Report Title:

CIP; 20th Senatorial District


Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 20th senatorial district.


S.B. NO.









relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 20th senatorial district.



SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act, are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2005-2006.

1. To be expended by the department of accounting and general services:

A. Campbell high school, Oahu

Construction for air-conditioning

and electrical upgrade of school.

Design $ 1,000,000

Construction $14,000,000

Equipment $   100,000

Total funding $15,100,000

B. Campbell high school, Oahu

Construction for new or renovation and

expansion of administration building.

Design $   500,000

Construction $ 8,000,000

Equipment $   100,000

Total funding $ 8,600,000

C. Campbell high school, Oahu

Construction for renovation of

N-Building classroom for graphic arts/ communication classes.

Design $   230,000

Construction $ 2,100,000

Equipment $    40,000

Total funding $ 2,370,000

D. Ewa Elementary School, Oahu

Construction of eight-classroom building.

Design $   700,000

Construction $ 7,500,000

Equipment $    50,000

Total funding $ 8,250,000

E. Ewa Elementary School, Oahu

Construction of playground equipment padding for two playground equipment.

Design $    15,000

Construction $    65,000

Total funding $    80,000

F. Ewa Beach Elementary School, Oahu

Renovate and upgrade of electrical system for entire school.

Design $   100,000

Construction $ 1,200,000

Total funding $ 1,300,000

G. Ewa Beach Elementary School, Oahu

Reinforce F building support column.

Design $   150,000

Construction $ 1,050,000

Total funding $ 1,200,000

H. Ewa Beach Elementary School, Oahu

Convert G building kitchen and dining hall into classrooms and office spaces, equipment, ground and site improvements.

Design $    25,000

Construction $   250,000

Total funding $   275,000

I. Ewa Makai Middle School, Oahu

Design $ 3,000,000

Construction $40,000,000

Equipment $   300,000

Total funding $43,300,000

J. Ilima Intermediate School, Oahu

Renovate and upgrade of electrical system for entire school.

Design $   100,000

Construction $ 1,200,000

Total funding $ 1,300,000

K. Ilima Intermediate School, Oahu

Air-condition the administration office.

Design $    25,000

Construction $   250,000

Total funding $   275,000

L. Ilima Intermediate School, Oahu

Renovate and enlarge library.

Design $   200,000

Construction $ 2,500,000

Equipment $   100,000

Total funding $ 2,800,000

M. Iroquois Point Elementary School, Oahu

Construct volleyball court.

Design $    16,000

Construction $   150,000

Equipment $     4,000

Total funding $   170,000

N. Iroquois Point Elementary School, Oahu

Install a grassed field with sprinkler system.

Design $    25,000

Construction $   250,000

Total funding $   275,000

O. Kaimiloa Elementary School, Oahu

Construct twelve-classroom building.

Design $   700,000

Construction $ 8,500,000

Equipment $    80,000

Total funding $ 9,280,000

P. Kaimiloa Elementary School, Oahu

Air-condition the entire school.

Design $   400,000

Construction $ 4,000,000

Total funding $ 4,400,000

Q. Ocean Pointe, Oahu

Design and construction $ 4,000,000

Total funding $ 4,000,000

R. Pohakea Elementary School, Oahu

Construction for air-conditioning and electrical upgrade of school.

Design $   495,000

Construction $ 6,000,000

Equipment $     5,000

Total funding $ 6,500,000

S. Pohakea Elementary School, Oahu

Construction for public address, program, and telecommunication system.

Design $    35,000

Construction $   250,000

Total funding $   285,000

T. Pohakea Elementary School, Oahu

Construction of playground equipment.

Design $    25,000

Construction $    80,000

Equipment $     5,000

Total funding $   110,000

U. Waipahu Intermediate School, Oahu

Construct campus entrance road and parking.

Design $    50,000

Construction $   400,000

Total funding $   450,000

V. Waipahu Intermediate School, Oahu

Telecommunication system upgrade and electrical system upgrade.

