Honolulu, Hawaii
, 2002
RE: GOV. MSG. NO. 257
Honorable Robert Bunda
President of the Senate
Twenty-First State Legislature
Regular Session of 2002
State of Hawaii
Your Committee on Agriculture, to which was referred Governor's Message No. 257, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of:
CARL A. CARLSON, JR., BENJAMIN K. LINDSEY, and WES SAHARA, for terms to expire on June 30, 2006,
begs leave to report as follows:
Upon review of the testimony and written statements submitted by the nominees, your Committee finds that the nominees have the necessary character, experience, and qualifications to serve on the Board of Agriculture ("Board").
Carl A. Carlson, Jr., possesses extensive experience in agriculture and ranching having served as president for Parker Ranch, Inc., Hawaii Meat Company, Ltd., and Kona Livestock and Land Management, Ltd. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from California State Polytechnic University. Mr. Carlson's professional and community affiliations include serving as director of the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii and the Kohala Center, and as a member of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Hawaii Cattlemen's Council, and Kona Historical Society. Testimony supporting Mr. Carlson's nomination was received from the Department of Agriculture, Hawaii Homes Commission, Land Use Research Foundation of Hawaii, Akinaka & Associates, Ltd., Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Hawaii Leeward Planning Conference, Hawaii Planning Mill, Ltd., Kahua Ranch Limited, Kai Hawaii, Kona Kohala Chamber of Commerce, Oceanit, William L. Moore Planning, Palani Ranch Company, Inc., Ponoholo Ranch Limited, Surety Kohala Corporation, Kobayashi Group, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, Carlsmith Ball, LLP, Watanabe, Ing & Kawashima, and three individuals.
Benjamin K. Lindsey is a Fire Fighter with the State of Hawaii. He is also a long time farmer. Mr. Lindsey is a current member of the Board who has served diligently bringing unique perspective and relevant input to the Board. His community affiliations include the Hawaiian Homes Homesteaders Association. Testimony supporting Mr. Lindsey's nomination was received from the Department of Agriculture.
Wes Sahara is a Director of Industrial Relations with Gay & Robinson, Inc., and was previously employed with Olokele Sugar Co. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. During his professional career, Mr. Sahara has experienced first-hand the issues confronting Hawaii agriculture and has been a part of exploring and implementing new solutions to ensure the viability and promote expansion of Hawaii's agriculture industry. Testimony supporting Mr. Sahara's nomination was received from the Department of Agriculture, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, BEI Hawaii, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, ILWU Local 142, Gay & Robinson, Inc., Hawaii Employers Council, Kodani & Associates, Kauai Economic Development Board, Pioneer HI-Bred International, Inc., and one individual.
Based upon the foregoing and the testimony submitted, your Committee finds that the nominees have been appointed based upon their credentials, integrity, and a desire to improve Hawaii through their service on the Board.
As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Agriculture that is attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, character, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Agriculture,
____________________________ JAN YAGI BUEN, Chair |