Report Title:
Traffic Infractions; Minors
Gives district court jurisdiction over traffic infractions committed by minors.
H.B. NO. |
2497 |
SECTION 1. Section 291D-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (a) and (b) to read as follows:
"(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, all traffic infractions
, including those committed by minors, shall be adjudicated pursuant to this chapter, except as provided in subsection (b). This chapter shall be applied uniformly throughout the State and in all counties. No penal sanction that includes imprisonment shall apply to a violation of a state statute or rule, or county ordinance or rule, that would constitute a traffic infraction under this chapter. No traffic infraction shall be classified as a criminal offense.(b) No traffic infraction that involves an accident resulting in personal injury or property damage and is committed in the same course of conduct as a criminal offense for which the offender is arrested or charged shall be adjudicated pursuant to this chapter, but shall be adjudicated by the appropriate district, family, or circuit court of the circuit in which the traffic infraction was committed, whichever has jurisdiction pursuant to the applicable statute or rules of court. In no event shall section 701-109 preclude prosecution for a criminal offense where a traffic infraction committed in the same course of conduct has been adjudicated pursuant to this chapter."
SECTION 2. Section 291D-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§291D-4[]] Venue and jurisdiction. (a) All violations of state law, ordinances, or rules designated as traffic infractions in this chapter shall be adjudicated in the district and circuit where the alleged infraction occurred, except as otherwise provided by law.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, jurisdiction is in the district court of the circuit where the alleged traffic infraction occurred. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, district court judges shall adjudicate traffic infractions.
(c) Chapter 571 notwithstanding, district courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate traffic infractions committed by minors, except as provided by section 291D-3(b)."
SECTION 3. Section 291D-14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§291D-14[]] Rules. (a) The supreme court may adopt rules of procedure for the conduct of all proceedings pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Chapter 626 shall not apply in proceedings conducted pursuant to this chapter, except for the rules governing privileged communications, and proceedings conducted under section 291D-13.
(c) Notwithstanding section 604-17, while the court is sitting in any matter pursuant to this chapter, the court shall not preserve the testimony or proceedings, except proceedings conducted pursuant to section 291D-13.
(d) The prosecuting attorney shall not participate in proceedings conducted pursuant to this chapter, except proceedings pursuant to section 291D-13.
(e) Chapter 91 shall not apply in proceedings before the court.
(f) Except as otherwise provided in section 291D-3(b), chapter 571 and the Hawaii Family Court Rules shall not apply in any proceedings conducted pursuant to this chapter."
SECTION 4. Section 571-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§571-11 Jurisdiction; children. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in proceedings:
(1) Concerning any person who is alleged to have committed an act prior to achieving eighteen years of age which would constitute a violation or attempted violation of any federal, state, or local law or municipal ordinance[.]; provided that the district courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate traffic infractions pursuant to chapter 291D, except as provided in section 291D-3(b). Regardless of where the violation occurred, jurisdiction may be taken by the court of the circuit where the person resides, is living, or is found, or in which the offense is alleged to have occurred.
(2) Concerning any child living or found within the circuit:
(A) Who is neglected as to or deprived of educational services because of the failure of any person or agency to exercise that degree of care for which it is legally responsible;
(B) Who is beyond the control of the child's parent or other custodian or whose behavior is injurious to the child's own or others' welfare;
(C) Who is neither attending school nor receiving educational services required by law whether through the child's own misbehavior or nonattendance or otherwise; or
(D) Who is in violation of curfew.
(3) To determine the custody of any child or appoint a guardian of any child.
(4) For the adoption of a person under chapter 578.
(5) For the termination of parental rights under sections 571-61 to 571-63.
(6) For judicial consent to the marriage, employment, or enlistment of a child, when such consent is required by law.
(7) For the treatment or commitment of a mentally defective, mentally retarded, or mentally ill child.
(8) Under the Interstate Compact on Juveniles under chapter 582.
(9) For the protection of any child under chapter 587.
(10) For a change of name as provided in section 574-5(a)(2)(C)."
SECTION 5. Section 571-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§571-41 Procedure in children's cases. (a) Cases of children in proceedings under section 571-11(1) and (2) shall be heard by the court separate from hearings of adult cases and without a jury. Stenographic notes or mechanical recordings shall be required as in other civil cases in the circuit courts, unless the parties waive the right of such record or the court so orders. The hearings may be conducted in an informal manner and may be adjourned from time to time.
(b) Except as provided in section 571-84.6, the general public shall be excluded and only such persons admitted whose presence is requested by the parent or guardian or as the judge or district family judge finds to have a direct interest in the case, from the standpoint of the best interests of the child involved, or in the work of the court; provided that:
(1) Upon request by a party, hearings initiated pursuant to chapter 587 may be opened to the public if a judge determines that doing so would be in the best interests of the child;
(2) Parties involved in hearings initiated pursuant to chapter 587 shall be allowed to be accompanied by an adult advocate to provide support, unless the court finds that the presence of the advocate would not be in the best interests of the child. The advocate need not be a licensed attorney. The State shall not be required to pay, directly or through reimbursement, for any fees, costs, or expenses related to the advocate. No person shall act as an advocate who has an interest in the matter beyond the protection of the child and the healing and rehabilitation of the family; and
(3) The victim of the alleged violation and all other witnesses who are younger than eighteen years of age shall be entitled to have parents, guardians, or one other adult and may have an attorney present while testifying at or otherwise attending a hearing initiated pursuant to section 571-11(1) or 571-11(2).
Prior to the start of a hearing, the parents, guardian, or legal custodian, and, when appropriate, the child, the child victim, or witness shall be notified of the right to be represented by counsel and the right to remain silent.
(c) Findings of fact by the judge or district family judge of the validity of the allegations in the petition shall be based upon a preponderance of evidence admissible in the trial of civil cases except for petitions alleging the court's jurisdiction under section 571-11(1) which shall require proof beyond a reasonable doubt in accordance with rules of evidence applicable to criminal cases; provided that no child who is before the court under section 571-11(1) shall have admitted against the child any evidence in violation of the child's rights secured under the constitution of the United States or the State of Hawaii. In the discretion of the judge or district family judge the child may be excluded from the hearing at any time. When more than one child is alleged to have been involved in the same act, the hearing may be held jointly for the purpose of making a finding as to the allegations in the petition and then shall be heard separately for the purpose of disposition except in cases where the children involved have one common parent.
(d) In the disposition part of the hearing any relevant and material information, including that contained in a written report, study, or examination, shall be admissible, and may be relied upon to the extent of its probative value; provided that the maker of the written report, study, or examination shall be subject to both direct and cross-examination upon demand and when the maker is reasonably available. The disposition shall be based only upon the admitted evidence, and findings adverse to the child as to disputed issues of fact shall be based upon a preponderance of such evidence.
(e) Upon a final adverse disposition, if the parent or guardian is without counsel the court shall inform the parent or guardian of the parent's or guardian's right to appeal as provided for in section 571-54.
[(f) The judge, or the senior judge if there is more than one, may by order confer concurrent jurisdiction on a district court created under chapter 604 to hear and dispose of cases of violation of traffic laws or ordinances by children, provision to the contrary in section 571-11 or elsewhere notwithstanding. The exercise of jurisdiction over children by district courts shall, nevertheless, be considered noncriminal in procedure and result in the same manner as though the matter had been adjudicated and disposed of by a family court.]"
SECTION 6. This Act does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun, before its effective date.
SECTION 7. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2006.
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