Hawaii State Legislature

Measures by Package

Generated on 7/19/04 1:38:36 PM

MeasureReport TitleCurrent ReferralCurrent StatusCompanion
HB809 Court Fees  JUD, FIN H 1/27/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. SB1135
HB810 Judiciary; Court Costs  JUD, FIN H 1/27/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. SB1134
HB811 Judiciary Computer System Special Fund  JUD, FIN H 1/27/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. SB1133
HB812 HD1 Family Court, Surcharge for Parent Education Increase  JUD, FIN H 2/14/03 - Passed Second Reading as amended in (HD 1) and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting no and Abinsay, Blundell, Souki, Thielen excused. SB1139
HB813 Family Courts; Counsel and GAL Compensation  JHW S 3/7/03 - Referred to JHW. SB1132
HB816 Public Safety  PSM/JUD, FIN H 1/27/03 - Referred to PSM/JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4. SB1138
HB817 Interstate Parole and Probation Compact  JUD H 2/4/03 - The committees on JUD recommend that the measure be HELD. The votes were as follows: 11 Ayes: Representative(s) Hamakawa, B. Oshiro, Chang, Herkes, Lee, M. Oshiro, Souki, Finnegan, Marumoto, Pendleton, Thielen; Ayes with reservations: none; 0 Noes: none; and 4 Excused: Representative(s) Caldwell, Ito, Kanoho, Sonson. SB1137
HB2292 HD1 SD1 Court Documents; Fees; Judiciary Computer System Special Fund  JHW, WAM S 7/14/04 - Became law without the Governor's signature, Act 230, 7/14/2004, (Gov. Msg. No. 761). SB2733
HB2293 Interstate Adult Offender Supervision  JHW, WAM S 5/18/04 - Act 78, 5/18/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 579). SB2734
HB2294 Administrative Fees; Traffic Cases  JHW, WAM S 7/14/04 - Became law without the Governor's signature, Act 231, 7/14/2004, (Gov. Msg. No. 762). SB2735
HB2295 HD1 Delinquent Payments; Collection  JHW, WAM H 5/18/04 - Act 077, on 5/17/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 263). SB2736
HB2296 HD1 Judiciary; Payment  JHW, WAM H 5/18/04 - Act 071, on 5/13/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 256). SB2737
HB2297 HD1 SD2 Guardianship and Protective Proceedings  JUD, FIN H 7/2/04 - Act 161, on 7/2/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 352). SB2738
HB2298 HD1 Disqualification of Judges  JHW S 4/16/04 - Act 5, 4/15/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 438). SB2739
HB2299 HD1 Appellate Court Costs  JHW S 4/16/04 - Act 3, 4/15/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 436). SB2741
HB2300 HD1 SD1 CD1 Judiciary Supplemental Budget  JHW/WAM S 4/29/04 - Act 38, 4/29/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 517). SB2740
HB2301 HD1 SD1 Courts; Appellate Jurisdiction  JUD, FIN S 7/13/04 - Act 202, 7/10/2004 (Gov. Msg. No. 7705). SB2742
HCR7 HD1 Placement of the Office of the Public Guardian Task Force  JHW S 4/19/04 - Referred to JHW.
HR2 HD1 Placement of the Office of the Public Guardian Task Force  HSH, JUD H 5/11/04 - Transmitted to Public.
SB1130 Debit Cards; Payment of Court Costs  JUD, FIN H 3/10/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 23. HB815
SB1131 Traffic Infractions; Prepaid Postage  JUD, FIN H 3/21/03 - Passed Second Reading and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting no and Representative(s) Bukoski, Finnegan, Fox, Pendleton, Say, Shimabukuro, Takamine excused. HB814
SB1132 SD1 HD1 Family Courts; Counsel and GAL Compensation  JUD, FIN H 3/21/03 - Passed Second Reading as amended in (HD 1) and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with none voting no and Representative(s) Bukoski, Finnegan, Fox, Pendleton, Say, Shimabukuro, Takamine excused. HB813
SB1133 Judiciary Computer System Special Fund  JHW/SAT, WAM S 1/30/03 - Re-Referred to JHW/SAT, WAM. HB811
SB1136 SD1 Administrative Driver's License Revocation; Fees and Costs  JUD, FIN H 3/10/03 - Referred to JUD, FIN, referral sheet 23. HB818
SB1137 Interstate Parole and Probation Compact  JHW S 1/27/03 - Referred to JHW. HB817
SB1138 SD1 HD1 Public Safety; Intermediate Sanctions  PSM/JUD, FIN S 4/21/04 - Received notice of appointment of House conferees (Hse. Com. No. 626). HB816
SB1140 SD1 Judiciary Budget  JHW, WAM S 2/14/03 - Reported from JHW (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 282) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referral to WAM. Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to WAM. HB808
SB2733 Court Documents; Fees; Judiciary Computer System Special Fund  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2292
SB2734 Interstate Adult Offender Supervision  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2293
SB2735 Administrative Fees; Traffic Cases  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2294
SB2736 Delinquent Payments; Collection  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2295
SB2737 Judiciary; Payment  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2296
SB2738 Guardianship and Protective Proceedings  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2297
SB2739 Disqualification of Judges  JHW S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW. HB2298
SB2740 Judiciary Supplemental Budget  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2300
SB2741 Appellate Court Costs  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2299
SB2742 Courts; Appellate Jurisdiction  JHW, WAM S 2/2/04 - Referred to JHW, WAM. HB2301
SCR2 Task Force to Evaluate Placement of the Office of Public Guardian  JHW S 2/9/04 - Referred to JHW. SR5
SR5 Task Force to Evaluate Placement of the Office of Public Guardian  JHW S 2/9/04 - Referred to JHW. SCR2

Click on the measure number for history of the measure.

$ = Appropriation measure
ConAm = Constitutional Amendment