Report Title:
Corrections; Inmates; Transfer; Contracts
Establishes criteria for contracts with respect to the transfer of inmates to out-of-state correctional facilities.
S.B. NO. |
2947 |
SECTION 1. Section 353-16.32, Hawaii Revised Statutes, provides that the director of public safety may effect the transfer of committed felons to any correctional facility located in another state, upon terms and conditions agreed upon between the department and the out-of-state correctional facility. However, there are no statutory criteria for contracts to effect inmate transfers.
The purpose of this Act is to establish criteria for contracts with respect to the transfer of inmates to out-of-state correctional facilities.
SECTION 2. Chapter 353, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding three new sections to part I to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§353-A Transfer of inmates; terms and conditions. Any contract between the State of Hawaii and an out-of-state correctional facility for the housing, care, and control of inmates shall contain terms and conditions, including but not limited to:
(1) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility provide the services in a facility that meets correctional standards satisfying constitutional minimums, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and applicable court orders, including, but not limited to, all sanitation, food service, safety, and health regulations;
(2) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility send copies of reports of inspections completed by appropriate authorities on compliance with laws, rules, and regulations of the type described in paragraph (1) to the department of public safety;
(3) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility provide training to its personnel on a level acceptable to the department of public safety. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to confer peace officer status upon any employee of the out-of-state correctional facility or to authorize the use of firearms. An out-of-state correctional officer or other designated employee of an out-of-state correctional facility may carry and use firearms in the course of the officer's or employee's employment only if the officer or employee is certified as having satisfactorily completed a training program approved by the contractor in compliance with normal standards for employees of correctional facilities. This section shall not be construed to confer state employee status upon any employee of the out-of-state correctional facility;
(4) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility shall not employ any person at the correctional facility until the contractor has submitted to the Hawaii criminal justice data center of the department of the attorney general, on a form prescribed by the center, a request that the center conduct a criminal records check of the person, and a requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility shall not employ any person at the facility if the records check or other information possessed by the contractor indicates that the person has a criminal history or record, regardless of the form of judgment;
(5) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility be staffed at all times to ensure supervision of inmates and maintenance of security within the facility and to provide for appropriate programs, transportation, security, and other operational needs. In determining security needs for the out-of-state correctional facility, the contractor and the contract requirements shall take into account all relevant factors including, but not limited to, the proximity of the facility to neighborhoods and schools;
(6) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility, its officers, guards, employees, and agents immediately notify the department of public safety and any other law enforcement or other governmental entities, agencies, or personnel named in the contract or required to be informed as provided in this chapter of any riot, rebellion, escape, crime, or other emergency occurring inside or outside the facility, and hold the State free from any liability. Notification shall be made by telephone and in writing. The written notice may be made by facsimile transmission or mail;
(7) A requirement that the contractor adopt and use in the out-of-state correctional facility a drug testing and treatment program that meets the standards of any drug testing and treatment program the department of public safety uses for its inmates in state correctional facilities;
(8) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility provide advance written notice to the department of public safety and any other law enforcement or other governmental entities, agencies, or personnel named in the contract, of its intent to provide for transport of any inmates to or from the out-of-state correctional facility, and of the intended destination;
(9) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility shall be solely responsible for any damage caused by a inmate in its custody and shall be solely responsible for security and all costs associated with transporting and housing inmates to and from locations outside the out-of-state correctional facility including court, medical, and sending facility locations. The out-of-state correctional facility's responsibility for costs shall include all costs which may be required by court officials for additional security for the inmate that is provided by federal, state, county, or city officials;
(10) A requirement that no inmate shall be housed in any other facility than the one identified in the contract. All records in the possession of, or available to, the sending entity, including classification, medical information, conduct, and confinement history of the inmate, shall be provided to the contractor;
(11) The out-of-state correctional facility shall have a conversion plan that will be followed if, for any reason, the facility is closed or ceases to operate. The conversion plan shall provide, in part, that the out-of-state correctional facility shall be responsible for housing, and provide for the transportation of the inmates who are in the facility at the time it is closed or ceases to operate and for the cost of such housing and transporting of those inmates;
(12) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility conform to applicable standards, and obtain accreditation from, the American Correctional Association and the National Commission on Correction Health Care;
(13) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility indemnify and hold harmless the State and its officers, agents, and employees, and reimburse the State for costs incurred defending the State or any of its officers, agents, or employees against all claims including the following:
(A) Any claims or losses for services rendered by the contractor, its officers, agents, or employees, performing or supplying services in connection with the performance of the contract;
(B) Any failure of the contractor, its officers, agents, or employees to adhere to the laws, rules, regulations, or terms agreed to in the contract;
(C) Any constitutional, federal, state or civil rights claim;
(D) Any claims, losses, demands, or causes of action arising out of the activities of the contractor, its officers, agents, or employees;
(E) Any attorney's fees or court costs arising from any habeas corpus actions or other inmate suits that may arise from any event that occurred at the facility or was a result of the event, or that may arise over the conditions, management or operation of the facility, which fees and costs shall include attorney's fees for the State and for any court-appointed representation of an inmate.
(14) A requirement that the out-of-state correctional facility and its personnel comply with the provisions of this chapter; and
(15) A requirement that any ambiguities in the contract shall be construed against the out-of-state correctional facility and in favor of the State.
§353-B Transfer of inmates; compliance. Contracts awarded under the provisions of this section shall, at a minimum:
(1) Provide that the out-of-state correctional facility shall not benefit financially from the labor of inmates nor shall any inmate ever be placed in a position of authority over another inmate. Any profits realized from the labor of Hawaii inmates in the operation of a prison enterprise program shall revert to the State;
(2) Provide that the out-of-state correctional facility shall impose discipline on inmates only in accordance with applicable rules, policies, and procedures satisfying constitutional minimums, state and federal laws, and applicable court orders; and
(3) Require that the out-of-state correctional facility provide proper food, clothing, housing, and medical care as provided for in the contract. The State shall not be responsible for any costs associated with the medical care of inmates in the custody of the out-of-state correctional facility.
§353-C Transfer of inmates; performance monitoring. The department of public safety or its designee, as provided in the contract, shall monitor the performance of the out-of-state correctional facility. The powers and responsibilities of the department or its designee, when acting as the contract monitor of the private prison contract shall include:
(1) A determination whether the requirements of the contract are being satisfactorily performed;
(2) A determination whether the out-of-state correctional facility and its personnel are complying with the provisions of this chapter;
(3) A determination whether applicable rules, policies, and procedures of the department are being followed by the out-of-state correctional facility and its personnel;
(4) A determination whether the facility is being operated in a manner which adequately safeguards and protects the safety of the public;
(5) Approval of all inmate releases on furlough or work release; and
(6) A determination whether the adoption of supplemental rules, policies, or procedures is required to interpret or make specific application of the provisions of this chapter."
SECTION 3. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval
and shall apply to contracts and contract renewals entered into after its effective date.
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