SLH 2005. | None |
GM174 | Dated December 30, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to Medicaid Managed Care Plans, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division pursuant to Act 4, Special Session 2005. | None |
GM175 | Dated December 30, 2005, transmitting the Department of Human Services' Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2005. | None |
GM176 | Dated January 4, 2006, transmitting the Department of Taxation's Annual Report on Payments to the State by Electronic Funds Transfer, pursuant to Act 177, SLH 1997 as amended by Act 44, SLH 2001. | None |
GM177 | Dated January 4, 2006, transmitting the Annual Report on the Integrated Tax Information Management System, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Act 273, SLH 1996 and Act 155, SLH 1999. | None |
GM178 | Dated December 27, 2005, transmitting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism's Feasibility Study, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 155 (2005), requesting that the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism and the Hawaii Tourism Authority convene a work group of interested parties to examine the feasibility of hosting an International Pacific Youth Baseball League Championship Tournament in the State. | None |
GM179 | Dated December 27, 2005, transmitting the Hawaii State Public Library Systems' Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005, prepared by the Hawaii State Public Library System, Department of Education, pursuant to Act 129, SLH 1989 and Act 327, SLH 1993 as amended by Act 45, SLH 1999. | None |
GM180 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Progress Report: Noise Level Study for Residential Areas Adjacent to the H-1 Freeway, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 178, Section 16, SLH 2005. | None |
GM181 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the Stadium Authority Stadium Special Fund Statement of Receipts, Expenditures and Transfers for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 109-3, HRS. | None |
GM182 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report Relating to Government Operations, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 100, Section 7, SLH 1999. | None |
GM183 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the State Energy Resources Coordinator, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Section 196-4 (11), HRS. | None |
GM184 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report of the Hawaii Health Care Task Force, prepared by the Hawaii Uninsured Project for the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division, pursuant to Act 223, SLH 2005. | None |
GM185 | Dated January 4, 2006, transmitting the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund's Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005. | None |
GM186 | Dated January 5, 2006, transmitting the Report of the Insurance Commissioner of Hawaii 2005, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 431:2-211, HRS. | None |
GM187 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Uniform Statewide Building Code Task Force Report and Recommendations, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 17 (2005). | None |
GM188 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a Report on Land Dispositions Made of Public Lands for Calendar Year 2005, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 171-29, HRS. | None |
GM189 | Dated December 15, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report of the Activities of the Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Facilities, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 340B-12, HRS. | None |
GM190 | Dated December 22, 2005, transmitting the Annual Report on the Activities Under the Neurotrauma Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321H-4, HRS. | None |
GM191 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, Executive Office on Aging, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 79 (2005), requesting the convening of a task force to facilitate the establishment of naturally occurring retirement communities in Hawaii. | None |
GM192 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting the Department of Agriculture's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2004. | None |
GM193 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a Report Relating to Home and Community-Based Services, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division pursuant to Act 153, SLH 2004. | None |
GM194 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 197 (2005), requesting the Director of Health to convene a medical marijuana working group to make recommendations to improve Hawaii's medical marijuana program. | None |
GM195 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting the Report on the Status of the Environmental Health Education Fund, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Section 321-27, HRS. | None |
GM196 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting the Annual Audit Report of the Sanitation Branch, prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to Section 321-27.5, HRS. | None |
GM197 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a Report on the Implementation of Section 321-193.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, prepared by the Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, pursuant to Act 161, Section 10, SLH 2002. | None |
GM198 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a Report on the Statewide Comprehensive Strategic Plan for Services and Supports for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities or Mental Retardation, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to S.C.R. No. 151 (1999). | None |
GM199 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting a report, "Regarding Maternal and Child Health Services and Contract Services for Early Identification and Home Visiting Services to Support Healthy Start Program," prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to Act 178, Section 23, SLH 2005. | None |
GM200 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting the Annual Report on Solid Waste Management, prepared by the Department of Health, Office of Solid Waste Management pursuant to Section 342G-15, HRS. | None |
GM201 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting a Report on the Assessment of Central Data Center Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Strategies, prepared by Gartner for the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 178, Section 78, SLH 2005. | None |
GM202 | Dated January 9, 2006, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2004. | None |
GM203 | Dated January 19, 2006, transmitting a Corrected Report on Transfers of Operating Funds Between Programs, pursuant to Act 178, Section 134, SLH 2005. | None |
GM204 | Dated January 20, 2006, transmitting the Department of Agriculture's Transfer of Revolving Fund Monies Annual Report for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2005, pursuant to Section 155-14 and 219-4, HRS. | None |
GM205 | Dated January 23, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, pursuant to Act 178, Section 162, SLH 2005 for the 2nd Quarter of FY 06, on the transfer of funds between program IDs and cost elements for the previous twelve months. | None |
GM206 | Dated January 23, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services, pursuant to Act 178, Section 159, SLH 2005 for the 2nd Quarter of FY 06, on position vacancies of over on year. | None |
GM207 | Dated January 23, 2006, transmitting the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism's 2006 Report on Goals and Objectives, pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. | None |
GM208 | Dated January 20, 2006, transmitting a Report on Unauthorized Positions, pursuant to Act 178, Section 167, SLH 2005. | None |
GM209 | Dated January 23, 2006, transmitting a Progress Report Regarding State Support for Achieving Hawaii's Renewable Portfolio Standards, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism pursuant to Section 196-41, HRS. | None |
GM210 | Dated January 31, 2006, transmitting the Interagency Working Group Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 51, Section 42, SLH 2004, on the Transfer of Functions from Various Departments to the Department of Education. | None |
GM211 | Dated January 20, 2006, transmitting the High Technology Development Corporation's 2005 Annual Report. | None |
GM212 | Dated January 23, 2006, transmitting the Corrections Population Management Commission's 2005 Annual Report, pursuant to Section 353F-5, HRS. | None |
GM213 | Dated January 24, 2006, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority, pursuant to Chapter 277D, HRS. | None |
GM214 | Dated January 26, 2006, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the State of Hawaii Overseas Offices, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Strategic Marketing and Support Division, pursuant to Section 201-84. | None |
GM215 | Dated January 31, 2006, transmitting a Preliminary Report on the Implementation of Act 183, Incentives for Important Agricultural Lands, prepared by the Department of Agriculture. | None |
GM216 | Dated January 31, 2006, transmitting a Follow-up Report on Edible School Gardens, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.R. No. 7 (2005) and H.R. No. 21 (2005). | None |
GM217 | Dated January 31, 2006, transmitting the Small Business Regulatory Review Board Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, Business Assistance Branch, pursuant to Chapter 201M, HRS. | None |
GM218 | Dated February 3, 2006, transmitting the Disability and Communication Access Board Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, pursuant to Section 348F-4, HRS. | None |
GM219 | Dated February 3, 2006, transmitting a Report of Stakeholder Group Activities to Implement a Crisis Stabilization Services at the Maui Memorial Medical Center, prepared by the Department of Health and Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 93 (2005). | None |
GM220 | Dated February 3, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 229 (2005), requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to coordinate studies, with the assistance of the Department of Health, to evaluate the impact of the physician "on-call" crisis on the Queen's Medical Center Trauma Center to provide emergency medical services in the State of Hawaii, and to recommend any appropriate government and private sector responses to the on-call crisis to ensure continued access to trauma level care. | None |
GM221 | Dated January 23, 2006, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Hawaii Community Development Authority for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005. | None |
GM222 | Dated January 24, 2006, transmitting the Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation's 2005 Annual Report. | None |
GM223 | Dated February 3, 2006, transmitting the Student Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment Advisory Task Force Report, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 213, Section 3, SLH 2005. | None |
GM224 | Dated February 3, 2006, transmitting a Report on the Implementation of the State Plan for Substance Abuse, prepared by the Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, pursuant to Section 321-195, HRS. | None |
GM225 | Letter dated January 27, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2309, which makes an emergency appropriation and authorization for $5,169,458 from general funds to allow the Department of Education (DOE) to fund the cost of the DOE's electricity usage for Fiscal Year 2005-2006. | None |
GM226 | Letter dated January 27, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2310, which makes an emergency appropriation and authorization for $5,785,448 from general funds to allow the Department of Education (DOE) to meet the projected shortfall for student transportation for Fiscal Year 2005-2006. | None |
GM227 | Letter dated January 31, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2363, which makes an emergency appropriate and authorization for $1,600,000 from general funds to assist in the purchase and preservation of Waimea Valley, Oahu. | None |
GM228 | Letter dated January 31, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2241, which makes emergency appropriations and authorizations for $1,214,367 from general funds to the DNA Registry Special Fund and from the DNA Registry Special Fund to the Department of the Attorney General to carry out the purposes of Act 112, SLH 2005, relating to the mandatory collection of DNA samples from all convicted persons and for $1,076,217 from general funds to the Department of the Attorney General to fund sexual assault treatment programs as provided in Act 133, SLH 2005. | None |
GM229 | Informing the Senate that on February 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1949, SD1 (Act 001) | None |
GM230 | Dated February 1, 2006, transmitting a Report on Children of Incarcerated Parents, prepared by the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Human Services pursuant to S.C.R. No. 128 (2005). | None |
GM231 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation as Director of the Department of Human Resources Development, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARIE LADERTA, for a term to expire 12-04-06. | None |
GM232 | Dated February 8, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health, State Council on Developmental Disabilities, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 40 (2005), requesting the Hawai`i State Council on Developmental Disabilities to continue to convene the residential settings task force to identify issues and solutions regarding individuals with developmental disabilities and their choice of residential setting. | None |
GM233 | Letter dated February 9, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2238, which makes an emergency appropriation of $1,276,000 in general funds for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to cover budgetary shortfalls in electricity payments for facilities assigned to the Department of Accounting and General Services. | None |