Design $   200,000

Construction $ 2,500,000

Equipment $    10,000

Total funding $ 2,710,000

2. To be expended by the department of transportation:

A. North-South Road, Oahu

Phase I from Kapolei Parkway to H-1 freeway, includes engineering and contingency fees.

Total funding $65,000,000

B. Kapolei Parkway, Oahu

Planning, design, and construction of Kapolei Parkway extension from Kapolei Parkway to North-South Road within Department of Hawaiian Home Lands jurisdiction.

Design $   900,000

Construction $ 6,000,000

Total funding $ 6,900,000

C. Fort Weaver Road Widening, Oahu

Widen Fort Weaver Road from four lanes to six lanes in the vicinity of Laulaunui Street to Geiger Road; relocate acceleration and deceleration lanes; reconstruct channelized islands and curb ramps; construct retaining walls; relocate concrete gutters and adjust inlet boxes; relocate shared use path; install guardrails and concrete barriers; relocate utility pullboxes, and manhole frames and covers; modify traffic signal systems and street lighting, relocate existing irrigation lines and spray heads; restore landscaping in median; adjust driveways; relocate bus stops and install pavement marking, signing and striping, and implemented to include addition of city's closed-circuit television cameras and ductline system, revision of the typical section to a curbed design, and underpass of permanent pedestrian activated traffic light.

Sidewalk from Geiger Road to Ewa Child and Family Service Center, which includes pedestrian footbridge/Ewa side of Fort Weaver Road.

Traffic light cameras on Fort Weaver Road between Laulaunui Street and Old Fort Weaver Road to check traffic flow.

Total funding $15,000,000

D. Fort Weaver Road Widening, Oahu

Widen Fort Weaver Road from four lanes to six lanes in the vicinity of Geiger Road to Papipi Road; relcoate acceleration and deceleration lanes; reconstruct channelized islands and curb ramps; construct retaining walls, relocate concrete gutters and adjust inlet boxes, relocate shared use path; install guardrails and concrete barriers; relocate utility pullboxes, and manhole frames and covers; modify traffic signal systems and street lighting, relocate existing irrigation lines and spray heads; restore landscaping in median; adjust driveways; relocate bus stops and install pavement marking, signing and striping, and implemented to include addition of city's closed-circuit television cameras and ductline system, revision of the typical section to a curbed design.

Total funding $  2,000,000

E. Interisland Commuter Ferry Project, Oahu

Barbers Point, Middle Loch, and Iroquois Point.

Total funding $ 1,000,000

F. Kamokila Boulevard, Oahu

Extension of Kamokila Boulevard makai of Kamokila Boulevard/Kapolei Parkway intersection to meet Roosevelt Road.

Total funding $ 2,500,000

G. Drainage for Fort Weaver Road, Oahu

Drainage in the vicinity of Kilaha Street heading east on Fort Weaver Road.

Total funding $ 1,000,000

H. Pouhala Marsh, Oahu

Design and construction for permanent shelter for staging large groups. $   150,000

Secure storage facility $    25,000

Water line $    15,000

Improvement of road beds $    25,000

Interpretive signage $    15,000

Total funding $   230,000

I. Pouhala Marsh, Oahu

Ecosystem restoration and community development project.

Total funding $   800,000

J. Roosevelt Avenue and Renton Road, Oahu

Installation of street light at intersection of Roosevelt Avenue and Renton Road.

Total funding $   250,000

K. Fort Weaver Road Pedestrian Underpass, Oahu

Construction of pedestrian underpass in the vicinity of Child and Family Services Complex at 91-1841 Fort Weaver Road

Total funding $ 2,000,000

L. Land Acquisition from Estate of James Campbell.

(TMK:9-1) in the vicinity of 91-1841 Fort Weaver Road to old Fort Weaver Road

Total funding $   500,000

M. North South Road, Oahu

Design for remaining three lanes for North South Road.

Total funding $10,000,000

N. Connecting Keaunui Drive to Renton Road, Road to connect Keaunui Drive to Renton Road over OR&L Company railroad tracks.

Total funding $   500,000

SECTION 2. The sums appropriated for the respective capital improvement projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2005.

