FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 15, 2002 |
Rep. Galen Fox Tel.: 586-8520 |
Democrats Vote Down Tax Credit for Child Care
House Republicans tonight recalled a bill that would have encouraged employers to establish child care facilities at the working place by providing tax credits for the startup expenses or construction of a child care facility, but the bill was voted down by the majority Democrats.
The measure, HB 909, was introduced in the 2001 legislative session by the Democrats, but the Democratic leadership has held their own bill in committee for more than a year.
"It's a measure that should be reviewed for the sake of our employers and more so for the parents who have children that need child care while they work," said Rep Joe Gomes, (R-Waimanalo, Keolu Hills, Kailua). "It's unfortunate the Democrats would not even move their own bill to the next committee for further discussion."
Republicans said the condition of the state's economy has placed a tremendous strain on working families and tax credits that help young families must be a part of the state's economic recovery. "Child care represents the best of prevention, spending cents now to save thousands of dollars down the road," said Galen Fox, House Republican Leader. "And child care provided at the workplace makes the most sense of all, keeping children near those who love them most. It's time we learned from the rest of the developed world and encouraged workplace child care."