Report Title:

Interscholastic Athletics; Public Intermediate Schools


Establishes interscholastic athletic program at public Intermediate schools. Appropriates funds for program.


S.B. NO.









relating to interscholastic athletics.



SECTION 1. The legislature finds that interscholastic athletic programs can pull into the school community those students who are without parental support and those who are on the fringes. They create an opportunity to bridge the gap between academics and sports. An interscholastic athletic program at the intermediate school level that involves high school students can also provide a forum for the participation of high school students that fosters such skills as teaching, guidance, and care of others while assisting younger students.

The purpose of this Act is to establish an intermediate school interscholastic athletic program that will expose participating students to new social situations, permit them to learn new skills in the sport of their choice, and provide an opportunity to make new friends from their school and the schools they compete against.

SECTION 2. (a) The department of education shall establish an interscholastic athletic program at every public intermediate school. The program at each school shall be placed under the supervision of a physical education teacher at each school. The physical education teacher shall perform the duties of an athletic director and shall be provided with one period of the school day devoted to the coordination of the program. The physical education teacher shall be responsible for:

(1) Hiring coaches, preferably from the ranks of intermediate school teachers who are very familiar with the sport;

(2) Collaborating with coaches on the purchase of equipment and supplies;

(3) Arranging a schedule for competition;

(4) Arranging bus transportation for competition; and

(5) Completing paperwork and other tasks similar to what a high school athletic director performs.

(b) The physical education teacher and head coaches will hire high school student mentors in the sport they are coaching.

(c) The course of instruction will be created by the physical education teacher, the head coach of the sport being taught, and the mentors for that sport.

(d) The program shall include the following sports: cross-country, volleyball, basketball, track and field, and soccer. The program for each sport shall operate for a six week season that shall include two weeks of physical conditioning, skill building, learning the rules of the game, and a competition phase with nearby intermediate schools.

(e) Because many intermediate schools lack proper indoor facilities for basketball and volleyball, teams playing at this level can accomplish a great deal playing out doors weather permitting. Other facilities within walking distance of the intermediate school they may be used when they are available. Soccer, cross-country, and track and field practices shall take place on all intermediate school campuses. Soccer matches and cross-country competitions shall be held at all intermediate schools. Track and field competitions shall be held at high school campuses.

(f) The intermediate school interscholastic athletic program seasons shall run as follows:

(1) Soccer: August to September;

(2) Cross- Country: October to November;

(3) Basketball: December to January;

(4) Track and Field: March to April; and

(5) Volleyball: May to June.

SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007, for intermediate school interscholastic athletic program as provided by this Act.

The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of education for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

