-Report Title
:Solar Energy Devices; Condominiums; Townhouses
Allows for the installation of solar energy devices on any privately owned single-family residential dwelling or townhouse, with limited restrictions. Requires that all new dwelling units be equipped with a conventional solar panel hot water system or its equivalent in energy efficiency.
H.B. NO. |
1017 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that section 196-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, allows the installation of a solar energy device on any single-family residential dwelling or townhouse by its owner, regardless of any covenant, declaration, bylaw, restriction, deed, or other agreements to the contrary. The legislature finds that corresponding amendments should now be made to section 514A-89, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
The legislature also finds that that the installation of conventional solar panel hot water systems, or systems with comparable energy efficiency, in all newly constructed dwelling units should be required.
The purpose of this Act is to, among other things:
(1) Allow owners of single-family residential dwellings and townhouses to install solar energy devices without board approval, provided that the devices are registered with the appropriate homeowner, community, or condominium association, or cooperative, if any;
(2) Require "public entities" such as homeowner, community, and condominium associations, and cooperatives to adopt rules regarding the placement of solar energy devices; and
(3) Require that all newly constructed dwelling units be equipped with a primary hot water system comprised of a conventional solar panel hot water system or its equivalent in energy efficiency.
SECTION 2. Section 196-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§196-7[]] Placement of solar energy devices. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no person shall be prevented by any covenant, declaration, bylaws, restriction, deed, lease, term, provision, condition, codicil, [or] contract, or similar binding agreement, however worded, from installing a solar energy device on any single-family residential dwelling or townhouse that the person owns. Any provision in any lease, instrument, or contract contrary to the intent of this section shall be void[.] and unenforceable.
[(b) For the purposes of this section, "solar energy device" means any identifiable facility, equipment, apparatus, or the like, including a photovoltaic cell application, that is applicable to a single-family residential dwelling or townhouse and makes use of solar energy for heating, cooling, or reducing the use of other types of energy dependent upon fossil fuel for generation.]
(b) Subsection (a) shall supersede all other contrary provisions in the Hawaii Revised Statutes, including but not limited to section 514A-89, regardless of the legal form of the private entity in which any single-family dwelling or townhouse is situated.
(c) Every private entity shall adopt rules by June 30, 2006, that provide for the placement of solar energy devices. The rules shall facilitate the placement of solar energy devices and shall not unduly or unreasonably restrict that placement so as to render the device more than twenty-five per cent less efficient or to increase the cost of the device by more than fifteen per cent. No private entity shall assess, charge, or otherwise cause any homeowner to pay any fees for placement of any solar energy device.
(d) Any person may place a solar energy device on any single-family residential dwelling or townhouse unit owned by that person without prior approval from any private entity; provided that the person shall register that device with the private entity of record, if any, within a reasonable time period.
(e) If a solar energy device is placed on a common element or limited common element, the owner of the single-family residential dwelling or townhouse unit on which the device is placed is responsible for any costs for damages to the device, the common elements, limited common elements, and any adjacent units, arising or resulting from the installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement of the device.
(f) For the purposes of this section:
"Private entity" means any association of homeowners, community association, condominium association, cooperative, or any other non-governmental entity with covenants, bylaws, and administrative provisions with which the homeowner's compliance is required.
"Solar energy device" means any identifiable facility, equipment, apparatus, or the like, including a photovoltaic cell application, that is applicable to a single-family residential dwelling or townhouse and makes use of solar energy for heating, cooling, or reducing the use of other types of energy dependent upon fossil fuel for generation; provided that "solar energy device" shall not include skylights or windows."
SECTION 3. Section 514A-89, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§514A-89 Certain work prohibited. (a) No apartment owner shall do any work which could jeopardize the soundness or safety of the property, reduce the value thereof, or impair any easement or hereditament[, nor may any].
(b) No apartment owner shall add any material structure or excavate any additional basement or cellar, without first obtaining in every such case the consent of seventy-five per cent of the apartment owners, together with the consent of all apartment owners whose apartments or limited common elements appurtenant thereto are directly affected[, being first obtained; provided that nonmaterial].
(c) Nonmaterial structural additions to the common elements, including, without limitation, [the installation of solar energy devices, or] additions to or alterations of an apartment made within [such] the apartment or within a limited common element appurtenant to and for the exclusive use of the apartment shall require approval only by the board of directors of the association of apartment owners and such percentage, number, or group of apartment owners as may be required by the declaration or bylaws[.]; provided that the installation of solar energy devices shall be allowed pursuant to section 196-7.
"Nonmaterial structural additions to the common elements", as used in this section, means a structural addition to the common elements [which] that does not jeopardize the soundness or safety of the property, reduce the value thereof, impair any easement or hereditament, detract from the appearance of the project, interfere with or deprive any nonconsenting owner of the use or enjoyment of any part of property, or directly affect any nonconsenting owner.
For purposes of this section, "solar energy device" means any new identifiable facility, equipment, apparatus, or the like which makes use of solar energy for heating, cooling, or reducing the use of other types of energy dependent upon fossil fuel for its generation; provided that if the equipment sold cannot be used as a solar device without its incorporation with other equipment, it must be installed in place and ready to be made operational in order to qualify as a "solar energy device"[.]; and provided further that "solar energy device" shall not include skylights or windows.
"Townhouse", as used in this section, has the same meaning as defined in section 502C-1."
