April 9, 2002
Contact: Rep. Charles K. Djou
Phone: (808) 478-0006
The People Win as the Legislature
Adopts Republican Positions
The House Republican Caucus showed true leadership and set public policy in Hawaii by passing several major pieces of legislation. Tonight, the Democrats finally agreed to positions long held by the Hawaii's Republicans.
- The Republicans brought the end of Hawaii's much hated photo traffic camera system. After long advocating this system was poorly planned, illegal, and unnecessary, the House Republican's position was finally adopted when the House voted to repeal the program.
- House Republicans forced the House to adopt language to insure all future local school boards are elected and not appointed. Because of the Republican's consistent advocacy for public control over all local school boards the Legislature moved to the GOP position.
- Stopping the sexual exploitation of minors has long been a key GOP position. The Democrats agreed to adopt a bill recalled by the House GOP to halt minors under 18 from working in the sex business.
- Republicans continue to fight against the Democrat's efforts to steal from the Hurricane Relief Fund. Through this advocacy, the Senate moved to agree with the Republican position against raiding this important fund.
The people of Hawaii can breathe a little easier with the adoption of these important Republican policies by the Hawaii legislature. Much still remains to be done to increase jobs, improve public education and reform Hawaii government, but the first important steps toward these goals have been taken with the passage of these Republican positions.
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