Thursday, April 18, 2002
12:45 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
HB 1878, HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO EDUCATION. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Ige, Kawamoto, Matsunaga, Hogue |
HB 2163, SD2 |
RELATING TO REHIRING RETIRED TEACHERS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Saiki/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Schatz, Halford, Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Nakata/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Hanabusa, Inouye, Matsunaga |
HB 2480, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO SCHOOL BUS FARES. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Bukoski Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Kokubun, Matsunaga, Hogue |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
12:45 p.m.
Conference Room 325; State Capitol
SB 1188, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO SENTENCING FOR DRUGS AND INTOXICATING COMPOUNDS OFFENSES. House Conferees: Representatives Garcia/Arakaki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Espero, Auwae, Leong Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; Chun, Slom |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
12:45 p.m.
Conference Room 325; State Capitol
HB 2382, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES. House Conferees: Representatives Garcia, Chair; Souki, Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Hanabusa, Ihara, Taniguchi, Slom |
HB 2563, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF CRIME VICTIMS. House Conferees: Representatives Garcia/Hamakawa/Takamine, Co-Chairs; Suzuki, Djou, Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Fukunaga, Taniguchi, Slom |
HB 2565, HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO EXPLOSIVES. House Conferees: Representatives Garcia/Hamakawa/Takamine, Co-Chairs; Suzuki, Djou, Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Kim |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
1:00 p.m.
Conference Room 325; State Capitol
HB 1012, SD1 |
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE III, SECTION 6, OF THE HAWAII CONSTITUTION, TO CHANGE THE ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE SENATE OR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. House Conferees: Representatives Suzuki/Hamakawa/Espero, Co-Chairs; Cabreros, Halford, Rath Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Ihara |
HB 2438, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO IDENTITY. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa/Hiraki, Co-Chairs; Gomes Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Ihara, Slom |
HB 2311, HD2, SD2 |
RELATING TO JUDGES FOR THE CIRCUIT COURT. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Davis Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Ihara, Taniguchi, Slom |
HB 2387, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE PENAL CODE. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Matsuura, Slom |
HB 2427, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO VICTIMS OF CRIMES. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Matsuura, Slom |
HB 2315, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE OBSTRUCTION OF INGRESS OR EGRESS. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Fukunaga |
HB 2120, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM CHILD-CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT. House Conferees: Representatives B. Oshiro, Chair; Hamakawa, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Fukunaga, Slom |
HB 2305, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM PROBATE CODE. House Conferees: Representatives B. Oshiro, Chair; Hamakawa, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Fukunaga, Slom |
HB 1758, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO DOMESTIC ABUSE. House Conferees: Representatives B. Oshiro, Chair; Hamakawa, Auwae Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; English, Fukunaga, Slom |
HB 2817, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE HAWAII RULES OF EVIDENCE. House Conferees: Representatives B. Oshiro, Chair; Hamakawa, Gomes Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Ihara, Slom |
SB 99, HD1 |
RELATING TO THE LIQUOR COMMISSION. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Marumoto Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Kim/Nakata, Co-Chairs; Chumbley, Slom |
SB 2046, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO GUIDE DOGS, SIGNAL DOGS, AND SERVICE ANIMALS. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Ihara, Slom |
SB 996, HD1 |
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE I, SECTION 10, OF THE HAWAII CONSTITUTION. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Matsuura, Slom |
SB 997, HD1 |
RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES. House Conferees: Representatives Hamakawa, Chair; B. Oshiro, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Kanno, Chair; Matsuura, Slom |
SB 2698, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO CHAPTER 846E, HAWAII REVISED STATUTES. House Conferees: Representatives B. Oshiro, Chair; Hamakawa, Thielen Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Slom |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
1:30 p.m.
