FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 28, 2003 Release No. 2003-06 |
Contact: Sen. Fred Hemmings Phone: 587-8388; 371-3577 (cell) |
HONOLULU-The state Department of Transportation is planning to install a safety median to divide oncoming traffic on Kalaniana'ole Highway in Waimanalo in response to a fatal accident early Sunday morning near Olomana Golf Course. It is the second fatal accident in as many years that occurred in the vicinity. Sunday's accident, which killed 62-year-old Ramus Seabury occurred a mere 15 yards away from the 2001 fatal accident that killed Lorrie-Ann Wiley.
Shortly after Sunday's accident, State Senator Fred Hemmings (R-25 Kailua-Waimanalo-Hawaii Kai) urged the state Department of Transportation to take immediate action by installing a safety barrier.
"Too many deaths have occurred on this dangerous stretch of highway. If this medial divider saves just one life, it will be worth it for all the people who live in Waimanalo. We can't afford another fatality," Hemmings said.
Department of Transportation Director Rod Haraga stated that an emergency contract has been issued for a safety median and construction work should begin in three weeks.
"The department has carefully considered possible solutions to this problem and after some research has determined that a divide median is going to be the safest and most cost effective response," Haraga said.
"The people of Waimanalo are very pleased by today's announcement," said Wilson Ho, Chairman of the Waimanalo Neighborhood Board. "We want to express our appreciation to Senator Fred Hemmings and Representative Tommy Waters for working together to bring about such a successful resolution to this problem. We also appreciate the quick actions of Mr. Haraga and his willingness to assist the community," Ho concluded.