Honolulu, Hawaii

, 2004

RE: GOV. MSG. NOS. 401, 402, 403



Honorable Robert Bunda

President of the Senate

Twenty-Second State Legislature

Regular Session of 2004

State of Hawaii


Your Committee on Water, Land, and Agriculture, to which was referred Governor's Message Nos. 401, 402, and 403, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of:

Natural Area Reserve System Commission

G.M. No. 401


for a term to expire 06-30-08;

G.M. No. 402


for a term to expire 06-30-08; and

G.M. No. 403


for a term to expire 06-30-08,

begs leave to report as follows:

Your Committee has reviewed the personal histories, résumés, and statements submitted by the nominees, and finds the nominees to have the necessary qualifications to be appointed to the position of nomination.

Your Committee received testimony in support of DALE B. BONAR from the Department of Land and Natural Resources and three individuals. Dr. Bonar was born and raised in Hawaii and earned a Bachelors degree in Biology from Whitman College and a Ph.D in Zoology from the University of Hawaii. Dr. Bonar was a zoology professor at the University of Maryland and its Center for Marine Biotechnology for sixteen years. Dr. Bonar formed his own environmental consulting firm, Aquatic Environmental Sciences, which provided environmental consulting services in Washington State and Alaska. In addition, Dr. Bonar is active in a number of community organizations devoted to raising public awareness on various conservation issues. Dr. Bonar was the Northwest Director of the National Land Trust Alliance, an organization that provides training and mentoring programs for the development of land trusts throughout the nation. Upon his return to Hawaii two years ago, Dr. Bonar was chosen to serve as the first Executive Director of the Maui Coastal Land Trust. Dr. Bonar's experience and knowledge of land conservation and stewardship issues makes him well qualified to serve on the Natural Area Reserve System Commission.

Your Committee received testimony in support of RICHARD F. HUGHES, Ph.D., from the Department of Land and Natural Resources and three individuals. Dr. Hughes earned a Bachelors Degree in Human Biology as well as a Masters Degree in Biology from Stanford University. Dr. Hughes also earned a Ph.D. in Forest Science from Oregon State University. For the past three years, Dr. Hughes has worked as a Research Ecologist on the Invasive Species Team of the Institute of Pacific Island Forestry for the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service in Hilo, Hawaii. Dr. Hughes' research focuses on the impact of invasive species on the native ecosystems of Hawaii and other Pacific islands. His research is dedicated to identifying priorities and providing management recommendations designed to protect native ecosystems in Hawaii against the threats posed to them by non-native species.

Dr. Hughes' research and work in the field of forestry makes him well qualified to serve on the Natural Area Reserve System Commission.

Your Committee received testimony in support of LLOYD LEE LOOPE from the Department of Land and Natural Resources and three individuals. Dr. Loope graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Dr. Loope also earned a Ph.D. in Botany, specializing in plant ecology from Duke University. Dr. Loope is a Research Scientist with the United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division at the Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center located at Haleakala. Dr. Loope's research interests for the past twenty-three years have been focused on the conservation biology of Haleakala National Park and the island of Maui, with an emphasis on the biology of invasive species and dryland forest restoration. Additionally, Dr. Loope has been active on the Maui Invasive Species Committee for the past thirteen years as well as the State's Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species. Dr. Loope is also an Adjunct Faculty Member in the Department of Botany and the Center for Conservation Research and Training at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dr. Loope's research and experience in the field of plant biology makes him well qualified for appointment to the Natural Area Reserve System Commission.

As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Water, Land, and Agriculture that is attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Water, Land, and Agriculture,
