H.C.R. NO.









Requesting state agencies to obtain information relating to norwegian cruise line's Labor and employment policies and tax payments.



WHEREAS, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) operates a fleet of large "freestyle cruising ships" for travelers and vacationers around the world; and

WHEREAS, NCL offers extensive service to and from Hawaii; and

WHEREAS, NCL employs more than 1,000 people and soon will employ many more with the staffing of the "Pride of America", a ship due to begin sailing in June of 2005 and serving the Hawaii market; and

WHEREAS, NCL already carries the "Pride of Aloha" which provides inter-island service all year long; and

WHEREAS, according to the current itineraries, both ships will be operating almost exclusively in Hawaii state waters and because of this, both ships should be subject to the laws of this State, including the payment of state taxes and labor practices; and

WHEREAS, concerns have been raised regarding NCL's unfair labor practices, including violations by NCL of the rights of employees who have been accused of sexual harassment; and

WHEREAS, concerns have also been raised regarding payment of taxes by NCL and its employees; and

WHEREAS, NCL ships, with their transient accommodations and amenities, should be viewed for all practical purposes as floating hotels and as such, should be treated like other hotels; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-third Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2005, the Senate concurring, that:

(1) The Hawaii Civil Rights Commission (Commission) and the Hawaii Labor Relations Board (Board) obtain from NCL:

(A) Written policies and procedures that NCL follows in cases when an employee has been accused of sexual harassment, including but not limited to the rights and opportunities afforded to accused employees to respond or defend themselves from the allegations; and

(B) Information on any other unfair labor practices;


(2) The Department of Taxation (DOTAX), with assistance and consultation with other state agencies and departments, conduct a study to investigate and determine whether NCL pays taxes that are equivalent to the taxes that hotels in Hawaii must pay, including, but not limited to, the income tax that employees pay to the State and the transient accommodations tax; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission, the Board, and DOTAX submit their findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than December 1, 2005; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Director of Taxation, Chair of the Board, and the Chair of the Commission.






Report Title:

Requesting state agencies to obtain information relating to Norwegian Cruise Line's labor and employment policies and tax payments