Report Title:

Elections; Permanent Absentee Voter


Allows eligible voters to apply for permanent absentee voter status. Permits permanent absentee voters to cast a vote at the polls on election day provided that that person has not voted an absentee ballot previously. Makes appropriation.


S.B. NO.









Relating to Voting.



SECTION 1. In the 2004 general election, Hawaii voters turned out in record numbers. The high turnout reversed, at least temporarily, a steady three-decade decline in voter turnout among eligible Hawaii voters. To build upon the momentum of high participation rates among voters in the 2004 general election as well as reverse the alarming trend of voter apathy in Hawaii, it is critical that voter-friendly initiatives be explored and implemented in preparation for the 2006 election season.

One voter-friendly initiative that has been enacted in other states is permanent absent voter status. For example, in California, eligible voters are able to submit a request for permanent absent voter status with county election officials. These individuals then receive an absentee ballot in the mail each time there is an election in their precinct. This method of voting simplifies the absentee voting process as it eliminates the need for eligible voters to fill out a request to vote absentee each time an election is held.

The purpose of this Act is to allow eligible voters to apply for permanent absent voter status by making a request to the appropriate county clerk.

SECTION 2. Chapter 15, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"§15-   Permanent absentee voter. (a) Any person registered to vote may apply for permanent absentee voter status in person or by mail from the appropriate county clerk not earlier than on the sixtieth day and not later than 4:30 p.m. on the seventh day prior to the election. Any mailed request for absentee voter status shall be mailed by the person directly to the clerk.

(b) The application form for permanent absentee voter status shall be inserted and made available at least twice in a daily or weekly publication of statewide circulation not earlier than one hundred twenty days prior to the primary election.

(c) The application for permanent absentee voter status shall request the following information:

(1) The person's social security number;

(2) The person's date of birth;

(3) The address where the person is registered to vote;

(4) The signature of the applicant; and

(5) Any other pertinent information as determined by the chief election officer in consultation with the county clerks.

(d) Upon receipt of an application for permanent absentee voter status, the appropriate county clerk, or a designated representative, shall process the application and examine the records to determine whether or not the applicant is a registered voter. If it is determined that the applicant is a registered voter, the county clerk, or a designated representative, shall:

(1) Place the voter's name on a list of voters to whom an absentee ballot shall be delivered in accordance with the requirements of section 15-5 each time an election is held within their precinct; and

(2) Provide an absentee ballot to those individuals on this list in accordance with the requirements of section 15-6 and an explanation of absentee voting procedures.

(e) Absentee ballots mailed to and received from voters on the permanent absentee voter list shall be processed and counted in accordance with the requirements of sections 15-9 and 15-10.

(f) The county clerks shall send a copy of the list of all voters who qualify as a permanent absentee voter to each precinct official. Any person receiving an absentee ballot, if otherwise qualified, may choose not to vote absentee, but may vote at the polls instead.

(g) A person whose name appears on the permanent absentee voter list shall remain on the list and shall be mailed an absentee ballot for each election conducted within that precinct. If the voter fails to return an executed absentee voter ballot or vote at the polls for any statewide general election, the voter's name shall be deleted from the permanent absentee voter list.

(h) The chief election officer, in consultation with the county clerks shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 for the purposes of this section."

SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $          , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2005-2006, for the purposes of implementing and administering the permanent absentee voter program.

SECTION 4. The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of accounting and general services for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 5. New statutory material is underscored.

SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2005.

