Report Title:

Relating to the University Of Hawaii


Appropriates funds for University of Hawaii's community colleges. (HB3166 HD1)


H.B. NO.



H.D. 1









SECTION 1. The legislature finds that investments in colleges and universities have a positive and long-lasting impact on the overall health of the state. The legislature further finds that the University of Hawaii system serves thousands of local residents through their community college programs, allowing graduates to remain in their communities as an active and contributing workforce. Through seven degree-granting campuses, and affiliated university centers on Maui, Kauai, and in West Hawaii, the community colleges collectively serve approximately twenty-six thousand degree-seeking students each semester (fifty-two per cent of the total University of Hawaii headcount enrollment) and offer non-credit, short-term offerings, averaging fifty-two thousand annual registrations in recent years (averaging fifty-seven per cent of the total University of Hawaii annual non-credit registrations). To meet the needs of a growing and diversified population, the community colleges have established sound academic programs and continue to advance technologically and professionally. However, continuing to fulfill their mission of open door access to quality post-secondary education for the residents of Hawaii within the finite limits of the State's financial resources continues to challenge the community colleges. Funding for the individual campus requests will support the mission of the community colleges in addressing the current educational and training needs of students, businesses, and the community. The specific challenges faced by each of the community colleges are further described below.



SECTION 2. Honolulu community college (HCC) is well known as the "Technical Training College of the Pacific". The campus serves approximately six thousand students each semester, with over fifty per cent of enrollment in apprenticeship or technical training programs. Hawaii's current economic boom, coupled with the perennial shortage of workers, has created an unsurpassed demand for skilled labor, and HCC remains dynamic in meeting industry demands for trained and qualified workers through ongoing discussions with many key industries such as construction, defense, and information technology. As such, HCC prides itself on being the State's primary technical workforce development institution. Much-needed funding in the area of operational costs, programming for native Hawaiians, student educational outreach and retention, equipment replacement, and technical education will allow HCC to continue to meet high academic standards, and thus provide the state with highly-qualified and skilled workers.

SECTION 3. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Honolulu community college to address the needs described in section 2 of this Act.



SECTION 4. The legislature finds that Kapiolani community college's (KCC) enrollment grew to seven thousand three hundred students in fall 2005. KCC has attempted to continue providing extensive and quality liberal arts and twenty-first century career programs. In addition to liberal arts students, KCC serves Hawaii’s workforce needs through career programs in business, information technology, culinary arts, hospitality services, nursing and health sciences, legal assistance, English as a second language, sign language interpreter education, and paraprofessional and teacher education. KCC's emerging technology programs in new media arts, science, biotechnology, exercise and sport science, and eBusiness provide opportunities for new synergies in career education that advance state economic development opportunities.

Nationally recognized by four higher education associations for excellence in student learning, KCC needs support in four priority areas to sustain excellence in student learning:

(1) Improved infrastructure--Twenty years of enrollment growth and intensive use of campus facilities, operating budget erosions, and increasing demand for technology integration within all programs have resulted in a serious need for additional critical support funding for building, maintenance, new classrooms and furniture, equipment, technology, and parking to sustain excellence in academic programs, staff for business, training, web, and distance learning;

(2) Success for native Hawaiian students with disabilities--Inspired by the legacy of Queen Kapiolani, KCC is committed to the educational success of its native Hawaiian students. Counseling services and services to provide accommodations to all disabled students must be shifted to non-federal sources to ensure student success and to comply with federal laws;

(3) Workforce and economic development--KCC’s 21st century career programs are strongly aligned with state economic development projections, including:

(A) Strengthening career pathway programming with the department of education;

(B) Expanding remedial and development program to ensure greater access to and success in career programs;

(C) Strengthening programs for students with limited English proficiency; and

(D) Developing local and national partnerships for career program enhancement;


(4) Long-term care workforce and industry--With a rapidly aging demographic profile, the State must focus greater resources on developing a long-term care workforce and industry.

SECTION 5. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Kapiolani community college to address the needs described in section 4 of this Act.



SECTION 6. With the exciting growth in West Oahu and the identified needs on the Leeward Coast, Leeward community college (LCC) is preparing for a new level of service, excellence, and professionalism. New opportunities are imminent in general education, transfer relations with University of Hawaii-West Oahu, and workforce development. New baseline planning data being generated by the University of Hawaii system office points to the Leeward-serving area as ground zero in the state for job opportunities and for addressing pressing needs relating to service, growth, outreach, and innovation, which are the watchwords for renewal at LCC. LCC's requests include:

(1) Safety budget items and up-to-date equipment;

(2) Staffing for sufficient operation of administrative offices; and

(3) Marketing capabilities to disseminate information throughout the community regarding LCC's educational, vocational, and industry-focused programs.

In addition, LCC also seeks funding to enhance teacher preparation and nursing preparation to address current shortages statewide, as well as nationwide.

Furthermore, in an effort to reach out to the growing Filipino population, LCC hopes to establish a Philippine studies program in an effort to increase the Filipino student population within the university system. LCC is in an excellent position to establish and implement a Philippine studies program if provided with program funding.