GM234 | Letter dated February 9, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2236, which makes an emergency appropriation of $6,500,000 in general and special funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to cover increases in insurance premiums and to cover anticipated expenditures relating to the May 7, 2005, Kalaheo Elementary School Fire. | None |
GM235 | Dated January 31, 2006, transmitting the Aloha Tower Development Corporation's Annual Report, pursuant to Section 206J-19, HRS. | None |
GM236 | Dated February 14, 2006, transmitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Department of Business, Economic, Development and Tourism, pursuant to Section 201-10, HRS. | None |
GM237 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2333, which makes an emergency appropriation of $416,718 in general funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to maintain the maximum GA benefit payment of $418 per month to 3,850 disabled individuals through the end of the current fiscal year and prevent potential harm to these individuals' health and safety. | None |
GM238 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2334, which makes an emergency appropriation of $1,320,000 in general funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to assist the Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility take the remedial measures recommended by the Department of Justice. | None |
GM239 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2337, which makes an emergency appropriation of $4,724,703 in general funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to cover expenses related to the ongoing operations at the Hawaii State Hospital and community-based services. This measure also requests an increase in the expenditure ceiling of $6,148,944 for the Mental Health Substance Abuse Special Fund. | None |
GM240 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2338, which makes an emergency appropriation of $6,807,562 in general funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to cover expenses pursuant to the Medicaid Home and Community Based Service Waiver Program for services to persons with developmental disabilities and/or mental retardation. | None |
GM241 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2339, which makes an emergency appropriation of $7,154,735 in general and special funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to cover increased costs for emergency medical services, including negotiated collective bargaining costs. | None |
GM242 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2340, which makes an emergency appropriation of $3,200,928 in general funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to cover increased costs for early intervention services for infants and children from birth to age three at risk of developmental delays. | None |
GM243 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2347, which makes an emergency appropriation of $1,000,000 in the Early Intervention Special Fund in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 for the Healthy Start program. | None |
GM244 | Letter dated February 10, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of S.B. No. 2348, which makes an emergency appropriation of $15,000,000 in general funds in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 for pandemic influenza preparedness. | None |
GM245 | Dated February 8, 2006, transmitting the 2006 Photovoltaic Electricity in Hawaii Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, Strategic Industries Division, pursuant to H.R. No. 159 (2005). | None |
GM246 | Dated February 15, 2006, transmitting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the State of Hawaii for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005, prepared by the Comptroller pursuant to Section 40-5, HRS. | None |
GM247 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu, Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROLYN KEHAUNANI ABAD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM248 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RUSSELL Y. J. CHUNG, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM249 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai‘i Paroling Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROY W. REEBER PH.D., for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM250 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHARLES K. H. AU, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM251 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Regents of the University of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL A. DAHILIG, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM252 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN PETER JAEGER, for a term to expire 12-31-2007. | None |
GM253 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JEFF YAMANE, for a term to expire 12-31-2007. | None |
GM254 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Cable Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, SAM AIONA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM255 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, FLORENTINA J. JOHNASEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM256 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Civil Defense Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, MANUEL MAKAHIAPO KULOLOIO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM257 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Civil Defense Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANN M. SAKAGUCHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM258 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Community-Based Economic Development Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN ISOBE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM259 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Correctional Industries Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, DENISE J. JOHNSTON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM260 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Defender Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, DANA S. ISHIBASHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM261 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Dental Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID RICHARD BREESE DDS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM262 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Dental Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, GAYLE CHANG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM263 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELVIRA LEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM264 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DEAN T. AOKI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM265 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHARLES W. FLEMING, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM266 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DEAN M. GEORGIEV, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM267 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Drug Product Selection Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARY JO KEEFE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM268 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONALD K. MATSUI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM269 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Landscape Architects, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD M. SUZUKI P.E., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM270 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID W. HEYWOOD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM271 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, WAYNE SACHIO HIGAKI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM272 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, VIRGINIA PRESSLER MD, MBA, FACS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM273 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Windward Oahu Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, GREIG E. GASPAR, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM274 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Windward Oahu Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHRISTOPHER J. LUTZ, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM275 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Highway Safety Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, MITCHELL DAVID ROTH, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM276 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Council on Independent Living, Gubernatorial Nominee, PATRICIA LOCKWOOD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM277 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Medical Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOYCE H. CASSEN MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM278 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Medical Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, FEREYDOUN DON PARSA MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM279 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Hawai'i Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GARY F. MICHELL, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM280 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, THOMAS E. ABBOTT SR., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM281 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONNA DARLENE HANSEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM282 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, EILEEN ANNE LANG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM283 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Commission for National and Community Service, Gubernatorial Nominee, SCOTT SHIGERU MORISHIGE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM284 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Examiners in Naturopathy, Gubernatorial Nominee, SHEREE AIKO KON-HERRERA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM285 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Center for Nursing Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CATHERINE A. ADAMS RN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM286 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Center for Nursing Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SALLY T. ISHIKAWA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM287 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Nursing, Gubernatorial Nominee, TERESA SAKAI APRN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM288 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Examiners in Optometry, Gubernatorial Nominee, JON M. ISHIHARA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM289 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Examiners in Optometry, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEE TSUYOSHI NAKAMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM290 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Pharmacy, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELWIN D. H. GOO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM291 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, RENE BERTHIAUME, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM292 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 2nd Taxation District (Maui), Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROL ANN BURDICK, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM293 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELIZABETH KENT, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM294 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, KATHRYN RICE ILGEN DVM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM295 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Plants, Gubernatorial Nominee, MYRON H. NOMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM296 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROY K. IREI, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM297 | Dated February 8, 2006, transmitting the 2005 Report of the Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General. | None |
GM298 | Dated January 27, 2006, transmitting a report, "Hawaii's Workforce in 2005: Stepping Stones to 2006," prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Hawaii Workforce Development Council, pursuant to Chapter 202, HRS | None |
GM299 | Dated February 15, 2006, transmitting a Report on the Adequacy of Federal Funding for the No Child Left Behind Act, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Act 178, Section 153, SLH 2005. | None |
GM300 | Dated February 9, 2006, transmitting the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Plan 2005 Status Report for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2005, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Office of Planning, Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program, pursuant to S.C.R. No. 137 (2005). | None |
GM301 | Dated February 14, 2006, transmitting the 2005 OYS Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2005, prepared by the Office of Youth Services pursuant to Section 352D-6, HRS, and Act 151, Section 4, SLH 1991. | None |
GM302 | Dated March 3, 2006, transmitting proposed changes to the FY 2007 Executive Supplemental Budget. | None |
GM303 | Dated December 29, 2005, transmitting the Department of Accounting and General Services' Report on Transfers Between the Department of Education and the Department of Accounting and General Services for the Period Between December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005, pursuant to Act 178, Section 168, SLH 2005. | None |
GM304 | Dated January 10, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Human Services and the Department of Health, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 277 (2005), requesting a one-year extension of the statewide interagency task force to continue to develop a plan for coordination and expansion of services provided through Healthy Start to young children and their families. | None |
