Report Title:

School Facilities; Construction Projects


Requires the DOE to upgrade and maintain the project management and data systems to effectively provide current information to facilitate the construction and maintenance of the State's school facilities. Requires information to be posted on the Internet. Makes an appropriation. (SD1)


S.B. NO.



S.D. 1









SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the department of education oversees a high volume of construction projects. To manage such a workload, a centralized oversight mechanism is necessary to ensure the most efficient commitment of state resources, and the most successful long-term forecasting. One useful oversight mechanism would be a comprehensive internet listing of projected department construction projects.

The purpose of this Act is to require the department to upgrade and maintain the project management and data systems to effectively provide current information to facilitate the construction and management of the State's school facilities, through the implementation of the following six major systems:

(1) Project Management System: This system is the current FACTRAK system and will be used to track all planned, funded, and completed repair and maintenance and CIP projects. It is also the system to be used by the Facilities Development Branch for project management. Since most of the work on this system will be completed by June 2006, the additional development costs for this system is limited to "system tweaking", i.e. user enhancements, bug fixes, minor improvements, and creation of additional reports;

(2) Electronic Document Storage and Workflow System: The goal is to become paperless and be able to develop a system that will both control the workflow as well as store all documents electronically. The process would include the scanning of all incoming documents, and changing the workflow so that all internal documentation and record keeping is done through electronic documents and forms;

(3) Financial Data System: This system would interface with the department's Financial Management System to capture all project financial data including project staff costs, consultant costs, construction costs, and other related facilities costs such as utility costs, maintenance contract costs, and risk management costs. The goal is to create a "Financial Management System data warehouse" form that the department would be able to extract date to feed into the other systems. Types of data would include all project financial data (appropriations and allotments, consultant contracts, construction contracts, staff costs), utility costs, maintenance contract costs, and risk management costs;

(4) Facility Inventory Assessment System: This system would house the facilities inventory, classroom utilization data, and facilities condition assessment data. The goal here is to update facilities inventory, then be able to tie that information into the department's classroom utilization reports. The department would also begin a program to assess the condition of all school facilities, and capture that information so that the physical condition of each facility is documented, with which the department can develop life cycle costs and more predictability in our repair and maintenance recurring costs;

(5) E-Plan Room System: In the department's efforts to go paperless, all plans and specifications would be digitized and stored on servers. A system would be developed to enable access of these plans by consultants, contractors, and in-house staff; and

(6) Non-Programmed Repair and Maintenance Work Order System: The current MAXIMO system will be expanded to be able to capture inventory, labor, and material costs associated with the department's work order and emergency repair program.

This Act also requires the department to post a listing of projected department construction projects on the Internet and makes an appropriation to the department to create and maintain these systems.

SECTION 2. Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"§302A-   Construction projects. The department shall create and maintain a centralized list of projected construction projects which shall include all capital improvements, repairs and maintenance, and repairs and alterations projects. This list shall include their priority and projected start and completion dates, actual or estimated. This list shall be posted on the Internet and kept up to date on a quarterly basis."

SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $1,800,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007, to carry out the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 4. The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of education.

SECTION 5. New statutory material is underscored.

SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.