Furtherance of native Hawaiian initiatives is also being requested to increase the native Hawaiian population within the university system.

SECTION 7. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $          or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Leeward community college to address the needs described in section 6 of this Act.



SECTION 8. Windward community college (WCC) has transformed from a basic, seventy-year-old hospital building to a state-of-the-art, modern educational institution. Students have been able to benefit from the latest in educational technology, although additional resources are needed to meet the growing technological advancements, particularly in the area of information technology support, computer equipment, and security measures to protect its valuable equipment. To increase and retain the native Hawaiian student population, funding is also necessary for native Hawaiian initiatives.

SECTION 9. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Windward community college to address the needs described in section 8 of this Act.



SECTION 10. As the only community college serving the entire island of Hawaii, Hawaii community college (Hawaii CC) plays a crucial role in supporting local industries, as well as assisting the county in attracting new ones. Hawaii CC has successfully worked in partnership with government entities, private agencies, and non-profit organizations to assess the workforce training needs of businesses and to deliver workforce training at all levels, from entry through skill-upgrade training, in support of local industries. Currently, Hawaii CC facilities are located on two sites in the Hilo area:

(1) Manono Street; and

(2) Kawili Street.

As part of its long-range development plan, a new Hawaii CC campus will be built on one hundred and twenty acres above Komohana Street in Hilo. Over the interim, Hawaii CC will implement a transition plan that will require continued use of the facilities at the University of Hawaii at Hilo and Manono Street campuses. Vital to its transition plan are funds to address the growing needs of Hawaii CC through janitorial and maintenance functions, utilities, campus security, and equipment replacement to better serve the students, faculty, and staff of Hawaii CC. Current staffing is available to provide basic and minimal services to students.

Additional support is needed to deliver a comprehensive package of services that will facilitate the movement of students from entry level through completion, including job placement when they graduate and counseling support for students who plan to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program. Hawaii CC is also faced with the challenge of becoming compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as related state laws and university policies and procedures to ensure that students with disabilities receive fair and equal opportunities to succeed. Funding is also necessary for nurse preparation to address the current nursing shortage, as well as to enhance native Hawaiian initiatives to ensure increased enrollment of native Hawaiian students at Hawaii CC.

SECTION 11. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Hawaii community college to address the needs described in section 10 of this Act.



SECTION 12. Fundamental to Kauai community college's (Kauai CC) ability to respond to the challenge of economic and workforce growth is adequate infrastructure, particularly in equipment replacement. Career and technical programs, such as electronics and nursing, have been especially hard pressed by the budget reductions of the past decade and Kauai CC must be able to train students on the kind of equipment used in the field. In the area of information technologies, all operations of Kauai CC, from facilities maintenance to academic support and instruction, are dependent upon reliable computing support and high-speed connections to centralized databases located on Oahu. Thus, sufficient computer hardware, software, and training support are essential tools on the campus.

In addition, funding is needed to address the pressing needs of both the county and the state shortfall in qualified teachers and nurses. Kauai CC, in partnership with sister University of Hawaii campuses, encourages more students to choose a career in education and nursing.

Funding is also a priority to support native Hawaiian initiatives.

SECTION 13. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Kauai community college to address the needs described in section 12 of this Act.



SECTION 14. Serving the population on Maui, Molokai, and Lanai, Maui community college (MCC) has a strategic plan that specifically emphasizes workforce development. In particular, oral health care, early childhood education, and biotechnology are identified as areas within the community demanding a homegrown workforce. Also of importance are resources needed to address the nursing shortage and the lack of sufficient programs for native Hawaiian initiatives.

SECTION 15. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for Maui community college to address the needs described in section 14 of this Act.



SECTION 16. The University of Hawaii's community college system-wide support needs support in three areas.

(1) Utilities shortfall

Because the increasing costs of utilities on seven community college campuses have resulted in shortfall, funding is needed to offset the escalating costs.

(2) Program review/program improvement fund (improvement fund)

The community colleges are accredited by the Accrediting Commission for the Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In June 2004, the ACCJC adopted new standards for accreditation that have placed additional emphasis on the processes linked to the improvement of student learning and thus, heightened expectations that each college will have a program review process in place that examines the performance of every program and service. ACCJC standards call for the system level administration in multi-campus districts to make system-wide resource allocations on the basis of the outcomes of the campus program review processes. Providing resources to the improvement fund would fulfill the requirements of the new ACCJC standards. An improvement fund will develop a standard set of resources that can provide the infrastructure needed to meet the new assessment processes, and the flexible resources to differentially allocate resources across the colleges according to the needs identified in the program review process.

(3) Rapid response workforce development fund (development fund)

In addition, the establishment of a development fund within the community colleges will provide the infrastructure and program delivery funds essential for a focused incumbent worker training process that will result in a more productive workplace. This request is in response to an increase in the workforce with the implementation of higher standards and skills being needed in education and training to be prepared to assume positions of greater responsibility.

SECTION 17. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for community colleges system-wide support to address the needs described in section 16 of this Act.

The sum appropriated shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.


SECTION 18. The sums appropriated to the community college in sections 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 shall be expended by that community college for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 19. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.