Measure | Report Title | Current Referral | Current Status | Companion |
HB809 | Court Fees | JUD, FIN | H 1/27/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. | SB1135 |
HB810 | Judiciary; Court Costs | JUD, FIN | H 1/27/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. | SB1134 |
HB811 | Judiciary Computer System Special Fund | JUD, FIN | H 1/27/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. | SB1133 |
HB812 HD1 | Family Court, Surcharge for Parent Education Increase | JUD, FIN | H 2/14/03 - Passed Second Reading as amended in (HD 1) and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting no and Abinsay, Blundell, Souki, Thielen excused. | SB1139 |
HB813 | Family Courts; Counsel and GAL Compensation | JHW | S 3/7/03 - Referred to JHW. | SB1132 |
HB816 | Public Safety | PSM/JUD, FIN | H 1/27/03 - Referred to PSM/JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. | SB1138 |
HB817 | Interstate Parole and Probation Compact | JUD | H 2/4/03 - The committees on JUD recommend that the measure be HELD. The votes were as follows: 11 Ayes: Representative(s) Hamakawa, B. Oshiro, Chang, Herkes, Lee, M. Oshiro, Souki, Finnegan, Marumoto, Pendleton, Thielen; Ayes with reservations: none; 0 Noes: none; and 4 Excused: Representative(s) Caldwell, Ito, Kanoho, Sonson. | SB1137 |
HB2292 HD1 SD1 | Court Documents; Fees; Judiciary Computer System Special Fund | JHW, WAM | S 7/14/04 - Became law without the Governor's signature, Act 230, 7/14/2004, (Gov. Msg. No. 761). | SB2733 |
HB2293 | Interstate Adult Offender Supervision | JHW, WAM | S 5/18/04 - Act 78, 5/18/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 579). | SB2734 |
HB2294 | Administrative Fees; Traffic Cases | JHW, WAM | S 7/14/04 - Became law without the Governor's signature, Act 231, 7/14/2004, (Gov. Msg. No. 762). | SB2735 |
HB2295 HD1 | Delinquent Payments; Collection | JHW, WAM | H 5/18/04 - Act 077, on 5/17/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 263). | SB2736 |
HB2296 HD1 | Judiciary; Payment | JHW, WAM | H 5/18/04 - Act 071, on 5/13/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 256). | SB2737 |
HB2297 HD1 SD2 | Guardianship and Protective Proceedings | JUD, FIN | H 7/2/04 - Act 161, on 7/2/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 352). | SB2738 |
HB2298 HD1 | Disqualification of Judges | JHW | S 4/16/04 - Act 5, 4/15/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 438). | SB2739 |
HB2299 HD1 | Appellate Court Costs | JHW | S 4/16/04 - Act 3, 4/15/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 436). | SB2741 |
HB2300 HD1 SD1 CD1 | Judiciary Supplemental Budget | JHW/WAM | S 4/29/04 - Act 38, 4/29/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 517). | SB2740 |
HB2301 HD1 SD1 | Courts; Appellate Jurisdiction | JUD, FIN | S 7/13/04 - Act 202, 7/10/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 7705). | SB2742 |
HCR7 HD1 | Placement of the Office of the Public Guardian Task Force | JHW | S 4/19/04 - Referred to JHW. | |
HR2 HD1 | Placement of the Office of the Public Guardian Task Force | HSH, JUD | H 5/11/04 - Transmitted to Public. | |
SB1130 | Debit Cards; Payment of Court Costs | JUD, FIN | H 3/10/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 23. | HB815 |
SB1131 | Traffic Infractions; Prepaid Postage | JUD, FIN | H 3/21/03 - Passed Second Reading and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting no and Representative(s) Bukoski, Finnegan, Fox, Pendleton, Say, Shimabukuro, Takamine excused. | HB814 |
SB1132 SD1 HD1 | Family Courts; Counsel and GAL Compensation | JUD, FIN | H 3/21/03 - Passed Second Reading as amended in (HD 1) and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting no and Representative(s) Bukoski, Finnegan, Fox, Pendleton, Say, Shimabukuro, Takamine excused. | HB813 |
SB1133 | Judiciary Computer System Special Fund | JHW/SAT, WAM | S 1/30/03 - Re-Referred to JHW/SAT, WAM. | HB811 |
SB1136 SD1 | Administrative Driver's License Revocation; Fees and Costs | JUD, FIN | H 3/10/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 23. | HB818 |
SB1137 | Interstate Parole and Probation Compact | JHW | S 1/27/03 - Referred to JHW. | HB817 |
SB1138 SD1 HD1 | Public Safety; Intermediate Sanctions | PSM/JUD, FIN | S 4/21/04 - Received notice of appointment of House conferees (Hse. Com. No. 626). | HB816 |
SB1140 SD1 | Judiciary Budget | JHW, WAM | S 2/14/03 - Reported from JHW (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 282) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to WAM. Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to WAM. | HB808 |
SB2733 | Court Documents; Fees; Judiciary Computer System Special Fund | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2292 |
SB2734 | Interstate Adult Offender Supervision | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2293 |
SB2735 | Administrative Fees; Traffic Cases | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2294 |
SB2736 | Delinquent Payments; Collection | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2295 |
SB2737 | Judiciary; Payment | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2296 |
SB2738 | Guardianship and Protective Proceedings | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2297 |
SB2739 | Disqualification of Judges | JHW | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW. | HB2298 |
SB2740 | Judiciary Supplemental Budget | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2300 |
SB2741 | Appellate Court Costs | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2299 |
SB2742 | Courts; Appellate Jurisdiction | JHW, WAM | S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. | HB2301 |
SCR2 | Task Force to Evaluate Placement of the Office of Public Guardian | JHW | S 2/9/04 - Referred to JHW. | SR5 |
SR5 | Task Force to Evaluate Placement of the Office of Public Guardian | JHW | S 2/9/04 - Referred to JHW. | SCR2 |
Click on the measure number for history of the measure.
$ = Appropriation measure
ConAm = Constitutional Amendment