GM305 | Dated February 22, 2006, transmitting proposed changes to the FY 2007 Executive Supplemental Budget. | None |
GM306 | Dated March 9, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on the reporting requirements of Act 178, Section 166, SLH 2005. | None |
GM307 | Dated March 9, 2006, transmitting a report prepared by the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 96 (2005), urging the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services to develop methods to support family caregivers who provide at-home care to qualified relatives. | None |
GM308 | Dated March 9, 2006, transmitting a Report on the Activities of the Deposit Beverage Container Program, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 178, Section 16, SLH 2002, and Act 228, Section 2, SLH 2005. | None |
GM309 | Dated March 10, 2006, transmitting the Department of Agriculture's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2005. | None |
GM310 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Labor and Industrial Relations Appeals Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROLAND QUOK FONG THOM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM311 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Labor and Industrial Relations Appeals Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID ALEXANDER PENDLETON, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. | None |
GM312 | Letter dated March 17, 2006, as provided in Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate consideration and passage of H.B. No. 970, Relating to Emergency Relief for Natural Disasters, to appropriate emergency funding totaling $14,334,000, including $11,134,000 in state funds and $3,200,000 in federal funds. | None |
GM313 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Procurement Administrator, Gubernatorial Nominee, AARON S. FUJIOKA, for a term to expire 10-16-2009. | None |
GM314 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Public Accountancy, Gubernatorial Nominee, GORDON D. CIANO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM315 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Agriculture, Gubernatorial Nominee, CARL A. CARLSON, JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM316 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Kaua'i Aquatic Life and Wildlife Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, LOIS FUJISHIGE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM317 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Civil Defense Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANTHONY D. CASTBERG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM318 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Community Development Authority (HCDA), Gubernatorial Nominee, EVELYN E. SOUZA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM319 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Community-Based Economic Development Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, LORRAINE M. MENDOZA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM320 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Trustees of the Deferred Compensation Plan, Gubernatorial Nominee, SANDRA YAHIRO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM321 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, JEAN L. JOHNSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM322 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SHARON MONELANI FOUNTAIN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM323 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRIAN KAJIYAMA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM324 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHRISTINA M. PILKINGTON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM325 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID WILLIAM MAY, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM326 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Environmental Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, GAIL LEANNE GRABOWSKY, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM327 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaiian Homes Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONALD S.M. CHANG, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM328 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaiian Homes Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, FRANCIS KAHOU LUM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM329 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Hawai'i County Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, JULIETTE M. TULANG, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM330 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Honolulu Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, JENNIFER DIESMAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM331 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Honolulu Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, DARYL-JEAN WONG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM332 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Maui County Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANGES M. GROFF, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM333 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Highway Safety Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN T. KAIZUKA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM334 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Historic Places Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KIYOSHI IKEDA, PH. D., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM335 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawai'i (HCDCH), Gubernatorial Nominee, BETTY LOU LARSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2006. | None |
GM336 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Council on Independent Living, Gubernatorial Nominee, LINDA ANN WATSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM337 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, RANSOM A.K. PILTZ, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM338 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Hawai'i Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMAL F. WASAN PHD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM339 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Hawai'i Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GLENN ALBERT WEBSTER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM340 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Kaua'i Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRENDA K. VIADO MA, BAE, CRC, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM341 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Oahu Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD CHARLES JACKSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM342 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Natural Area Reserve System Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMES D. JACOBI PHD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM343 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Physical Therapy, Gubernatorial Nominee, GILBERT PERRY HAGER MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM344 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Private Detectives and Guards, Gubernatorial Nominee, THOMAS M. PHILLIPS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM345 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Psychology, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALLYSON M. TANOUYE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM346 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Radiologic Technology Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ADLEEN ICHINOSE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM347 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Radiologic Technology Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LESTER UYEDA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM348 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Real Estate Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, LOUIS E. ABRAMS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM349 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Registration of the Island of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, BEVERLY JEAN WITHINGTON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM350 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Registration of the Island of Oahu, Gubernatorial Nominee, LISA KEALA CARTER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM351 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, GENE R. DESCALZI, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM352 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, DEBRA T. FARMER, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM353 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, NANCY G. KINGHORN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM354 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, LORNA L. U. OTA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM355 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LYNNE E. WOODS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM356 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, VERNON FOOK LEONG CHAR, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM357 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, KAWAIKAPUOKALANI K. HEWETT, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM358 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL K. KOBAYASHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM359 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN J. TONER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM360 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Transportation, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID RAY MARSHALL, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM361 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Regents of the University of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMES J. C. HAYNES II, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM362 | Dated February 22, 2006, transmitting the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Office of Planning pursuant to Section 205A-3, HRS. | None |
GM363 | Dated March 15, 2006, transmitting Hawaii's Sister State/Cities Program Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Strategic Marketing and Support Division, pursuant to Section 201-84. | None |
GM364 | Informing the Senate that on March 31, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn LORNA L. U. OTA, Gubernatorial Nominee to the State Rehabilitation Council (GM354) from consideration by the Senate. | None |
GM365 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Boxing Commission of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROBERT M. LEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM366 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Community Development Authority (HCDA), Gubernatorial Nominee, MAEDA C. TIMSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM367 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Credit Union Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GAY L. MATHEWS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM368 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Crime Victim Compensation Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, THOMAS T. WATTS, for a term to expire 6-30-2006. | None |
GM369 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Crime Victim Compensation Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, THOMAS T. WATTS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM370 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Defender Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, JEFFREY ALAN HAWK, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM371 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the High Technology Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, GAIL ANN HONDA PHD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM372 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the High Technology Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ASSUMPTA C. RAPOZA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM373 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai‘i Paroling Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, DANE K. ODA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM374 | Informing the Senate that on April 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2424 (Act 002) | None |
GM375 | Informing the Senate that on April 5, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn JAMAL F. WASAN, PhD, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Hawai'i Service Area Board (GM338) from consideration by the Senate. | None |
