2000 Hearing Notices

Click on the Hearing Date to view the Hearing Notice.

Hearings notices for both House and Senate bills and resolutions in all committees:

Bill Number Subject Committee
12/8/1999 NONE Hawaii Methamphetamine Town Hall Meeting NONE
12/8/1999 NONE Joint Legislative Committee on Child Protection Reform Roundtable NONE

Bill Number Subject Committee
12/14/1999 NONE Hawaii Head Start/Early Head Start Briefing NONE

Bill Number Subject Committee
12/15/1999 NONE Elder Abuse and Fraud Task Force NONE

Bill Number Subject Committee
12/16/1999 NONE Hawaii State Legislature Keiki Caucus NONE

Bill Number Subject Committee
12/21/1999 NONE Hawaii State Hospital NONE

Bill Number Subject Committee
12/28/1999 Informational Briefing TRN

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/3/2000 NONE Notice of Informational Briefing Economic Overview of the State of Hawaii Council on Revenues State Financial Plan and Budget Overview Department of Budget and Finance WAM
1/3/2000 NONE Amended Notice of Informational Briefing Summary WAM
1/3/2000 NONE Ecomonic Overview; Council on Revenues State Financial Plan and Budget, Dept. of Budget & Finance WAM/FIN

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/4/2000 NONE Economist Council on Revenues FIN
1/4/2000 NONE Informational Briefing FIN
1/4/2000 NONE Notice of Informational Briefing Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism Office of the Governor Department of Taxation WAM
1/4/2000 NONE Amended Notice of Informational Briefing Summary WAM
1/4/2000 NONE Dept. of Busuiness, Economic Development, and Tourism Office of the Governor, Office of the Let. Governor, and Dept. of Taxation WAM/FIN

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/5/2000 NONE Informational Briefing FIN
1/5/2000 NONE The State Financial Plan and Budget legislative Agencies FIN
1/5/2000 NONE Notice of Informational Briefing University of Hawaii Department of Agriculture Office of the Lieutenant Governor WAM
1/5/2000 NONE Amended Notice of Informational Briefing Summary WAM
1/5/2000 NONE University of Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture WAM/FIN

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/6/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; Department of Land and Natural Resources FIN

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/7/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Defense; Department of Taxation; Department of the Attorney General; Department of Agriculture FIN

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/10/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Education FIN
1/10/2000 NONE Informational Briefing on SR 70, SD1 - Reviewing the Inefficiency of Government Operations Caused by Delayed Services to State Agencies, Departments and Citizens GOH
1/10/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing - Prevailing Wage Forum HHS/LRE/HSH
1/10/2000 NONE Children and Youth Day and Month Evaluation Meeting NONE
1/10/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Programs within the Department of Public Safety, Hawaii State Judiciary, Department of Health, Department of Human Services, Department of Defense, Department of Land and Natural Resources PSM
1/10/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Health, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Ombudsman's Office WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/11/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Higher Education FIN
1/11/2000 NONE Joint House-Senate Legislative Access Committee (JLAC) JLAC
1/11/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of the Attorney General, Legislative Agencies, Department of Accounting and General Services WAM
1/11/2000 NONE Amended Notice - Budget Informational Briefing - Legislative Reference Bureau WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/12/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Health FIN
1/12/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing JHA
1/12/2000 NONE Revised Notice of Meeting for Health Quest Roundtable NONE
1/12/2000 NONE Health Quest Roundtable NONE
1/12/2000 SCR 77 Joint Legislative Committee on Child Protection Reform Roundtable NONE
1/12/2000 SCR 77 Revised Notice of Meeting for the Joint Legislative Committee on Child Protection Reform Roundtable NONE
1/12/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Hawaii Tourism Authority, Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Convention Center Authority TSM
1/12/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Land and Natural Resources, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/13/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/13/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands JHA
1/13/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Department of Defense, Department of Public Safety, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Department of Human Resources Development WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/14/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/14/2000 NONE Elder Abuse and Fraud Task Force Meeting Notice NONE
1/14/2000 NONE Committee on Adult Residential Care Meeting Notice NONE
1/14/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Education, Hawaii Health Systems Corporation WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/18/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/18/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Economic Performance and Development; The Counties WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/19/2000 NONE Amended Notice of Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Land and Natural Resources WLH
1/19/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Land and Natural Resources WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/20/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Captive Insurance Industry CPN/CPC
1/20/2000 NONE Presentation on Renewable Energy in Hawaii EEP/CPC/CPN/ECD
1/20/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/20/2000 NONE Informational Briefing LAB
1/20/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Programs of the Department of Agiculture, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Department of Human Resources Development, Department of Health, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations LRE
1/20/2000 NONE Informational Briefing PSM
1/20/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Human Services WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/21/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Land and Natural Resources ECD
1/21/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/21/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Transportation WAM
1/21/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Department of Land and Natural Resources WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/22/2000 NONE Briefing on Human Services HSH

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/24/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Programs and Budgets for Departments of Agriculture, Budget and Finance, Land and Natural Resources, and Commerce and Consumer Affairs. CPC
1/24/2000 NONE 2000-2001 Supplemental Budget Briefing ECD
1/24/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing - Department of Education Budget EDU/EDN
1/24/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/24/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Office of Hawaiian Affairs FIN
1/24/2000 NONE Joint Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Human Services HHS/HSH

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/25/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Judiciary FIN
1/25/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule FIN
1/25/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism GOH
1/25/2000 HB 1794 Making and Appropriation for the Continued Operation of the Hawaii County Emergency Medical Services Contracts. HLT
1/25/2000 HB 1844 Making an Appropriation for the Development of Protocols and the Special Training of Paramedics in the Treatment of Domestic Violence Patients. HLT
1/25/2000 NONE Informational Briefing by the Department of Health on the Waimano Homes. HLT
1/25/2000 SB 2047 Relating to Environmental Protection LRE
1/25/2000 SB 2051 Relating to Workers' Compensation LRE
1/25/2000 SB 2052 Making an Appropriation for Training LRE
1/25/2000 SB 2054 Relating to Special Management Areas LRE
1/25/2000 SB 2060 Relating to Employment Discrimination LRE
1/25/2000 SB 2085 Relating to Assistive Technology LRE
1/25/2000 SB 2087 Relating to Assistive Technology LRE

