Report Title:

Waikiki Aquarium; Appropriation


Appropriates funds for the general operating budget and capital improvement projects for the Waikiki Aquarium.


H.B. NO.









relating to the waikiki aquarium.



SECTION 1. The Waikiki Aquarium contains outstanding exhibitory and educational programs and undertakes and supports research. In 2005, the Waikiki Aquarium was selected by its aquarium peers as being among the top four United States aquariums. In December 2005, the Waikiki Aquarium was featured nationally as a part of a PBS television documentary highlighting the aquarium's top four placement, bringing welcome, positive attention to the aquarium and to the University of Hawaii (UH) in general. The Waikiki Aquarium achieved national acclaim despite its dated infrastructure and the deteriorated condition of the physical buildings.

The Waikiki Aquarium, with State support, has the potential of becoming the top aquarium in the nation and a world leader in Pacific sea exhibits, education, and aquatic research.

Included in this Act is the capital improvement project to build a new two-story research building. The research undertaken in this building will focus on aquaculture and fish husbandry as well as supporting ongoing activities, which have been severely restricted by space and equipment limitations.

Among the changes, the first floor will:

(1) Be partially sunken below grade to minimize the impact on the skyline, and allowing for the maximum height for the building;

(2) Include emergency holding tanks, grow-out facilities for aquaculture research projects, and a quarantine/fish pathology research section; and

(3) Be partly open all around the perimeter to reduce electrical costs associated with cooling.

The second floor will contain:

(1) A fish aquaculture research unit and breeding tanks and experimental holding facilities;

(2) A fish-food preparation area; and

(3) A section devoted to fish nutrition studies.

The roof will be open, surrounded by safety railing and will house organisms that require high light levels. By using natural sunlight, research projects on this level will reduce the costs of artificial lighting and electrical power and be ecologically friendly and energy efficient.

In total, this building will provide a comprehensive research facility which will house all of the aquarium's aquatic husbandry and aquaculture research programs. It will also address the requirements of, and show our commitment to the new UH aquaculture program.

SECTION 2. There is appropriated or authorized out of the funding sources indicated below, the following sums or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007 for the Waikiki aquarium. The letter symbols used after the specific appropriations indicate the source of financing and have the following meaning: (A) general fund, (B) special funds, and (W) revolving fund:

Personal services




Subtotal $1,826,914

Current expenses



Subtotal $1,166,689

Total funding $2,993,603

SECTION 3. The following sums or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2006-2007.

1. To be expended by the Waikiki aquarium:

A. Power distribution system

Design and construction to upgrade the power distribution system and bring the facility into compliance with OSHA and fire department guidelines.

Design $50,000

Construction $540,000

Total funding $590,000

B. Waikiki aquarium roadway

Design and construction for roadway resurfacing.

Design $10,000

Construction $50,000

Total funding $60,000

C. Facility-wide reroofing

Design and construction for facility-wide reroofing.

Design $60,000

Construction $240,000

Total funding $300,000

D. Public restrooms

Design and construction to refurbish public restrooms due to age-related deterioration.

Design $15,000

Construction $75,000

Total funding $90,000

E. Central air conditioning

Design and construction to upgrade central air conditioning system. Current air conditioning system is corroded due to age causing health and safety issues.

Design $60,000

Construction $320,000

Total funding $380,000

F. Research building

Design and construction of a two-story research building.

Design $380,000

Construction $3,540,000

Total funding $3,920,000

Provided that all construction work shall meet or exceed the leadership in energy and environmental design silver rating standards for new construction/major renovation work (LEED-NC) and existing building operations (LEED-EB) established by the United States Green Building Council for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings.

SECTION 4. The sums appropriated shall be expended by the Waikiki aquarium for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