GM376 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Public Accountancy, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOEL C. PERALTO CPA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM377 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Agriculture, Gubernatorial Nominee, DIANE L. LEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM378 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Agriculture, Gubernatorial Nominee, DERRICK F. NISHIMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM379 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Community-Based Economic Development Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANNA K. RIBUCAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM380 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Contractors License Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RANDALL B.C. LAU, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM381 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOAN BELLARD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM382 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, NAOMI S. GROSSMAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM383 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, BERNADETTE LUCY KELIIAA, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM384 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, JEAN S. KIYABU, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM385 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, PATRICIA A. NISHIMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM386 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL D. TADA, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM387 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, J. CURTIS TYLER III, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM388 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Disability and Communication Access Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MALCOLM "MARK" M. GIBLIN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM389 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Drug Product Selection Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LINDA D. CHIU MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM390 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Drug Product Selection Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANGEL BUNUAN RAMOS, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM391 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hoisting Machine Operators Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DANIEL NELSON, JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM392 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Massage Therapy, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOY EMI SAKAMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM393 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Center for Nursing Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, AMY E. YASUNAGA, RN, MSN, PhDc, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM394 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Pharmacy, Gubernatorial Nominee, LAURIE H.Y. KAWAMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM395 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Psychology, Gubernatorial Nominee, FRANCES PAULETTE HACKBARTH, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM396 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 1st Taxation District (Oahu), Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN MUN LEONG YEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM397 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 3rd Taxation District (Hawai'i), Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL CHANG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM398 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 4th Taxation District (Kaua'i), Gubernatorial Nominee, RONALD WILLIAM PEEREN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM399 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Certification of Public Water System Operators, Gubernatorial Nominee, GUY SEICHI MORIGUCHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM400 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), Gubernatorial Nominee, HELENE I. SOKUGAWA, Ed.D., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM401 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on the Status of Women, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROSEMARIE E. AQUINO, for a term to expire 6-30-2006. | None |
GM402 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on the Status of Women, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROSEMARIE E. AQUINO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM403 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on the Status of Women, Gubernatorial Nominee, MAMO P. GRAHAM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM404 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on the Status of Women, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARGARET KURODA MASUNAGA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM405 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, PAUL K. W. AU, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. | None |
GM406 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SARAH REIKO HIRAKAMI, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. | None |
GM407 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, TIMOTHY E. JOHNS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM408 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, KELVIN M. BLOOM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM409 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, PATRICIA A. EWING, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM410 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, KENNETH L. JOHNSTON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM411 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHALENE "CHA" MAE KU'UPUAALA THOMPSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM412 | Informing the Senate that on April 13, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2591 (Act 003) | None |
GM413 | Informing the Senate that on April 13, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2604 (Act 004) | None |
GM414 | Informing the Senate that on April 13, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2900 (Act 005) | None |
GM415 | Informing the Senate that on April 13, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2333 SD2 (Act 006) | None |
GM416 | Informing the Senate that on April 13, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2489 (Act 007) | None |
GM417 | Informing the Senate that on April 17, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2601 (Act 008) | None |
GM418 | Informing the Senate that on April 17, the Governor has withdrawn DARYL-JEAN WONG, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Health Planning Council, Honolulu Subarea from consideration by the Senate (GM331). | None |
GM419 | Informing the Senate that on April 17, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn AGNES M. GROFF, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Health Planning Council, Maui County Subarea from consideration by the Senate (GM332). | None |
GM420 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Aloha Tower Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, JASON T. OKUHAMA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM421 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Contractors License Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GERALD YAMADA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM422 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Dental Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, JASON WADE KAMEZAWA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM423 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Dental Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, NOLAN Y. KIDO, for a term to expire 06-30-2010 | None |
GM424 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Electricians and Plumbers, Gubernatorial Nominee, MORRIS H. KANESHIRO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM425 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Electricians and Plumbers, Gubernatorial Nominee, LINDSEY JOHN KIMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM426 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Elevator Mechanics Licensing Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KENNETH M. HOVANIAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM427 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Elevator Mechanics Licensing Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JUDITH A. JORDAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM428 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, FRANK DE LUZ III, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM429 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, JERRY EDLAO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM430 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, SAMUEL M. GON III, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM431 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Merit Appeals Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BENJAMIN Y. P. FONG, for a term to expire 06-30-2010. | None |
GM432 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Molokai Irrigation System Water Users Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANDREW K. ARCE, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM433 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Real Estate Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANNETTE R. AIONA, ABR, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM434 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Real Estate Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, WILLIAM STANLEY CHEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM435 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Real Estate Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, FRANCES ALLISON TORRE GENDRANO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM436 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Real Estate Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARK SUISO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM437 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHRISTINA S. JACKSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM438 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Stadium Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, KATHRYN WHANG INOUYE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM439 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Stadium Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, KENNETH B. MARCUS ESQ., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM440 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Stadium Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN S. TAMAYOSE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM441 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Transportation, Gubernatorial Nominee, LAURENCE I. BALTER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM442 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Transportation, Gubernatorial Nominee, PETE G. PASCUA JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM443 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Regents of the University of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARLENE MARIE HAPAI PH.D., for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM444 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Community Development Authority (HCDA), Gubernatorial Nominee, AMANDA S. CHANG-KWAK, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM445 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Correctional Industries Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, TAI SUK HAHN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM446 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Correctional Industries Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, THOMAS K. SING, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM447 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARY BEGIER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM448 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, PETER LARRY ROSEGG, for a term to expire 6-30-2006. | None |
GM449 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, PETER LARRY ROSEGG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM450 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, LORI VOGEL THOMAS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM451 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELEANOR JEAN LLOYD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM452 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, HERBERT C. SHARP, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM453 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL BARRY SUMJA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM454 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARCIANO D. AQUINO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM455 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, RYAN ANDREW MCKNIGHT, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM456 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Landscape Architects, Gubernatorial Nominee, NORMAN G.Y. HONG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM457 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Landscape Architects, Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROL H. IGARASHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM458 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Landscape Architects, Gubernatorial Nominee, HOWARD K.C. LAU, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM459 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Fatherhood, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARRETT KEOKI AWAI, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM460 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Fatherhood, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL R. DIAS, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM461 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Fatherhood, Gubernatorial Nominee, MYRNA B. MUDOCH, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM462 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Fatherhood, Gubernatorial Nominee, SYLVIA H. L. YUEN Ph.D, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM463 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Health Planning Council, Hawai'i County Subarea, Gubernatorial Nominee, GAIL M. WALKER, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM464 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, RAMON K. SY, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM465 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Historic Places Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KENNETH HAYS, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM466 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Historic Places Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, VIRGINIA DIANE MURISON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM467 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Historic Places Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN A. PETERSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM468 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Molokai, Gubernatorial Nominee, MALIA K.H. AKUTAGAWA ESQ., for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM469 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu, Gubernatorial Nominee, T. KEHAULANI KRUSE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM470 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau, Gubernatorial Nominee, DEE M. CROWELL, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM471 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, ADRIAN K. KAMALII, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM472 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, NORMAN M.U. NAKAMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM473 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALMA A. CABERTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM474 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, NICHOLAS W. TEVES JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM475 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, REUBEN S.F. WONG, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM476 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Medical Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN SERIKAWA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM477 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Medical Education Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMES E. HASTINGS, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM478 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Medical Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, BEN KAMARUDIN AZMAN M.D., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM479 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Medical Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, DANNY MORITO TAKANISHI JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM480 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Commission for National and Community Service, Gubernatorial Nominee, JUNE LEE, for a term to expire, 06-30-2010. | None |