Conference Room 225; State Capitol
HB 2527 SD1 |
RELATING TO SAFETY INSPECTION FREQUENCIES FOR REGULATED EQUIPMENT (Allows DLIR to set reinspection frequencies of boilers and pressure systems based on safety considerations) House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Kawamoto, Chair; Nakata/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Fukunaga, Hanabusa, Hemmings |
HB 1843 SD1 |
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING IN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Reinstates binding arbitration for bargaining unit 9 – Registered Professional Nurses) House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Davis Senate Conferees: Nakata, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Ihara, Sakamoto, Hogue |
HB 2276 HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (Amends collective bargaining provisions to allow negotiating parties to agree that non-cost items are valid & enforceable) House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Rath Senate Conferees: Nakata/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Kanno, Kawamoto, Slom |
HB 852 HD2, SD2 |
RELATING TO PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Requires salary and other cost adjustments for employees who are excluded from collective bargaining and who are not under the same classification systems as employees within collective bargaining units, to be at least equal to the adjustment provided to officers and employees in bargaining units (3), (4), and (13), as applicable) House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Leong Senate Conferees: Nakata, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Hanabusa, Slom |
HB 1595 HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (Requires the proposed adjustments to compensation and benefit packages for excluded civil service employees to be at least equivalent to the adjustments provided within the employer's jurisdiction. House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Davis Senate Conferees: Nakata, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland; Hanabusa |
HB 2525 HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS (Ensure that when contractors bid on public works construction projects, it is done pursuant to standards that are fair, equitable, and uniformly applied. House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Leong Senate Conferees: Nakata, Chair; Hanabusa/Kawamoto/Kim, Co-Chairs; Sakamoto |
HB 2500 HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO STATUTORY REFERENCES AFFECTED BY ACT 253, SESSION LAWS OF HAWAII 2000 (Correct statutory reference or language changes made by reforms to the public employee laws pursuant to Act 253, Session Laws of Hawaii 2000) House Conferees: Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Rath Senate Conferees: Nakata/Hanabusa, Co-Chairs; Chumbley, Taniguchi, Slom |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
1:30 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
HB 2164, HD2, SD2 |
RELATING TO THE HAWAII EDUCATOR LOAN PROGRAM. House Conferees: Representatives Takumi/Saiki, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senator Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Ige, Matsunaga, Hogue |
HB 2235, HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. House Conferees: Representatives Takumi/Ito, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chumbley, English, Hogue |
SB 2816, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO STUDENT LOANS FOR TEACHERS. House Conferees: Representatives Takumi/Ito/Saiki, Co-Chairs; Espero, Ontai, Rath Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Hanabusa, Ige, Matsunaga, Hogue |
HB 2558, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO STUDENT LOANS FOR TEACHERS. House Conferees: Representatives Takumi/Ito/Saiki, Co-Chairs; Espero, Ontai, Rath Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Hanabusa, Ige, Matsunaga |
HB 2752, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL AND VOCATIONAL LICENSES. House Conferees: Representatives Takumi/Saiki, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Kawamoto |
HB 2798, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO SCHOLARSHIPS. House Conferees: Representatives Takumi/Saiki, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Ige, Hogue |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:00 p.m.
Conference Room 225; State Capitol
SB 2127, HD 1 |
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Senate Conferees: Senators Nakata, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Ihara, Kawamoto House Conferees: Representatives Saiki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Moses |
SB 2786, SD 1, HD 1 |
RELATING TO THE HOISTING MACHINE OPERATORS ADVISORY BOARD. Senate Conferees: Senators Nakata, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; Chumbley, Ihara, Taniguchi, Slom House Conferees: Representatives Saiki, Chair; Nakasone, Djou |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:00 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
SB 2680, HD1 |
RELATING TO SCHOOL FACILITIES. Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Kawamoto/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Chumbley, Hogue House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Ontai |
SB 3041, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STOREROOM REVOLVING FUND. Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chumbley, Hanabusa, Ige, Hogue House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Ontai |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:00 p.m.
