FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2002 |
Contact: Senator Bob Hogue Cell: 285-5537 |
Following today's hearing on the traffic cameras, Senator Bob Hogue sent a letter to Transportation Director Brian Minaai requesting that the photo enforcement vans be immediately removed from the Pali and Likelike Highways. Hogue's letter is attached.
January 24, 2002 Brian Minaai Dear Director Minaai: As a follow-up to my testimony at the Senate Transportation Committee Informational Briefing on the Photo Enforcement System, I would like to formally request that the Department of Transportation immediately remove the photo enforcement vans from the Pali and Likelike Highways. I further request that the photo enforcement vans refrain from issuing violations on those highways until the DOT holds community hearings in Windward Oahu, attends meetings of all Windward neighborhood boards and answers questions of the attendees present, and obtains consent from the current legislature and the general public for a revised operational plan. Currently, two of the four photo enforcement vans are often on these Windward travel routes. This disproportionately targets Windward residents compared to the entire Oahu driving population. Windward residents spend an enormous amount of time in their vehicles, commuting back and forth to Honolulu. It's not fair for Windward residents to bear the brunt of this project. In summation, my constituents have overwhelmingly voiced their opposition to how this project is currently being implemented. We believe that education, police enforcement, and community involvement and understanding are better ways to solve the issue of highway traffic safety. I look forward to your prompt response. Regards, Bob Hogue cc: Senator Cal Kawamoto Honolulu media outlets
Director, Department of Transportation
869 Punchbowl
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
State Senator
(24th District-Kaneohe/Kailua)