GM481 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Commission for National and Community Service, Gubernatorial Nominee, BESSIE J.T. LIMPE, for a term to expire 06-30-2010. | None |
GM482 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Commission for National and Community Service, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARY "NEVA" AGGRENEVA REGO, for a term to expire 06-30-2010. | None |
GM483 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Examiners in Naturopathy, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHELE M. IKEDA, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM484 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Examiners in Naturopathy, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID R. KERN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM485 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Center for Nursing Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DALE M. ALLISON PhD, APRN, FAAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM486 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Center for Nursing Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOAN ANNE CRAFT, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM487 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Center for Nursing Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, VICKY K. POLAND, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM488 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN EDWARD COLE, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. | None |
GM489 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Registration of the Island of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROL M. JUNG, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM490 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai`i, Gubernatorial Nominee, SHANLYN A.S. PARK, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM491 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai`i, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONN MASAO TAKAKI, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM492 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, BEVERLY ANN SHEA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM493 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Community Development Authority (HCDA), Gubernatorial Nominee, C. SCOTT BRADLEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM494 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, SHAUNA V. TUOHY, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM495 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Highway Safety Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, RON J. FLEET, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM496 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Highway Safety Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD E. VELAZQUEZ, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM497 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Historic Places Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, WILLIAM DONALD SOUZA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM498 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Administration (HFD), Gubernatorial Nominee, CHARLES G. KING, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM499 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Administration (HFD), Gubernatorial Nominee, BETTY LOU LARSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM500 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Administration (HFD), Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID LAWRENCE, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. | None |
GM501 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Administration (HFD), Gubernatorial Nominee, ELIZABETH W. MEYERSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM502 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Administration (HFD), Gubernatorial Nominee, CHARLES A. STED, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM503 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawai'i, Gubernatorial Nominee, ULULANI K. SHERLOCK, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM504 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Maui and Lanai, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHARLES KAULUWEHI MAXWELL SR., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM505 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Massage Therapy, Gubernatorial Nominee, RHONDA C. SCOTT, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM506 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Medical Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, EUGENE A.H. MAGNIER M.D., for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM507 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Medical Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEO MAHER MD, MHA, FAAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2006. | None |
GM508 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Medical Advisory Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEO MAHER MD, MHA, FAAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM509 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Commission for National and Community Service, Gubernatorial Nominee, STACY STAN KAWAI HIGA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM510 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Commission for National and Community Service, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRYSEN CRAIG POULTON, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM511 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawai'i Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN DELONG, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM512 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LESLIE S. CHINEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM513 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DARYLE ANN HO RN, BSN, CWS, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM514 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Public Housing Administration (PHA), Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROL R. IGNACIO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM515 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Public Housing Administration (PHA), Gubernatorial Nominee, LINDA L. SMITH, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM516 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Public Housing Administration (PHA), Gubernatorial Nominee, MATTIE A. YOSHIOKA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM517 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Registration of the Islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kaho'olawe, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANDREW MUTSUO HIROSE, for a term to expire 6-30-2007. | None |
GM518 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD SCHNITZLER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. | None |
GM519 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD SCHNITZLER, for a term to expire 6-30-2006. | None |
GM520 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Tax Review Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, MELANIE KING, for a term to expire adjournment sine die 2007. | None |
GM521 | Informing the Senate that on April 19, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2018 SD1 (Act 009) | None |
GM522 | Informing the Senate that on April 19, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB3008 | None |
GM523 | Letter dated April 13, 2006, in accordance with Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, amending her March 17, 2006, request for immediate consideration and passage of H.B. No. 970 to incorporate additional emergency funding totaling $3,169,257 in general funds, $29,300,000 in state highway special funds, and $17,450,000 in general obligation bond funds, and a reduction of $2,700,000 in federal funds for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the Department of Transportation. | None |
GM524 | Letter dated April 18, 2006, requesting to amend S.B. No. 2339, S.D. 2, H.D. 1, to add emergency funding in the amount of $2,356,497 in general funds to pay for Hawaii National Guard helicopter medical transport services. | None |
GM525 | Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai‘i Hurricane Relief Fund, Gubernatorial Nominee, LIONEL Y. TOKIOKA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. | None |
GM526 | Informing the Senate that on April 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2224 (Act010) | None |
GM527 | Informing the Senate that on April 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3250, HD1 (Act011) | None |
GM528 | Informing the Senate that on April 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2057, HD2 (Act012) | None |
GM529 | Informing the Senate that on April 21, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn BEVERLY ANN SHEA, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Veterinary Examiners from consideration by the Senate (GM492). | None |
GM530 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2295 (Act 13) | None |
GM531 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2297 SD1 (Act 14) | None |
GM532 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2400 (Act 15) | None |
GM533 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2337 SD1 (Act 16) | None |
GM534 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2338 (Act 17) | None |
GM535 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2340 SD1 (Act 18) | None |
GM536 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2347 SD1 (Act 19) | None |
GM537 | Informing the Senate that on April 24, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn ELIZABETH M. MEYERSON, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Administration (HFD) (GM501) and BENJAMIN P. FONG, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Merit Appeals Board (GM431) from consideration by the Senate. | None |
GM538 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2593 (Act 20) | None |
GM539 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2598 (Act 21) | None |
GM540 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2050 (Act 22) | None |
GM541 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2051 (Act 23) | None |
GM542 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2332 SD2 (Act 24) | None |
GM543 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2506 HD1 (Act 25) | None |
GM544 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2275 SD1 (Act 26) | None |
GM545 | Informing the Senate that on April 25, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2263 SD1 (Act 27) | None |
GM546 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2581 SD1 (Act 28) | None |
GM547 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2608 (Act 29) | None |
GM548 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2296 SD1 (Act 30) | None |
GM549 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2226 (Act 31) | None |
GM550 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2885 HD2 (Act 32) | None |
GM551 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2347 SD1 (Act 33) | None |
GM552 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2303 HD1 (Act 34) | None |
GM553 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2208 HD1 | None |
GM554 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1242 HD1 (Act 35) | None |
GM555 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill bacame law without the Governor's signature: SB2602 SD1 (Act36) | None |
GM556 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2215 (Act 37) | None |
GM557 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2476 (Act 38) | None |
GM558 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2309 (Act 39) | None |
GM559 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2311 HD1 (Act 40) | None |
GM560 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2317 (Act 41) | None |
GM561 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2286 (Act 42) | None |
GM562 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2287 HD1 (Act 43) | None |
GM563 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1819 HD1 (Act 44) | None |
