Report Title:

CIP; 10th Representative District


Appropriate funds for capital improvement projects for the 10th representative district.


H.B. NO.









relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the tenth representative district.



SECTION 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act, are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2006-2007:

1. To be expended by the department of education:

A. King Kamehameha III elementary school, Maui

Design and construction for ADA transition accessibility.

Design $1,000

Construction $349,000

Total funding $350,000

B. King Kamehameha III elementary school, Maui

Design and construction to widen existing campus walkways.

Design $1,000

Construction $24,000

Total funding $25,000

C. King Kamehameha III elementary school, Maui

Design and construction for awnings extension.

Design $10,000

Construction $95,000

Total funding $105,000

D. Lahaina intermediate school, Maui

Design and construction to renovate existing administration/library building.

Design $1,000

Construction $2,387,000

Total funding $2,388,000

E. Lahaina intermediate school, Maui

Design and construction for eight-classroom building.

Design $1,000

Construction $1,597,000

Total funding $1,598,000

F. Lahaina intermediate school, Maui

Design and construction for telecommunications upgrade.

Design $1,000

Construction $384,000

Total funding $385,000

G. Lahaina intermediate school, Maui

Design and construction for a SPED trailer.

Design $1,000

Construction $249,000

Total funding $250,000

H. Lahaina intermediate school, Maui

Design and construction for school air conditioning.

Design $1,000

Construction $3,499,000

Total funding $3,500,000

I. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for eight-classroom building replacement.

Design $1,000

Construction $915,000

Total funding $916,000

J. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Construction for a new cafeteria.

Construction $6,000,000

Total funding $6,000,000

K. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for gymnasium expansion.

Design $1,000

Construction $499,000

Total funding $500,000

L. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for softball field lights.

Design $1,000

Construction $32,000

Total funding $33,000

M. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for baseball field.

Design $1,000

Construction $999,000

Total funding $1,000,000

N. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for track and field.

Design $1,000

Construction $249,000

Total funding $250,000

O. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for a regulation-sized soccer field.

Design $1,000

Construction $332,000

Total funding $333,000

P. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for auditorium.

Design $1,000

Construction $832,000

Total funding $833,000

Q. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for fire alarm system upgrade.

Design $1,000

Construction $579,000

Total funding $580,000

R. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for cesspool removal.

Design $1,000

Construction $499,000

Total funding $500,000

S. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for asbestos removal.

Design $1,000

Construction $4,399,000

Total funding $4,400,000

T. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for SPED trailer.

Design $1,000

Construction $499,000

Total funding $500,000

U. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction to widen bridge fronting male dorm stairway.

Design $1,000

Construction $74,000

Total funding $75,000

V. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for access road.

Design $1,000

Construction $249,000

Total funding $250,000

W. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for school air conditioning.

Design $1,000

Construction $11,999,000

Total funding $12,000,000

X. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for additional parking stalls.

Design $1,000

Construction $449,000

Total funding $450,000

Y. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for stadium lights.

Design $1,000

Construction $999,000

Total funding $1,000,000

Z. Lahainaluna high school, Maui

Design and construction for sewage drainage.

Design $75,000

Construction $500,000

Total funding $575,000

AA. Nahienaena elementary school, Maui

Design and construction to renovate existing administration/library building.

Design $1,000

Construction $1,789,000

Total funding $1,790,000

BB. Nahienaena elementary, Maui

Design and construction to install a public address system.

Design $1,000

Construction $92,000

Total funding $93,000

CC. Nahienaena elementary school, Maui

Design and construction for school air conditioning.

Design $1,000

Construction $3,499,000

Total funding $3,500,000

DD. Nahienaena elementary school, Maui

Design and construction to widen school entry lane to two lanes.

Design $1,000

Construction $499,000

Total funding $500,000

EE. Pulelehua elementary school, Maui

Design and construction to build a new school.

Design $1,000

Construction $3,499,000

Total funding $3,500,000

2. To be expended by the department of transportation:

A. Honoapiilani highway, Maui

Construction for the revetment at Launiupoko to protect the Honoapiilani highway from shoreline erosion.

Construction $1,800,000

Total funding $1,800,000

B. Honoapiilani highway, Maui

Design for shoreline improvements to include shoreline erosion mitigation and roadway work.

Design $350,000

Total funding $350,000

C. Honoapiilani highway, Maui

Land acquisition for replacement of a concrete tee-beam bridge on Honoapiilani highway in the vicinity of Honolua bay to include bridge railings and other improvements. This project is deemed necessary to qualify for federal aid financing and/or reimbursement.

Land $600,000

Total funding $600,000

D. Honoapiilani highway, Maui

Construction for the widening of Honoapiilani highway from two to four lanes from the vicinity of Lahainaluna road to Aholo road. This project is deemed necessary to qualify for federal aid financing and/or reimbursement.

Construction $9,000,000

Total funding $9,000,000

E. Intersections and highway facilities, Maui

Design and construction for miscellaneous improvements to existing intersections and highway facilities necessary for improved traffic operation, including eliminating constrictions, modifying and/or installing traffic signals, constructing turning lanes,

acceleration and/or deceleration lanes, and other improvements.

Design $100,000

Construction $900,000

Total funding $1,000,000

F. State highways, Maui

Design and construction for installing and/or upgrading existing guardrails, end terminals, transitions, bridge railings, bridge endposts, and crash attenuators; and reconstructing and paving shoulders. This project is deemed necessary to qualify for federal aid financing and/or reimbursement.

Design $100,000

Construction $1,000,000

Total funding $1,100,000

3. To be expended by the county of Maui:

A. Lahaina area park, Maui

Design and construction for a skateboard rink facility.

Design $1,000

Construction $324,000

Total funding $325,000

B. Lahaina boys and girls club, Maui

Construction for boys and girls club.

Construction $1,000,000

Total funding $1,000,000

SECTION 2. The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agencies for the purposes of this Act.

SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

