Report Title:

Waianae Coast; Moratorium; Commercial Small Boat Permits; Ocean Recreation Management Area; Appropriation


Imposes moratorium on issuance of new commercial small boat harbor permits until an ocean recreation management area is designated and user rules are adopted for the Waianae coast. (HD1)


H.B. NO.



H.D. 1






relating to the waianae coast.



SECTION 1. The legislature finds that along the Waianae coast, the growing population of west Oahu and pressures from the visitor industry upon the traditional uses of the area are a cause of concern as the cumulative effects of various activities have economic, environmental, social, and cultural impacts on the many communities along this coastline.

The legislature finds that increased usage of beach parks and state boating facilities to accommodate commercial ocean recreation activities between Kalaeloa and Kaena have a significant impact on traditional commercial fishing activities as well as other non-commercial recreational activities.

The legislature finds that the ocean waters in this area may be designated by the department of land and natural resources as an ocean recreation management area to reduce user conflicts, maintain overall public safety, and to regulate commercial activities, by specifically designating locations and time periods as well as placing limits on different types of ocean recreation equipment and activities permitted. However, there is no prescribed review process that would foster a mutually beneficial interaction among a wide range of public and private interest groups to maximize input to achieve a management plan that will balance cultural, environmental, social, and economic concerns.

The purpose of this Act is to place a moratorium on the issuance of new commercial vessel permits in state small boat harbors involving ocean related activities for ocean waters between Kalaeloa point and Kaena point until the boundaries of a Kalaeloa to Kaena ocean recreation management area is designated and administrative rules on recreational boating activities and commercial vessel activities are adopted.

SECTION 2. Chapter 200, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"§200- Kalaeloa to Kaena ocean recreation management area; issuance of commercial permits; ocean recreational management area. (a) For the purposes of this section, "ocean use activities" means commercial operation of thrill craft, high speed boating, parasailing, water sledding, sailing and snorkeling tours, glassbottom boat tours, dolphin tours, or any other similar commercial ocean recreational activity for hire.

(b) The department shall not issue any state small boat harbor permits for any vessel owner or operator engaged in ocean use activities until the boundaries of an ocean recreational management area for the area from Kalaeloa point to Kaena point is determined and ocean recreation management area rules are adopted pursuant to this section.

(c) The department shall prepare draft ocean recreation management area rules in accordance with the following procedures. The draft ocean recreation management area rules shall:

(1) Contain a summary sheet that concisely discusses the following:

(A) Brief description of the ocean recreation management area and rules;

(B) Significant beneficial and adverse impacts (including cumulative impacts and secondary impacts);

(C) Proposed mitigation measures;

(D) Alternatives considered;

(E) Unresolved issues; and

(F) Compatibility with land use plans and policies, and listing of permits or approvals;

(2) Contain a separate and distinct section that includes a statement of purpose and need for the proposed rules;

(3) Contain an area and description that shall include the following information, but need not supply extensive detail beyond that needed for evaluation and review of the cultural, environmental, social, and economic impacts:

(A) A detailed map;

(B) Statement of objectives;

(C) General description of the area's technical, economic, social, and environmental characteristics;

(D) Use of public funds or lands for the designation;

(E) Phasing and timing of designation;

(F) Summary technical data, diagrams, and other information necessary to permit an evaluation of potential environmental impact by commenting agencies and the public; and

(G) Historic perspective;

(4) Set forth in detail:

(A) Sub-areas within the ocean recreation management area where certain types of ocean use activities may be restricted or permitted;

(B) The number of permits, by permit type and vessel and passenger capacity, that may be issued for different types of ocean use activities;

(C) The months, days, and times that certain types of ocean use activities may be curtailed or prohibited; and

(D) Any other restrictions or limitations of ocean use activities or private recreational activities that the department deems appropriate;

(5) Include a procedure for the resolution of user conflicts between ocean use activities and private recreational use of the ocean recreation management area;

(6) Include a rigorous exploration and objective evaluation of the environmental impacts of alternative actions. Particular attention shall be given to alternatives that might enhance environmental quality or avoid, reduce, or minimize some or all of the adverse environmental effects, costs, and risks, and recreational and commercial use conflicts. Examples of alternatives include:

(A) The alternative of no action;

(B) Alternatives requiring actions of a significantly different nature that would provide similar benefits with different environmental impacts;

(C) Alternatives related to different boundaries or details of the proposed area and rules that present different environmental impacts;

(D) The alternative of postponing the designation of the area and adoption of the rules pending further study; and,

(E) In each case, the analysis shall be sufficiently detailed to allow the comparative evaluation of the environmental benefits, costs, and risks of the proposed area designation and rules adoption and each reasonable alternative;