GM564 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2857 HD1 (Act 45) | None |
GM565 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3126 (Act 46) | None |
GM566 | Informing the Senate that on April 26, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn KENNETH L. JOHNSTON, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority from consideration by the Senate (GM410). | None |
GM567 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1920 (Act 47) | None |
GM568 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3254 HD1 (Act 48) | None |
GM569 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2331 (Act 49) | None |
GM570 | Informing the Senate that on April 27, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2901 (Act 50) | None |
GM571 | Dated April 6, 2006, transmitting the Department of Transportation's Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005. | None |
GM572 | Dated April 13, 2006, transmitting the Employee's Retirement System's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005. | None |
GM573 | Dated April 25, 2006, transmitting the Foreign-Trade Zone No. 9's Annual Report to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board for Federal Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2005. | None |
GM574 | Informing the Senate that on April 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2346 SD1 (Act 51) | None |
GM575 | Informing the Senate that on April 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2273 SD1 (Act 52) | None |
GM576 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn PAUL K.W. AU, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawai'i Labor Relations Board from consideration by the Senate (GM405). | None |
GM577 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn CHALENE "CHA" MAE KU'UPUAALA THOMPSON, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority from consideration by the Senate (GM411) | None |
GM578 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn RAMON K. SY, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Health Systems Corporation from consideration by the Senate (GM464). | None |
GM579 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2210 SD1 (Act 53) | None |
GM580 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1833 HD1 SD2 (Act 54) | None |
GM581 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2443 HD1 SD1 (Act 55) | None |
GM582 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3194 HD1 SD1 (Act 56) | None |
GM583 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3018 HD1 SD1 (Act 57) | None |
GM584 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2780 HD1 SD1 (Act 58) | None |
GM585 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1983 HD1 SD1 (Act 59) | None |
GM586 | Informing the Senate that on May 1, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2207 HD1 SD1 (Act 60) | None |
GM587 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2747 HD2 SD1 (Act 61) | None |
GM588 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2508 HD2 SD1 (Act 62) | None |
GM589 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1899 HD1 SD1 (Act 63) | None |
GM590 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3257 HD1 SD2 (Act 64) | None |
GM591 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2457 HD1 SD1 (Act 65) | None |
GM592 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB877 HD2 SD1 (Act 66) | None |
GM593 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1982 HD2 SD1 (Act 67) | None |
GM594 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1984 HD1 SD1 (Act 68) | None |
GM595 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2192 HD2 SD1 (Act 69) | None |
GM596 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1947 SD1 (Act 70) | None |
GM597 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2434 SD1 (Act 71) | None |
GM598 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2898 SD1 (Act 72) | None |
GM599 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3253 SD1 (Act 73) | None |
GM600 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2050 HD2 SD1 (Act 74) | None |
GM601 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1 HD2 SD1 (Act 75) | None |
GM602 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB173 HD1 SD1 | None |
GM603 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB1155 HD1 SD2 | None |
GM604 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2454 HD1 SD2 | None |
GM605 | Informing the Senate that on May 2, 2006, the Governor has withdrawn LINDA L. SMITH, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawaii Public Housing Administration (PHA) (GM515) from consideration by the Senate. | None |
GM606 | Informing the Senate that on May 3, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB1233 HD1 SD1 (Act 76) | None |
GM607 | Informing the Senate that on May 4, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2737 SD1 HD1 (Act 77) | None |
GM608 | Informing the Senate that on May 5, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3115, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 78) | None |
GM609 | Informing the Senate that on May 8, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2278, HD1, SD2 (Act 79) | None |
GM610 | Informing the Senate that on May 8, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2265, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 80) | None |
GM611 | Informing the Senate that on May 8, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2260, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 81) | None |
GM612 | Informing the Senate that on May 8, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB1512, SD1, HD3 (Act 82) | None |
GM613 | Informing the Senate that on May 8, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB695, HD1, CD1 (Act 83) | None |
GM614 | Informing the Senate that on May 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2348, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 84) | None |
GM615 | Informing the Senate that on May 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2339, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 85) | None |
GM616 | Informing the Senate that on May 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2334, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 86) | None |
GM617 | Informing the Senate that on May 10, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2606, HD1 (Act 87) | None |
GM618 | Informing the Senate that on May 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2570, HD2, CD1 (Act 88) | None |
GM619 | Informing the Senate that on May 10, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2133, SD1 (Act 89) | None |
GM620 | Informing the Senate that on May 10, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2357, HD1 (Act 90) | None |
GM621 | Informing the Senate that on May 10, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2599, HD1 (Act 91) | None |
GM622 | Informing the Senate that on May 11, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB3111, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 92) | None |
GM623 | Informing the Senate that on May 11, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2607, SD1, HD1 (Act 93) | None |
GM624 | Informing the Senate that on May 11, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2897, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 94) | None |
GM625 | Informing the Senate that on May 11, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB3065, HD1, CD1 (Act 95) | None |
GM626 | Informing the Senate that on May 12, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2175, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 96) | None |
GM627 | Informing the Senate that on May 12, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3235, HD1, SD, CD1 (Act 97) | None |
GM628 | Informing the Senate that on May 15, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2277, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 98) | None |
GM629 | Informing the Senate that on May 15, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2255, SD1, HD1 (Act 99) | None |
GM630 | Informing the Senate that on May 16, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2176, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 100) | None |
GM631 | Informing the Senate that on May 16, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2964, HD1, SD2 (Act 101) | None |
GM632 | Informing the Senate that on May 16, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2991, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 102) | None |
GM633 | Informing the Senate that on May 17, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2065, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 103) | None |
GM634 | Informing the Senate that on May 17, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2259, SD1, HD1 (Act 104) | None |
GM635 | Informing the Senate that on May 17, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3037, HD1, SD1 (Act 105) | None |
GM636 | Informing the Senate that on May 17, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2282, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 106) | None |
GM637 | Informing the Senate that on May 17, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2737, HD1, SD1 (Act 107) | None |
GM638 | Informing the Senate that on May 18, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB3076, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 108) | None |
GM639 | Informing the Senate that on May 18, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2486. SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 109) | None |
GM640 | Informing the Senate that on May 19, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB957, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 110) | None |
GM641 | Informing the Senate that on May 19, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2213, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 111) | None |
GM642 | Informing the Senate that on May 19, 2006, the following bill was signed into law:HB237, HD3, SD1, CD1 (Act 112) | None |
GM643 | Informing the Senate that on May 19, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2987, HD1, SD2 (Act 113) | None |
GM644 | Informing the Senate that on May 19, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2713, HD1, SD1 (Act 114) | None |
GM645 | Informing the Senate that on May 22, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2214, SD2, HD3, CD1 (Act 115) | None |
GM646 | Informing the Senate that on May 22, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2343, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 116) | None |
GM647 | Informing the Senate that on May 22, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3121, HD2, SD1, CD1 (Act 117) | None |
GM648 | Informing the Senate that on May 22, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB970, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 118) | None |
GM649 | Informing the Senate that on May 23, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB3051, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 119) | None |
GM650 | Informing the Senate that on May 23, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2500, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 120) | None |
GM651 | Informing the Senate that on May 23, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1879, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 121) | None |
GM652 | Informing the Senate that on May 23, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3217, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 122) | None |
GM653 | Informing the Senate that on May 23, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2399, HD2, SD1, CD1 (Act 123) | None |
GM654 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2412, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 124) | None |
GM655 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2423, HD1, SD1 (Act 125) | None |
GM656 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1861, SD1, CD1 (Act 126) | None |
GM657 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2879, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 127) | None |
GM658 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2637, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 128) | None |
GM659 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB862, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 129) | None |
GM660 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB845, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 130) | None |
GM661 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2367, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 131) | None |
GM662 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB696, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 132) | None |
GM663 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB1317, SD1, HD1 (Act 133) | None |
GM664 | Informing the Senate that on May 24, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2360, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 134) | None |
GM665 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2290, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 135) | None |
GM666 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2292, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 136) | None |
GM667 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2293, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 137) | None |
GM668 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1871, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 138) | None |
GM669 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2159, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 139) | None |
GM670 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB3244, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 140) | None |
GM671 | Informing the Senate that on May 25, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2535, SD2 (Act 141) | None |
GM672 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2214, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 142) | None |