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/26/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Agriculture ECD
1/26/2000 NONE Informational Briefing HED/EDU/CAR
1/26/2000 HB 1920 Emergency Appropriation for CHIP, FY 2000-01 HSH
1/26/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Programs and Budgets for the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, and the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii. HSH
1/26/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Update on the Department of Public Safety's progress reports and on investigations into inmate abuse JDC
1/26/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Brewer Acid Spill LRE
1/26/2000 HB 1756 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's Licenses. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1757 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1758 Relating to Motor Vehicle Driver Licensing. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1759 Relating to Traffic Enforcement. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1760 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1763 Relating to Bicycles. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1764 Relating to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1765 Relating to Metropolitan Planning Organization. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1767 Relating to Highways. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1768 Relating to Registration of Motor Vehicles. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1774 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1775 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1776 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/26/2000 HB 1777 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/26/2000 NONE Amended Budget Summary - Judiciary WAM
1/26/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Judiciary WAM
1/26/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing General Schedule WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/27/2000 HB 1250 Making An Appropriation to Provide for the Expenses of the Legislature, the Legislative Auditor, the Legislative Reference Bureau, and the Ombudsman. FIN
1/27/2000 HB 1691 Relating to Taxation. FIN
1/27/2000 HB 175 HD2 PROPOSED Relating to Tobacco. FIN
1/27/2000 SB 1345 SD2 HD2 PROPOSED Relating to Employment Compensation in the Judiciary. FIN
1/27/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Accounting and General Services, Department of Land and Natural Resources GOH
1/27/2000 HB 1903 Relating to Brain Injury. HLT
1/27/2000 HB 2013 Relating to Medical Research. HLT
1/27/2000 HB 2112 Relating to Early Childhood. HLT
1/27/2000 HB 2156 Making An Appropriation For Basic Dental Services For Adults. HLT
1/27/2000 HB 2160 Relating to the Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund. HLT
1/27/2000 Decision Making on JDC/JHA
1/27/2000 NONE Cancellation of Joint Informational Briefing on Domestic Violence Working Group JDC/JHA
1/27/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing - Domestic Violence Working Group JDC/JHA
1/27/2000 SB 2061 Relating to Public Officers and Employees and Employment Practices LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2171 Relating to Disaster Relief LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2204 Making an Appropriation for Litter control and Beautification LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2250 Relating to Meal Breaks LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2255 Relating to the Environment LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2256 Relating to Meal Breaks (delete from agenda) LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2256 Relating to Meal Breaks LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2338 Relating to Aquatic Resources LRE
1/27/2000 SB 2338 Relating to Aquatic Resources (delete from agenda) LRE
1/27/2000 GM 2 Brigadier General Edward L. Correa, Jr., Gubernatorial Nominee as Adjutant General TIA
1/27/2000 SB 2012 Making an Appropriation for Veterans Cemeteries TIA
1/27/2000 SB 2013 Relating to Veterans TIA
1/27/2000 SB 2018 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance TIA
1/27/2000 SB 2031 Relating to Bicycles TIA
1/27/2000 SB 2036 Relating to Traffic Safety TIA
1/27/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Overview of the State's Efforts Related to the Felix Consent Decree WAM
1/27/2000 NONE Amended Budget Summary - Felix Overview WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/28/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Department of Budget and Finance, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CPN
1/28/2000 SB 2002 Making an Appropriation for Agricultural Research and Development ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2003 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2004 Making an Appropriation for Pineapple Research ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2007 Making an Appropriation for Agricultural Research ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2008 Relating to Agriculture ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2022 Making an Appropriation for the Agricultural Loan Program ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2290 Making an Appropriation for Pro Bowl Expenses ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2342 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2359 Making an Appropriation for Hawaiian Organic Agriculture ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2411 Relating to the Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises ECD
1/28/2000 SB 2501 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises ECD
1/28/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Substance Abuse 2000 Initiatives JDC/JHA
1/28/2000 NONE Informational Briefing on Substance Abuse 2000 Initiatives JDC/JHA/PSM/WAM/FIN/HHS/HLT/HSH
1/28/2000 GM 1 Amended Notice - Decision making on GM 1 to follow hearing if time permits WLH
1/28/2000 GM 1 Gladys A. Brandt, Keolahou Davidson-Coleman, Zachary Helm, Clara Kakalia, Kamaki Kanahele, Joseph Papalimu, and James Kapule Torio, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Salary Commission WLH
1/28/2000 SB 2108 Relating to the Public Land Trust WLH
1/28/2000 SB 2109 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act WLH
1/28/2000 SB 2111 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Salary Commission WLH
1/28/2000 SB 2118 Relating to Historic Preservation WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
1/31/2000 HB 1773 Relating to the Motor Carrier Law. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 1877 Relating to Informational Privacy. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 1882 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 1935 Relating to Insurance. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 1944 Relating to Public Service Company Tax. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 1959 Proposing an Amendment to the Hawaii State Constitution Directing the Legislature to Refrain from Enacting Laws that Affect Consumers Unless the Law is Beneficial to Consumers. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 1960 Relating to Consumer Actions. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 HB 2006 Relating to the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund. CPC/EDB/JHA
1/31/2000 SB 2112 Relating to the Waianae Coast Community Benchmarking Pilot Project ECD
1/31/2000 SB 2422 Relating to Energy Conservation ECD
1/31/2000 SB 2473 Relating to the Small Business Defender ECD
1/31/2000 SB 2549 Relating to Energy Conservation Tax Credits ECD
1/31/2000 SB 2775 Relating to State Finances ECD
1/31/2000 SB 2889 Relating to Solar Water Heating ECD
1/31/2000 SB 2948 Relating to High Technology ECD
1/31/2000 HB 1904 Relating to Construction. EDB
1/31/2000 HB 1930 Relating to Economic Development. EDB
1/31/2000 HB 1958 Relating to Professional Services. EDB
1/31/2000 HB 1969 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs. EDB
1/31/2000 HB 2059 Relating to Major Commercial Public Events. EDB
1/31/2000 HB1888 Relating to the Development of a Multi-Purpose Sports Complex and World Trade Center. EDB
1/31/2000 HB 1956 Relating to Small Business. EDB/CPC
1/31/2000 HB 1970 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Service. EDB/CPC
1/31/2000 HB 2258 Relating to Capital Access Program. EDB/CPC
1/31/2000 HB 2360 Relating to Small Business. EDB/CPC
1/31/2000 NONE Informational Briefing EDU
1/31/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing - School Repair and Maintenance Program; Repair and Maintenance of Condominium Facilities EDU/EDN
1/31/2000 NONE Budget Informational Briefing - Dept. of Business, Economic Development, and tourism; Office of the Lieutenant Governor; Department of Health HHS
1/31/2000 HB 1831 Relating to Welfare Reform. HSH
1/31/2000 HB 1916 Relating to Families. HSH
1/31/2000 HB 2371 Relating to General Assitance. HSH
1/31/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Educational Presentation on Criminal Law JDC
1/31/2000 HB 1847 Relating to Corrections. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 1955 Relating to the Corrections Populations Management Commission. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 2080 Relating to Tax Credits. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 2103 Relating to State Veterans Cemetery. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 2132 Relating to Cyber Terrorism. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 2133 Relating to Residential Detention of Prearraignment Detainees. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 384 Relating to Prisons. PSM/HSH
1/31/2000 HB 1759 Relating to Traffic Enforcement. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1761 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1762 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1767 Relating to Highways. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1774 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1775 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1776 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1777 Relating to Motor Carriers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1881 Relating to Use of Intoxicants. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1892 Relating to Highways. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1899 Relating to the Statewide Traffic Code. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1910 Relating to Metropolitan Planning Organizations. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 1976 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 2053 Relating to Unauthorized Control of Propelled Vehicle. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 2055 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 2090 Relating to Impaired Drivers. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 2127 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
1/31/2000 HB 2128 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
1/31/2000 SB 2117 Relating to Project Faith WLH
1/31/2000 SB 2355 Relating to Watershed Management WLH
1/31/2000 SB 2513 Relating to Conveyance Tax WLH
1/31/2000 SB 2514 Relating to Watershed Protection WLH
1/31/2000 SB 2529 Relating to a Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/1/2000 SB 2170 Relating to Telemarketers CPN
2/1/2000 SB 2289 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Service CPN
2/1/2000 HB 1873 Relating to Education EDN
2/1/2000 HB 1874 Relating to Educational Accountability EDN
2/1/2000 HB 1875 Relating to Educational Accountability EDN
2/1/2000 SB 2159 Relating to Education EDU/LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2377 Relating to Registrars for Adult Community Schools EDU/LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2104 Relating to Financing of Affordable Housing GOH
2/1/2000 SB 2386 Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Making an Appropriation for the Renovation of State Owned Public Housing GOH
2/1/2000 SB 2576 Relating to State Owned Public Housing GOH
2/1/2000 SB 2598 Relating to Housing GOH
2/1/2000 HB 2004 Relating to Privacy of Health. HLT/EDB
2/1/2000 HB 2161 Relating to Procurement. HLT/EDB
2/1/2000 HB 2163 Relating to Assistive Technology. HLT/EDB
2/1/2000 HB 1846 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance. HSH/HLT
2/1/2000 HB 2166 Making Appropriations for the Protection of Children and Families. HSH/HLT
2/1/2000 HB 2271 Relating to Developmental Disabilities. HSH/HLT
2/1/2000 HB 2276 Relating to Social Workers. HSH/HLT
2/1/2000 HB 2278 Relating to Social Workers. HSH/HLT
2/1/2000 SB 2154 Relating to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders JDC
2/1/2000 SB 2154/SB 2152 Correction to Previous Notice JDC
2/1/2000 SB 2410 Relating to Forfeiture JDC
2/1/2000 SB 2432 Relating to a Sentencing Simulation Model JDC
2/1/2000 SB 2435 Relating to Substance Abuse JDC
2/1/2000 SB 2434 Relating to Substance Abuse JDC/HHS
2/1/2000 SB 2936 Relating to Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders JDC/HHS
2/1/2000 HB 1462 Proposing an Amendment to Article III, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Eligibility to Serve as a Member of the Senate or House of Representatives JHA
2/1/2000 HB 1463 Relating to the Return and Receipt of Special Case Absentee Ballots JHA
2/1/2000 HB 1879 Relating to Elections JHA
2/1/2000 HB 1925 Relating to Elections JHA
2/1/2000 HB 1925 Relating to Elections JHA
2/1/2000 HB 1984 Relating to Elections JHA
2/1/2000 HB 229 Proposing Amendments to the Hawaii Constitution to Establish 2000 and Every Tenth Year Thereafter as Reapportionment Years and to Require that State Legislative Districts be Reapportioned into Multi-Member Districts JHA
2/1/2000 HB 36 Relating to Elections JHA
2/1/2000 HB 36 Relating to Elections JHA
2/1/2000 HB 46 Relating to Nomination Papers JHA
2/1/2000 SB 913 SD1 Relating to Elections by Mail JHA
2/1/2000 SB 913 SD1 Relating to Elections by Mail JHA
2/1/2000 SB 914 Relating to Vote Count JHA
2/1/2000 SB 914 Relating to Vote Count JHA
2/1/2000 SB 915 SD1 Relating to Candidate Vacancies JHA
2/1/2000 SB 915 SD1 Relating to Candidate Vacancies JHA
2/1/2000 HB 2254 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2553 Relating to Employment Security LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2555 Relating to Workers' Compensation Special Compensation Fund Expenses LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2556 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2557 Relating to Occupational Safety and Health LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2558 Relating to Boiler and Elevator Law LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2559 Relating to the Hawaii Workforce Development Council LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2560 Relating to the Hoisting Machine Operators Advisory Board LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2561 Relating to Criminal History Record Checks for Users of Explosives LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2562 Relating to the State Fire Council LAB
2/1/2000 HB 2563 Relating to the State Fire Council LAB
2/1/2000 SB 2192 Relating to the Whistleblower Protection Act LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2259 Relating to Genetic Information Discrimination in Employment and Insurance LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2281 Relating to Environmental Impact Statements LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2545 Relating to Glass Recovery LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2611 Relating to Habitat Conservation LRE
2/1/2000 SB 647 Relating to Plastic LRE
2/1/2000 SB 2329 Making an Appropriation for School-to-Work Coordinator/Counselors LRE/EDU
2/1/2000 SB 2337 Relating to Pesticides LRE/EDU
2/1/2000 SB 2093 Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2096 Relating to Motor Vehicle Driver Licensing TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2133 Making an Appropriation to Promote a Strong Partnership Between the Military and the State of Hawaii TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2135 Making an Appropriation for the Fiftieth Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War Commission TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2169 Relating to Alcohol Concentration Levels TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2189 Relating to Parking Citations TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2193 Relating to Traffic Violations in School Zones TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2305 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2306 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2307 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2311 Relating to Mandatory Use of Seatbelts TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2318 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's Licenses TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2403 Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2504 Relating to Traffic Offenses TIA
2/1/2000 SB 2707 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's License TIA
2/1/2000 HB 2150 Making Appropriations to Provide for the Expenses of the Legislature, the Legislative Auditor, the Legislative Reference Bureau, and the Ombudsman. WAM
2/1/2000 HB 2150 HD1 Making Appropriations to Provide for the Expenses of the Legislature, the Legislative Auditor, the Legislative Reference Bureau, and the Ombudsman (Correction to Previous Notice) WAM
2/1/2000 NONE Informational Briefing WLU
2/1/2000 NONE Informational Briefing: Programs and Budgets for the Departments of Land and Natural Resources, Accounting and General Services, and Business, Economic Development and Tourism. (Amended Agenda) WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/2/2000 HB 1994 Making An Appropriation for Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 1996 Making an Appropriation for Agricultural Research AGR
2/2/2000 HB 1997 Relating to Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 1999 Relating to Animal Quarantine AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2023 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2241 Relating to Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2401 Relating to Pork AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2402 Relating to the Department of Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2403 Relating to Aquaculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2406 Relating to Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2745 Relating to Quarantine AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2789 Making an Appropriation for Hawaiian Organic Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2793 Relating to Agriculture AGR
2/2/2000 HB 2802 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR
2/2/2000 HB 1912 Relating to the Motor Vehicle Rental Industry CPC
2/2/2000 HB 1936 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2005 Relating to Reverse Mortgages CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2017 Relating to Collection Agencies CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2129 Relating to Pawn Brokers and Secondhand Dealers CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2130 Relating to Secondhand Dealers CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2218 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2219 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2220 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2222 Relating to Condominiums CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2223 Relating to Municipal Services CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2252 Relating to the Conveyance Tax CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2352 Relating to Service Contracts CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2363 Relating to Unlicensed Acts CPC
2/2/2000 HB 2983 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC
2/2/2000 SB 2023 Relating to Long Term Care CPN/HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2292 Relating to Insurance Code CPN/HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2319 Relating to Hospitals CPN/HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2976 Relating to Nursing Home Administrators CPN/HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2790 Relating to Public Employees Health Fund CPN/LRE
2/2/2000 SB 2802 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CPN/LRE
2/2/2000 SB 2803 Relating to Public Employees Health Fund CPN/LRE
2/2/2000 SB 2099 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2123 Relating to Animal Quarantine ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2164 Relating to the Organic Agriculture Industry ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2221 Relating to Ethanol ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2226 Relating to Animal Quarantine ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2415 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2528 Making an Appropriation for Emergency Repair and Maintenance of Hamakua Ditch Facilities ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2530 Relating to Agriculture ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2742 Relating to Pork ECD
2/2/2000 SB 2748 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture ECD
2/2/2000 HB 2061 Relating to the University of Hawaii. HED
2/2/2000 HB 2063 Relating to the University of Hawaii. HED
2/2/2000 HB 2064 Relating to the University of Hawaii. HED
2/2/2000 HB 2065 Relating to Capital Improvement Projects for Higher Education. HED
2/2/2000 HB 2375 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii. HED
2/2/2000 HB 2621 Relating to the University of Hawaii. HED
2/2/2000 HB 2623 Relating to the University of Hawaii. HED
2/2/2000 SB 2034 Relating to the Income Tax Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2075 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2442 Relating to Caregivers HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2443 Relating to Families HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2444 Making an Appropriation for Treatment of Victims of Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2445 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2446 Making an Appropriation for the Protection of Children and Families HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2447 Relating to Early Childhood HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2456 Making an Appropriation for Blueprint for Change HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2457 Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2460 Relating to Early Childhood HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2486 Relating to Taxation HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2493 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2496 Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2596 Relating to Child Custody HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2608 Relating to Child Care HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2700 Making an Appropriation for Statewide Prenatal Outreach HHS
2/2/2000 SB 3019 Making an Appropriation for the Healthy Start Program HHS
2/2/2000 SB 2062 Relating to Long-Term Care HHS/CPN
2/2/2000 HB 2104 Relating to Housing HSH
2/2/2000 HB 2368 Relating to Housing HSH
2/2/2000 HB 2506 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents HSH
2/2/2000 HB 2515 Relating to Public Assistance HSH
2/2/2000 HB 2516 Relating to Public Assistance HSH
2/2/2000 HB 1835 Relating to Criminal History Record Checks HSH/HLT
2/2/2000 HB 1991 Relating to Income Taxation HSH/HLT
2/2/2000 HB 2105 Relating to Housing HSH/HLT
2/2/2000 HB 2238 Relating to Federally Qualified Health Centers HSH/HLT
2/2/2000 HB 2336 Related to Income Tax Credits for Elderly At-Home Care HSH/HLT
2/2/2000 SB 2142 Relating to Rights of Victims and Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings JDC
2/2/2000 SB 2426 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation JDC
2/2/2000 SB 2427 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims JDC
2/2/2000 SB 2429 Relating to Crime JDC
2/2/2000 SB 2533 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation JDC
2/2/2000 SB 2933 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation Commission JDC
2/2/2000 SB 615 Proposing an Amendment to Article I of the Hawaii Constitution, to Add a Section on Crime Victims' Rights JDC
2/2/2000 HB 1947 Relating to Fisheries OMR
2/2/2000 HB 1949 Relating to Alien Aquatic Organisms OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2256 Relating to Ocean Recreation and Coastal Areas OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2257 Relating to Personal Watercraft OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2307 Relating to the Removal of Nuisance Seaweed OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2426 Relating to the Boating Special Fund OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2569 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2570 Relating to the Boating Special Fund OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2571 Relating to State Boating Facilities OMR
2/2/2000 HB 2579 Relating to Leasing of Small Boat Harbors OMR
2/2/2000 HB 1899 Relating to the Statewide Traffic Code. TRN
2/2/2000 HB 1976 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2055 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor. TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2090 Relating to Impaired Drivers. TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2127 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2185 Relating to Public Lands TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2192 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. (Removed from Agenda) TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2192 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2610 Relating to Traffic Accidents TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2610 Relating to Traffic Accidents. (Removed from Agenda) TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2612 Relating to Control of Vending TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2614 Relating to Highway Safety TRN
2/2/2000 HB 2619 Relating to Noise TRN
2/2/2000 SB 2384 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
2/2/2000 SB 2477 Relating to the Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
2/2/2000 SB 2478 Relating to the Election of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Board of Trustees WLH
2/2/2000 SB 2479 Relating to the Election of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
2/2/2000 SB 2684 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Budget WLH
2/2/2000 SB 2842 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as Amended WLH
2/2/2000 SB 2843 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, WLH, WAM 1920, as Amended WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/3/2000 HB 2314 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2465 Relating to the Code of Financial Institutions CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2467 Relating to the Consumer Advocate CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2469 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2472 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2473 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2474 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2475 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2476 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2477 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2478 Relating to Insurance CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2487 Relating to Financing the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2603 Relating to Public Service Company Tax CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2877 Relating to Public Contracts CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2877 Relating to Public Contracts CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2897 Relating to Consumer Cooperative Associations CPC
2/3/2000 HB 2902 Relating to Insurers CPC
2/3/2000 HB 3009 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CPC
2/3/2000 HB 1860 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 1861 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 1862 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 1863 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 1864 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 1865 Relating to Boards and Commissions. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2020 Relating to Obsolete Laws. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2022 Relating to Statutory Revision: Amending Reenacting, or Repealing Various Provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes and the Session Laws of Hawaii for the Purpose of Correcting Errors and References, Clarifying Language, and Deleting Obsolete or Unnecessary Provisions. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2187 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2188 Relating to Administrative Procedure. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2189 Relating to Administrative Procedure. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2190 Relating to Boards and Commissions. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2359 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2878 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement EDB/LAB
2/3/2000 HB 1886 Relating to School Records. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 1986 Relating to Assault in the Second Degree. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2036 Relating to Education. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2041 Relating to Computer Access by Minors. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2042 Relating to Pornography. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2092 Relating to Education. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2093 Relating to School Safety. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2094 Relating to Rehiring Retired Teachers in the Department of Education. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2096 Making an Appropriation for Education. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2097 Relating to Teacher Compensation. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2098 Relating to Criminal History. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2388 Relating to Education. EDN
2/3/2000 HB 2183 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises. EEP/AGR
2/3/2000 HB 2204 Relating to Ethanol. EEP/AGR
2/3/2000 HB 2205 Relating to Alternative Fuels. EEP/AGR
2/3/2000 HB 2405 Relating to Pesticides EEP/AGR
2/3/2000 HB 2526 Relating to Used Oil EEP/AGR
2/3/2000 HB 839 Relating to the General Excise Taxation of Wastewater Leasing EEP/AGR
2/3/2000 SB 2471 Relating to Government Efficiency GOH/LRE
2/3/2000 SB 2509 Relating to Procurement Practices GOH/LRE
2/3/2000 HB 2277 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Fund HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2422 Relating to the Enforcement of the Tobacco Settlement Agreement HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2423 Relating to Tobacco Products Report HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2550 Relating to Mental Health Parity HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2746 Making an Appropriation for the Peer Education Program HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2811 Relating to Health HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2894 Relating to Substance Abuse HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2913 Relating to Mental Health Insurance Coverage HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 HB 2961 Relating to Tobacco HLT/PSM
2/3/2000 SB 2685 Relating to Trusts and Estates JDC
2/3/2000 SB 2688 Relating to the Judiciary JDC
2/3/2000 SB 2690 Relating to Probation JDC
2/3/2000 SB 2691 Relating to the Judiciary JDC
2/3/2000 SB 2692 Relating to Salaries JDC
2/3/2000 HB 1456 Relating to Jurors JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1804 Relating to False Claims JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1804 Relating to False Claims JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1939 Relating to Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1939 Relating to Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1940 Relating to Court Appointed Counsel Legal Fees JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1940 Relating to Court Appointed Consel Legal Fees JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1943 Relating to the Attorney General JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1943 Relating to the Attorney General JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2213 Relating to Binding Arbitration Awards JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2299 Relating to Interest JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2299 Relating to Interest JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2344 Relating to Attorneys' Fees JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2344 Relating to Attorneys' Fees JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2410 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State and Providing Appropriations Therefor JHA
2/3/2000 HB 2620 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor JHA
2/3/2000 HB 503 Relating to Courts JHA
2/3/2000 HB 503 Relating to Courts JHA
2/3/2000 HB 1829 Relating to Living Wages LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2168 Relating to Labor LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2172 Relating to Government LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2552 Relating to Mininum Wage LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2564 Relating to Employment Security LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2919 Relating to Health Care Coverage LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2984 Relating to Mininum Wage LAB/EDB
2/3/2000 HB 2169 Relating to Collective Bargaining LAB/HED
2/3/2000 SB 2057 Relating to Living Wages LRE
2/3/2000 SB 2230 Relating to Minimum Wage LRE
2/3/2000 SB 2313 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees LRE
2/3/2000 SB 2893 Relating to Minimum Wage LRE
2/3/2000 SB 2258 Relating to Public Contracts LRE/GOH
2/3/2000 SB 2100 Relating to Parking Structures (deleted from agenda) TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2100 Relating to Parking Structures TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2137 Relating to Tax Credits TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2156 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2531 Relating to Taxation TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2541 Relating to Intoxicating Liquors TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2547 Relating to Motor Vehicles TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2615 Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles (Deleted from agenda) TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2615 Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2635 Relating to Highways TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2678 Relating to Intoxicating Liquor TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2686 Relating to Vehicles TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2760 Relating to Litigation Involving Highways TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2766 Relating to Condominiums TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2950 Relating to Highways TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2951 Relating to Traffic Accidents TIA
2/3/2000 SB 2955 Relating to Highway Safety TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/4/2000 HB 1310 Relating to the Privatization of Animal Quarantine AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 1889 Relating to Agriculture and Animals AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 1993 Making an Appropriation for Pineapple Research AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2799 Making an Appropriation for the Aquaculture Disease Prevention Program AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2801 Relating to Agriculture AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2973 Making an Appropriation for Miconia Eradication AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2996 Relating to Agricultural Loans AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2997 Relating to Aquaculture Loans AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2998 Relating to Agriculture AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 HB 2999 Relating to the Right to Farm AGR/PSM
2/4/2000 SB 2125 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/4/2000 SB 2325 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/4/2000 SB 2327 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/4/2000 SB 2167 Making an Appropriation to Purchase Property at Punalu`u Beach in Ka`u in the County of Hawaii to Establish a State Park ECD
2/4/2000 SB 2251 Relating to Tort Liability ECD
2/4/2000 SB 2909 Relating to State Parks ECD
2/4/2000 SB 2910 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund ECD
2/4/2000 SB 2911 Relating to the Boating Special Fund ECD
2/4/2000 SB 3005 Making an Appropriation for the Aquaculture Disease Prevention Program ECD
2/4/2000 SB 2037 Relating to Libraries EDU
2/4/2000 SB 2418 Relating to Public Libraries EDU
2/4/2000 SB 2423 Relating to Education EDU
2/4/2000 SB 2465 Relating to Pornography EDU
2/4/2000 SB 2907 Relating to the Hawaii State Public Library System EDU
2/4/2000 NONE Informational Briefing EDU/EDN
2/4/2000 HB 2060 Relating to the University of Hawaii HED
2/4/2000 HB 2062 Relating to Higher Education HED
2/4/2000 HB 2067 Proposing an Amendment to Article 10, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Selection Process of the University of Hawaii Board of Regents HED
2/4/2000 HB 2069 Relating to the University of Hawaii Board of Regents HED
2/4/2000 HB 2070 Relating to Higher Education HED
2/4/2000 HB 2455 Relating to the College Savings Program HED
2/4/2000 HB 2760 Relating to the College Savings Program HED
2/4/2000 HB 2812 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in all Matters HED
2/4/2000 HB 2813 Relating to the University of Hawaii HED
2/4/2000 HB 2900 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii at Manoa HED
2/4/2000 SB 2063 Relating to Criminal History Record Checks HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2320 Relating to a Long-Term Care Commission HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2372 Relating to Pain Management HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2485 Making an Appropriation for End-Of-Life Care Education of Physicians HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2487 Relating to Elder Abuse HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2489 Relating to Brain Injury HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2490 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care HHS
2/4/2000 SB 2607 Relating to the Commission on the Status of Women HHS
2/4/2000 HB 2107 Making an Appropriation for Blueprint for Change HSH
2/4/2000 HB 2273 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund HSH
2/4/2000 HB 2509 Relating to Kinship Care HSH
2/4/2000 HB 2510 Relating to Foster Board Allowances for Students HSH
2/4/2000 HB 2626 Relating to Child Care HSH
2/4/2000 HB 2912 Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Appropriation for FY 2000-01 HSH
2/4/2000 HB 3022 Making an Appropriation for Child Care Certification HSH
2/4/2000 Decision Making on SB 615, SB 2142, SB 2429, SB 2427, SB 2426, SB 2533, SB 2933 (Deferred from 2/2/00) JDC
2/4/2000 Decision Making on SB 2435, SB 2410, SB 2432, SB 2152 (Deferred from 2/1/00) JDC
2/4/2000 Decision Making on SB 2688, SB 2685, SB 2690, SB 2691, SB 2692 (Deferred from 2/3/00) JDC
2/4/2000 Decision Making on SB 2434, SB 2936 (Deferred from 2/1/00) JDC/HHS
2/4/2000 HB 101 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit LAB
2/4/2000 HB 1832 Relating to Employment Discrimination LAB
2/4/2000 HB 1833 Relating to Public Officers and Employees and Employment Practices LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2001 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2123 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2171 Relating to Meal Breaks LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2214 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance Law LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2389 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2520 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB
2/4/2000 HB 2726 Relating to Registrars for Adult Community Schools LAB
2/4/2000 HB 1757 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
2/4/2000 HB 1807 Relating to Traffic Infractions. TRN
2/4/2000 HB 2208 Relating to Counties. TRN
2/4/2000 HB 994 Relating to Notice of Breach or Default. TRN
2/4/2000 HB 2610 Relating to Traffic Accidents TRN/JHA
2/4/2000 SB 2108 Relating to the Public Land Trust WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2109 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2111 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Salary Commission WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2117 Relating to Project Faith WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2118 Relating to Historic Preservation WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2175 Relating to Conservation WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2355 Relating to Watershed Management WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2384 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2477 Relating to the Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2478 Relating to the Election of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Board of Trustees WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2483 Relating to Burial Sites WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2513 Relating to Conveyance Tax WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2514 Relating to Watershed Protection WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2529 Relating to a Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2603 Relating to the Ala Wai Watershed WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2604 Relating to the Ala Wai Watershed WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2684 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Budget WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2842 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2843 Realting to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2914 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2915 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2916 Relating to Disposition of Water Rights WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2917 Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund WLH
2/4/2000 SB 2919 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund WLH
2/4/2000 HB 1901 Relating to State Parks WLU
2/4/2000 HB 1902 Relating to the State Water Code WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2236 Relating to Public Lands WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2263 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Hawaii Forestry and Communities Initiative WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2309 Relating to Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2575 Relating to Disposition of Water Rights WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2576 Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2743 Relating to Land Use. WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2807 Making an Appropriation for a Waialua-Haleiwa Stormwater Drainage Master Plan WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2835 Relating to Watershed Protection WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2836 Relating to Conveyance Tax WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2871 Making an Appropriation for the Hawaii Forestry and Communities Initiative WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2893 Making an Appropriation to Provide Data for Hydraulic and Hydrologic Flood Analysis WLU
2/4/2000 HB 2917 Relating to Hawaiian Terminology WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/5/2000 NONE Legislative Committee to Identify Important Agricultural Lands ECD/AGR
2/5/2000 NONE Joint Legislative Committee to Identify Important Agricultural Lands ECD/AGR/WLH/WLU
2/5/2000 HB 2039 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2039 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2040 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2040 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2046 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2046 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2047 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2047 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2048 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2048 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2049 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2049 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2050 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2050 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2051 Relating to Student Crimestoppers Programs EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2051 Relating to Student Crimestoppers Programs EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2077 Relating to School Safety EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2077 Relating to School Safety EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2816 Relating to School Violence EDN
2/5/2000 HB 2816 Relating to School Violence EDN
2/5/2000 HB 283 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 HB 283 Relating to Education EDN
2/5/2000 SB 2617 Relating to the Civil Service Law LRE/TIA
2/5/2000 SB 2890 Relating to Individual Wastewater Systems LRE/TIA
2/5/2000 SB 2317 Relating to Boards of Water Supply TIA/LRE
2/5/2000 SB 3121 Relating to Alternate Fueled Vehicles TIA/LRE

