S.C.R. NO.



H.D. 1






Requesting the coastal zone management program of the office of planning to coordinate the updating and implementation of the hawaii ocean resources management plan.


WHEREAS, the Coastal Zone Management Program (CZM Program) of the Office of Planning was created as a result of Hawaii's Coastal Zone Management Act under chapter 205A, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), to provide a unique federal-state partnership for protecting, restoring, and responsibly developing the State's important and diverse coastal communities and resources; and

WHEREAS, unlike single purpose programs, the CZM Program focuses its work on complex resource management problems of coastal regions; and

WHEREAS, under chapter 205A, HRS, the CZM Program is the lead agency in:

(1) Coordinating the overall implementation of the Ocean Resources Management Plan (Plan);

(2) Reviewing and periodically updating the Plan;

(3) Coordinating the development of state agency work plans to implement the Plan;

(4) Ensuring that state agency work plans are closely coordinated with the work plans of other relevant federal and county agencies;

(5) Cooperating with other agencies to analyze and prioritize sector-specific recommendations within the Plan;

(6) Coordinating exclusive economic zone and other marine-related issues addressed by other state and county agencies;

(7) Providing technical assistance to other agencies on policy and issue-related matters regarding marine and coastal resources management;

(8) Coordinating marine and coastal education activities; and

(9) Adopting rules pursuant to chapter 91 to implement the CZM Program's purpose;


WHEREAS, chapter 205A, HRS, also establishes the Marine and Coastal Zone Advisory Council (Advisory Council) to advise the CZM Program on ocean and coastal resources management issues, concerns, and opportunities; and

WHEREAS, both the CZM Program and the Advisory Council are required to engage citizen and interested groups and organizations in updating and implementing the Plan; and

WHEREAS, in 1991, the Plan was established to provide policies for comprehensive and integrated ocean and coastal resources management in ten sector specific areas: research and education, ocean recreation, harbors, fisheries, marine ecosystem protection, beaches and coastal erosion, waste management, aquaculture, energy, and marine minerals; and

WHEREAS, the Plan was implemented; however, in 1998, the Legislature requested the CZM Program to review the Plan in response to significant changes in the State that impacted the ability of the agencies to function and meet the Plan's policy objectives; and

WHEREAS, a report entitled, "1998 Review of the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Plan" was submitted to the Legislature, identifying seven general concerns:

(1) The lack of strategic planning;

(2) Inadequate enforcement;

(3) The lack of ecological and economic recognition of ocean and coastal issues in Hawaii;

(4) Inadequate access to information about resource management activities;

(5) Outdated methods for ocean and coastal management;

(6) Inadequate management and lack of administrative efficiency; and

(7) Inadequate administrative flexibility for resource managers;


WHEREAS, the CZM Program is also responsible for a federal program under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management of the United States Department of Commerce; and

WHEREAS, the federal program approved the CZM Program's assessment and strategies to use enhancement area grant funds in one or more of nine coastal zone enhancement areas; and

WHEREAS, specifically, the CZM Program's ocean resource goals and objectives are to adopt and implement an updated Plan and coordinate the management of ocean resources by government, private industry, the scientific community, and the public; and

WHEREAS, in 2003, in light of all of the CZM Program's responsibilities, the Legislature conducted informational briefings to update and implement the Plan that would effectively address the outdated and inadequate management of the State's ocean and coastal resources; and

WHEREAS, on January 6, 2005, the Governor, by executive order, established the Hawaii Ocean and Coastal Council (Council) to address Hawaii's ocean and coastal matters; the tasks assigned to the Council, however, are duplicative of the legislatively mandated responsibilities of the Office of Planning relating to coastal zone and ocean and coastal resources management; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that state and county agencies engaged in ocean and coastal resources management should report to, consult, and coordinate with the CZM Program, rather than the Council, to ensure that the objectives and policies of chapter 205A, HRS, are met without duplicating services; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2005, the House of Representatives concurring, that the CZM Program be recognized as the lead agency for coastal zone management pursuant to chapter 205A, HRS, in the State of Hawaii and specifically as the coordinator of all ocean and coastal resources management efforts, including the revision and implementation of a comprehensive and integrated Plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all state and county agencies engaged in ocean and coastal resources management report to, consult, and coordinate with the CZM Program, as lead agency, in accordance with the objectives and policies of chapter 205A, HRS, to:

(1) Update the Plan;

(2) Coordinate the implementation of the Plan; and

(3) Eliminate unnecessary duplicative efforts with the advice of the Advisory Council, and coordinate with all stakeholders to efficiently utilize existing state funding;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in performing its tasks, the CZM Program is requested to consider the following policies to:

(1) Observe conservation principles and practices in using Hawaii's ocean resources;

(2) Encourage ocean resources development that is environmentally sound and economically beneficial;

(3) Provide efficient and effective ocean resources and activities management;

(4) Promote Hawaii as a partner with federal agencies in the sound management of ocean resources within the United States' exclusive economic zone;

(5) Promote the research, study, and understanding of ocean processes, marine life, and other ocean resources to acquire the scientific inventory information necessary to understand the impacts and relationship of ocean development activities to ocean and coastal resources; and

(6) Encourage research and development of new, innovative marine technologies for exploration and utilization of ocean resources;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CZM Program is requested to hold an informational briefing and provide a status report on its efforts to the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2006; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture, Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Director of the Office of Planning, and the Mayor of each county.



Resources Management Plan

Report Title:

Office of Planning; Coastal Zone Management Program