Conference Room 016; State Capitol
SB 940, HD2 |
RELATING TO INSURANCE UNFAIR PRACTICES. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/Hamakawa/Takamine, Co-Chairs; Chang, Pendleton, Whalen Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Hogue |
SB 2093, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/B. Oshiro, Co-Chairs; Whalen Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kanno/Matsuura, Co-Chairs; Hogue |
SB 3040, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO CAPTIVE INSURANCE. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/B. Oshiro, Co-Chairs; Whalen Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Hogue |
SB 1320, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO ANTITRUST. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/B. Oshiro, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Kawamoto, Hogue |
SB 2732, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO BUSINESS REGISTRATION. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/B. Oshiro/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Chang, Jaffe, Whalen Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Hogue |
SB 2733, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO INSURANCE. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Meyer Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Hogue |
SB 2885, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO TAXATION. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Whalen Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Kim, Hogue |
SB 2468, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO CONTRACTORS. House Conferees: Representatives Hiraki, Chair; Chang, Bukoski Senate Conferees: Senators Menor, Chair; Kawamoto, Kim, Hogue |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:30 p.m.
Conference Room 423; State Capitol
SB 2242, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO PUBLIC LAND LEASES. House Conferees: Representatives Kanoho/Abinsay/Cabreros, Co-Chairs; Hale, Leong, Whalen Senate Conferees: Senators Buen, Chair; Inouye/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Hemmings |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:30 p.m.
Conference Room 224; State Capitol
SB 1575, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO THE TRAFFIC CODE. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Fukunaga |
SB 2337, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO RACING ON HIGHWAYS. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Gomes Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Hemmings |
SB 2488, SD1, HD2 |
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR PARKING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Espero, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Hemmings |
SB 2422, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTIONS. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Espero, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Fukunaga/Kanno/Kim, Co-Chairs; Hemmings |
SB 2628, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO THE USE OF INTOXICANTS. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Fukunaga/Kanno/Kim, Co-Chairs; Hemmings |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:30 pm
Conference Room 224; State Capitol
HB 1724, SD1 |
RELATING TO SPECIAL NUMBER PLATES FOR MILITARY SERVICE. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Espero, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Hanabusa, Inouye, Slom |
HB 1730, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO DRIVERS EDUCATION FUND UNDERWRITERS FEE. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Ito/Espero, Co-Chairs; Garcia, Bukoski, Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Ige, Sakamoto |
HB 1731, HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO DRIVERS EDUCATION FUND UNDERWRITERS FEES. Conferees: Representatives Souki/Takumi/Espero, Co-Chairs; Garcia, Bukoski, Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Matsunaga, Sakamoto, Hemmings |
HB 2577, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Kanoho/Espero, Co-Chairs; Garcia, Bukoski, Djou Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Inouye/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Hogue |
HB 2030, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO TOWING. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Auwae Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Menor, Co-Chair; Hogue |
HB 2301, HD2, SD2 |
RELATING TO THE USE OF INTOXICANTS. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Pendleton Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Fukunaga/Kanno/Kim, Co-Chairs; Hemmings |
HB 2302, HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS' LICENSES. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Fukunaga/Kanno/Kim, Co-Chairs; Hogue |
HB 2349, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLES. House Conferees: Representatives Souki/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Rath Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Kanno, Co-Chair; Hemmings |
Thursday; April 18, 2002
2:45 p.m.
