H.R. NO. |
168 |
H.D. 1 |
establishing a temporary legislative task force to further identify near-term solutions to hawaii's SHORTAGE OF affordable housing and PROBLEM WITH homelessNESS.
WHEREAS, the urgency of the affordable housing shortage and homelessness situation in Hawaii requires that the State, in addition to developing long-range plans, craft more immediate solutions that can be implemented in the near future to help ease Hawaii's housing shortage and the needs of the homeless; and
WHEREAS, there are currently numerous public or low-income housing projects that have been or may be decommissioned, but there is a lack of coordination between state and county agencies and private developers in determining how to effectively use these properties to fulfill the housing needs of Hawaii's lowest-income families and the homeless; and
WHEREAS, data needs to be gathered to determine how existing units and state lands can be most effectively used to address Hawaii's affordable-housing and homeless needs; and
WHEREAS, development incentives that are needed to encourage public-private partnerships to develop moderate-income ownership housing and low-income rental units need to be identified; and
WHEREAS, barriers to the development of moderate-income ownership housing and low-income rental units need to be identified, including ways to streamline the permitting and approval processes by the counties and the appropriate level of review by the Land Use Commission; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2005, that this body establish a temporary legislative task force in the House of Representatives to conduct fact-finding hearings and investigations to further identify near-term solutions to Hawaii's affordable housing and homeless problem; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force consist of 12 members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and chaired by the Chair of the House of Representatives Committee on Housing; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force work with appropriate state and county agencies, private developers, private nonprofit organizations serving the homeless and low-income population, members of the real estate and financial institutions industries, and other appropriate business and community groups to determine:
(1) The inventory of all state lands used for low-income and public housing, the condition of public housing units on the lands, and whether other state lands and properties are available and suitable for the development of transitional shelters for the homeless or low-income rental housing;
(2) The inventory and condition of all public and private low-income rental housing units;
(3) The number of decommissioned units still in existence and if those units could possibly be used for low-income rental housing or homeless shelters if they are repaired or renovated;
(4) Strategies for public partnerships with private and nonprofit entities to renovate housing units and develop low-income rental housing and homeless facilities, and to maintain adequate levels of affordable rental housing units in perpetuity;
(5) Strategies and incentives for public partnerships with private and nonprofit entities to develop moderate-income affordable ownership homes and lower-income rental units;
(6) Strategies to streamline the permitting and approval process and address infrastructure barriers to development of new housing projects;
(7) The role the Land Use Commission should play in the approval process for affordable housing projects; and
(8) Other matters relating to housing and the homeless that the task force deems appropriate;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force is requested to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2006; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Executive Director of the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii.
Report Title:
Temporary Legislative Affordable Housing and Homeless Task Force