Report Title:

Environmental Workforce


Establishes the environmental workforce program to assist the counties in dealing with invasive species and allows the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii to provide the environmental workforce with training and research opportunities in the biological and social sciences regarding invasive species. (CD1)


S.B. NO.



S.D. 1


H.D. 2

C.D. 1






SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the emergency environmental workforce that was originally established by Act 4, Third Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, proved effective in containing the dengue fever epidemic, controlling the spread of the miconia plant and other invasive species, and reducing coqui frog and fire ant populations. While the establishment of the workforce was initially intended to be a temporary measure to assist residents of Hawaii who were adversely affected through reduced work schedules or layoffs caused by the events of September 11th, the legislature finds that the program should be continued on a permanent basis due to its outstanding success in combating invasive species. The research corporation of the University of Hawaii will continue to administer the program.

The purpose of this Act is to permanently establish the environmental workforce program to assist the counties in their fight against invasive species, and to provide training and research opportunities in the biological and social sciences related to the eradication of invasive species.

SECTION 2. Chapter 193, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"§193-   Environmental workforce. (a) There is established the environmental workforce program to be administered by the research corporation of the University of Hawaii. The environmental workforce shall:

(1) Employ individuals who shall not be subject to chapters 76 and 89; and

(2) Pursuant to and consistent with the State's invasive species policy as developed by the Hawaii invasive species council established in Act 85, Session Laws of Hawaii 2003, provide labor to assist the counties with preventing the introduction of, controlling, and eradicating invasive species throughout the State, including but not limited to miconia, coqui frogs, fire ants, and other invasive species populations.

(b) The State shall be responsible for funds necessary to cover the unemployment claims on behalf of the employees hired through the environmental workforce. The research corporation of the University of Hawaii shall contribute to the State the current fringe cost charged to the appropriation for unemployment insurance.

(c) The research corporation of the University of Hawaii may provide to the environmental workforce training and research opportunities in the biological and social sciences related to the eradication of invasive species, consistent with the provisions of Act 85, Session Laws of Hawaii 2003. Training and research may include, but not be limited to, identification, prevention, early detection, rapid response, control, recordkeeping, enforcement, and education of the public with respect to invasive species.

(d) The research corporation of the University of Hawaii shall submit an annual report on the status of the environmental workforce program to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session, beginning with the regular session of 2006."

SECTION 3. Act 4, Third Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2001, is repealed.

SECTION 4. The Hawaii invasive species council shall work in collaboration with the research corporation of the University of Hawaii to deploy the workforce effectively.

SECTION 5. New statutory material is underscored.

SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2005.