S.C.R. NO. |
186 |
S.D. 1 |
urging the federal, state, and county governments to place a moratorium on the removal of homeless people from public areas.
WHEREAS, addressing the needs of those living without a permanent shelter has been an extremely difficult situation to manage; and
WHEREAS, many groups and individuals are doing admirable work in feeding the homeless and trying to find them employment, job training, housing, and substance abuse and mental health services; and
WHEREAS, despite the efforts of many to manage the issue of homelessness, the problem continues to increase and communities, which are concerned about the health and safety of their residents, have demanded that the homeless be removed from areas in their communities where they congregate; and
WHEREAS, recent removals of the homeless have occurred at several locations on Oahu so that the public can regain use of public areas and for a reduction of the perceived threat of criminal activity in the community; and
WHEREAS, even those who must remove the homeless from public areas, and those residents concerned about health and safety issues posed by the homeless, understand that removal from a location will not address the underlying reasons for homelessness, whether they be societal or personal ones; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature is attempting to address long-term solutions to homelessness, including repairing or building hundreds of public housing units, housing subsidies and services, employment and job training programs, ways of combating substance abuse, and food distribution programs; and
WHEREAS, while long-term solutions are desirable, they cannot respond to the immediate problems faced by homeless people who have been recently moved; and
WHEREAS, one solution being considered is for federal, state, and county governments to designate areas within large public facilities such as public parks, unused government facilities, and abandoned military facilities where the homeless can stay at night in a supervised setting; and
WHEREAS, implementation of even short-term programs is rarely immediate, yet the current plight of the homeless is an immediate and all-encompassing reality; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2005, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Legislature request the federal, state, county governments, and community partners, to:
(1) Designate, with input from the community, areas within large public facilities such as public parks, unused government facilities, and abandoned military facilities as places where the homeless can stay under supervision;
(2) Emphasize to the homeless that such areas are not permanent sites, but a temporary housing area as part of resolving the homeless issue and that these sites are only temporary and not permanent, and that they will be provided assistance in locating to permanent housing during a transitional period;
(3) Develop a policy that may limit the hours of utilization by the homeless on these designated sites and to adopt a policy that will also address the issue of separating individuals, couples and families within the designated sites; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if no such designation is made within three months from the adoption of this measure, no further sweeps be conducted to roust the homeless; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Mayor and the Chair of the Council of each county, and the Honolulu Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Report Title:
Moratorium on Removal of the Homeless from Public Areas