Friday, January 17, 2003
1:30 p.m.
Conference Room 312; State Capitol
During the 2002 Regular Session, the Legislature expressed concerns about certain State and county privatization contracts that were entered into pursuant to Act 90, Session Laws of Hawaii (SLH) 2001. A specific concern was that private contractor services were not of an "equivalent or better quality" or were not provided at a cost lower than the cost of doing the work with government employees.
In response to this concern, the Legislature adopted Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 103, Senate Draft 1, which requested the Auditor to conduct a review of privatization contracts entered into since the enactment of Act 90, SLH 2001, for: the State Departments of Human Services, Public Safety, Health, Transportation, and Land and Natural Resources; the University of Hawaii's former School of Public Health and its new Office of Public Health Studies, Department of Public Health Sciences and Epidemiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine; and the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Environmental Services.
In December 2002, the Auditor issued Report No. 02-21, entitled, "Review of Privatization Contracts for Certain State and County Agencies". In it, the Auditor reported that although Act 90 enabled the State and counties to utilize privatization as a management tool, the State is not adequately prepared to utilize this tool. "Although, more than a year has passed since Act 90 went into effect, privatization efforts have been minimal."
The House Committee on Labor and Public Employment has requested the Auditor to brief the committee on the findings and recommendations offered in Report No. 02-21.
Friday, January 17, 2003
State Capitol Auditorium
1:30 p.m. – completion
City and County of Honolulu
Mayor Jeremy Harris
Department of Agriculture
Financial Assistance for Agriculture AGR 101
Plant, Pest, and Disease Control AGR 122
Rabies Quarantine AGR 131
Animal Disease Control AGR 132
Agricultural Resource Management AGR 141
Quality and Price Assurance AGR 151
Aquaculture Development AGR 153
Agribusiness Development and Research AGR 161
Agricultural Development and Marketing AGR 171
General Administration for Agriculture AGR 192
Measurement Standards AGR 812
Pesticides AGR 846
Department of Taxation
Income Assessment and Audit TAX 102
Tax Collections Enforcement TAX 103
Tax Services and Processing TAX 105
Supporting Services-Revenue Collections TAX 107
Friday, January 17, 2003
2:30 p.m.
Conference Room 312; State Capitol
The purpose of this informational briefing is to receive information on the Administration's program fiscal outlays for the 2003-2005 biennium budget as they apply to the Committee's area of jurisdiction.
Department of Budget and Finance
Retirement BUF141
Health and Life Insurance Benefits BUF142
Hawaii Employer-Union Trust Fund BUF143
Department of Human Resources Development
Work Force Attraction, Selection, Classification, and Efficiency HRD102
Supporting Services HRD191
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Placement Services LBR111
Workforce Development Council LBR135
Occupational Safety and Health LBR143
Wage Standards and Fair Employment Practices LBR152
Public and Private Employment LBR161
Unemployment Compensation LBR171
Disability Compensation LBR812
Labor and Industrial Relations Appeals Board LBR812
DLIR – Data Gathering, Research, and Analysis LBR901
General Administration LBR902
Office of Community Services LBR903
Friday, January 17, 2003
3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
Salaries for the University of Hawaii
The purpose of the informational briefing is to discuss a proposed by JBL Associates, Inc., 6900 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland to analuze salaries for the University of Hawaii. The following personnel are invited to particiapte: Mr. John B. Lee, President (JBL Assoc.); Dr. Evan S. Dobelle, President (UH); and Mr. J.N. Musto, Executive Director, UHPA.
Monday, January 20, 2003
Conference Room 308; State Capitol
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
BOE Chair’s Overview – Herbert S. Watanabe
State Librarian’s Overview – Ms. Virginia Lowell
Public Libraries EDN 407
Superintendent’s Overview – Ms. Patricia Hamamoto
School-Based Budgeting EDN 100
Comprehensive School Support Services EDN 150
Instructional Support EDN 200
State and District Administration EDN 300
School Support EDN 400
School Community Services EDN 500
1:30 p.m. to completion
Department of Public Safety
Halawa Correctional Facility PSD 402
Kulani Correctional Facility PSD 403
Waiawa Correctional Facility PSD 404
Hawaii Community Correctional Center PSD 405
Maui Community Correctional Center PSD 406
Oahu Community Correctional Center PSD 407
Kauai Community Correctional Center PSD 408
Women’s Community Correctional Center PSD 409
Intake Service Centers PSD 410
Corrections Program Services PSD 420
Health Care PSD 421
Protective Services PSD 501
Narcotics Enforcement PSD 502
Sheriff PSD 503
Adult Parole Determinations PSD 611
Adult Parole Supervision and Counseling PSD 612
Crime Victim Compensation Commission PSD 613
General Administration PSD 900