Report Title:

2008 Year of the Family Celebration; Appropriation


Establishes the year of the family celebration 2008 commission. Appropriates funds for the commission's operating expenses.


S.B. NO.









RELATING TO a commission to celebrate 2008 as the year of the family.



SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the success of a society depends largely upon the strength and vitality of its families. In all cultures, and in all ages, a strong family unit has been the foundation of great societies. Family is especially important in Hawaii, because of the richly diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds of its people.

The legislature further finds that a celebration to honor the importance of the family and to sustain and nurture family life is appropriate. To this end, the legislature designates the year 2008 as the year of the family.

The purpose of this Act is to establish a temporary year of the family celebration commission and to provide for the celebration of 2008 as the year of the family.

SECTION 2. There is established a temporary commission to be known as the year of the family celebration 2008 commission, which shall be responsible for all arrangements for the commemoration of 2008 as the year of the family in Hawaii. The commission shall be placed within the office of the governor for administrative purposes and shall cease to operate after June 30, 2009.

SECTION 3. The commission shall consist of fifteen members to be appointed by the governor without regard to section 26-34, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Four of the members shall be representatives for the four counties and the remaining members shall represent government, labor, business, and the community at large. The governor shall designate the chair of the commission from among the appointed members. The members shall not receive compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in the performance of their duties under this Act.

SECTION 4. The commission shall prepare an overall program to celebrate the year of the family, recognizing the importance of the family unit in the development of the State, and encouraging and fostering strong family relationships to assist families in dealing with the problems that threaten family unity and stability, such as drug or alcohol abuse or gang membership. The commission shall develop, plan, and coordinate the various program activities that are to be scheduled throughout the year of the celebration and shall encourage the participation of all segments of the State's population. The commission shall consider any related plans and programs developed by interested private and public organizations or agencies from whose members the commission may designate special committees to plan, develop, and coordinate specific projects or activities.

The commission shall submit to the governor a comprehensive report for the year of the family that shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) The production, publication, and distribution of books, films, and other educational materials on the importance of the family in Hawaii;

(2) Conferences, convocations, lectures, and seminars; and

(3) Ceremonies, theatrical productions, and other special events commemorating the year of the family.

SECTION 5. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the commission shall consult, cooperate with, and seek advice from appropriate organizations or agencies.

SECTION 6. There is created a trust fund to be known as the year of the family celebration trust fund that shall consist of payments made to the trust fund as provided in this Act and from all other sources. All moneys received by the commission shall be deposited by the state director of finance into the trust fund and expended by the commission for the purposes of this Act. Disbursement of those moneys shall be by state warrants issued in accordance with applicable laws and rules and shall be based on vouchers signed by the chair of the commission.

The commission may seek grants from public and private sources and may accept donations to finance the project, programs, and activities of the year of the family celebration.

All property acquired by the commission shall be deposited for preservation in the state library system, museums, and public archives or shall otherwise be disposed of as directed by the commission.

SECTION 7. At the end of its term, the commission shall submit to the governor a final report of all of its activities, including an accounting of all moneys received and disbursed.

SECTION 8. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007, to be deposited in the celebration trust fund used by the year of the child celebration 2008 commission for the purposes of this Act and in accordance with chapter 42F, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

The sum appropriated shall be expended by the governor for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 9. This Act shall take effect upon approval; provided that section 8 shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

