Report Title:
Capital Improvement Projects; Kaua`i County
Authorizes capital improvement projects on the county of Kaua`i. (solid waste facilities, Wailua/Kapa`a sewer system, Kīlauea bridge, Antone K. Vidinha stadium complex improvements, dr
ainage master plan, and Wailua houselots drainage facilities)
S.B. NO. |
441 |
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $2,691,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for fiscal year 2005-2006 for the purpose of
the following projects for the county of Kaua`i:FY 2005-06
(Design New Disposal Facility)
This project is needed to identify and evaluate disposal alternatives, selection of preferred disposal method, site selection, environmental assessment, and permitting. Strict federal standards (ref. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act "Subtitle D") regulate the design of landfills constructed after October 1993 in the United States. The project will require execution of specific planning and construction tasks necessary to have future municipal solid waste landfill disposal capacity on-line when the Kekaha landfill phase II reaches its design capacity. The new landfill will provide a thirty-year municipal solid waste disposal capacity for the island of Kaua`i. The county is currently performing necessary planning and permitting tasks for a vertical expansion to increase the final elevation from sixty feet msl to an elevation of seventy-five feet msl, allowing an additional four to five years of additional solid waste capacity. Future landfill capacity must be developed within the next four years to meet the solid waste disposal needs of the island of Kaua`i, prior to the Kekaha phase II reaching its capacity. The project scope will include tasks such as: an island wide siting study for a new municipal solid waste landfill, environmental impact statement and initial site report, a site feasibility study, obtaining land use permits, land acquisition, design, obtaining construction and operations permits, and construction to have future landfill capacity on-line when the Kekaha landfill phase II reaches capacity. The environmental impact statement is a more detailed disclosure document that analyzes effects of the proposed project on the surrounding environment that is required under Chapter 343, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The environmental impact statement identifies environmental concerns, conducts additional studies as necessary to obtain various relevant data, receives public input, evaluates alternatives, and proposes measures for minimizing environmental impacts. The feasibility report will provide an in-depth assessment of site specific information needed to determine an optimal design for the landfill. Activities under this task will include a topographic survey, hydrogeologic analysis, detailed geotechnical evaluation, and an engineering analysis and report to address grading, drainage, liner design, and leachate and gas collection. Land acquisition and design tasks will include facility design per state and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle D standards and obtaining construction and operating permits.
A new Wailua-Kapa`a wastewater facilities plan, in conjunction with the county's general plan update, must be programmed and implemented for the near future, together with a system odor control program. Accordingly, plans and construction to collect sewer fees for the non-sewered sub-areas of Kapa`a town must continue. The Coco Palms SPS and the Wailua wastewater rapid-bloc plant must also be upgraded and rehabilitated to accommodate the increased sewer capacities. In addition, the county's reuse of R-2 quality water for the Wailua golf course will continue as the primary effluent disposal system and the plant's effluent filter system must be upgraded or replaced.
Department of public works proposes to replace the existing twenty feet wide, ninety-two feet long concrete bridge with a new thirty-five feet wide, one hundred ten feet long concrete bridge.
Kīlauea bridge will have a bike lane and sidewalk to accommodate vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. Proposed improvements for the new bridge include demolition of the existing bridge, construction of the bridge, realignment of Kolo road at the bridge section, widening of the approach roadways at both ends of the bridge, and replacing the existing, non-standard guardrail within the roadway. Also included, the existing piers which supported the railroad bridge will be removed. The one hundred year flood will not overtop this new bridge. Kīlauea Bridge project will be funded eighty per cent by the Federal Highway Administration for design and construction. The bridge replacement needs to be listed on the statewide transportation improvement projects. The department is seeking state funds to assist with the matching funds.D. ANTONE K. VIDINHA STADIUM COMPLEX IMPROVEMENTS $400,000
The proposed improvements of Vidinha Stadium Complex over the next six-year period are as follows: construction of lighting, design of baseball field, design and construction of a multi-purpose gym/arena, locker room and restroom facilities, and additional parking. Phase II will be scheduled to be completed in two increments with increment I to include design and construction of the baseball field lighting, design of grandstand and design for multi-purpose gymnasium/arena and site grading improvements. Phase II, increment II, will include design and construction of on-site utilities, site grading, drainage installation and landscaping, and tennis court construction. Phase III will be the construction of the multi-purpose gymnasium/arena.
(Kapa`a/Wailua Area)
The county's comprehensive zoning ordinance requires the development of a detailed drainage master plan to supplement the general plan. With the completion of the master plan, a sound capital improvement program can be formulated. Also, the master plan will be useful for various agencies in their review of new subdivision and building developments. The drainage master plan will include boundaries of watersheds one hundred acres or larger, stream capacities, limitations on existing channel capacities, proposed channel modifications, and new drainage facilities and appurtenances. Preparation and development of ortho-photo maps for the major urban areas of
Keālia-Kapa`a, Wailua; Hanamā`ulu-Līhu`e-Nāwiliwili; Kalāheo-Lāwa`i-Kōloa-Po`ipū; and Kekaha-Waimea-Hanapēpē-`Ele`ele has been completed. The uses of the maps are immeasurable. The maps facilitate design work for improvements to roadways, drainage, sewers, and water facilities. Comprehensive planning for these facilities cannot be completed without adequate mapping that provides ground topography. The necessity of these maps was demonstrated by the participation of the State, highways division, for mapping the areas. Once the drainage manual has been developed and accepted by the county, the next order of work will be to develop the master plan of drainage and flood control system for the urban areas of Kaua`i. The master plan will be developed for the urban areas of Kapa`a, Līhu`e, Po`ipū, Kalāheo, Hanapēpē, Waimea, and Kekaha.F. WAILUA HOUSELOTS DRAINAGE FACILITIES $1,100,000
(Haleilio, Lanakila, Hookipa, Nonou roads—remaining phase I)
This project consists of plans, right-of-way, acquisition, and construction of drainage flood control facilities and appurtenances for the Wailua houselots area. Wailua houselots was originally subdivided by the State. Initially, the development was intended for agricultural purposes, but land use changes have resulted in urbanization. Because of the original intended use, present drainage system consisting of open ditches and a few culverts is inadequate. Most of the storm run-off presently sheet flows through existing lots and consequently, the houselots becomes inundated, causing damage and flood associated problems to the residents. Roadways also become inundated with storm water and access becomes limited. Construction of a drainage master plan for the Wailua houselots area consists of three increments of construction to abate the drainage and flooding problems which was developed in 1976. The county, to date, has developed construction plans and has completed the construction of phase IA of the Wailua houselots drainage system. Plans for the phase IA were developed in 1975-76 and constructed in 1976-77. Development of construction plans for the remaining portions of the phase I, phase II (Eggerking, Pua and Kula roads) and phase III (Kihei and Kaulana roads) were completed in fiscal year 1976-77. An increment of phase I called phase IA was developed in fiscal year 1979-80.
SECTION 2. The sums appropriated shall be expended by the county of Kaua`i for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. The appropriation made for the capital improvement project authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2008, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2005.
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