(7) Include a description of the ocean recreation management area setting, including a description of the environment in the vicinity of the area, as it exists before the designation of the area, from both a local and regional perspective. Special emphasis shall be placed on environmental resources that are rare or unique to the region and the area (including natural or human-made resources of historic, archaeological, or aesthetic significance); specific reference to related land-based projects, public and private, existent or planned in the region shall also be included for purposes of examining the possible overall cumulative impacts of the designation of the area. The department shall identify, where appropriate, population and growth characteristics of the affected region and any population and growth assumptions used to justify the action and determine secondary population and growth impacts resulting from the proposed designation and its alternatives. In any event, it is essential that the sources of data used to identify, qualify, or evaluate any and all cultural, environmental, societal, and economic consequences be expressly noted;

(8) Include a statement of the relationship of the proposed designation of the area to land use plans, policies, and controls for the affected area. Discussion of how the proposed designation may conform or conflict with objectives and specific terms of approved or proposed land use plans, policies, and controls, if any, for the area affected shall be included. Where a conflict or inconsistency exists, the draft rules shall describe the extent to which the department has reconciled its proposed designation with the plan, policy, or control, and the reasons why the department has decided to proceed, notwithstanding the absence of full reconciliation;

(9) Include, in a separate and distinct section, a description of the relationship between local short-term uses of the marine environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity of the marine environment. The extent to which the proposed action involves trade-offs among short-term and long-term gains and losses shall be discussed. The discussion shall include the extent to which the proposed designation forecloses future options, narrows the range of beneficial uses of the environment, or poses long-term risks to health or safety. In this context, short-term and long-term do not necessarily refer to any fixed time periods, but shall be viewed in terms of the environmentally significant consequences of the proposed action;

(10) Include a discussion of the resolution of conflicts between recreational use of the area by residents of the area and the commercial ocean use activities;

(11) Include, in a separate and distinct section, a description of all irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that would be involved in the proposed designation of the ocean recreation management area should it be implemented. Identification of unavoidable impacts and the extent to which the action makes use of non-renewable resources as a result of the designation, or irreversibly curtails the range of potential uses of the environment shall also be included. The possibility of environmental accidents resulting from any phase of the designation and maintenance of the ocean recreation management area shall also be considered;

(12) Address all probable adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided. Any adverse effects, such as water or air pollution, urban congestion, user conflicts, threats to public health, or other consequences adverse to environmental goals and guidelines established by environmental response laws, coastal zone management laws, pollution control and abatement laws, and environmental policy such as that found in chapters 128D, 205A, 342B, 342C, 342D, 342E, 342F, 342G, 342H, 342I, 342J, 342L, 342N, 342P, and 344 shall be included, including those effects discussed in other actions of this paragraph that are adverse and unavoidable under the proposed designation and rules. Also, the rationale for proceeding with a proposed designation, notwithstanding unavoidable effects, shall be clearly set forth in this section;

(13) Indicate what other interests and considerations of governmental policies are thought to offset the adverse effects of the proposed designation. The rules shall also indicate the extent to which these stated countervailing benefits could be realized by following reasonable alternatives to the proposed designation that would avoid some or all of the adverse environmental effects;

(14) Consider mitigation measures proposed to avoid, minimize, rectify, or reduce impacts and user conflicts, including provision for compensation for losses of cultural, community, historical, archaeological, and fish and wildlife resources, including the acquisition of land, waters, and interests therein. Description of any mitigation measures included in the rules to reduce significant, unavoidable, or adverse impacts to insignificant levels, and the basis for considering these levels acceptable shall be included. Where a particular mitigation measure has been chosen from among several alternatives, the measures shall be discussed and reasons given for the choice made. Included, where possible and appropriate, shall be specific reference to the timing of each step proposed to be taken in the mitigation process, what performance bonds, if any, may be posted, and what other provisions are proposed to ensure that the mitigation measures will, in fact, be taken;

(15) Include a separate and distinct section that summarizes unresolved issues and contains either a discussion of how the issues will be resolved prior to commencement of the designation, or what overriding reasons there are for proceeding without resolving the problems;

(16) Include a separate and distinct section that contains a list identifying all governmental agencies, other organizations, and private individuals consulted in designating the boundaries of the ocean recreation management area and preparing the draft rules, and the identity of the persons, firms, or agency assisting in the designation of the ocean recreation management area and drafting of the rules, by contract or other authorization, shall be disclosed; and

(17) Include a separate and distinct section that contains reproductions of all substantive comments and responses made during the consultation process. A list of those persons or agencies who were consulted and had no comment shall be included in the draft plan.

(d) The final designation of the ocean recreation management area and rules shall be adopted by the department pursuant to chapter 91 and shall consist of:

(1) The ocean recreation management area and any sub-areas or restricted areas;

(2) The draft rules revised to incorporate substantive comments received during the rules adoption process;

(3) Reproductions of all letters received containing substantive questions, comments, or recommendations and, as applicable, summaries of any scoping meetings held;

(4) A list of persons, organizations, and public agencies commenting on the draft rules;

(5) The responses of the department to each substantive question, comment, or recommendation received during the rules adoption process. The text of the final rules shall be written in a format that allows the reader to easily distinguish changes made to the text of the draft plan."

SECTION 3. The department of land and natural resources shall submit a report containing the designated ocean recreation management area and the ocean recreation management rules to the legislature not later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2006.

SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon approval.