GM673 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1021, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 143) | None |
GM674 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2243, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 144) | None |
GM675 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2597, HD1 (Act 145) | None |
GM676 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1977, HD1, SD2 (Act 146) | None |
GM677 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2503, HD2, SD1, CD1 (Act 147) | None |
GM678 | Informing the Senate that on May 26, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2485, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 148) | None |
GM679 | Informing the Senate that on May 30, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2609, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 149) | None |
GM680 | Informing the Senate that on May 30, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB3192, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 150) | None |
GM681 | Informing the Senate that on May 30, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1865, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 151) | None |
GM682 | Informing the Senate that on May 30, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB785, SD2, HD2 (Act 152) | None |
GM683 | Informing the Senate that on May 31, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2143, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 153) | None |
GM684 | Informing the Senate that on May 31, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2319, HD1, SD1 (Act 154) | None |
GM685 | Informing the Senate that on May 31, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2899, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 155) | None |
GM686 | Informing the Senate that on May 31, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2772, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 156) | None |
GM687 | Informing the Senate that on May 31, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2271, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 157) | None |
GM688 | Informing the Senate that on June 1, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1955, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 158) | None |
GM689 | Informing the Senate that on June 1, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB826, HD2, CD1 (Act 159) | None |
GM690 | Informing the Senate that on June 1, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1900, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 160) | None |
GM691 | Informing the Senate that on June 1, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1866, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 161) | None |
GM692 | Informing the Senate that on June 2, 2006, the following bill was signed into law:SB3185, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 162) | None |
GM693 | Informing the Senate that on June 2, 2006, the following bill was signed into law:HB2848, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 163) | None |
GM694 | Informing the Senate that on June 2, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1878, SD1, CD1 (Act 164) | None |
GM695 | Informing the Senate that on June 2, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1880, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 165) | None |
GM696 | Informing the Senate that on June 2, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2075, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 166) | None |
GM697 | Informing the Senate that on June 2, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2021, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 167) | None |
GM698 | Informing the Senate that on June 5, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2248, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 168) | None |
GM699 | Informing the Senate that on June 5, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2273, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 169) | None |
GM700 | Informing the Senate that on June 5, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2039, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 170) | None |
GM701 | Informing the Senate that on June 5, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2410, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 171) | None |
GM702 | Informing the Senate that on June 5, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1889, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 172) | None |
GM703 | Informing the Senate that on June 6, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2237, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 173) | None |
GM704 | Informing the Senate that on June 6, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2358, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 174) | None |
GM705 | Informing the Senate that on June 6, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB427, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 175) | None |
GM706 | Informing the Senate that on June 6, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2211, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 176) | None |
GM707 | Informing the Senate that on June 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2958, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 179) | None |
GM708 | Informing the Senate that on June 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2966, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 180) | None |
GM709 | Informing the Senate that on June 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB951, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 181) | None |
GM710 | Informing the Senate that on June 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2941, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 182) | None |
GM711 | Informing the Senate that on June 9, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2667, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 183) | None |
GM712 | Informing the Senate that on June 13, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB744, SD2, HD1 (Act 184) | None |
GM713 | Informing the Senate that on June 13, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB2678, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 185) | None |
GM714 | Informing the Senate that on June 13, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: SB2298, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 186) | None |
GM715 | Informing the Senate that on June 13, 2006, the following bill was signed into law: HB1280, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 187) | None |
GM716 | Informing the Senate that on April 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3119 SD2 HD1 CD1 (Act 177). | None |
GM717 | Informing the Senate that on April 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2948 SD1 HD2 CD1 (Act 178) | None |
GM718 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB1648, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 188) | None |
GM719 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2283, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 189) | None |
GM720 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2947, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 190) | None |
GM721 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3090, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 191) | None |
GM722 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2328, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 192) | None |
GM723 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2327, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 193) | None |
GM724 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2323, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 194) | None |
GM725 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2603, SD1, HD1 (Act 195) | None |
GM726 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2984, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 196) | None |
GM727 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2901, HD1, CD1 (Act 197) | None |
GM728 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3072, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 198) | None |
GM729 | Informing the Senate that on June 14, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3259, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 199) | None |
GM730 | Informing the Senate that on June 15, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB965, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 200) | None |
GM731 | Informing the Senate that on June 19, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2639, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 201) | None |
GM732 | Informing the Senate that on June 19, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3242, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 202) | None |
GM733 | Informing the Senate that on June 19, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB706, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 203) | None |
GM734 | Informing the Senate that on June 19, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2109, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 204) | None |
GM735 | Informing the Senate that on June 19, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3273, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 205) | None |
GM736 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB1223, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 206) | None |
GM737 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB439, HD2, CD1 (Act 207) | None |
GM738 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2540, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 208) | None |
GM739 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2669, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 209) | None |
GM740 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2805, SD1, CD1 (Act 210) | None |
GM741 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2806, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 211) | None |
GM742 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2753, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 212) | None |
GM743 | Informing the Senate that on June 20, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2484, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 213) | None |
GM744 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB819, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 214) | None |
GM745 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2974, SD1, CD1 (Act 215) | None |
GM746 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB1899, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 216) | None |
GM747 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3000, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 217) | None |
GM748 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2502, SD2, HD1,CD1 (Act 218) | None |
GM749 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2227, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 219) | None |
GM750 | Informing the Senate that on June 21, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2343, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 220) | None |
GM751 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1809, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 221) | None |
GM752 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2708, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 222) | None |
GM753 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law:SB2480, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 223) | None |
GM754 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB1294, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 224) | None |
GM755 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2720, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 225) | None |
GM756 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2887, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 226) | None |
GM757 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1968, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 227) | None |
GM758 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2315, SD2 (Act 228) | None |
GM759 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB743, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 229) | None |
GM760 | Informing the Senate that on June 22, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3256, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 230) | None |
GM761 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3105, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 231) | None |
GM762 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2188, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 232) | None |
GM763 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2179, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 233) | None |
GM764 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2980, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 234) | None |
GM765 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2313, SD1 (Act 235) | None |
GM766 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3254, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 236) | None |
GM767 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2774, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 237) | None |
GM768 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2930, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 238) | None |
GM769 | Informing the Senate that on June 23, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2924, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 239) | None |
GM770 | Informing the Senate that on June 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2957, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 240) | None |
GM771 | Informing the Senate that on June 26, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2501, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 241) | None |