SECTION 4. Act 164, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, section 2, is amended by amending section -140 to read as follows:
"§ -140 Additions to and alterations of condominium. (a) No unit owner shall do any work that may jeopardize the soundness or safety of the property, reduce the value thereof, or impair any easement, as reasonably determined by the board.
(b) Subject to the provisions of the declaration, no unit owner may make or allow any material addition or alteration, or excavate an additional basement or cellar, without first obtaining the written consent of sixty-seven per cent of the unit owners, the consent of all unit owners whose units or appurtenant limited common elements are directly affected, and the approval of the board, which shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. The declaration may limit the board's ability to approve or condition a proposed addition or alteration; provided that the board shall always have the right to disapprove a proposed addition or alteration that the board reasonably determines could jeopardize the soundness or safety of the property, impair any easement, or interfere with or deprive any nonconsenting owner of the use or enjoyment of any part of the property.
(c) Subject to the provisions of the declaration, nonmaterial additions to or alterations of the common elements or units, including, without limitation, [the installation of solar energy devices, or] additions to or alterations of a unit made within the unit or within a limited common element appurtenant to and for the exclusive use of the unit, shall require approval only by the board, which shall not unreasonably withhold [such] the approval, and such percentage, number, or group of unit owners as may be required by the declaration or bylaws[.]; provided that the installation of solar energy devices shall be allowed pursuant to section 196-7.
"Nonmaterial additions and alterations", as used in this subsection, means an addition to or alteration of the common elements or a unit that does not jeopardize the soundness or safety of the property, reduce the value thereof, impair any easement, detract from the appearance of the project, interfere with or deprive any nonconsenting owner of the use or enjoyment of any part of property, or directly affect any nonconsenting owner.
"Solar energy device", for purposes of this subsection, means any new identifiable facility, equipment, apparatus, or the like which makes use of solar energy for heating, cooling, or reducing the use of other types of energy dependent upon fossil fuel for its generation; provided that if the equipment sold cannot be used as a solar device without its incorporation with other equipment, it shall be installed in place and be ready to be made operational in order to qualify as a "solar energy device"[.]; provided further that "solar energy device" shall not include skylights or windows.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary in this chapter or in any declaration or bylaws:
(1) Regarding the installment of telecommunications equipment:
(A) The board shall have the authority to install or cause the installation of antennas, conduits, chases, cables, wires, and other television signal distribution and telecommunications equipment upon the common elements of the project; provided that the same shall not be installed upon any limited common element without the consent of the owner or owners of the unit or units for the use of which the limited common element is reserved; and
(B) The installation of antennas, conduits, chases, cables, wires, and other television signal distribution and telecommunications equipment upon the common elements by the board shall not be deemed to alter, impair, or diminish the common interest, common elements, and easements appurtenant to each unit, or to be a structural alteration or addition to any building constituting a material change in the plans of the project filed in accordance with sections -33 and -34; provided that no such installation shall directly affect any nonconsenting unit owner; and
(2) Regarding the abandonment of telecommunications equipment:
(A) The board shall be authorized to abandon or change the use of any television signal distribution and telecommunications equipment due to technological or economic obsolescence or to provide an equivalent function by different means or methods; and
(B) The abandonment or change of use of any television signal distribution or telecommunications equipment by the board due to technological or economic obsolescence or to provide an equivalent function by different means or methods shall not be deemed to alter, impair, or diminish the common interest, common elements, and easements appurtenant to each unit or to be a structural alteration or addition to any building constituting a material change in the plans of the project filed in accordance with sections -33 and -34.
As used in this subsection:
"Directly affect" means the installation of television signal distribution and telecommunications equipment in a manner which would specially, personally, and adversely affect a unit owner in a manner not common to the unit owners as a whole.
"Television signal distribution" and "telecommunications equipment" shall be construed in their broadest possible senses in order to encompass all present and future forms of communications technology."
SECTION 5. Chapter 196, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§196- Energy efficient water heating for new construction. (a) All newly constructed dwelling units shall be equipped with a primary hot water system:
(1) Comprised of a conventional solar panel hot water system, or a system at least as energy efficient as a conventional solar panel hot water system, as certified by an appropriately licensed architect or general contractor, solar water heater contractor, or plumber;
(2) Sized to meet at least eighty per cent of the hot water demand for the respective dwelling unit, as certified by an appropriately licensed architect or general contractor, solar water heater contractor, or plumber; and
(3) Whose function may be supported by a less energy efficient heating system such as gas or an electrical resistance water heater, which is used only as a secondary heating system or sized to meet no more than twenty per cent of the hot water demand for the respective dwelling unit, as certified by an appropriately licensed architect or general contractor, solar water heater contractor, or plumber.
(b) Covenants, conditions, and restrictions governing new residential developments shall not prohibit the installation of solar roof panels.
(c) This section shall not apply to new dwelling units constructed in areas receiving three hundred calories per square centimeter a day or less of solar radiation, as identified by the department of business, economic development, and tourism's solar insolation maps."
SECTION 6. Section 196-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new definition to be appropriately inserted and to read as follows:
""Dwelling unit" means a room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family and containing a kitchen."
Part III
SECTION 7. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2005; provided that section 3 shall not take effect if the contingent amendment addressed in section 35(5) of Act 164, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, takes effect on July 1, 2005; and provided further that section 4 shall not take effect if the contingent amendment addressed in section 35(5) of Act 164, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, does not take effect on July 1, 2005.
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