Conference Room 312; State Capitol
HB 2449, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO SMALL BUSINESS. House Conferees: Representatives Ahu Isa/Magaoay, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Tam, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Matsunaga, Sakamoto, Slom |
HB 2453, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE CAPITAL LOAN PROGRAM. House Conferees: Representatives Ahu Isa/Magaoay, Co-Chairs; Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Tam, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Hanabusa, Ige, Slom |
HB 2454, SD1 |
RELATING TO ENTERPRISE ZONES. House Conferees: Representatives Ahu Isa/Magaoay, Co-Chairs; Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Tam, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Buen, Hanabusa, Slom |
HB 2570, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE CAPITAL GOODS EXCISE TAX CREDIT. House Conferees: Representatives Ahu Isa/Magaoay, Co-Chairs; Marumoto Senate Conferees: Senators Taniguchi, Chair; Kim, Sakamoto, Slom |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
2:30 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
HB 1969, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Halford Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Kanno/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Chumbley |
SB 2097, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO FEDERAL IMPACT AID. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Takamine, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Hanabusa/Kawamoto, Co-Chairs; Chumbley, Matsunaga, Hogue |
SB 2270, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO EDUCATION. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chumbley, Fukunaga, Matsunaga, Hogue |
SB 2929, SD1, HD2 |
RELATING TO EDUCATION. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Matsunaga, Hogue |
Thursday; April 18, 2002
3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
SB 2102 SD1, HD2 (HSCR 1253-02) |
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Proposes constitutional amendments abolishing the Board of Education; requires the Governor appoint the Superintendent of Education; requires Superintendent to establish statewide educational policy; establishes Locally Elected District School Boards of Education to implement policy; establishes Superintendent Selection Commission; mandates that internal organization of the public education system be as provided by law. Senate Conferees: Sakamoto, Chair; Kanno, Kawamoto, Taniguchi, Co-Chair(s); Chumbley, Matsunaga, Hogue. House Conferees: Ito, Hamakawa, Saiki, Suzuki Co-Chairs; Bukoski |
HB 2848 HD1, SD2 (SSCR 3242) |
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE VII, SECTION 12, AND ARTICLE X, SECTION 1, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO AUTHORIZE THE STATE TO ISSUE SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS AND USE THE PROCEEDS FROM THE BONDS TO ASSIST NOT-FOR-PROFIT PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, SECONDARY SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSITIES. Proposes constitutional amendments to: (1) authorize the State to issue special purpose revenue bonds to assist not-for-profit private elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities; and (2) authorize the State and its political subdivisions to combine two or more proposed issues of these bonds into a single issue. Senate Conferees: Sakamoto, Chair; Kanno, Taniguchi, Co-Chair(s); Kawamoto, Hogue House Conferees: Ito, Takumi, Hamakawa, Suzuki Co-Chairs; Davis, Bukoski |
Thursday; April 18, 2002
3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 229; State Capitol
SB 2052, HD1 |
RELATING TO SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Ige, Hogue |
SB 2139, SD1, HD1 |
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE PRESCHOOLS OPEN DOORS PROGRAM. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Auwae Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Sakamoto, Matsunaga, Hogue |
SB 2227, SD1, HD1 |
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR NEIGHBOR ISLAND DENTAL CARE. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Leong Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Hogue |
SB 2500, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Hogue |
SB 2416, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO THE HAWAII LONG-TERM CARE FINANCING ACT. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Kahikina, Yonamine, Leong, McDermott Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Fukunaga |
SB 2763, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO BIRTH DEFECTS. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Stonebraker Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Taniguchi, Hemmings |
SB 2782, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO HOSPITAL LICENSING. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Stonebraker Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Ige, Taniguchi |
SB 3053, SD2, HD1 |
RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING. House Conferees: Representatives Arakaki/Kawakami, Co-Chairs; Leong Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Fukunaga, Ige, Hogue |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 329; State Capitol
SB 3018, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO PUBLIC EDUCATION. House Conferees: Representatives Ito/Takumi/Hamakawa/Suzuki, Co-Chairs; Davis, Ontai Senate Conferees: Senators Sakamoto, Chair Kanno/Kawamoto/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Chumbley, Inouye, Hogue |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
3:20 p.m.
Conference Room 312; State Capitol
HB 2571, SD1 |
RELATING TO TAXATION OF PERSONS WITH IMPAIRED SIGHT OR HEARING OR WHO ARE TOTALLY DISABLED THAT ARE ENGAGED IN BUSINESS. House Conferees: Representatives Ahu Isa/Magaoay, Co-Chairs; Leong Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Fukunaga, Taniguchi, Hogue |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
3:30 p.m.
