S.R. NO.








requesting the board of education to establish a public speaking and argumentation course as A required Language Arts course necessary to GRADUATe.



WHEREAS, Hawaii's Annual Yearly Progress Report for school year 2003-2004 found that only 7.1 per cent of Hawaii public high schools met their annual progress goal in reading comprehension; and

WHEREAS, the State of Hawaii has fallen significantly behind the learning curve of the rest of the nation, specifically in the areas of reading and writing, as well as in critical thinking standards; and

WHEREAS, the National Forensics League's magazine, "Rostrum", reported in November 2003 that the study of public speaking and argumentation prepares students not just to use public speaking and debating skills, but also to recognize these skills and to temper their responses accordingly; and

WHEREAS, in an article in the Journal of the American Forensic Association, Kent R. Colbert found that, after a year's participation in speech and debate, debaters significantly outscored nondebaters on critical thinking tests; and

WHEREAS, an article published online by the Methodist College reported that a speech and debate program enhances work in other courses on matters of note taking, research, and organization; and

WHEREAS, the Methodist College article also found that a speech and debate program strongly encourages students to pursue their work with vigor and to utilize their full capabilities; and

WHEREAS, the International Debate Association has found that a speech and debate program is a powerful means of encouraging critical thinking, personal expression, and tolerance for the opinions of others; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2005, that the Board of Education is respectfully requested to establish a public speaking and argumentation course as a required language arts course, with the option of taking a second credited semester course, necessary to graduate for all public high school students; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Education.






Report Title:

Public Speaking and Argumentation; Required Course; DOE