Report Title:

Aloha Tower Improvements; Gathering Place


Requires the Aloha Tower Development Corporation to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a gathering place for visitors and residents at the Aloha Tower Marketplace.


H.B. NO.









RElating to the aloha tower complex



SECTION 1. The legislature finds that a report prepared for the department of agriculture entitled, "The Gathering Place of Honolulu" (report) makes an argument for the creation of a new development on Kakaako waterfront that would consist of a large open marketplace, retail stores, and residential buildings. Constructed near the medical school and within walking distance to Ala Moana shopping center, the new development would fulfill the need for business diversity and economic growth and would provide visitors with a unique, food-based culinary and shopping experience that would be the envy of the world.

The legislature finds that the creation of an open marketplace would be ideal for Hawaii farmers, as well as other entrepreneurs, as a place to sell and promote their products.

The report provides many examples of successful open markets in other places around the country. These markets have created opportunities for new businesses and revenue for individuals and for government. The report estimates that the market would cost $24,000,000-30,000,000 million to build, not including the cost of land. The proposal is that the state would allow development on Kakaako waterfront by a group of private developers. The state would gain income by lease rent of the property.

The legislature finds that although the construction of a gathering place at the Kakaako waterfront appears to be an attractive idea that can be accomplished at little cost to the state, what should be considered is the loss of waterfront land and open space to yet another development. Kakaako is a beautiful stretch of open waterfront that Hawaii residents and visitors experience, without the intrusions that development brings. Yet, the argument for the need for a gathering place, a new opportunity for local businesses, and a new showplace for the tourist industry, is compelling.

As a way to address the competing interests, the legislature finds that rather than taking away open landscape at Kakaako, the Aloha Tower Marketplace should be selected as the location for the gathering place.

Aloha Tower is a beautiful, large, open area with a great deal of space to allow for an open marketplace and a great deal of unused commercial space that can be filled with retail stores and restaurants. It would take some planning and funding to make Aloha Tower the new gathering place of Honolulu, yet the basic structure is there and its waterfront location is ideal. Like Chinatown, it is within walking distance to Honolulu’s business community and it is not far from tourist shopping areas like the Ward properties and Ala Moana. In addition, it would allow the State to leave the Kakaako waterfront unfettered with buildings and cars.

The purpose of this Act is to require the Aloha Tower Development Corporation to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a gathering place for visitors and residents at the Aloha Tower Marketplace.

SECTION 2. The Aloha Tower Development Corporation shall conduct a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a gathering place for visitors and residents at the Aloha Tower Marketplace. The study shall include but not be limited to:

(1) A market analysis to determine potential demand among residents and visitors for a gathering place;

(2) Recommendations on specific attractions, facilities, or events for the gathering place, including an open marketplace, retail stores, restaurants, and parking;

(3) Recommendations on specific improvements to the current facilities at Aloha Tower Marketplace to facilitate the establishment of a gathering place; and

(4) Projected costs associated with improving current facilities and attractions or establishing new facilities and attractions for the gathering place.

SECTION 3. The Aloha Tower Development Corporation shall submit its findings and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2006.

SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

