April 5, 2002
Contact: Rep. Galen Fox
Phone: (808) 586-8520


Dems Use Old Trick to Preserve Traffic Cams

House Republicans released the following statement:

Honolulu –House Democrats reached into their old bag of tricks tonight when they cut off debate on repealing the traffic camera program. After Republicans recalled SB 2077 SD 1, Democrats moved to table the bill--effectively killing debate and the bill.

"Democrats went back to the same tactic they used last year when they refused to debate bills recalled from committee," said Rep. Charles Djou, House Republican Floor Leader. "The state constitution provides for recall so that key measures opposed by the majority--such as Republican desire to repeal the traffic cam law--can be debated to help the public know where their representative stands," added Djou. "But tonight House Democrats once again voted down the effort to get rid of traffic cams, this time without permitting a single word of debate. Democrats once again frustrated the people's desire to get traffic cams off our roads."