GM772 | Informing the Senate that on June 26, 2006, the Governor transmitted proclamations giving notice of her plan to return the following bills with objections: HB266, HD1, SD2, CD1; HB439, HD1, SD2, CD1; HB1800, HD1, SD1, CD1; HB1867, HD1, SD2, CD1; HB2199, HD2, SD1, CD1; HB2265, HD2, SD1, CD1; HB2299, HD1, SD1, CD1; HB2558, HD1, SD2, CD1; HB2595, HD1, SD2, CD1; HB2641, HD1, SD2; HB2691, SD2, CD1; HB2692, HD1, SD1, CD1; HB2878, HD1, SD1, CD1; HB3116, HD2, SD2, CD1; HB3118, HD1, SD1, CD1; HB3261, HD1, SD2, CD1; SB2004, SD1, HD1, CD1; SB2006, SD3, HD2, CD2; SB2076, SD2, HD2, CD1; SB2133, SD2, HD2, CD1; SB2150, SD1, HD1, CD1; SB2166, SD2, HD3; SB2190, SD1, HD2, CD1; SB2244, SD1, HD1, CD1; SB2727, SD1, HD2, CD1; SB2997, SD1, HD1, CD1; SB3035, SD1, HD1, CD1; SB3181, SD2, HD2, CD1. | None |
GM773 | Informing the Senate that on June 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2153, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 242) | None |
GM774 | Informing the Senate that on June 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2461, SD1, HD1, CD2 (Act 243) | None |
GM775 | Informing the Senate that on June 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2961, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 244) | None |
GM776 | Informing the Senate that on June 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2704, SD2, HD1 (Act 245) | None |
GM777 | Informing the Senate that on June 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2956, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 246) | None |
GM778 | Informing the Senate that on June 28, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2626, SD1, CD1 (Act 247) | None |
GM779 | Informing the Senate that on June 29, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2045, HD2, SD1, CD1 (Act 248) | None |
GM780 | Informing the Senate that on June 29, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1995, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 249) | None |
GM781 | Informing the Senate that on June 29, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2145, HD2, SD1, CD1 (Act 250) | None |
GM782 | Informing the Senate that on June 29, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2090, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 251) | None |
GM783 | Informing the Senate that on June 29, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2487, SD1, CD1 (Act 252) | None |
GM784 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2430, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 253) | None |
GM785 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3077, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 254) | None |
GM786 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2036, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 255) | None |
GM787 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3215, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 256) | None |
GM788 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3120, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 257) | None |
GM789 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB467, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 258) | None |
GM790 | Informing the Senate that on June 30, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3101, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 259) | None |
GM791 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2051, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 260) | None |
GM792 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2630, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 261) | None |
GM793 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3252, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 262) | None |
GM794 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3197, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 263) | None |
GM795 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3003, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 264) | None |
GM796 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1821, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 265) | None |
GM797 | Informing the Senate that on July 3, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB218, SD4, HD1, CD2 (Act 266) | None |
GM798 | Informing the Senate that on July 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3078, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 267) | None |
GM799 | Informing the Senate that on July 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2505, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 268) | None |
GM800 | Informing the Senate that on July 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2504, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 269) | None |
GM801 | Informing the Senate that on July 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3247, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 270) | None |
GM802 | Informing the Senate that on July 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2146, HD1, Sd1, CD1 (Act 271) | None |
GM803 | Informing the Senate that on July 4, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3195, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 272) | None |
GM804 | Informing the Senate that on July 5, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3225, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 273) | None |
GM805 | Informing the Senate that on July 5, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2913, SD1, HD1 (Act 274) | None |
GM806 | Informing the Senate that on July 5, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3100, HD1, SD1 (Act 275) | None |
GM807 | Informing the Senate that on July 5, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1935, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 276) | None |
GM808 | Informing the Senate that on July 5, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2545, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 277) | None |
GM809 | Informing the Senate that on July 5, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2454, SD1, HD2 (Act 278) | None |
GM810 | Informing the Senate that on July 6, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1706, HD3, SD1, CD1 (Act 279) | None |
GM811 | Informing the Senate that on July 6, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2909, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 280) | None |
GM812 | Informing the Senate that on July 6, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB486, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 281) | None |
GM813 | Informing the Senate that on July 6, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3060, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 282) | None |
GM814 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2898, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 283) | None |
GM815 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2600, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 284) | None |
GM816 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3253, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 285) | None |
GM817 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB1862, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 286) | None |
GM818 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB475, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 287) | None |
GM819 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2239, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 288) | None |
GM820 | Informing the Senate that on July 7, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2162, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 289) | None |
GM821 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2778, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 290) | None |
GM822 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB3036, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 291) | None |
GM823 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2897, SD2, HD3, CD1 (Act 292) | None |
GM824 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB895, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 293) | None |
GM825 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2145, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 294) | None |
GM826 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB3262, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 295) | None |
GM827 | Informing the Senate that on July 10, 2006, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB2929, HD1, CD1 (Act 296) | None |
GM828 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB439, HD1, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM829 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB1800, HD1, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM830 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2199, HD2, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM831 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2299, HD1, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM832 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2265, HD2, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM833 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2558, HD1, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM834 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2076, SD2, HD2, CD1 | None |
GM835 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB3118, HD1, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM836 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2150, SD1, HD1, CD1 | None |
GM837 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2190, SD1, HD2, CD1 | None |
GM838 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2997, SD1, HD1, CD1 | None |
GM839 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB1867, HD1, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM840 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2878, HD1, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM841 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2004, SD1, HD1, CD1 | None |
GM842 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2006, SD3, HD2, CD2 | None |
GM843 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2133, SD2, HD2, CD1 | None |
GM844 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2244, SD1, HD1, CD1 | None |
GM845 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2727, SD1, HD2, CD1 | None |
GM846 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB3035, SD1, HD1, CD1 | None |
GM847 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB3181, SD2, HD2, CD1 | None |
GM848 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB3116, HD2, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM849 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2692, HD1, SD1, CD1 | None |
GM850 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB3261, HD1, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM851 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: SB2166, SD2, HD3 | None |
GM852 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB266, HD1, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM853 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2641, HD1, SD2 | None |
GM854 | Informing the Senate that on July 11, 2006, the Governor returned the following bill without approval: HB2691, SD2, CD1 | None |
GM855 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB3270, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 297) | None |
GM856 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2719, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 298) | None |
GM857 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB1918, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 299) | None |
GM858 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB3009, SD2, HD2, CD1 (Act 300) | None |
GM859 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB3059, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 301) | None |
GM860 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB2258, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 302) | None |
GM861 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB2098, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 303) | None |
GM862 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB1891, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 304) | None |
GM863 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB3142, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 305) | None |
GM864 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB1923, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 306) | None |
GM865 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB3066, SD1, HD1 (Act 307) | None |
GM866 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB3016, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 308) | None |
GM867 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2274, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 309) | None |
GM868 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB3180, SD1, HD2, CD1 (Act 310) | None |
GM869 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB3105, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 311) | None |
GM870 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2193, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 312) | None |
GM871 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB386, HD1, SD1, CD1 (Act 313) | None |
GM872 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2575, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 314) | None |
GM873 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2708, SD2, HD1, CD1 (Act 315) | None |
GM874 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: SB2961, SD1, HD1, CD1 (Act 316) | None |
GM875 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB2555, HD2, SD2, CD1 (Act 317) | None |
GM876 | Informing the Senate that on July 12, 2006, the following bill became law without the Governor's signature: HB2595, HD1, SD2, CD1 (Act 318) | None |
Click on the measure number for history of the measure.