Report Title:
Dental Specialists; Licensure Without Examination
Authorizes the licensure of dental specialists who are licensed in another state with equivalent or higher licensing standards without requiring passage of the state exam. Allows out-of-state licensed dentists to obtain a license to practice dentistry in Hawaii if certain criteria are met. (SB568 HD1)
S.B. NO. |
568 |
S.D. 1 |
H.D. 1 |
relating to dentists.
SECTION 1. Chapter 448, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§448- Licensure without examination for dental specialists licensed in another state. (a) The board may grant a license to practice dentistry to an applicant who has not fulfilled the requirements of section 448-10 if the applicant has graduated from an accredited dental specialty education program, including programs in orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, oral surgery, pedodontics, prosthodontics, oral radiology, and oral medicine/oral pathology, and complies with the requirements of subsection (b).
(b) The applicant shall submit to the board:
(1) A completed application and all required fees;
(2) Verification of graduation from a general dental education program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation or the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada;
(3) Verification of graduation from a post-graduate specialty program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association;
(4) Verification of a current active license issued by another state with licensing standards at least equivalent to Hawaii's standards that is not revoked, suspended, or otherwise restricted;
(5) Verification that the applicant has been lawfully engaged in the practice of dentistry for at least three years preceding the date of the application, with a minimum of one thousand hours of dentistry practice each year;
(6) Verification of completion of a minimum of thirty-two hours of continuing education in the applicant's dental specialty within the preceding two-year period;
(7) Verification that the applicant has not been subject to disciplinary action by any jurisdiction in which the applicant is or has been previously licensed to practice dentistry; provided that if the applicant has been subject to disciplinary action, the board shall review that action to determine if it warrants refusal to issue a license to the applicant;
(8) Verification that the applicant has no felony convictions of any kind and no other criminal convictions that may affect the applicant's ability to render competent dental care;
(9) A self-query report from the National Practitioner Data Bank and the verification of registration status with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration; provided that the board shall review this information to determine if it warrants refusal to issue a license to the applicant;
(10) Verification of passage of the National Board Dental Examination; and
(11) Any other information required by the board to determine the applicant's fitness for licensure."
SECTION 2. Chapter 448, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§448- Application for examination; exempt. (a) An applicant may be granted a license without examination as required by this chapter, upon payment of any required fees if, as determined by the board of dental examiners:
(1) The applicant holds a current license in another jurisdiction;
(2) The applicant has practiced for a minimum of five years; and
(3) The jurisdiction in which the applicant holds a current license has licensure standards equivalent to this state's.
(b) The board of dental examiners may also require an applicant to:
(1) File with the examiners documentation certifying that the applicant is licensed and in good standing to practice in another state; and
(2) Provide other information that the examiners deem necessary and within the scope of this chapter."
SECTION 3. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Act are severable.
SECTION 4. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval; provided that the board of dental examiners shall begin to accept applications for licensure without examination no later than September 1, 2005.