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/7/2000 HB 2026 Relating to Culture and the Arts CAR
2/7/2000 HB 2262 Establishing A Commission to Celebrate the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Arrival of the Koreans to Hawaii CAR
2/7/2000 HB 2408 Relating to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts CAR
2/7/2000 HB 2959 Relating to the Entertainment Industry. (Amended Agenda) CAR
2/7/2000 HB 2960 Relating to the Film Industry. (Amended Agenda) CAR
2/7/2000 HB 3009 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange. (Revised Notice) CPC
2/7/2000 HB 1938 Relating to Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 -- Secured Transactions CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2013 Relating to Medical Research CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2034 Relating to Taxation CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2373 Relating to the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2466 Relating to Escrow Depositories CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2877 Relating to Public Contractshb CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2986 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CPC/LAB/JHA
2/7/2000 SB 2125 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund (Rescheduled from 2/4/00) CPN
2/7/2000 SB 2325 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund (Rescheduled from 2/4/00) CPN
2/7/2000 SB 2327 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund (Rescheduled from 2/4/00) CPN
2/7/2000 SB 2802 Relating to Public Employees Health Benefits (Rescheduled from 2/4/00) CPN/LRE
2/7/2000 SB 2803 Relating to Public Employees Health Fund (Rescheduled from 2/4/00) CPN/LRE
2/7/2000 SB 3193 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CPN/LRE
2/7/2000 SB2790 Relating to Public Employees Health Fund (Rescheduled from 2/4/00) CPN/LRE
2/7/2000 SB 1457 Relating to Lender Exemptions ECD
2/7/2000 SB 2055 Relating to Net Energy Metering ECD
2/7/2000 SB 2253 Relating to Energy Conservation ECD
2/7/2000 SB 2709 Relating to Taxation ECD
2/7/2000 SB 2779 Relating to State Enterprise Zones ECD
2/7/2000 SB 3064 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises ECD
2/7/2000 SB 3134 Making an Appropriation to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Technology-Focused Community-Based Center in Waialua Town ECD
2/7/2000 SB 3137 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Processing Enterprises ECD
2/7/2000 HB 2182 Relating to the General Excise Tax EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2366 Relating to Commercial and Industrial Improvements EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2434 Relating to State Finances EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2438 Relating to State Enterprise Zones EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2441 Relating to Biological Materials EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2497 Relating to the State Internet EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2604 Relating to Taxation EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2876 Relating to General Excise Tax EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2903 Relating to Unlicensed Acts EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2928 Relating to Taxation EDB
2/7/2000 HB 2964 Relating to Community-Based Economic Development EDB
2/7/2000 SB 2130 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Add an Additional Nonvoting Member to the Board of Education EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2334 Relating to the General Excise Tax EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2461 Relating to Education EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2469 Relating to Education EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2474 Relating to Federal Aid EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2475 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2571 Relating to School-Based Budgeting EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2696 Relating to the General Excise Tax EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2832 Relating to School Lunch EDU
2/7/2000 SB 2835 Relating to Education EDU
2/7/2000 SB 3150 Relating to Community Partner Councils EDU
2/7/2000 HB 1884 Relating to Energy EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 HB 1937 Relating to Authorizing the Use of General Obligation Bonds to Install Utility Lines Underground EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 HB 2003 Relating to the Establishment of a Voluntary Contribution Fund for the Installation of Overhead Lines Underground EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 HB 2201 Relating to Electrical Cooperatives EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 HB 2701 Relating to Public Schools EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 HB 2843 Relating to Utility Lines EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 HB 3021 Relating to Gasoline EEP/EDN
2/7/2000 SB 2024 Medical Research On Cancer Studies HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2027 Making an Appropriations for Dental Services for Adults HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2039 Making an Appropriation for Medicine Bank HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2040 Relating to Developmental Disabilities HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2064 Repealing Section 327E-13 (G), Hawaii Revised Statutes HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2182 Making an Appropriation for the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2370 Making an Appropriation for Emergency Ambulance Service on the Island of Hawaii HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2488 Making an Appropriation for the Hana Community Health Center HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2566 Making an Appropriation for Preventive Dental Services to Adults HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2567 Making an Appropriation for Respite Care Services for Families of Individuals with Special Needs HHS
2/7/2000 SB 2968 Relating to the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center HHS
2/7/2000 SB 3022 Making an Appropriation to Service Medically Understand and At-Risk Populations in Kona HHS
2/7/2000 SB2030 Relating to Health Care HHS
2/7/2000 SB2246 Making an Appropriation for Emergency Medical Services HHS
2/7/2000 SB2657 Relating to Health HHS
2/7/2000 HB 1834 Relating to Long Term Care. HSH
2/7/2000 HB 2159 Making an Appropriation to Increase Home- and Community-Based Care Services. HSH
2/7/2000 HB 2511 Relating to Long Term Care. HSH
2/7/2000 HB 2689 Relating to Dependent Adults. HSH
2/7/2000 HB 536 Relating to Human Services. (Revised Agenda) HSH
2/7/2000 HB 536 Relating to Human Services. (Revised Agenda) HSH
2/7/2000 HB 537 Relating to Housing. (Revised Agenda) HSH
2/7/2000 HB 540 Relating to Human Services. (Revised Agenda) HSH
2/7/2000 HB 540 Relating to Human Services. (Revised Agenda) HSH
2/7/2000 HB 2856 Relating to Long Term Care. HSH/HLT
2/7/2000 HB 2873 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services. (Corrected Agenda) HSH/HLT
2/7/2000 HB 2873 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Centers. HSH/HLT
2/7/2000 HB 2916 Relating to Long Term Care. HSH/HLT
2/7/2000 HB 2966 Relating to Health. HSH/HLT
2/7/2000 SB 2026 Relating to Domestic Abuse Protective Orders JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2065 Relating to Abuse of Family or Household Members JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2066 Relating to Domestic Abuse Protective Orders JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2070 Relating to Firearms JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2081 Relating to Domestic Violence JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2082 Relating to Domestic Violence JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2153 Relating to Abuse of Family or Household Members JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2154 Relating to Protective Orders JDC
2/7/2000 SB 2155 Relating to Firearms JDC
2/7/2000 SB 3024 Relating to Domestic Violence JDC
2/7/2000 SB2069 Relating to Probation JDC
2/7/2000 HB 2591 Relating to Civil Service Process. JHA/PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2594 Relating to Dangerous Drugs. JHA/PSM
2/7/2000 NONE Informational Briefing: Medicaid Managed Long Term Care. JLTC/HSH/HHS
2/7/2000 HB 2193 Relating to Public Access LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2194 Relating to Public Access LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2311 Relating to the Procurement Code for Design Professional Services LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2361 Relating to Medical Savings Accounts LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2636 Relating to Campaign Activities of State Legislators and State Employees LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2640 Relating to the Salary of the Executive Director of the State Ethics Commission LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2711 Relating to the Office of Information Practice LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2834 Making an Appropriation for Legislative Internal Computer Network LMG
2/7/2000 HB 2920 Relating to the Auditor LMG
2/7/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Legislative Information System and Expenditures; Miscellaneous Matters Relating to the Legislative Budget NONE
2/7/2000 HB 2380 Relating to Corrections. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2592 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation Commission. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2593 Relating to Correctional Health Care. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2596 Relating to the Operations of Correctional Facilities. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2717 Relating to Terrorism. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2739 Relating to Corrections. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2741 Relating to Privately-Operated Correctional Facilities. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2886 Relating to Management of Prisons. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 2982 Relating to Labor. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 476 Relating to Public Safety. PSM
2/7/2000 HB 476 Relating to Public Safety PSM
2/7/2000 HB 1896 Relating to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders. PSM/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2292 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation. PSM/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2353 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation. PSM/JHA
2/7/2000 HB 2317 Relating to Intoxicating Liquor TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2618 Relating to Repeat Intoxicated Drivers TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2687 Relating to Traffic Offenses TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2691 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2692 Relating to Driving Under Influence TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2727 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2729 Relating to Transportation TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2775 Relating to Intoxicating Liquor TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2794 Relating to Taxation TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2806 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's License TRN
2/7/2000 HB 2823 Relating to Motor Carriers TRN
2/7/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Legislative Information System Contract and Expenditures; Miscellaneous Matters Relating to the Legislative Budget WAM
2/7/2000 SB 2242 Relating to Forest Reserves WLH
2/7/2000 SB 2646 Relating to Wailupe Stream WLH
2/7/2000 SB 2983 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLH
2/7/2000 SB 3049 Relating to Historic Preservation WLH
2/7/2000 SB 3092 Relating to Forest Stewardship WLH
2/7/2000 SB 3122 Relating to Noncommercial Piers WLH
2/7/2000 SB 559 Relating to Public Access WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/8/2000 SB 2278 Relating to Captive Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2321 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2561 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2562 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2564 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2565 Relating to Covered Loss Deductible CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2731 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 2815 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 3043 Relating to State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CPN
2/8/2000 SB 3189 Relating to Insurers CPN
2/8/2000 SB 3190 Relating to Captive Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 SB 3192 Relating to Captive Insurance CPN
2/8/2000 Decision Making for SB 2409 SD2 (PROPOSED) (Deferred from 03/01/00) ECD/LRE
2/8/2000 SB 3145 Making an Appropriation to Eradicate Invasive Plant Species ECD/LRE
2/8/2000 HB 2339 Relating to Public School Facilities. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2386 Relating to New Century Charter Schools. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2491 Relating to School Lunch. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2492 Relating to Education. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2493 Relating to New Century Charter Schools. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2566 Relating to the Hawaii State Public Library System. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2852 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the State Constitution to Change the Composition of the Board of Education. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 3004 Relating to Public Libraries. EDN
2/8/2000 SB 1275 HD1 Relating to Civil Service Exemptions. EDN
2/8/2000 HB 2230 Relating to Education. EDN/HED
2/8/2000 HB 2280 Relating to School-to-Work. EDN/HED/LAB
2/8/2000 HB 2857 Relating to Gender Equity In Sports EDN/HED/LAB
2/8/2000 Decision Making on SB 2159, SB 2377 (Deferred from 2/1/00) EDU/LRE
2/8/2000 HB 2895 Relating to Environmental Impact Statements. EEP/WLU
2/8/2000 SB 2021 Relating to Housing GOH
2/8/2000 SB 2333 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes GOH
2/8/2000 SB 2527 Relating to Condominiums GOH
2/8/2000 SB 2578 Relating to Residential Lease-to-Fee Conversion GOH
2/8/2000 SB 289 Relating to Housing (Short form bill) GOH
2/8/2000 SB 3119 Relating to Planned Community Associations GOH
2/8/2000 SB 3160 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants GOH
2/8/2000 SB 564 Relating to Housing GOH
2/8/2000 HB 1897 Relating to the Maui Regional Health Systems Corporation. (Amended Notice) HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2002 Relating to Protection of Health Information by Property and Casualty Insurers. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2393 Relating to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2394 Relating to Health Care. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2524 Relating to Prophylactics. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2532 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2534 Relating to Critical Access Hospitals. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2535 Relating to Criminal Background Checks for the Department of Health. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2747 Making an Appropriation to Conduct a Needs Assessment of Home- and Community-Based Treatment Programs for the Institutionalized Mentally Ill, Including Forensic Patients. HLT
2/8/2000 HB 2833 Relating to Dental Insurance. HLT
2/8/2000 SB 2704 Relating to a Feasibility Study to Build a Prison at Barbers Point JDC
2/8/2000 SB 2937 Relating to the Operations of Correctional Facilities JDC/GOH
2/8/2000 SB 2433 Relating to Prisons JDC/LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2270 Relating to Public Lands JDC/WLH
2/8/2000 SB 2271 Relating to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands JDC/WLH
2/8/2000 HB 1878 Relating to Elections JHA
2/8/2000 HB 1879 Relating to Elections JHA
2/8/2000 HB 1982 Relating to Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act. JHA
2/8/2000 HB 1983 Relating to the Land Court JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2021 Relating to Act 316, Session Laws of Hawaii 1993, as Amended by Act 157, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995; and to Act 278, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999. JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2259 Making an Appropriation for Uniform Laws. JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2528 Relating to Safe Drinking Water. JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2530 Relating to Air Pollution Control Public Notification. JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2586 Relating to Chapter 92F, Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified). JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2630 Making An Appropriation for the Office of Elections JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2632 Making an Appropriation for the Office of Elections JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2633 Relating to Voter Registration JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2634 Relating to No Candidates Filed for an Elective Office JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2635 Relating to Elections JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2646 Relating to Trusts and Estates JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2649 Relating to Nonconsensual Common Law Liens JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2650 Relating to the Judiciary JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2653 Relating to the Judiciary JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2690 Relating to Victims and Witnesses JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2829 Relating to the Elections Appointment and Review Panel JHA
2/8/2000 HB 2143 Relating to the Uniform Principal and Income Act. JHA/CPC
2/8/2000 HB 2420 Relating to the Disclosure of Government Records. JHA/CPC
2/8/2000 HB 2529 Relating to Safe Drinking Water. JHA/CPC
2/8/2000 HB 1870 Relating to the Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund LAB/FIN
2/8/2000 HB 2518 Relating to Public Employment LAB/FIN
2/8/2000 Decision Making on SB 2281 (Deferred from 2/1/00) LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2662 Relating to the Site Restoration and Pollution Clean-Up Fund LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2672 Relating to Conflicts of Interest LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2676 Relating to Campaign Activities of State Legislators and State Employees LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2721 Relating to Labor Disputes LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2859 Relating to Public Employment (Preamble & Part I; see notices for 2/10 for additional information) LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2971 Relating to Environmental Impact Statements LRE
2/8/2000 SB 2746 Relating to Pesticides LRE/ECD
2/8/2000 Decision Making on SB 2337, SB 2329 (Deferred from 2/1/00) LRE/EDU
2/8/2000 Decision Making on SB 2890, SB 2617 (Deferred from 2/5/00) LRE/TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2308 Relating to Taxation TIA
2/8/2000 SB 1369 Relating to County Exemption to the State Statute of Limitations TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2143 Relating to Public Lands TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2223 Relating to Metropolitan Planning TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2300 Relating to Harbors TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2303 Relating to Harbors TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2966 Relating to Transportation TIA
2/8/2000 SB 3104 Relating to Motor Vehicles TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2299 Relating to Harbors TIA/WLH
2/8/2000 SB 2301 Relating to Harbors TIA/WLH
2/8/2000 SB 2302 Relating to Harbors TIA/WLH
2/8/2000 SB 2682 Relating to Landowners' Liability TIA/WLH
2/8/2000 HB 2904 Relating to Gaming TSM
2/8/2000 SB 2056 Relating to Individual Development Account Contribution Tax Credits WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2058 Relating to Income Tax Credits WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2421 Relating to Taxation WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2716 Relating to Taxation WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2795 Relating to the Emergency and Budget Reserve Fund WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2925 Relating to the Fuel Tax WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2938 Relating to Conformity of the Hawaii Income Tax Law to the Internal Revenue Code WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2939 Relating to the Integrated Tax Information Management Systems Acquisition by the Department of Taxation WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2940 Relating to the Department of Taxation WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2941 Proposing an Amendment to Article VII, Section 3, of the State Constitution to Provide for the Appointment of a Tax Review Commission Every Ten Years WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2942 Relating to the General Fund Expenditure Ceiling Reporting Dates WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2946 Relating to Taxation Appeals WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2947 Relating to Disclosure of Tax Information WAM
2/8/2000 SB 2323 Relating to Ceded Land Revenues WLH/TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2551 Relating to the Land Use Commission WLH/TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2554 Making an Appropriation for Improvements to the Kohala Mountain Road on the Island of Hawaii WLH/TIA
2/8/2000 SB 2844 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WLH/TIA
2/8/2000 HB 2427 Relating to Geographic Information Systems. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2433 Relating to Land Use. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2433 Relating to Land Use. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2436 Relating to the Ala Wai Golf Course. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2436 Relating to the Ala Wai Golf Course. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2568 Relating to State Parks. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2573 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2574 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2577 Relating to Hunting Licenses. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2578 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2762 Relating to Island Burial Councils. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2782 Relating to Burial Sites. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 2926 Relating to Public Lands. WLU
2/8/2000 HB 1971 Relating to Forest Reserves. WLU/EEP

