January 10, 2002
Contact: Rep. Galen Fox
(808) 586-8520


Republicans Say Council on Revenues Shows More Should Have Been Done in 2001 Special Session


House Republicans today said the Council on Revenues (COR) projection that the state's revenue picture will remain bleak indicates the stimulus package recently passed in special session accomplished little. According to the Republicans, results prove the legislature should have used the special session to pass a serious reform package.

"The COR's projections show we must put to rest our 'business as usual' approach and find real solutions that get people back to work," said Galen Fox, House Republican Leader. "We need to attack the real culprits like government waste -- people just don't get to keep enough of their own money. We need to help businesses reduce costs and create jobs," Fox added.

Rep. Charles Djou (R-Kaneohe) said the economy needs stimulation: workers keeping and spending more of their hard-earned money. "We need legislation to end the taxes that hurt people the most—taxes on food, on rent, and on being sick."