Conference Room 229; State Capitol
SB 2274, SD1, HD1 |
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR SUPPORT FOR THE CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OF THE MAUI AIDS FOUNDATION. Huose Conferees: Representatives Yonamine, Chair; Cabreros, Leong Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; English, Taniguchi, Hogue |
SB 2432, SD1, HD1 |
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR WAIANAE COAST COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CENTER. House Conferees: Representatives Yonamine, Chair; Cabreros, Auwae Senate Conferees: Senators Matsuura, Chair; Hanabusa, Co-Chair; Taniguchi, Hogue |
Thursday; April 18, 2002
4:30 p.m.
Conference Room 312; State Capitol
HB 2443 HD2, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE PREVENTION OF THE FILING OF FRIVOLOUS FINANCING STATEMENTS. Prevents the filing of frivolous financing statements with the bureau of conveyance. House Conferees: Kanoho, B. Oshiro, Co-Chairs; Meyer Senate Conferees: Menor, Chair, Kanno, Co-Chair; Hogue |
HB 2249 SD2 |
RELATING TO NORTH KOHALA. Preserves a cluster of historical sites in North Kohala on the island of Hawaii by authorizing the department of land and natural resources to condemn the land adjacent to the Kohala Historical Sites State Monument. House Conferees: Kanoho, Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Rath Senate Conferees: Chun, Chair; Hanabusa, Inouye, Co-Chairs; Chun Oakland, English, Taniguchi, Hemmings |
HB 2537 SD1 |
RELATING TO AQUATIC RESOURCES. Expands DLNR's authority to possess or use chemicals, electrofishing devices, explosives, and other fishing gear that would normally be unlawful. House Conferees: Kanoho, Chair; Hale, Thielen Senate Conferees: Kawamoto, Chair; Chun Oakland, Inouye, Kanno, Co-Chairs; Hemmings
HB 2542 HD2, SD2 |
RELATING TO BOATING. Authorizes a 35% increase in mooring fees for non-residents beginning 7/1/02 with annual 5% increases through 7/1/06, and by department rule beginning 7/1/07. House Conferees: Kanoho, Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Leong Senate Conferees: Kawamoto, Chair, Tam, Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Fukunaga, Hanabusa, Matsunaga, Hemmings |
Thursday; April 18, 2002
4:30 p.m.
Conference Room 312; State Capitol
SB 2309, SD1, HD2 |
RELATING TO WATERCRAFT. House Conferees: Representatives Kanoho/Hamakawa, Co-Chairs; Espero, B. Oshiro, Bukoski, Marumoto Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Kanno/Tam, Co-Chairs; Fukunaga |
SB 2702, SD2, HD2 |
RELATING TO THE KALAELOA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. House Conferees: Representatives Kanoho/Nakasone, Co-Chairs; Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Kawamoto, Chair; Tam/Taniguchi, Co-Chairs; Fukunaga, Hemmings |
Thursday, April 18, 2002
8:00 p.m.
Conference Room 309; State Capitol
HB 2827, HD1, SD2 |
RELATING TO THE STATE FINANCES. House Conferees: Representatives Takamine, Chair; Kawakami, Djou Senate Conferees: Senators Taniguchi, Chair; Chun Oakland, Ige, Inouye, Kim, Sakamoto |
HB 1800, HD1, SD1 |
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET. House Conferees: Representatives Takamine, Chair; Cabreros, Espero, Kawakami, Magaoay, Nakasone, Saiki, Yonamine, Davis, Leong, Moses Senate Conferees: Senators Taniguchi, Chair; Buen, Chun, Chun Oakland, English, Hanabusa, Ige, Inouye, Kawamoto, Kim, Kokubun, Sakamoto, Tam, Hemmings |
SB 706, SD1, HD1 |
RELATING TO STATE GOVERNMENT. House Conferees: Representatives Takamine, Chair; Kawakami, Leong Senate Conferees: Senators Taniguchi, Chair; Kawamoto, Co-Chair; Chun Oakland, Ige, Inouye, Kim, Hemmings |
Friday, April 19, 2002
9:00 a.m.
Conference Room 325; State Capitol
SCR 161 SD1 (SSCR 3361) |