S.R. NO.








requesting the department of education to include performance based incentives WHEN contracting with education service providers for school restructuring under the no child left behind act.


WHEREAS, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Act) applies to all states accepting federal Title I education funds, including Hawaii, and requires every public school to make adequate yearly progress to achieve one hundred per cent student proficiency in math, reading, language, arts, and science by school year 2013-2014; and

WHEREAS, after years of failing to meet state standards in math and English, the following twenty-four public schools will be taken over by the State for restructuring under the provisions of the Act:

(1) On the island of Oahu: Aiea Elementary, Central Middle, Dole Middle, Hau'ula Elementary, Jarrett Middle, Kahalu'u Elementary, Nanaikapono Elementary, Nanakuli High and Intermediate, Palolo Elementary, Wahiawa Middle, Wai'anae Intermediate, Waipahu Intermediate, and Waiahole Elementary;

(2) On the island of Hawaii: Hilo Intermediate, Kea'au Middle, Kealakehe Elementary, Na'alehu Elementary and Intermediate, and Pahoa High and Intermediate;

(3) On the island of Maui: Kahului Elementary, Maunaloa Elementary, Pa'ia Elementary, and Hana High and Elementary; and

(4) On the island of Moloka'i: Moloka'i High and Moloka'i Intermediate; and

WHEREAS, the takeover will shift most of the decision making authority from school principals to regional school superintendents who are expected to hire certain eligible private education service providers to help design and execute corrective plans, including mainland based Edison Schools, ETS Pulliam, and the National Center on Education and the Economy; and

WHEREAS, like its counterparts in school districts nationwide, the Department of Education has contracted at significant cost with education service providers who argued the merits of their reform models in improving test scores but whose compensation has not been based on performance and actual outcomes; and

WHEREAS, because outside education service providers will be retained to assist schools in meeting annual yearly progress goals under the Act, their contract with each school should include a performance based component that links their compensation to the fulfillment of that purpose; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2005, that the Department of Education is requested to require a master contract agreement for individual schools that specifies that the education service provider will be compensated for services rendered to the extent that specific performance goals related to the annual yearly progress goals under the Act are attained by the contracting school; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education is requested to submit a report to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2006 that provides the status of the restructuring of each of the twenty-four schools, including:

(1) A description of the terms of the contract between each school and its education service provider, including the reform model employed, the cost of the contract, and an explanation of how compensation to the education service provider will be performance based; and

(2) An explanation by the Department of Education, in the absence of performance based compensation provisions in the contract, of how it intends to hold the education service provider accountable for its performance in assisting the contracting school with attaining adequate yearly progress goals under the Act, and why it believes the State will be getting its money's worth under the contract; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to Superintendent of Education and the Chair of the Board of Education.






Report Title:

No Child Left Behind; Performance Based Contracts