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/9/2000 HB 1999 Relating to Animal Quarantine AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2404 Relating to Aquaculture AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2745 Relating to Quarantine AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2790 Relating to Agriculture AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2791 Relating to Agriculture AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2800 Relating to Quarantine AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2803 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2995 Relating to the Organic Agriculture Industry AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2998 Relating to Agriculture AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2999 Relating to the Right to Farm AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 3024 Relating to Revocable Permits for State Agricultural Leases AGR/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2215 Relating to Insurance. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2216 Relating to Uninsured Motor Vehicles. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2315 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2316 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2378 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2392 Relating to Health. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2470 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2479 Relating to Motor Vehicle Express Warranty Enforcement (Lemon Law). CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2797 Relating to Insurance Code. CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2978 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
2/9/2000 SB 3153 Relating to Public Access Television CPN
2/9/2000 CPN/EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2926 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CPN/EDU
2/9/2000 SB 3070 Relating to Cyber-Terrorism CPN/EDU
2/9/2000 SB 3156 Relating to High Speed Connectivity CPN/EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2292 Relating to Insurance Code CPN/HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2439 Relating to Protection of Health Information by Property and Casualty Insurers CPN/HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2891 Relalting to Mental Health Parity CPN/HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2293 Relating to Insurance CPN/LRE
2/9/2000 SB 2378 Relating to Administrative Procedure CPN/LRE
2/9/2000 SB 2515 Relating to Business or Development-Related Permits, Licenses, or Approvals CPN/LRE
2/9/2000 SB 2993 Relating to the Environment CPN/LRE
2/9/2000 Decision Making on SB 2748, SB 2742, SB 2226, SB 2099 (Deferred from 2/2/00) ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2099 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2226 Relating to Animal Quarantine ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2742 Relating to Pork ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2745 Relating to Agriculture ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2748 Making an Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture ECD
2/9/2000 SB 3007 Relating to Agriculture ECD
2/9/2000 SB 3194 Relating to the Right to Farm ECD
2/9/2000 SB 3198 Relating to Agriculture ECD
2/9/2000 SB 3199 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2409 Relating to Taxation ECD/EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2738 Relating to New Economy Skills Training ECD/EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2352 Relating to Computer Offenses EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2420 Relating to Technology EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2466 Relating to Computer Access by Minors EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2838 Relating to the State Internet Portal EDU
2/9/2000 SB 3132 Relating to Information Technology EDU
2/9/2000 SB 3140 Relating to Computer and Communication Systems EDU
2/9/2000 SB 2041 Relaitng to Electronic Commerce EDU/CPN
2/9/2000 SB 2385 Relating to the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act EDU/CPN
2/9/2000 SB 2708 Relating to the High Technology Development Corporation EDU/ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2784 Relating to High Technology Development Corporation EDU/ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2800 Relating to the Hawaii Telecommunications and Information Act EDU/ECD
2/9/2000 SB 2999 Making an Appropriation for the High Technology Development Corporation EDU/ECD
2/9/2000 SB 3036 Relating to High Technology EDU/ECD
2/9/2000 HB 1966 Relating to Wind Farms. EEP/CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2330 Relating to Energy. EEP/CPC
2/9/2000 HB 2719 Relating to Habitat Conservation EEP/OMR
2/9/2000 HB 1782 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii at Hilo. HED
2/9/2000 HB 1800 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii at Hilo. HED
2/9/2000 HB 1801 Making an Appropriation for the University Park. HED
2/9/2000 HB 1989 Relating to the University of Hawaii at Hilo. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2066 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2068 Relating to Ethics. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2070 HD1 Relating to Higher Education. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2073 Relating to the University of Hawaii. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2209 Relating to the University of Hawaii at Hilo. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2267 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2275 Relating to the Hawaiian Language College. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2374 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii Community Colleges System. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2815 Making an Appropriation for Kauai Community College. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2899 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii at West Oahu. HED
2/9/2000 HB 2963 Making an Appropriation for a Permanent Position for the Drug and Substance Abuse Counselling Program at University of Hawaii West Oahu. HED
2/9/2000 Decision Making on SB 2024, SB 2027, SB 2566, SB 2030, SB 2039, SB 2040, SB 2064, SB 2182, SB 2968, SB 2488, SB 3022, SB 2567, SB 2370, SB 2246, SB 2657 (Deferred from 2/7/00) HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2492 Relating to Health HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2864 Relating to the Welfare of Incoompetent Persons HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2865 Relating to Prophylactics HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2866 Relating to Prescription Drugs HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2872 Making an Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2873 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2874 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2875 Relating to Critical Access Hospitals HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2876 Relating to Criminal Background Checks for the Department of Health HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2877 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2878 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2883 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State's Medicaid Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled or Mentally Retarded Program HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2885 Relating to Sanitation HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2892 Relating to the Correction of the Applicable Fiscal Year for the Appropriation to be Expended by the Department of Health in Section 6 of Act 304, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 HHS
2/9/2000 SB 3120 Relating to Maui Memorial Hospital HHS
2/9/2000 SB 2344 Relating to Maui Regional Health Systems Corporation HHS/LRE
2/9/2000 HB 2429 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii. HSH
2/9/2000 HB 2431 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii. HSH
2/9/2000 HB 2432 Relating to Low-Income Housing Credit. HSH
2/9/2000 HB 2848 Relating to Housing. HSH
2/9/2000 HB 2935 Relating to Lodging or Tenement Houses, Hotels and Boardinghouses. HSH
2/9/2000 HB 2965 Relating to Housing. HSH
2/9/2000 HB 537 Relating to Housing. HSH
2/9/2000 SB 2353 Relating to the Office of Information Practices JDC
2/9/2000 SB 2440 Relating to Informational Privacy JDC
2/9/2000 SB 2522 Relating to Office of Infromation Practices JDC
2/9/2000 SB 2523 Relating to Fees JDC
2/9/2000 SB 3155 Relating to the Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) JDC
2/9/2000 SB 3154 Relating to Health Care Information JDC/HHS
2/9/2000 HB 101 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit LAB
2/9/2000 HB 1829 Relating to Living Wages LAB
2/9/2000 HB 1832 Relating to Employment Discrimination LAB
2/9/2000 HB 1833 Relating to Public Officers and Employees and Employment Practices LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2001 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2123 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2171 Relating to Meal Breaks LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2214 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance Law LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2389 Relating to Workers Compensation LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2519 Relating to Flexible Spending Accounts LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2520 Relating to Workers Compensation LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2556 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2726 Relating to Registrars for Adult Community Schools LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2798 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB
2/9/2000 HB 2307 Relating to the Removal of Nuisance Seaweed OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2426 Relating to Coastal Zone Management OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2572 Relating to Kaneohe Bay OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2579 Relating to Leasing of Small Boat Harbors OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2753 Relating to Ocean Recreation OMR
2/9/2000 HB 2826 Relating to Fisheries OMR
2/9/2000 HB 3001 Relating to Noncommercial Piers OMR
2/9/2000 HB 286, HD1, SD1 Relating to Speeding WAM
2/9/2000 SB 2088 Relating to Short-Term Investments of State Moneys WAM
2/9/2000 SB 2106 Relating to Federal Funding WAM
2/9/2000 SB 2412 Relating to the Auditor WAM
2/9/2000 SB 2728 Proposing a Constitutional Amendment Relating to Public Access to Government WAM
2/9/2000 SB 2785 Relating to Unclaimed Property WAM
2/9/2000 SB 3045 Relating to the Auditor WAM
2/9/2000 NONE Amended Notice - change of hearing start time from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. (SB 2736, SB 2767, SB 2768, SB 2774, SB 2997, SB 2998) WLH
2/9/2000 SB 2736 Relating to Kikala-Keokea WLH
2/9/2000 SB 2767 Relating to Coastal Zone Management WLH
2/9/2000 SB 2768 Relating to Geographic Information Systems WLH
2/9/2000 SB 2774 Relating to Land Use WLH
2/9/2000 SB 2997 Making an Appropriation for a Waialua-Haleiwa Stormwater Drainage Master Plan WLH
2/9/2000 SB 2998 Making an Appropriation to Provide Data for Hydraulic and Hydrologic flood Analyses WLH
2/9/2000 SB 460 Making an Appropriation for the Residents of Maunalaha Subdivision WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/10/2000 HB 1761 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC
2/10/2000 HB 1775 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC
2/10/2000 HB 1776 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2125 Relating to Alarms CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2396 Relating to Degree-Granting Institutions CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2439 Relating to Technology CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2480 Relating to Limited Liability Partnerships CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2481 Relating to the Uniform Securities Act CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2482 Relating to Control Share Acquisitions CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2483 Relating to Business Registration CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2484 Relating to the Corporations CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2485 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2585 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2751 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPC
2/10/2000 HB 2945 Relating to Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers CPC
2/10/2000 SB 2326 Relating to Public Employee Benefits CPN
2/10/2000 SB 2356 Relating to Investments of the Employees' Retirement System CPN
2/10/2000 SB 2787 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
2/10/2000 SB 3002 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
2/10/2000 SB 2799 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN/TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2166 Relating to Wind Farms ECD/CPN
2/10/2000 SB 3055 Relating to Adminstrative Procedure ECD/CPN
2/10/2000 SB 2134 Relating to Agriculture and Animals ECD/TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2661 Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Making an Appropriation for Panaewa Race Track ECD/TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2783 Relating to Economic Development Financing ECDU/CPN/ECD
2/10/2000 SB 3143 Relating to the New Economy ECDU/CPN/ECD
2/10/2000 HB 1862 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 1863 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 1864 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 1865 Relating to Boards and Commissions. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2187 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2188 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2189 Relating to Administrative Procedures. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2190 Relating to Boards and Commissions. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2359 Relating to Administrative Rules. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2443 Relating to High Technology Development Corporation. EDB
2/10/2000 HB 2607 Relating to High Technology. EDB/HED
2/10/2000 HB 2901 Relating to the New Economy. EDB/HED
2/10/2000 HB 2955 Relating to New Economy Skills Training. EDB/HED
2/10/2000 HB 2356 Relating to the High Technology Development Corporation. EDB/HED/EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2500 Relating to Technology Development. EDB/HED/EEP
2/10/2000 HB 1876 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Composition of the Board of Education EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2087 Relating to Juveniles EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2282 Relating to Education EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2322 Relating to After-School Plus (A+) Programs EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2385 Making an Appropriation for Resources for Early Access to Learning EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2391 Making an Appropriation for Parent-Community Networking Centers EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2627 Relating to the Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information to the Department of Education EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2821 Relating to a Pilot School-To-Career Program EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2822 Relating to School Administrators EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 2915 Relating to Education EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 3002 Relating to Playgrounds in Schools EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 3003 Relating to Education EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 3006 Relating to Charter Schools EDN/PSM
2/10/2000 HB 1884 Relating to Energy EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2012 Relating to the Recycling of Batteries EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2076 Making an Appropriation for Litter Control and Beautification EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2312 Relating to Waste Disposal Facilities EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2327 Relating to Taxation EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2328 Relating to Motor Vehicles EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2331 Relating to Construction and Demolition Waste EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2527 Relating to Solid Waste Management Disposal Surcharge EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2538 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2549 Relating to Individual Wastewater System EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2728 Relating to Pesticides EEP
2/10/2000 HB 2728 Relating to Pesticides EEP
2/10/2000 HB 3021 Relating to Gasoline EEP
2/10/2000 SB 2084 Relating to Procurement GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2234 Relating to Procurement of Professional Services GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2243 Relating to Publication of Notice GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2364 Relating to Professional Services GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2387 Relating to Procurement GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2451 Relating to Students with Disabilities GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2521 Relating to Professional Service Contracts GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2526 Relating to Procurement GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2550 Relating to the Procurement Code for Design Professional Services GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2702 Relating to Procurement GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2987 Relating to Public Contracts GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2988 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement GOH
2/10/2000 SB 3125 Relating to Publication of Notice GOH
2/10/2000 SB 2856 Relating to Public Assistance HHS/GOH
2/10/2000 HB 1934 Relating to Optometry. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2279 Relating to Health Care Professionals. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2463 Relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Recognition. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2464 Relating to the Duties of the Board of Nursing. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2486 Relating to Chiropractic Licensure Requirements. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2488 Relating to Return of Prescription Drugs. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2525 Relating to Prescription Drugs. HLT
2/10/2000 HB 2810 Making an Appropriation to Hire Thirty Full-Time Registered Nurses Within the Department of Health. HLT
2/10/2000 HLT/HSH
2/10/2000 HB 2249 Relating to Health Care. HLT/HSH
2/10/2000 SB 2484 Relating to Medicaid Recovery JDC/HHS
2/10/2000 SB 2654 Relating to the Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund JDC/HHS
2/10/2000 SB 2763 Relating to the Enforcement of the Tobacco Settlement Agreement JDC/HHS
2/10/2000 SB 2934 Relating to Correctional Health Care JDC/HHS
2/10/2000 HB 2501 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended JHA
2/10/2000 HB 2504 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended JHA
2/10/2000 HB 2505 Relating to Housing Loan and Mortgage Programs JHA
2/10/2000 HB 2733 Relating to the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust JHA
2/10/2000 HB 750 Relating to Island Symbols JHA
2/10/2000 SB 2245 Relating to Medical Fee Schedules LRE
2/10/2000 SB 2414 Relating to Contractors LRE
2/10/2000 SB 2859 Relating to Public Employment (Parts II - IV; see notices for 2/8/00 for additional information) LRE
2/10/2000 SB 2861 Relating to Workers' Compensation LRE
2/10/2000 SB 2895 Relating to Workers' Compensation LRE
2/10/2000 SB 2897 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment LRE
2/10/2000 SB 2905 Relating to Employment Security LRE
2/10/2000 Decision Making on the following bills: SB 2707, SB 2318, SB 2403 (Deferred from 2/1/00) TIA
2/10/2000 Decision Making on SB 2951 (Deferred from 2/3/00) TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2044 Relating to the Confiscation of Firearms TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2072 Making an Appropriation for the Development of Protocols and the Special Training of Paramedics in the Treatment of Domestic Violence Patients TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2634 Relating to the Penal Code TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3068 Relating to Honolulu Police Officers TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3073 Relating to Impaired Driving TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3082 Relating to Unauthorized Control of Propelled Vehicles TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3105 Relating to the Penal Code TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3113 Relating to Negligent Homicide TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3115 Relating to Fines for Traffic Violations TIA
2/10/2000 SB 3117 Relating to Motor Vehicles TIA
2/10/2000 SCR 5 Urging the Development of Protocols and the Special Training of Paramedics in the Treatment of Domestic Violence Patients TIA
2/10/2000 SB 2001 Relating to County Tort Liability TIA/ECD
2/10/2000 SB 2727 Making an Appropriation to Acquire Land for a Park in Waikiki, Oahu TIA/ECD
2/10/2000 HB 1769 Relating to Motor Vehicle Driver Licensing TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2212 Relating to Harbors TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2357 Relating to Harbors TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2721 Relating to Transportation TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2796 Relating to Vehicle Highway Beautification Fee TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2880 Relating to Motor Vehicle Reverse Warning System TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2905 Relating to Speeding TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2906 Relating to Towing Companies TRN
2/10/2000 HB 2907 Relating to Motor Vehicles TRN

