Report Title:

Agriculture; Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine


Establishes a quarantine enforcement program in the Department of Agriculture to enforce laws relating to the importation of plant and non-domestic animals.


S.B. NO.












SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the silent invasion of Hawaii by insects, disease-bearing organisms, snakes, weeds, and other pests is one of the single greatest threats to Hawaii's economy and natural environment and to the health and lifestyle of Hawaii's people. Invasive species already cause millions of dollars in crop losses, the extinction of native species, the destruction of native forests, and the spread of disease. Stopping the influx of new invasive species is essential to Hawaii's future well-being.

One important pathway by which dangerous species, such as snakes, piranha, and large cats, are introduced to Hawaii is via intentional smuggling of prohibited animals. The State currently lacks the enforcement authorities necessary to prevent these violations of law.

SECTION 2. Chapter l50A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding five new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"§l50A-A Quarantine enforcement program. There is established a quarantine enforcement program to enforce the provisions of chapter 150A. The department shall appoint and provide a badge or insignia of office to the following:

(1) A quarantine enforcement section chief who shall be head of the quarantine enforcement program and shall administer all matters relating to the enforcement of this chapter, related rules adopted by the department pursuant to chapter 91, and such other matters the board may direct from time to time; and

(2) Personnel and enforcement officers of the quarantine enforcement program, including but not limited to unpaid voluntary enforcement officers.

§l50A-B Board of agriculture; chairperson; delegation of authority. The board or chairperson may delegate to enforcement officers within the quarantine enforcement program, such authority as may be required for enforcement of the state quarantine laws and rules.

§l50A-C Quarantine enforcement officers, duties; other law enforcement officers. (a) The quarantine enforcement officers, with respect to any land, building, vessel, or aircraft shall:

(1) Enforce this chapter with respect to any commodity. "Commodity" includes any animal, plant, or microorganism in any stage of development that is regulated by this chapter;

(2) Investigate complaints, gather evidence, conduct investigations, and conduct field observations and inspections as required or assigned;

(3) Cooperate with enforcement authorities of the State, counties, and federal government in the development of programs and mutual agreements for quarantine enforcement activities in the State;

(4) Inspect and verify at reasonable hours without warrant, any permits and licenses issued by the department, related required records and documents, and any commodities related to the permits or licenses;

(5) Enforce the laws relating to firearms, ammunition, and dangerous weapons contained in chapter 134; and

(6) Carry out such other duties and responsibilities as the board or chairperson from time to time may direct.

(b) Every state and county officer charged with the enforcement of laws and ordinances may enforce and assist in the enforcement of this chapter and related rules adopted by the department.

(c) The department may also authorize federal enforcement authorities under memorandum of agreement to enforce and assist in the enforcement of this chapter and related rules adopted by the department.

§l50A-D Board of agriculture, chairperson; police powers. (a) The board or chairperson shall have police powers and may appoint and commission enforcement officers within the quarantine enforcement program of the department. Persons appointed and commissioned under this section shall have and may exercise all of the powers and authority of police officers, including the power of arrest, and shall enforce all state laws and rules, and county ordinances within the State; provided that such powers shall remain in force and effect only while in actual performance of their duties, which shall include off-duty employment when such employment is for other state departments or agencies. These enforcement officers shall consist of personnel whose primary duty will be the enforcement of this chapter and related rules adopted by the department.

(b) An enforcement officer, upon arresting any person for violation of this chapter and related rules adopted by the department, may:

(1) Immediately take the person arrested to a police station or before a district judge; or

(2) Record the name and address of the person, note the violation of the law or rules alleged to be committed by the person and issue a summons or citation, printed in the form described in section l50A-l2, notifying the person to appear and answer the charge against the person at a certain place and at a time within seven days after the citation or arrest. Any person failing to obey a summons issued pursuant to this section shall be subject to penalty pursuant to section l50A-15.

§l50A-E Search and seizure; forfeiture of property. (a) Any police officer or agent of the department upon whom the board of agriculture or chairperson has conferred powers of police officers, shall have the authority to conduct searches on probable cause as provided for in this chapter or by other law and to seize, capture, confiscate, and remove:

(1) Any commodity that is:

(A) Prohibited or restricted and without a permit; or

(B) Otherwise in violation of this chapter or any related rules adopted by the department; and

(2) Any equipment, article, instrument, aircraft, vehicle, vessel, or records used in violation of the provisions of this chapter and any related rules adopted by the department.

(b) Any prohibited commodity or other commodity in violation of this chapter shall be forfeited upon seizure. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, or other civil or criminal sanctions, any commodity seized may be immediately sent out of the State at the owner's expense, donated to a government-affiliated aquarium or municipal zoo, destroyed, or disposed of as determined by the department.

(c) Any equipment, article, instrument, aircraft, vehicle, vessel, business records, or prohibited or restricted commodity without a permit that is seized under this chapter is subject to forfeiture pursuant to chapter 712A. Unless otherwise directed by the court pursuant to chapter 712A, any item, other than a commodity, that is seized shall be forfeited to the State for disposition as determined by the department, destroyed, or retained and utilized by the department or other state agency. If not needed or required by the department or other state agency, the forfeited items shall be disposed of as provided by chapter 712A."

SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $          , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007, for the quarantine enforcement program, including the hiring of a quarantine enforcement section chief and two staff persons.

SECTION 4. The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of agriculture for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 5. New statutory material is underscored.

SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval; provided that section 3 of this Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

