Report Title:
Commission on HIV/AIDS
Creates statewide commission on HIV/AIDS. Appropriation.
H.B. NO. |
3135 |
relating to HIV/AIDS.
SECTION 1. The Hawaii Revised Statutes is amended by adding a new chapter to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
§ -1 Purpose. Recognizing the magnitude of the many problems and issues related to HIV/AIDS in Hawaii, including, but not limited to costs, prevention, housing, food, drugs, insurance, primary medical and dental care, social services, need for coordination and development of public and private policies, the purpose of this chapter is to establish a statewide commission to promote and develop comprehensive planning and policymaking to address current and emerging issues relating to HIV/AIDS. The intent of the legislature is to provide a comprehensive statewide planning and policymaking process that:
(1) Promotes review and integration of local, regional, and national HIV/AIDS planning activities; and
(2) Provides a comprehensive blueprint for the ongoing understanding of HIV/AIDS and coordination between private and public agencies, programs, and resources.
§ -2 Hawaii state commission on HIV/AIDS; creation. (a) There is created the Hawaii state commission on HIV/AIDS to be placed within the for administrative purposes only.
(b) The commission sha1l consist of twenty-one members to be appointed by the governor in accordance with section 26-32 as follows:
(1) Seven members representing each of the following:
(A) Department of human services;
(B) Department of health;
(C) Department of labor and industrial relations;
(D) Department of the attorney general;
(E) Department of education;
(F) Department of public safety; and
(G) Governor's office;
(2) Seven members nominated by the president of the senate representing the following:
(A) Mental health care providers including a psychologist or psychiatrist;
(B) Primary health care service providers;
(C) Dentists;
(D) Health insurance providers;
(E) Persons living with HIV/AIDS;
(F) Medical researchers; and
(G) General public;
(3) Seven members nominated by the speaker of the house of representatives representing the following:
(A) AIDS service organizations;
(B) Homeless and affordable housing organizations;
(C) Substance abuse treatment providers;
(D) Primary care associations or health centers;
(E) Health promotion specialists;
(F) GLBT communities advocate; and
(G) General public.
§ -3 Duties. (a) The commission shall study, plan, advise and propose policy for the improvement, coordination, use of resources, and enhancements of existing and future planning and policy development relating to HIV/AIDS.
(b) The commission may contract for planning, economic, public health, and other studies to provide information to members for making decisions regarding the many issues and features related to the overall purpose of the commission.
(c) For purposes of subsection (b), the commission shall engage in a public collaborative planning process and consider recommendations from the public.
(d) The commission shall maintain the security and confidentiality of data, documents, and other information or materials developed in the course of conducting its duties and functions to ensure a consistent review of trends and other relevant information for the use of and availability to other agencies and private organizations.
(e) The commission shall make recommendations to government and private entities in relation to the duties and functions of the commission.
§ -4 Biennial policy recommendation; reports; considerations. (a) The commission shall make biennial policy recommendations that shall:
(1) Take into account and shall seek to harmonize:
(A) Roles, functions, plans, and needs of government and private entities statewide;
(B) Reviews and recommendations regarding resources; and
(C) Changing health, social, legal, political, and economic implications and impacts; and
(2) Provide directed dialog and advocacy in support of defined policy recommendations.
The commission shall reflect a balance of the need for multi-discipline approaches and understanding of comprehensive community-based planning for the complex issues related to the health, social, legal, political, and economic elements of HIV/AIDS and public well being and quality of life.
(b) The commission policy recommendations shall consider:
(1) Strategies and policies that maximize coordination and use of resources;
(2) Strategies that conserve limited resources; and
(3) Need for development of additional or changing resources to address issues and concerns.
(c) The commission's policy recommendations shall be projected at least five years into the future.
§ -5 Staffing. The commission shall hire an executive director to conduct and coordinate the duties of the commission. The executive director may hire a project specialist and other staff as necessary."
SECTION 2. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ , or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2006-2007, for the Hawaii state commission on HIV/AIDS.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval, except that section 2 shall take effect on July 1, 2006.
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