H.R. NO.








honoring LAURA MANIS, ANTHONY LENZER, BRUCE MCCULLOUGH, AND ROSE NAKAMURA, leaders of the family caregiver support movement for their decades of community service.



WHEREAS, thanks to a healthy lifestyle, good medical care, and sound public policy, Hawaii residents have the longest life expectancy in the United States and one of the fastest growing populations of seniors; and

WHEREAS, an aging population brings the responsibility of providing care for the elderly when they are no longer able to care for themselves; and

WHEREAS, the role of caregiver is often exhausting and overwhelming, yet challenging and rewarding; and

WHEREAS, organizations and individuals who provide support for family caregivers provide a valuable service to our community; and

WHEREAS, Laura Manis, Anthony Lenzer, Bruce McCullough, and Rose Nakamura are four individuals who have provided decades of community service as leaders of the family caregiver support movement; and

WHEREAS, these four individuals have devoted their careers to improving the quality of life for older adults and continue to do so in their retirement years; and

WHEREAS, Laura Manis currently sits on the Kokua Council, Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs (PABEA) Legislative Committee, Hawaii Alliance for Retired Americans (HARA), and spearheaded the 2005 Silver Legislature; and

WHEREAS, Anthony Lenzer is a Professor Emeritus of Public Health at the University of Hawaii Center on Aging and is currently active in the Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society; and

WHEREAS, Bruce McCullough is a former administrator for the Social Security Administration and also sits on the PABEA Legislative Committee, HARA, and is a member of Faith Action for Community Equity; and

WHEREAS, Rose Nakamura devotes her time and boundless energy to Project Dana, a program to help the homebound, and is a recipient of the Rosalyn Carter Caregiving Award for her outstanding contributions in the field of volunteer care for the frail and elderly; and

WHEREAS, these four individuals have made significant contributions to public policy as it relates to aging and long-term care; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-Third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2006, that this body congratulates Laura Manis, Anthony Lenzer, Bruce McCullough, and Rose Nakamura for their support of caregivers and their dedication and commitment to bettering the lives of Hawaii's elderly population.







Report Title:

Honoring long-time leaders of the family caregiver support movement for their decades of community service.