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/11/2000 SB 2200 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2279 Relating to Utility Lines CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2280 Making an Appropriation to Quantify Benefits of Undergrounding Utility Lines CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2282 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2283 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2284 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2285 Relating to Public Utilities CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2287 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2345 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2346 Relating to Public Utility Lines CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2351 Relating to Utility Lines CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2548 Relating to Energy CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2809 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/11/2000 SB 3151 Relating to Undergrounding of Utility Lines CPN
2/11/2000 SB 2286 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN/TIA
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2910 (Deferred from 2/4/00) ECD
2/11/2000 SB 2053 Relating to Kaneohe Bay ECD
2/11/2000 SB 2712 Relating to Fisheries ECD
2/11/2000 SB 2912 Relating to State Boating Facilities ECD
2/11/2000 SB 2913 Relating to Kaneohe Bay ECD
2/11/2000 SB 2918 Relating to Hunting Licenses ECD
2/11/2000 SB 2920 Realting to Leasing of Small Boat Harbors ECD
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2838, SB 3132, SB 2352, SB 2466, SB 3140, SB 2420 (Deferred from 2/9/00) EDU
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2041, SB 3070, SB 3156, SB 2926, SB 2385 (Deferred from 2/9/00) EDU
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2423, SB 2037, SB 2907, SB 2465, SB 2418 (Deferred from 2/4/00) EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2094 Relating to Repair and Maintenance EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2129 Relating to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2130 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Add an Additional Nonvoting Member to the Board of Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2138 Relating to Public School Facilities EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2218 Relating to New Century Charter Schools EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2219 Relating to Public School Facilities EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2334 Relating to the General Excise Tax EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2461 Relating to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2469 Relaitng to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2474 Relating to Federal Aid EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2475 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2571 Relaitng to School-Based Budgeting EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2696 Realting to the General Excise Tax EDU
2/11/2000 SB 278 Relating to Higher Education (Short form bill) (Decision Making only) EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2832 Relating to School Lunch EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2834 Relating to New Century Charter Schools EDU
2/11/2000 SB 2835 Relating to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 3026 Relating to School Facilities EDU
2/11/2000 SB 3034 Relating to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 3035 Relating to School-within-a-School EDU
2/11/2000 SB 3139 Relating to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 3142 Relating to Education EDU
2/11/2000 SB 3150 Relating to Community Partner Councils EDU
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2320, SB 2372, SB 2487, SB 2490 (Deferred from 2/4/00) HHS
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2856 (Deferred from 2/10/00) HHS
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2874 (Deferred from 2/9/00) HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2059 Relating to Welfare Reform HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2183 Relating to Health Care HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2184 Relating to Hospital Violence HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2254 Realting to Privacy of Health Care Information HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2375 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2494 Relating to Empowerment of the Blind HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2655 Relating to Health HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2658 Relating to General Assistance HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2735 Relaign to Patient Safety HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2847 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2848 Relating to the Permanent Plan Hearing HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2849 Relating to Review Hearings HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2850 Relating to Kinship Care HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2851 Relating to Foster Board Allowances for Students HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2853 Relating to Financial Assistance Payments HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2854 Relating to Unclaimed Corpses HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2855 Relating to Public Assistance HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2857 Relating to Public Assistance HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2858 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State Medical Assistance Program HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2930 Relating to Controlled Substances HHS
2/11/2000 SB 2931 Relating to Controlled Substances HHS
2/11/2000 HB 1853 Relating to Domestic Violence. HSH
2/11/2000 HB 1908 Relating to Individual Development Account Contribution Tax. HSH
2/11/2000 HB 2367 Relating to Post-Secondary Education. HSH
2/11/2000 HB 2370 Relating to General Assistance. HSH
2/11/2000 HB 2512 Relating to Financial Assistance Payments. HSH
2/11/2000 HB 2860 Making an Appropriation for Work Program Services for Two-Parent Families Receiving AFDC-S. HSH
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2440, SB 3155, SB 2353, SB 2522, SB 2523 (Deferred from 2/9/00) JDC
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2435 (Deferred from 2/1/00) JDC
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2704 (Deferred from 2/8/00) JDC
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2065, SB 2153, SB 2066, SB 2154, SB 2070, SB 2155, SB 2081, SB 2082, SB 2026, SB 2069, SB 3024 (Deferred from 2/7/00) JDC
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2937 (Deferred from 2/8/00) JDC/GOH
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2434, SB 2936 (Deferred from February 1 & 4, 2000) JDC/HHS
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 3154 (Deferred from 2/9/00) JDC/HHS
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2934, SB 2484, SB 254, SB 2763 (Deferred from 2/10/00) JDC/HHS
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2433 (Deferred from 2/8/00) JDC/LRE
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2270, SB 2271 (Deferred from 2/8/00) JDC/WLH
2/11/2000 HB 1805 Relating to Theft. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 1943 Relating to the Attorney General JHA
2/11/2000 HB 1988 Relating to Crime. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2058 Relating to Negligent Homicide. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2121 Relating to Robbery. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2142 Relating to Contempt. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2271 HD1 Relating to Developmental Disabilites JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2648 Relating to Probation JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2830 Relating to Crime. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2859 Relating to Incompetent Persons. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 385 Relating to Civil Rights. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 744 Relating to Crime. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 998 Relating to Simulating Legal Process. JHA
2/11/2000 HB 2615 Relating to Hazardous Materials TRN/EEP
2/11/2000 HB 2896 Relating to Alternate Fueled Vehicles TRN/EEP
2/11/2000 HB 1780 Relating to the Convention Center. (Amended Notice) TSM
2/11/2000 HB 1967 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax. (Amended Notice) TSM
2/11/2000 HB 2358 Relating to the Convention Center. (Amended Notice) TSM
2/11/2000 HB 2670 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax. (Amended Notice) TSM
2/11/2000 HB 2927 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax. (Amended Notice) TSM
2/11/2000 HB 1780 Relating to the Convention Center TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 1780 Relating to the Convention Center TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 1909 Relating to Public Lands TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 1909 Relating to Public Lands TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 1909 Relating to Public Lands. (Amended Notice) TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 1967 Relating to the Transient Accommodations Tax TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 1967 Relating to the Transient Accomodations Tax TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2358 Relating to the Convention Center TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2358 Relating to the Convention Center TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2580 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2580 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. (Amended Notice) TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2580 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2670 Relating to Transient Accomodations Tax TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2670 Relating to Transient Accommodations Tax TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2904 Relating to Gaming TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2927 Relating to Transient Accommodations Tax TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2927 Relating to Transient Accomodations Tax TSM/WLU
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2412, SB 3045, SB 2106, SB 2785, SB 2088, SB 2728, HB 286, HD2, SD1 (Deferred from 2/9/00) WAM
2/11/2000 Decision Making on SB 2795, SB 2925, SB 2938, SB 2939, SB 2940, SB 2941 (Deferred from 2/8/00) WAM
2/11/2000 SB 1580 SD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance WAM
2/11/2000 SB 2160 Relating to General Excise Tax WAM
2/11/2000 SB 2512 Relating to the Income Taxation WAM
2/11/2000 SB 2791 Making an Emergency Appropriation to Pay the Share of Health Insurance Carrier Refund and Rate Credit Amounts Due to the Federal Government WAM
2/11/2000 SB 35 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Hawaii Forestry and Communities Initiative WAM
2/11/2000 SB 453 Relating to Homestead Leases WAM
2/11/2000 SB 2110 Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2118 Relating to Historic Preservation WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2175 Relating to Conservation WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2181 Relating to Public Land Trust WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2242 Relating to Forest Reserves WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2355 Relating to Watershed Management WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2479 Relating to the Election of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2483 Relating to Burial Sites WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2603 Relating to the Ala Wai Watershed WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2604 Relating to the Ala Wai Watershed WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2646 Relating to Wailupe Stream WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2736 Relating to Kikala-Keokea WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2767 Relating to Coastal Zone Management WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2768 Relating to Geographic Information Systems WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2774 Relating to Land Use WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2914 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2915 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2916 Relating to Disposition of Water Rights WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2917 Relating to Water Resource Management Fund WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2919 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2970 Relating to Hawaiians WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2983 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2997 Making an Appropriation for a Waialua-Haleiwa Stormwater Drainage Master Plan WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2998 Making an Appropriation to Provide Data for Hydraulic and Hydrologic Flood Analyses WLH
2/11/2000 SB 3049 Relating to Historic Preservation WLH
2/11/2000 SB 3092 Relating to Forest Stewardship WLH
2/11/2000 SB 3122 Relating to Noncommercial Piers WLH
2/11/2000 SB 3181 Relating to Native Hawaiians WLH
2/11/2000 SB 460 Making an Appropriation for the Residents of Maunalaha Subdivision WLH
2/11/2000 SB 559 Relating to Public Access WLH
2/11/2000 SB 2845 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WLH/LRE
2/11/2000 HB 2052 Relating to Land Use WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2052 Relating to Land Use. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2052 Relating to Land Use WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2082 Relating to Tort Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2082 Relating to Tort Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2082 Relating to Tort Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2089 Relating to Tort Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2089 Relating to Tort Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2089 Relating to Tort Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2152 Relating to Hunting. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2152 Relating to Hunting WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2152 Relating to Hunting WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2379 Relating to Landowners' Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2379 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2379 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2565 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2641 Relating to Landowners' Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2641 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2641 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2656 Relating to Landowners' Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2656 Relating to Landowners' Liability WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2667 Relating to Limited Liability for Counties. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2667 Relating to Limited Liability for Counties WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2667 Relating to Limited Liability for Counties WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2668 Relating to Public Land WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2668 Relating to Public Land WLU
2/11/2000 HB 2668 Relating to Public Land. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 755 Relating to Public Lands. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/11/2000 HB 755 Relating to Public Lands WLU
2/11/2000 HB 755 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to Public Lands WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/12/2000 HB 2541 Relating to Community Water Fluoridation. HLT
2/12/2000 HB 2541 Relating to Community Water Fluoridation. (Amended Agenda) HLT
2/12/2000 HB 2825 Making an Appropriation for the Healthy Start Program. HLT
2/12/2000 HB 2825 Making an Appropriation for the Healthy Start Program. (Amended Agenda) HLT

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/14/2000 HB 1937 HSCR99 Relating to Authorizing the Use of General Obligation Bonds to Install Utility Lines Underground CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2002 Relating to Protection of Health Information by Property and Casualty Insurers CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2004 HSCR73 Realting to Privacy of Health Care Information CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2459 Relating to the Hawaii Telecommunications and Information Act CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2550 HD1 HSCR95 Relating to Mental Health Parity CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2701 HD1 Relating Public Schools CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2833 HD1 Relating to Dental Insurance CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 HB 2961 HD1 HSCR96 Relating to Tobacco CPC/JHA
2/14/2000 SB 2296 Relating to Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2312 Relating to a Hoisting Machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2459 Relating to Professional Counselors CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2467 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2585 Relating to Contractors CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2660 Relating to Geologists CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2717 Relating to Social Workers CPN
2/14/2000 SB 2277 Relating to the Land Court CPN/GOH
2/14/2000 Decision Making on SB 2709 (Deferred from 2/7/00) ECD
2/14/2000 Decision Making on SB 2409, SB 2738, SB 2800, SB 2708, SB 2784, SB 2999, SB 3036 (Deferred from 2/9/00) ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2482 Relating to Technology Business Taxation ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2781 Relating to Taxation ECD
2/14/2000 SB 3015 Relating to Commercial and Industrial Improvements ECD
2/14/2000 SB 3018 Relating to Taxation ECD
2/14/2000 SB 966 Relating to Taxation ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2921 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority (Deleted from agenda) ECD/WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2921 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority ECD/WLH
2/14/2000 SB 3124 Relating to Public Lands ECD/WLH
2/14/2000 HB 1862 Relating to Administrative Procedures EDB
2/14/2000 HB 1863 Relating to Administrative Rules EDB
2/14/2000 HB 1864 Relating to Administrative Procedures EDB
2/14/2000 HB 1865 Relating to Boards and Commissions EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2182 Relating to the General Excise Tax EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2187 Relating to Administrative Rules EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2188 Relating to Administrative Procedures EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2189 Relating to Administrative Procedures EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2190 Relating to Boards and Commissions EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2204 Relating to Ethanol EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2359 Relating to Administrative Rules EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2565 Relating to the Garment Industry EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2581 Relating to the Repeal of Unnecessary Administrative Rules EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2582 Relating to Administrative Rules EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2583 Relating to Open Meetings EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2584 Relating to the Fuel Tax EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2587 Relating to the Repeal and Null and Void Administrative Rules EDB
2/14/2000 HB 2794 HD 1 Relating to Taxation EDB
2/14/2000 Decision Making on SB 2409, SB 2738, SB 2800, SB 2708, SB 2784, SB 2999, SB 3036 (Deferred from 2/9/00) EDU
2/14/2000 SB 2264 Relating to Education EDU
2/14/2000 SB 2831 Relating to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board EDU
2/14/2000 SB 3025 Relating to the Department of Education EDU
2/14/2000 SB 2380 Relating to Teacher Compensation EDU/LRE
2/14/2000 SB 2653 Realting to New Century Charter School EDU/LRE
2/14/2000 SB 2837 Relating to Educational Accountability EDU/LRE
2/14/2000 SB 3012 Relating to Education EDU/LRE
2/14/2000 HB 1893 Relating to Energy EEP
2/14/2000 HB 2329 Relating to Energy Conservation Tax Credits EEP
2/14/2000 HB 2340 Relating to Restrictions on Manufacturers or Jobbers in Operating Service Stations, and Lease Rent Controls EEP
2/14/2000 HB 2428 Relating to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission EEP
2/14/2000 HB 2539 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund EEP
2/14/2000 HB 2540 Relating to Clean Air EEP
2/14/2000 HB 2548 Relating to Solar Water Heating EEP
2/14/2000 HB1977 Relating to Gasoline Dealers EEP
2/14/2000 HB 1830 Relating to Income Tax Credits FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2088 Relating to Procurement FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2260 Relating to Taxation FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2284 Relating to the Utilization of Federal Funds FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2407 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2409 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2414 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Asbestos Property Damage Litigation FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2451 Relating to a Repairs and Maintenance Special Fund FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2460 Relating to the Council of Revenues Revenue Estimate Reporting Dates FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2517 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State Medical Assistance Program FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2531 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2536 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2537 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2542 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State's Medicaid Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled or Mentally Retarded Program FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2551 Relating to the Correction of the Applicable Fiscal Year for the Appropriation to be Expended by the Department of Health in Section 6 of Act 304, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2597 Relating to Conformity of the Hawaii Income Tax Law to the Internal Revenue Code FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2598 Relating to the Integrated Tax Information Management Systems Acquisition by the Department of Taxation FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2599 Relating to the Department of Taxation FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2601 Relating to the General Fund Expenditure Ceiling Reporting Dates FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2616 Relating to Concessions on Public Property FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2663 Relating to Preference ot Offerors on County Public Works Contracts FIN
2/14/2000 HB 2770 Relating to Procurement FIN
2/14/2000 Decision Making on Sb 2059, SB 2658, SB 2847, SB 2848, SB 2849, SB 2850, Sb 2851, SB 2853, SB 2854, SB 2855, SB 2857, SB 2858 (Deferred from 2/11/00) HHS
2/14/2000 SB 2882 Relating to Community Water Flouridation HHS
2/14/2000 HB 2165 Relating to Professional Counselors HLT/CPC
2/14/2000 HB 2513 Relating to Unclaimed Corpses HSH
2/14/2000 HB 2514 Relating to Public Assistance HSH
2/14/2000 HB 3016 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons. (Amended Agenda) HSH
2/14/2000 HB 3016 Relating to Health Services HSH
2/14/2000 SB 2025 Relating to Parole JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2074 Relating to Corrections JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2076 Relating to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of a Minor JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2077 Relating to Sex Offenders JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2220 Relating to the Removal of Nuisance Seaweed JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2374 Relating to the Penal Code JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2428 Making an Appropriation for Crime Prevention Through the Rehabilitation of Youth Gang Members JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2431 Relating to Sex Offenders JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2663 Relating to Public Safety JDC
2/14/2000 SB 2994 Relating to Genetic Testing JDC
2/14/2000 SB 3047 Relating to Sex Offenders JDC/EDU
2/14/2000 SB 2270 Relating to Public Land (Decision Making by WLH only) JDC/WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2271 Relating to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (Decision Making by WLH only) JDC/WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2652 Relating to School-to-Work LRE/EDU
2/14/2000 HB 2103 Relating to State Veterans Cemetery PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2243 Making an Appropriation for Veterans Cemeteries PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2255 Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2255 Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2354 Making an Appropriation for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Korean War Commission PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2355 Relating to Veterans PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2457 Relating to Veterans Loans PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2741 Relating to Privately-Operated Correctional Facilities PSM
2/14/2000 HB 2982 Relating to Labor PSM
2/14/2000 HB 1847 Relating to Corrections PSM/JHA/HSH
2/14/2000 HB 2186 Relating to Genetic Testing PSM/JHA/HSH
2/14/2000 HB 2292 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation PSM/JHA/HSH
2/14/2000 HB 2595 Relating to Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders PSM/JHA/HSH
2/14/2000 SB 2110 Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims (Decision Making only) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2118 Relating to Historic Preservation (Rescheduled from 2/11/00) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2181 Rrelating to Public Land Trust (Decision Making only) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2914 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division (Rescheduled from 2/11/00) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2915 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund (Rescheduled from 2/11/00) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2917 Relating to Water Resource Management Fund (Rescheduled from 2/11/00) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2970 Relating to Hawaiians (Decision Making only) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 3118 Relating to Hawaiian Terminology WLH
2/14/2000 SB 3181 Relating to Native Hawaiians (Decision Making only) WLH
2/14/2000 SB 2005 Relating to Public Lands WLH/ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2741 Relating to the State Water Code WLH/ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2778 Relating to Land Use WLH/ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2984 Relating to Ocean Leasing for Commercial Telecommunication Uses WLH/ECD
2/14/2000 SB 3056 Relating to the Department of Land and Natural Resources WLH/ECD
2/14/2000 SB 2722 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program WLH/EDU
2/14/2000 SB 3157 Relating to the Hawaii International Cultural Center WLH/EDU
2/14/2000 SB 3163 Relating to Hawaiian Cultural and Educational Facility WLH/EDU
2/14/2000 SB 2845 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended (Decision Making only) WLH/LRE

