Report Title:
Insurance; Taxation of Premiums
Eliminates the premium tax on health insurers, except on health care services furnished through the QUEST medical assistance program.
S.B. NO. |
2093 |
SECTION 1. Section 431:7-202, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§431:7-202 Taxation. (a) Each authorized insurer, except with respect to all life insurance contracts, ocean marine insurance contracts, [and] real property title insurance contracts, and prepaid health care plans as defined in chapter 393, shall pay to the director of finance through the commissioner a tax of 4.265 per cent on the gross premiums written from all risks or property resident, situated, or located within this State, during the year ending on the preceding December 31, less return premiums (but not including dividends paid or credited to policyholders), and less any reinsurance accepted (the tax upon such business being payable by the direct writing insurer).
All premiums written, procured, or received in the State shall be presumed to have been from risks or property resident, situated, or located within the State. This presumption may be rebutted as to any premium:
(1) By showing that it has been properly allocated or apportioned and reported as a taxable premium of another state or other appropriate taxing authority; or
(2) By facts as to the residence, situation, or location of the risks or property, conclusively showing the nontaxability of the premium.
(b) Each authorized insurer, with respect to life insurance contracts, shall pay to the director of finance through the commissioner a tax of 2.75 per cent on the gross premiums received from all risks resident within this State, during the year ending on the preceding December 31, less return premiums, dividends paid or credited to policyholders, and reinsurance accepted (the tax upon such business being payable by the direct writing insurer).
The tax also shall apply to premiums for insurance written on individuals residing outside the State unless the direct writing insurer shall show the payment of a comparable tax to another appropriate taxing authority. Such showing may be required as to any premium written, procured, or received in the State.
(c) Each authorized insurer shall, with respect to all ocean marine insurance contracts written within the State, during the year ending on the preceding December 31, pay to the director of finance through the commissioner a tax of .8775 per cent on its gross underwriting profit. The gross underwriting profit shall be ascertained by deducting from the net premiums (i.e., gross premiums less all return premiums and premiums for reinsurance ceded) on such ocean marine insurance contracts, the net losses paid (i.e., gross losses paid less salvage and recoveries on reinsurance ceded) during such year under such contracts. In the case of an insurer issuing participating contracts, the gross underwriting profit shall not include, for computation of the tax prescribed by this subsection, the amount refunded, or paid as participation dividends, by such insurer to the holders of such contracts.
(d) Each authorized insurer, with respect to real property title insurance contracts written on real property situated within this State during the year ending on the preceding December 31, shall pay to the director of finance through the commissioner a tax of 4.265 per cent of the amount of the risk premium actually received by the authorized insurer for the provision of such insurance. The amount of the risk premium received by the authorized insurer for the provision of real property title insurance shall be an amount equal to the amount actually received by the authorized insurer solely for the provision of real property title insurance coverage in accordance with the underwriting agreement or contract between the authorized insurer and the underwritten title company.
(e) Each authorized insurer, with respect to prepaid health care plans defined in chapter 393, shall be exempt from payment on the gross premiums received from all risks resident within this State.
[(e)] (f) No return premium shall be deductible unless the original gross premium, or an adjustment thereof, in an amount equal to or in excess of the return premium, has been concurrently or previously reported as taxable under this section or a prior similar law of the State.
[(f)] (g) The taxes imposed by subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) shall be paid quarterly. The quarterly tax shall be due and payable on or before the last day of the calendar month following the quarter in which it accrues, coinciding with the filing of the statement provided for in section 431:7-201.
In addition to the quarterly tax and quarterly tax statement, the annual tax shall be due and payable on or before March 1 coinciding with the filing of the statement provided for in section 431:7-201.
All amounts paid under this subsection, other than fines, shall be allowed as a credit on the annual tax imposed by subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d).
If the total amount of installment payments for any calendar year exceeds the amount of annual tax for that year, the excess shall be treated as an overpayment of the annual tax and be allowed as a refund under section 431:7-203.
Any insurer failing or refusing to pay the required taxes above stated when due and payable shall be liable for a fine of $500 or ten per cent of the tax due, whichever is greater; plus interest at a rate of twelve per cent per annum on the delinquent taxes. The taxes may be collected by distraint, or the taxes, fine, and interest may be recovered by an action to be instituted by the commissioner in the name of this State, in any court of competent jurisdiction. The commissioner may suspend the certificate of authority of the delinquent insurer until the taxes, fine, and interest, should any be imposed, are fully paid.
[(g)] (h) In establishing the prepayment amount of an insurer who has acquired the business of another insurer, the amount of tax liability of the acquiring insurer for the preceding calendar year shall be deemed to include the amount of tax liability of the acquired insurer for that year."
SECTION 2. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.
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