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/15/2000 SB 2128 Relating to the Motor Vehicle Rental Industry CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2186 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2417 Relating to Consumer Cooperative Associations CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2419 Relating to Capital Access Program CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2437 Relating to Antitrust CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2807 Relating to Escrow Depositories CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2808 Relating to the consumer Advocate CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2813 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2828 Relating to Financing the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund CPN
2/15/2000 SB 2945 Relating to Taxation CPN
2/15/2000 SB 3176 Relating to Insurance CPN/JDC
2/15/2000 SB 3179 Relating to Tobacco CPN/JDC
2/15/2000 HB 1783 Relating to the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 1905 Relating to School Fees. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2047 Relating to Education. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2077 Relating to School Safety. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2093 Relating to School Safety. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2098 Relating to Criminal History. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2285 Making an Appropriation for the Hawaiian Studies Program. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2322 Relating to After-School Plus (A+) Programs. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2387 Relating to Education. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2627 Relating to the Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information in the Department of Education. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2746 Making an Appropriation for the Peer Education Program. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2763 Making an Appropriation for Teacher Education. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2816 Relating to School Violence. EDN
2/15/2000 HB 1917 Relating to School Health. EDN/HLT
2/15/2000 HB 2543 Relating to Therapy Services for Exceptional Children. EDN/HLT
2/15/2000 SB 2042 Relating to School Records EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2173 Relating to School Safety EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2381 Relating to School Safety EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2388 Relating to Enhancing the Environment of Public Education EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2458 Relating to Education EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2534 Relating to Zero Tolerance Policy EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2996 Relating to Juveniles EDU
2/15/2000 SB 3038 Relating to Education EDU
2/15/2000 SB 3079 Relating to Criminal Trespass in the First Degree EDU
2/15/2000 Decision Making on SB 2988, SB 2987, SB 2702, SB 2387, SB 2550, SB 2521, SB 2234, SB 2364, SB 2084, SB 2451, SB 2526, SB 2243, SB 3125, SB 2856 (Deferred from 2/10/00) GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2021 Relating to Housing GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2104 Realting to Financing of Affordable Housing (Decision making only) GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2333 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2386 Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Making an Appropriation for the Renovation of State Owned Public Housing (Decision making only) GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2527 Relating to Condominiums GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2576 Relating to State Owned Public Housing (Decision making only) GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2578 Relating to Residential Lease-to-Fee Conversion GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2598 Relating to Housing (Decision making only) GOH
2/15/2000 SB 3119 Relating to Planned Community Associations GOH
2/15/2000 SB 3159 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii GOH
2/15/2000 SB 3160 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants GOH
2/15/2000 SB 564 Relating to Housing GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2471 Relating to Government Efficiency (Decision making by GOH only) GOH/LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2509 Relating to Procurement Practices (Decision making by GOH only) GOH/LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2616 Relating to Preference to Offerors on County Public Works Contracts GOH/TIA
2/15/2000 SB 2720 Relating to Sex Offenders HHS/EDU
2/15/2000 SB 3033 Making an Appropriation for Drug Treatment, Counseling, and Intervention Services for Substance-Abusing Youths at Waipahu High School HHS/EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2852 Relating to Long-Term Care HHS/LRE
2/15/2000 HB 1387 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to Nurses. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 1906 Relating to Licensing of Psychologists. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 2202 Making an Appropriation for the Hana Community Health Center. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 2264 Relating to Immunizations. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 2765 Relating to the Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma Recovery. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 2968 Making an Appropriation for the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 3017 Making an Appropriation for Molokai General Hospital. HLT
2/15/2000 HB 2521 Relating to School Health Requirements. HLT/EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2874 Making an Appropriation for Drug Treatment, Counseling, and Intervention Services at Waipahu High School. HLT/EDN
2/15/2000 HB 2108 Relating to Autism. HLT/HED
2/15/2000 SB 181 Relating to Ammunition JDC
2/15/2000 SB 182 Relating to Storage of Firearms JDC
2/15/2000 SB 2454 Relating to School Security Attendants JDC/EDU
2/15/2000 SB 2937 Relating to the Operations of Correctional Facilities JDC/GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2148 Relating to Elections JDC/ITA
2/15/2000 SB 2149 Relating to Elections JDC/ITA
2/15/2000 SB 2127 Relating to Firearms JDC/TIA
2/15/2000 SB 2151 Relating to Firearms JDC/TIA
2/15/2000 HB 1275 HSCR 105 Relating to Hospital Violence. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1836 Repealing Section 327E-13(G), Hawaii Revised Statutes. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1837 Relating to Abuse of Family or Household Members. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1838 Relating to Domestic Abuse Protective Orders. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1840 Relating to Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1841 Relating to Probation. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1842 Relating to Firearms. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1843 Relating to Domestic Violence. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1845 Relating to Crime. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1878 Relating to Elections JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1878 Relating to Elections JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1879 Relating to Elections JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1879 Relating to Elections JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1988 Relating to Crime JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1988 Relating to Crime JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2111 Relating to Child Support Enforcement JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2121 Relating to Robbery JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2297 Relating to Family or Household Member Abuse. JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2417 Relating to Child Support Enforcement JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2506 (HSCR 17-00) Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2506 (HSCR 17-00) Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2507 Relating to the Permanent Plan Hearing JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2508 Relating to Review Hearings JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2625 Relating to Minors JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2649 Relating to Nonconsensual Common Law Liens JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2859 Relating to Incompetent Persons JHA
2/15/2000 HB 3018 Relating to Child Abuse JHA
2/15/2000 HB 385 Relating to Civil Rights JHA
2/15/2000 HB 744 Relating to Crime JHA
2/15/2000 HB 744 Relating to Crime JHA
2/15/2000 HB 1869 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 1871 Relating to the Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 1987 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2170 Relating to Boards of Water Supply LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2261 Relating to Volunteer Services LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2445 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2446 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2447 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2448 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2449 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2452 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2458 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2461 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2462 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 HB 2499 Relating to Public Employment LAB/FIN
2/15/2000 SB 2310 Relating to Labor LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2343 Relating to the Hawaii Health Systems LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2605 Relating to Employment Security Law LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2782 Relating to Biological Materials LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2868 Relating to Solid Waste Management Disposal Surcharge LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2869 Relating to Safe Drinking Water LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2879 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2880 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2881 Relating to Clean Air LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2956 Relating to Hazardous Materials LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2990 Relating to the Recycling of Batteries LRE
2/15/2000 SB 3054 Relating to Carbon Sequestration LRE
2/15/2000 SB 2258 Relating to Public Contracts (Decision making by GOH only) LRE/GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2100 Relating to Parking Structures TIA
2/15/2000 SB 2424 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission (Deleted from agenda) TIA
2/15/2000 SB 2424 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission TIA
2/15/2000 SB 2991 Relating to Transportation TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3017 Relating to Firearms TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3112 Relating to Firearms TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3127 Relating to Motor Vehicles TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3148 Making an Appropriation for Landscape Improvements to Kamehameha Highway TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3158 Relating to Traffic Problems TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3200 Making an Appropriation for the Air Cargo Test Program TIA
2/15/2000 SB 3201 Relating to a Scenic Highways System TIA
2/15/2000 SB 2015 Relating to Surveying TIA/GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2132 Relating to the Hawaii Procurement Code TIA/GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2348 Relating to Municipal Services TIA/GOH
2/15/2000 SCR 18 Urging Military and Federal Agencies to Honor the Definition of State Resident for Contracts TIA/GOH
2/15/2000 SB 2314 Relating to Intoxicating Liquor TIA/JDC
2/15/2000 SB 2952 Relating to Traffic Enforcement TIA/JDC
2/15/2000 Decision Making on SB 2317, SB 3121 (Deferred from 2/5/00) TIA/LRE
2/15/2000 HB 1968 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2245 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2435 Relating to Tourism TSM/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2720 Relating to Transient Accomodations Tax TSM/EEP
2/15/2000 Decision Making on SB 2939, SB 2058, SB 2421, SB 2716 (Deferred from 2/8 and 2/11/00) SB 2728, HB 286, SD1 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/11/00) SB 2160, SB 2512, SB 2791, SB 35, SB 453, SB 1580 SD1 (Deferred from 2/11/00) WAM
2/15/2000 SB 2131 Relating to Federal Construction WAM
2/15/2000 SB 2354 Relating to Public Access WAM
2/15/2000 SB 2544 Relating to the Legislative Analyst WAM
2/15/2000 SB 364, SD1 Relating to Taxation WAM
2/15/2000 SCR 12 Adopting Key Community Outcomes of Well-Being for the People of the State of Hawaii WAM
2/15/2000 HB 2052 Relating to Land Use. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2082 Relating to Tort Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2089 Relating to Tort Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2185 HD1 Relating to Public Lands. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2433 Relating to Land Use. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2573 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2578 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2641 Relating to Landowners' Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2656 Relating to Landowners' Liability. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2667 Relating to Limited Liability for Counties. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2668 Relating to Public Land. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2743 Relating to Land Use. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2835 Relating to Watershed Protection. (Amended Agenda) WLU
2/15/2000 HB 2958 Relating to Community Empowerment WLU/EDB
2/15/2000 HB 1971 Relating to Forest Reserves WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 1971 Relating to Forest Reserves. (Amended Agenda) WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2185 HD1 Relating to Public Lands WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2433 Relating to Land Use WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2573 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2578 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2743 Relating to Land Use WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2835 Relating to Watershed Protection WLU/EEP
2/15/2000 HB 2153 Relating to Hunting WLU/JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2768 Relating to Kikala-Keokea WLU/JHA
2/15/2000 HB 2976 Relating to Actions Which Concern Programs or Development Projects WLU/JHA

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/16/2000 HB 1310 Relating to the Privatization of Animal Quarantine AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 1889 Relating to Agriculture and Animals AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 1998 Relating to State Leases AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2000 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2364 Relating to Kona Coffee Lands AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2390 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2400 Relating to the State Water Code AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2424 Relating to Agricultural Lands AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2437 Relating to Land Use AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2790 HD1 Relating to Agriculture AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2791 HD1 Relating to Agriculture AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2800 Relating to Quarantine AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2801 Relating to Agriculture AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2995 Relating to the Organic Agriculture Industry AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 3024 Relating to Revocable Permits for State Agricultural Leases AGR/PSM/WLU
2/16/2000 HB 2959 HD1 Relating to the Entertainment Industry CAR
2/16/2000 HB 2960 HD1 Relating to the Film Industry CAR
2/16/2000 HB 1882 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 1935 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2006 Relating to the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2034 Relating to Taxation CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2223 Relating to Municipal Services CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2252 Relating to the Conveyance Tax CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2363 Relating to Unlicensed Acts CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2392 Relating to Health CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2439 HD1 HSCR128 Relating to Technology CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2468 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2471 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Guaranty Association CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2603 Relating to Public Service Company Tax CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 HB 2811 HD1 HSCR74 Relating to Health CPC/JHA
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 3151, SB 2282, SB 2809, SB 2284, SB 2548, SB 2279, SB 2287, SB 2351 (Deferred from 2/11/00) CPN
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2993 (Deferred from 2/9/00) CPN
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2585, SB 2660, SB 2549 (Deferred from 2/14/00) CPN
2/16/2000 SB 2125 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/16/2000 SB 2325 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/16/2000 SB 2327 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/16/2000 SB 2369 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
2/16/2000 SB 2452 Relating to Health Insurance Coverage CPN
2/16/2000 SB 2786 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
2/16/2000 SB 3003 Relating to the Employees Retirement System CPN
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2277 (Deferred from 2/14/00) CPN/GOH
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2802, SB 2803, SB 2790, SB 3193 (Deferred from 2/7/00) CPN/LRE
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2164 (Deferred from 2/2/00) ECD
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 3007, SB 2745, SB 3199, SB 2226, SB 2099 (Deferred from 2/9/00) ECD
2/16/2000 SB 2006 Relating to the Convention Center ECD
2/16/2000 SB 2290 Making an Appropriation for Pro Bowl Expenses ECD
2/16/2000 SB 2407 Relating to Fishing ECD
2/16/2000 SB 2501 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises (Decision Making only) ECD
2/16/2000 SB 3032 Relating to Economic Development ECD
2/16/2000 SB 3058 Relating to Community-Based Economic Development ECD
2/16/2000 SB 3080 Relating to Major Commercial Public Event ECD
2/16/2000 EDU Decision Making on SB 2409, SB 2738 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/14/00) ECD/EDU
2/16/2000 ECD Decision Making on SB 2409, SB 2738 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/14/00) ECD/EDU
2/16/2000 HB 2027 Relating to Students with Disabilities EDN/HED
2/16/2000 HB 2078 Relating to School Safety EDN/HED
2/16/2000 HB 2265 Relating to the Board of Education EDN/HED
2/16/2000 HB 2852 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the State Constitution to Change the Composition of the Board of Education EDN/HED
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 3026, SB 2094, SB 2219, SB 3139, SB 2129, SB 2138, SB 2834, SB 2218, SB 3142, SB 3035, SB 3034 (Deferred from 2/11/00) EDU
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2264, SB 2831, SB 3025 (Deferred from 2/14/00) EDU
2/16/2000 Decision making on SB 2037, SB 3150, SB 2571, SB 2469, SB 2352, SB 2420 (Deferred from 2/4, 2/7, 2/9, 2/11/00) EDU
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2454, SB 2720, SB 3033, SB 3038, SB 2534, SB 2173, SB 2458, SB 2381, SB 2388, SB 3079, SB 2996, SB 2042 (Deferred from 2/15/00) EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2268 Relating to Ethics EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2383 Relating to University of Hawaii Regents EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2396 Relating to Ethics EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2397 Relating to University of Hawaii Regents EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2572 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2573 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2574 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2575 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2622 Relating to the University of Hawaii (this bill was listed in error on the original notice - should be SB 2963) EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2622 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2796 Relating to the College Savings Program EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2961 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2963 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
2/16/2000 EDU Decision Making on SB 2800, SB 2709, SB 2784, SB 2999, SB 3036 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/14/00) EDU/ECD
2/16/2000 ECD Decision Making on SB 2708, SB 2784, SB 2999, SB 3036 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/14/00) EDU/ECD
2/16/2000 SB 2862 Relating to School Health Requirements EDU/HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2268 Relating to Ethics EDU/JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2268 Relating to Ethics (Deleted from EDU/JDC agenda and added to EDU 2/16 agenda - see listing under EDU above) EDU/JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2396 Relating to Ethics EDU/JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2396 Relating to Ethics (Deleted from EDU/JDC agenda and added to EDU 2/16 agenda - see listing under EDU above) EDU/JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2649 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU/JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2962 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU/JDC
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2159 (Deferred from 2/1/00 and 2/8/00) EDU/LRE
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2837, SB 2653, SB 3012, SB 2380 (Deferred from 2/14/00) EDU/LRE
2/16/2000 SB 2651 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU/LRE
2/16/2000 SB 2964 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU/LRE
2/16/2000 SB 3141 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU/LRE
2/16/2000 HB 1884 Relating to Energy EEP
2/16/2000 HB 1894 Relating to Pesticides EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2012 Relating to the Recycling of Batteries EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2312 Relating to Waste Disposal Facilities EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2327 Relating to Taxation EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2527 Relating to Solid Waste Management Disposal Surcharge EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2538 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2709 Relating to Waste Permit Bond Requirements EEP
2/16/2000 HB 3021 Relating to Gasoline EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2073 HD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii HED
2/16/2000 SB 2247 Relating to Feral Animals HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2450 Relating to Body Piercing HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2453 Relating to Tattoos HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2462 Relating to Immunizations HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2519 Relating to Anatomical Gifts HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2579 Relating to Housing HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2621 Relating to Health HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2656 Making an Appropriation for the Conference in the Year Zero HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2973 Relating to Mental Health Insurance Coverage (Deleted from agenda) HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2973 Relating to Mental Health Insurance Coverage HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2974 Relating to Substance Abuse Insurance Benefits HHS
2/16/2000 SB 3016 Making an Appropriation for Molokai General Hospital HHS
2/16/2000 SB 3053 Relating to Insurance HHS
2/16/2000 SB 3185 Relating to Families HHS
2/16/2000 SB 2448 Relating to Autism HHS/EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2884 Relating to Therapy Services for Exceptional Children HHS/EDU
2/16/2000 SB 3123 Relating to Post-Secondary Education HHS/EDU
2/16/2000 HB 2377 Making An Appropriation for the "Conference in Year Zero" HSH
2/16/2000 HB 3016 Making an Appropriation for the "Conference in Year Zero" HSH
2/16/2000 HB 536 HD1 Relating to Human Services HSH
2/16/2000 HB 537 HD1 Relating to Housing HSH
2/16/2000 HB 540 HD1 Relating to Human Services HSH
2/16/2000 SB 2115 Relating to False Claims JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2295 Making an Appropriation for Uniform Laws JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2425 Relating to Appointed Counsel JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2536 Relating to the Uniform Principal Income Act JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2751 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State and Providing Appropriations Therefor JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2755 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Asbestos Property Damage Litigation JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2759 Relating to Certificates of Identification JDC
2/16/2000 SB 2764 Relating to Tobacco Products Report JDC
2/16/2000 SB 3177 Relating to Judges JDC
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 3047 (Deferred from 2/14/00) JDC/EDU
2/16/2000 SB 2162 Relating to Environmental Enforcement JDC/LRE
2/16/2000 Decision Making on SB 2652 (Deferred from 2/14/00) LRE/EDU
2/16/2000 SB 680 SD1 HD2 Relating to Fireworks TIA/JDC/JHA/FIN
2/16/2000 HB 1756 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's Licenses TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 1976 Relating to Highway Safety TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2055 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2127 Relating to Highway Safety TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2317 Relating to Intoxicating Liquor TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2348 Relating to Public Lands TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2615 Relating to Hazardous Materials TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2618 Relating to Repeat Intoxicated Drivers TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2643 Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2687 Relating to Traffic Offenses TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2692 Relating to Driving Under the Influence TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2761 Relating to Motor Vehicles TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2775 Relating to Intoxicating Liquor TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2896 Relating to Alternative Fueled Vehicles TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2907 Relating to Motor Vehicles TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 HB 2934 Relating to Temporary Instruction Permit TRN/WLU/EEP
2/16/2000 EDU Decision Making on SB 2722, SB 3157 (Deferred from 2/14/00) WLH/EDU

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/17/2000 HB 2352 Relating to Service Contracts. CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2352 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to Service Contracts. CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2472 Relating to Insurance. CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2833 HD1 HSCR 129 Relating to Dental Insurance. CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2843 Relating to Utility Lines. CPC
2/17/2000 HB 1877 Relating to Informational Privacy. CPC/JHA
2/17/2000 HB 1877 Relating to Informational Privacy CPC/JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2004 HSCR 73 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information. CPC/JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2034 Relating to Taxation CPC/JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2961 HD1 HSCR 96 Relating to Tobacco. CPC/JHA
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2945, SB 2419, SB 2128 (Deferred from 2/15/00) CPN
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2282, SB 2284, SB 2548, SB 2279, SB 2287, SB 2351, SB 2277, SB 2585, SB 2369 (Deferred from 2/16/00) CPN
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2708, SB 2784 (Deferred from 2/9, 2/14, and 2/16/00) ECD
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2099 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/16/00) ECD
2/17/2000 HB 2360 Relating to Small Business. EDB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2087 Relating to Juveniles EDN
2/17/2000 HB 2823 HD1 Relating to Motor Carriers EDN
2/17/2000 HB 3019 Relating to Education EDN
2/17/2000 HB 2820 Relating to Education EDN/JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2857 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports EDN/JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2857 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports EDN/JHA
2/17/2000 SB 3084 Relating to Libraries EDU/GOH
2/17/2000 HB 1883 Relating Renewable Energy Resources EEP
2/17/2000 HB 1946 Relating to Energy Conservation EEP
2/17/2000 HB 2011 Relating to Energy Conservation EEP
2/17/2000 HB 2544 Relating to Sanitation EEP
2/17/2000 HB 2545 Relating to the Environmental Health Education Fund EEP
2/17/2000 HB 2922 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources EEP
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2277 (Deferred from 2/14 and 2/16/00) GOH
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2348, SB 2132, SCR 18, SB 2015, SB 2616 (Deferred from 2/15/00) GOH
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 3159, SB 2104, SB 2471, SB 2509, SB 2258 (Deferred from 2/15/00) GOH
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2277 (Deferred from 2/14/00) GOH
2/17/2000 SB 2387 Relating to Procurement (Reconsideration of previous decision) GOH
2/17/2000 SB 2521 Relating to Professional Service Contracts (Reconsideration of previous decision) GOH
2/17/2000 SB 2471 Relating to Government Efficiency GOH/LRE
2/17/2000 SB 2509 Relating to Procurement Practice GOH/LRE
2/17/2000 SB 2116 Making an Appropriation for Funding a Second Ambulance to Service the Waianae Coast HHS/TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2163 Relating to Aeromedical Services HHS/TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2645 Relating to Dependent Services HHS/TIA
2/17/2000 HB 1922 Relating to Tobacco. HLT
2/17/2000 HB 1985 Relating to Feral Animals. HLT
2/17/2000 HB 2248 Relating to Health. HLT
2/17/2000 HB 2764 Relating to Naturopathic Physicians. HLT
2/17/2000 HB 2808 Relating to Health Services. HLT/HSH
2/17/2000 SB 2144 Relating to Elections JDC
2/17/2000 SB 2368 Relating to Gift Giving by Court Reporters JDC
2/17/2000 SB 2581 Making an Appropriation for the Elections Appointment and Review Panel JDC
2/17/2000 SB 2669 Making an Appropriation for the Office of Elections JDC
2/17/2000 SB 2671 Making an Appropriation for the Office of Elections JDC
2/17/2000 SB 2675 Relating to the Salary of the Executive Director of the State Ethics Commission JDC
2/17/2000 SB 625 Relating to Costs and Fees JDC
2/17/2000 SB 2145 Relating to Elections JDC/GOH
2/17/2000 SB 3164 Relating to Hawaiian Sovereignty JDC/WLH
2/17/2000 HB 1275 Relating to Hospital Violence JHA
2/17/2000 HB 1556 Relating to Limited Liability for Counties JHA
2/17/2000 HB 1804 Relating to False Claims JHA
2/17/2000 HB 1835 HD1 (HSCR 139-00) Relating to Criminal History Record Checks JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2075 Relating to Ho'oponopono JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2308 Relating to Civil Identification JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2418 Relating to Certificates of Identification. JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2444 Relating to Unclaimed Property JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2453 Proposing Amendments to Article VII of the Hawaii Constitution Regarding an Emergency and Budget Reserve Fund JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2522 Relating to Advance Health-Care Directives. JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2567 Relating to Blue Lights JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2642 Relating to Identification Cards. JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2650 Relating to the Judiciary JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2733 Relating to the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2812 HD1 (HSCR 131-00) Proposing An Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in all Matters Related to the University JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2943 Relating to Unauthorized Use of Another Person's Information to Obtain Services. JHA
2/17/2000 HB 3000 Relating to Firearms JHA
2/17/2000 HB 303 Relating to Identification. JHA
2/17/2000 HB 2736 Relating to Identity Theft. JHA/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 101 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 1829 Relating to Living Wages. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 1832 Relating to Employment Discrimination. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 2123 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 2171 Relating to Meal Breaks. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 2556 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 2726 Relating to Registrars for Adult Community Schools. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 2798 Relating to Workers Compensation. (Amended Agenda) LAB
2/17/2000 HB 101 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 1789 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 1829 Relating to Living Wages LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 1832 Relating to Employment Discrimination LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2123 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2134 Relating to Medical Fee Schedules LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2171 Relating to Meal Breaks LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2289 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2290 Relating to Workers' Compensation LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2556 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2726 Relating to Registrars for Adult Community Schools LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2798 Relating to Workers Compensation LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2877 Relating to Public Contracts LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 3011 Relating to Employment Discrimination LAB/CPC
2/17/2000 HB 2168 Relating to Labor LAB/EDB
2/17/2000 HB 2172 Relating to Government LAB/EDB
2/17/2000 HB 2552 Relating to Minimum Wage LAB/EDB
2/17/2000 HB 2564 Relating to Employment Security LAB/EDB
2/17/2000 HB 2919 Relating to Health Care Coverage LAB/EDB
2/17/2000 HB 2984 Relating to Minimum Wage LAB/EDB
2/17/2000 HB 2154 Relating to Community Services LAB/HSH
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2317, SB 3121 (Deferred from 2/5 and 2/15/00); SB 2343, SB 2605, SB 2310 (Deferred from 2/15/00) LRE
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2895, SB 2861, SB 2245, SB 2897 (Deferred from 2/10/00) LRE
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2433, SB 2845 (Deferred from 2/11/00) LRE
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2859 (Civil Service Reform) (Deferred from 2/8 and 2/10/00) LRE
2/17/2000 Decision Making on Sb 2803, SB 2790, SB 2162 (Deferred from 2/16/00) LRE
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2378, SB 2515, SB 2993, SB 2293 (Deferred from 2/9/00) LRE
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2662, SB 2721 (Deferred from 2/8/00); SB 2250, SB 2061 (Deferred from 1/27/00 and 2/8/00) LRE
2/17/2000 SB 2313 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees LRE
2/17/2000 SB 2258 Relating to Public Contracts LRE/GOH
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2951, SB 2727, SB 3068, SB 3117, SB 2044 (Deferred from 2/2/00 and 2/10/00) TIA
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2317, SB 2616, SB 2314 (Deferred from 2/15/00) TIA
2/17/2000 SB 1390 Relating to Traffic Violations TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2315 Relating to Social Security Numbers TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2347 Relating to Liquor Commissions TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2552 Making an Appropriation to Upgrade the Telecommunications System of the Hawaii County Police Department TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2638 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs TIA
2/17/2000 SB 2640 Relating to Driving Under Influence TIA
2/17/2000 SB 3008 Relating to Traffic Records TIA
2/17/2000 SB 3051 Relating to Liquor Export TIA
2/17/2000 SB 3052 Making an Appropriation for a War Memorial Honoring the "Torpedo Gang" of World War II TIA
2/17/2000 SB 3063 Relating to Liquor Tax Law TIA
2/17/2000 SB 3101 Relating to Lodging or Tenement Houses, Hotels, and Boardinghouses TIA
2/17/2000 SB 3166 Relating to Traffic Improvement TIA
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2727 (Deferred from 2/10/00) TIA/ECD
2/17/2000 SB 2664 Relating to Violence TIA/HHS
2/17/2000 Decision Making on SB 2939, SB 2058, sB 2421, Sb 2716 (Deferred from 2/8 and 2/11/00); SB 2728, HB 286, SD1 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/11); SB 35, SB 1580, SD1 (Deferred from 2/11 and 2/15); and SB 2131, SB 364, SD1, SB 2544, SB 2354 (Deferred from 2/15/00) WAM
2/17/2000 SB 2584 Relating to the Hawaii Community Development Authority WLH/TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/18/2000 HB 2000 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR/WLU
2/18/2000 HB 2364 Relating to Kona Coffee Lands AGR/WLU
2/18/2000 HB 2424 Relating to Agricultural Lands AGR/WLU
2/18/2000 HB 2790 Relating to Agriculture AGR/WLU
2/18/2000 HB 2800 Relating to Quarantine AGR/WLU
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2585 (Deferred from 2/14 and 2/16/00), SB 2128 (Deferred from 2/15 and 2/17/00) CPN
2/18/2000 SB 2170 Relating to Telemarketers CPN
2/18/2000 JDC Decision Making on SB 3179, SB 3176 (Deferred from 2/15/00) CPN/JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2708 (Deferred from 2/16/00) ECD
2/18/2000 SB 2962, SB 2649 deleted from decision making agenda EDU
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2352 (Deferred from 2/4, 2/11, and 2/16/00); SB 2708, SB 2784 (Deferred from 2/9, 2/14, and 2/16/00); SB 3047, SB 2831 (Deferred from 2/14 and 2/16/00); SB 2720 (Deferred from 2/15 and 2/16/00); SB 2383, SB 2397, SB 2573, SB 2575, SB 2268, SB 2396, SB 2962, SB 2649, SB 2862, SB 2884, SB 3123, SB 2448 (Deferred from 2/16/00) EDU
2/18/2000 SB 2158 Establishing a Commission to Celebrate the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Arrival of the Koreans to Hawaii EDU
2/18/2000 SB 2749 Relating to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts EDU
2/18/2000 SB 2750 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division EDU
2/18/2000 SB 278 SD1 Relating to Higher Education EDU
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2494, SB 2930, SB 2931, SB 2183, SB 2184, SB 2735, SB 2655, SB 2254, SB 2375 (Deferred from 2/11/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2862, SB 2884, SB 3123, SB 2448 (Deferred from 2/16/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2059, SB 2658, SB 2847, SB 2848, SB 2849, SB 2850, SB 2851, SB 2853, SB 2854, SB 2855, SB 2857, SB 2858 (Deferred from 2/11 and 2/14/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2720, SB 3033 (Deferred 2/15/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 3053, SB 2247 (Deferred from 2/16/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2320, SB 2487, SB 2490 (Deferred from 2/4 and 2/11/00); SB 2874 (Deferred from 2/9 and 2/11/00); SB 2494, SB 2930, SB 2931, SB 3183, SB 2184, SB 2735, SB 2655, SB 2254, SB 2375 (Deferred from 2/11/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2852 (Deferred from 2/15/00) HHS
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2994, SB 2220, SB 2025, SB 2074, SB 2428, SB 2431, SB 2663, SB 2077, SB 2076, SB 2374 (Deferred from 2/14/00) JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on Sb 2962, SB 2649 (Deferred from 2/16/00) JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2162, SB 2536, SB 3177, SB 2425, SB 2115, SB 2764, SB 2755, SB 2751, SB 2759, Sb 2295 (Deferred from 2/16/00) JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2155, SB 2082, SB 2934, SB 2654 (Deferred from 2/11/00) JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2151, SB 2127, SB 181, SB 182, SB 2149, SB 2148, SB 2314, SB 2952, SB 2454 (Deferred from 2/15/00) JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2145, SB 2144, SB 2669, SB 2671, SB 2581, SB 2675, SB 2368, SB 625, SB 3164 (Deferred from 2/17/00) JDC
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 3047 (Deferred from 2/14/00) JDC/EDU
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2934, SB 2654 (Deferred from 2/10 and 2/11/00) JDC/HHS
2/18/2000 HB 1835 HD1 Relating to Criminal History Record Checks JHA
2/18/2000 HB 2124 Relating to the Hawaii Whistleblower Protection Act LAB
2/18/2000 HB 2286 Relating to Civil Remedies LAB
2/18/2000 HB 2774 Relating to Discrimination in Public Places LAB
2/18/2000 Decision Making on SB 2509, SB 2313, SB 2250, SB 2378 (deferred from 2/17/00) LRE
2/18/2000 SB 2100 Relating to Parking Structures TIA
2/18/2000 SB 3008 Relating to Traffic Records TIA
2/18/2000 HB 1780 Relating to the Convention Center TSM/EEP
2/18/2000 HB 2245 Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/EEP

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/22/2000 SB 2105 Relating to Low Income Housing Mortgages CPN
2/22/2000 SB 2304 Relating to the Motor Carrier Law CPN
2/22/2000 SB 2416 Relating to Public Access CPN
2/22/2000 SB 2508 Relating to Platinum Jewelry CPN
2/22/2000 SB 2577 Relating to Time Shares CPN
2/22/2000 HB 2095 Relating to Education. EDN
2/22/2000 HB 2490 Relating to the Teacher Standards Board. EDN
2/22/2000 HB 2495 Relating to Education. EDN
2/22/2000 SB 2067 Relating to Awarding Custody and Visitation JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2120 Relating to Act 316, Session Laws of Hawaii 1993, As Amended by Act 157, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995; and to Act 278, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2121 Relating to Obsolete Laws JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2480 Relating to Annulment, Divorce, and Separation JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2535 Relating to Probate JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2711 Relating to Administrative Procedure JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2758 Relating to Child Support Enforcement JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2761 Relating to the Disclosure of Government Records JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2924 Relating to Open Meetings JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2927 Relating to Chapter 92F, Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) JDC
2/22/2000 SB 2982 Relating to Child Support JDC
2/22/2000 HB 1157 HD1 (HSCR 605) Relating to Medical Use of Marijuana JHA
2/22/2000 HB 1758 HD1 (HSCR 10-00) Relating to Motor Vehicle Driver Licensing JHA
2/22/2000 HB 1763 HD1 (HSCR 11-00) Relating to Bicycles JHA
2/22/2000 HB 1881 HD1 (HSCR 70-00) Relating to Use of Intoxicants JHA
2/22/2000 HB 1899 HD1 (HSCR 66-00) Relating to Pedestrians JHA
2/22/2000 HB 1899 HD1 HSCR 66-00 Relating to the Statewide Traffic Code JHA
2/22/2000 HB 1947 HD1 (HSCR 48-00) Relating to Fisheries JHA
2/22/2000 HB 2090 HD1 (HSCR 27-00) Relating to Impaired Drivers JHA
2/22/2000 HB 2090 HSCR 27-00 Relating to Impaired Drivers JHA

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/23/2000 HB 1777 HD1 HSCR 63 Relating to Motor Carriers. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 1864 HSCR 217 Relating to Administrative Procedure. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2463 HSCR 179 Relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Recognition. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2464 HSCR 180 Relating to the Duties of the Board of Nursing. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2486 HSCR 181 Relating to Chiropractic Licensure Requirements. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2488 HD1 HSCR 182 Relating to Return of Prescription Drugs. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2525 HD1 HSCR 273 Relating to Prescription Drugs. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2565 HSCR 208 Relating to Garment Industry Homework. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2581 HSCR 250 Relating to the Repeal of Unnecessary Administrative Rules. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2582 HSCR 251 Relating to Administrative Rules. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2587 HSCR 252 Relating to the Repeal of Null and Void Administrative Rules. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2727 HSCR 165 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers. CPC
2/23/2000 HB 2906 HSCR 166 Relating to Towing Companies. CPC
2/23/2000 SB 2165 Relating to Naturopathic Physicians CPN
2/23/2000 SB 2225 Relating to Personal Property Appraisers CPN
2/23/2000 SB 2589 Relating to Independent Medical Examinations CPN
2/23/2000 SB 2804 Relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Recognition CPN
2/23/2000 SB 2805 Relating to the Duties of the Board of Nursing CPN
2/23/2000 SB 3041 Relating to Optometry CPN
2/23/2000 SB 3129 Relating to Hawaiian Healing Practices CPN
2/23/2000 HB 101 HD1 HSCR 416-00 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1873 HD1 HSCR 104-00 Relating to Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1874 HD1 HSCR 105-00 Relating to Educational Accountability FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1882 HD1 HSCR 275-00 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1893 HD1 HSCR 278-00 Relating to Energy FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1905 HD1 HSCR 296-00 Relating to School Fees FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1914 Relating to Comprehensive School Reform FIN
2/23/2000 HB 1935 HD1 HSCR 305-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2040 HD1 HSCR 187-00 Relating to Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2092 HSCR 184-00 Relating to Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2096 HSCR 103-00 Making an Appropriation for Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2154 HD1 HSCR 473-00 Relating to Community Services FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2171 HD1 HSCR 480-00 Relating to Meal Breaks FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2204 HD1 HSCR 302-00 Relating to Ethanol FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2218 HD1 HSCR 152-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2222 HD1 HSCR 153-00 Relating to Condominiums FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2252 HSCR 303-00 Relating to the Conveyance Tax FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2262 HD1 HSCR 256-00 Establishing a Commission to Celebrate the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Arrival of the Koreans to Hawaii FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2280 HD1 HSCR 458-00 Relating to School-to-Work FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2285 HSCR 293-00 Making an Appropriation for the Hawaiian Studies Program FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2289 HSCR 418-00 Relating to Workers' Compensation FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2312 HD1 HSCR 360-00 Relating to Waste Disposal Facilities FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2329 HD1 HSCR 333-00 Relating to Energy Conservation Tax Credits FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2330 HD1 HSCR 206-00 Relating to Energy FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2391 HSCR 295-00 Making an Appropriation for Parent-Community Networking Centers FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2392 HD1 HSCR 304-00 Relating to Health FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2408 HD1 HSCR 257-00 Relating to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2459 HSCR 258-00 Relating to the Hawaii Telecommunications and Information Act FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2467 HSCR 149-00 Relating to the Consumer Advocate FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2469 HSCR 150-00 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2472 HD1 HSCR 340-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2487 HD1 HSCR 155-00 Relating to Financing the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2491 HD1 HSCR 393-00 Relating to School Lunch FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2492 HSCR 229-00 Relating to Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2493 HD1 HSCR 234-00 Relating to New Century Charter Schools FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2519 HD1 HSCR 477-00 Relating to Flexible Spending Accounts FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2549 HD1 HSCR 205-00 Relating to Individual Wastewater Systems FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2553 HSCR 326-00 Relating to Employment Security FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2555 HSCR 327-00 Relating to Workers' Compensation Special Compensation Fund Expenses FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2556 HD1 HSCR 481-00 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2564 HD1 HSCR 471-00 Relating to Employment Security FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2566 HD1 HSCR 297-00 Relating to the Hawaii State Public Library System FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2605 Relating to Taxation Appeals FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2606 Relating to Disclosure of Tax Information FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2701 HD2 HSCR277-00 Relating to Public Schools FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2751 HD1 SHCR 260-00 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2763 HD1 HSCR 391-00 Making an Appropriation for Teacher Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2820 HSCR 446-00 Relating to Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2822 HD1 HSCR 235-00 Relating to School Administrators FIN
2/23/2000 HB 283 HD1 HSCR 185-00 Relating to Education FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2877 HD1 HSCR 337-00 Relating to Public Contracts FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2959 HD2 HSCR 475-00 Relating to the Entertainment Industry FIN
2/23/2000 HB 2984 HD1 HSCR 464-00 Relating to Minimum Wage FIN
2/23/2000 HB 3002 HD1 HSCR 392-00 Relating to Playgrounds in Schools FIN
2/23/2000 HB 3021 HD1 HSCR 334-00 Relating to Gasoline FIN
2/23/2000 SB 2146 Relating to Elections JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2147 Relating to Campaign Spending JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2150 Relating to Elections JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2201 Relating to Public Service JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2413 Relating to Elections JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2525 Relating to Ethics JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2666 Relating to Elections JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2667 Relating to No Candidates Filed for an Elective Office JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2668 Relating to Voter Registration JDC
2/23/2000 SB 2670 Relating to Elections JDC

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/24/2000 HB 1387 HD1 HSCR 319 Relating to Nurses CPC
2/24/2000 HB 1863 HD 1 HSCR 350 Relating to Administrative Rules CPC
2/24/2000 HB 1865 HD1 HSCR 351 Relating to Boards and Commissions CPC
2/24/2000 HB 2187 HD1 HSCR 352 Relating to Administrative Rules CPC
2/24/2000 HB 2188 HD 1 HSCR 301 Relating to Administrative Procedure CPC
2/24/2000 HB 2310 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants CPC
2/24/2000 HB 2425 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes CPC
2/24/2000 HB 2744 Relating to Condominiums CPC
2/24/2000 HB 2846 Relating to Condominiums Property Regimes CPC
2/24/2000 SB 2288 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2563 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2588 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2693 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2729 Relating to Service Contracts CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2732 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2814 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2818 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 2819 Relating to Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 SB 3811 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN
2/24/2000 HB 1759 HD1 HSCR 30-00 Relating to Traffic Enforcement FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1764 HSCR 3-00 Relating to the Metropolitan Planning Organization FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1804 HD1 HSCR 378-00 Relating to False Claims FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1847 HD1 HSCR 224-00 Relating to Corrections FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1879 HD1 HSCR 437-00 Relating to Elections FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1909 HD1 HSCR 287-00 Relating to Public Lands FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1910 HD1 HSCR 29-00 Relating to Metropolitan Planning Organizations FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1939 HSCR 42-00 Relating to Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1940 HD1 HSCR 200-00 Relating to Court Appointed Counsel Legal Fees FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1949 HD2 PROPOSED Relating to Aquatic Organisms FIN
2/24/2000 HB 1955 HD1 HSCR 8-00 Relating to the Corrections Population Management Commission FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2143 HD1 HSCR 382-00 Relating to the Uniform Principal and Income Act FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2243 HD1 HSCR 221-00 Making an Appropriation for Veterans Cemeteries FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2292 HD1 HSCR 225-00 Relating Crime Victim Compensation FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2309 HSCR 171-00 Relating to Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2354 HD1 HSCR 222-00 Making an Appropriation for the Fiftieth Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War Commission FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2407 Making an Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture. FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2409 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division. FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2410 HSCR 198-00 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State nad Providing Appropriations Therefor FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2417 HSCR 342-00 Relating to Child Support Enforcement FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2418 HSCR 343-00 Relating to Certificates of Identification FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2427 HD1 HSCR 454-00 Relating to Geographic Information Systems FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2444 HSCR 376-00 Relating to Unclaimed Property FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2457 HSCR 220-00 Relating to Veterans Loans FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2501 HD1 HSCR 315-00 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2504 HSCR 313-00 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2505 HSCR 314-00 Relating to Housing Loan and Mortgage Programs FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2522 HD1 HSCR 379-00 Relating to Advance Health-Care Directives FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2531 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation. FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2536 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health. FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2567 HSCR 377-00 Relating to Blue Lights FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2568 HSCR 172-00 Relating to State Parks FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2569 HSCR 45-00 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2570 HSCR 46-00 Relating to the Boating Special Fund FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2571 HD1 HSCR 265-00 Relating to State Boating Facilities FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2573 HSCR 324-00 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2574 HSCR 173-00 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2575 HSCR 453-00 Relating to Disposition of Water Rights FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2576 HSCR 465-00 Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2578 HD1 HSCR 455-00 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2594 HSCR 264-00 Relating to Dangerous Drugs FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2619 HD1 HSCR 64-00 Relating to Noise FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2648 HD1 HSCR 216-00 Relating to Probation FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2653 HD1 HSCR 203-00 Relating to the Judiciary FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2733 HD1 HSCR 380-00 Relating to the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2739 HD1 HSCR 92-00 Relating to Corrections FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2768 HSCR 452-00 Relating Kikala-Keokea FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2782 HSCR 174-00 Relating to Burial Sites FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2829 HD1 HSCR 407-00 Relating to the Elections Appointment and Review Panel FIN
2/24/2000 HB 2836 HSCR 466-00 Relating to Conveyance Tax FIN
2/24/2000 HB 3001 HD1 HSCR 266-00 Relating to Noncommercial Piers FIN
2/24/2000 HB 3024 HD1 HSCR 401-00 Relating to Revocable Permits for State Agricultural Leases FIN
2/24/2000 HB 303 HD1 HSCR 406-00 Relating to Identification FIN
2/24/2000 HB 385 HD1 HSCR 383-00 Relating to Civil Rights FIN
2/24/2000 SB 2079 Relating to Use of Force JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2371 Relating to Incompetent Persons JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2436 Relating to the Penal Code JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2629 Relating to Drugs JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2631 Relating to Offenses Against Property Rights JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2637 Relating to Victims and Witnesses JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2639 Relating to Burglary JDC
2/24/2000 SB 2935 Relating to Dangerous Drugs JDC
2/24/2000 SB 3023 Relating to Crime JDC
2/24/2000 SB 3133 Relating to Crime JDC
2/24/2000 HB 2388 HD1 (HSCR 191-00) Relating to Education JHA
2/24/2000 HB 2441 (HSCR 90-00) Relating to Biological Materials JHA
2/24/2000 HB 2732 Relating to Court Reporters JHA
2/24/2000 HB 2809 Relating to the Penal Code JHA
2/24/2000 HB 2827 Relating to Hazardous Recreational Activities JHA
2/24/2000 HB 2891 Relating to Combative Sports JHA
2/24/2000 HB 2895 (HSCR 145-00) Relating to Environmental Impact Statements JHA
2/24/2000 SB 2427 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2530 Relating to Agriculture WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2533 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2738, SD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2750 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2751, SD1 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State and Providing Appropriations Therefor WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2755, SD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Asbestos Property Damage Litigation WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2858 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State Medical Assistance Program WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2872 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2877 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2878 SD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2883, SD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State's Medicaid Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled or Mentally Retarded Program WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2892 Relating to the Correction of the Applicable Fiscal Year for the Appropriation to be Expended by the Department of Health in Section 6 of Act 304, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 WAM
2/24/2000 SB 2961, SD1 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/25/2000 SB 2793 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN/LRE/WAM
2/25/2000 SB 2326 Relating to Public Employee Benefits CPN/WAM
2/25/2000 SB 2802 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CPN/WAM
2/25/2000 SB 3039 Relating to Provider Contracts CPN/WAM
2/25/2000 SB 3193 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CPN/WAM
2/25/2000 GM 149 Wesley H.C. Wong, Jr., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Agriculture (Deleted from agenda) ECD
2/25/2000 GM 149 Wesley H.C. Wong, Jr., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Agriculture ECD
2/25/2000 GM 168 Robert K.U. Kihune, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors, Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority ECD
2/25/2000 SB 2747 Relating to Agriculture ECD
2/25/2000 SB 2470 Relating to Education EDU
2/25/2000 SB 2510 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
2/25/2000 SB 283 Relating to Libraries (Decision Making only - short form bill) EDU
2/25/2000 SB 283 Relating to Libraries (Deleted from agenda) EDU
2/25/2000 SB 2830 Relating to Employment of School Principals and Vice Principals EDU
2/25/2000 SB 2836 Relating to Education EDU
2/25/2000 SB 3182 Relating to Holidays EDU
2/25/2000 SB 3026 Relating to School Facilities EDU/WAM
2/25/2000 HB 1903 HD1 HSCR 13-00 Relating to Brain Injury. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 1908 HSCR 364-00 Relating to Individual Development Account Contribution Tax Credits FIN
2/25/2000 HB 1956 HSCR 35-00 Relating to Small Business FIN
2/25/2000 HB 1969 HD1 HSCR 34-00 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs FIN
2/25/2000 HB 1994 HD1 HSCR 49-00 Making an Appropriation for Agriculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2023 HD1 HSCR 50-00 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2034 HD1 HSCR 336-00 Relating to Taxation. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2060 HD1 HSCR 169-00 Relating to the University of Hawaii FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2062 HD1 HSCR 121-00 Relating to Higher Education FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2066 HSCR 213-00 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2080 HSCR 7-00 Relating to Tax Credits FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2160 HD1 HSCR 41-00 Relating to the Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2182 HD1 HSCR 170-00 Relating to the General Excise Tax FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2212 HD1 HSCR 241-00 Relating to Harbors FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2277 HSCR 72-00 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Fund. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2311 HSCR 114-00 Relating to the Procurement Code for Design Professional Services FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2356 HD1 HSCR 420-00 Relating to the High Technology Development Corporation FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2374 HSCR 236-00 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii Community Colleges System FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2375 HD1 HSCR 57-00 Making an Appropriation for the University of Hawaii at Manoa FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2403 HSCR 399-00 Relating to Aquaculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2404 HSCR 197-00 Relating to Aquaculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2405 HD1 HSCR 53-00 Relating to Pesticides FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2406 HSCR 248-00 Relating to Agriculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2422 HSCR 93-00 Relating to the Enforcement of the Tobacco Settlement Agreement. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2424 HD1 HSCR 451-00 Relating to Agricultural Lands FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2432 HSCR 135-00 Relating to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2438 HD1 HSCR 161-00 Relating to State Enterprise Zones FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2443 HD1 HSCR 306-00 Relating to High Technology Development Corporation FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2497 HSCR 91-00 Relating to the State Internet Portal FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2500 HD1 HSCR 307-00 Relating to Technology Development FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2584 HSCR 218-00 Relating to the Fuel Tax FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2588 Relating to Audit and Accounting FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2604 HD1 HSCR 404-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2607 HD1 HSCR 354-00 Relating to High Technology FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2620 HD1 HSCR 199-00 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2624 Relating to the University of Hawaii FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2746 HSCR 292-00 Making an Appropriation for the Peer Education Program. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2760 HD1 HSCR 291-00 Relating to the College Savings Program FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2789 HD1 HSCR 52-00 Making an Appropriation for Hawaiian Organic Agriculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2793 HSCR 194-00 Relating to Agriculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2794 HD2 HSCR 353-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2801 HD1 HSCR 400-00 Relating to Agriculture FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2802 HSCR 449-00 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2803 HD1 HSCR 450-00 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2876 HD1 HSCR 162-00 Relating to General Excise Tax FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2878 HD1 HSCR 219-00 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2901 HD1 HSCR 421-00 Relating to the New Economy FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2955 HSCR 254-00 Relating to New Economy Skills Training FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2961 HD2 HSCR 414-00 Relating to Tobacco. FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2964 HD1 HSCR 163-00 Relating to Community-Base Economic Development FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2973 HD1 HSCR 55-00 Making an Appropriation for Miconia Eradication FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2996 HD1 HSCR 249-00 Relating to Agricultural Loans FIN
2/25/2000 HB 2997 HSCR 195-00 Relating to Aquaculture Loans FIN
2/25/2000 HB 564 HD1 HSCR 365 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System FIN
2/25/2000 SB 302 Relating to Health (Short form bill - Decision Making only). HHS
2/25/2000 NONE Notice of Issues Briefing on Human Services HSH/HLT
2/25/2000 NONE Notice of Issues Briefing on Human Services HSH/HLT
2/25/2000 Decision Making on SB 2637, SB 3133, SB 2935, SB 2629, SB 2631, SB 2639, SB 2436, SB 3023, SB 2079, SB 2371 (Deferred from 2/24/00) JDC
2/25/2000 Decision Making on SB 2146, SB 2150, SB 2147, SB 2413, SB 2667, SB 2670, SB 2668, SB 2666, SB 2525, SB 2201 (Deferred from 2/23/00) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2067 Relating to Awarding Custody and Visitation (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2120 Relating to Act 316, Session Laws of Hawaii 1993, As Amended by Act 157, Session Laws of 1995; and to Act 278, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2121 Relating to Obsolete Laws (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2480 Relating to Annulment, Divorce, and Separation (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2535 Relating to Probate (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2711 Relating to Administrative Procedure (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2758 Relating to Child Support Enforcement (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2761 Relating to the Disclosure of Government Records (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2924 Relating to Open Meetings (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2927 Relating to Chapter 92F, Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 SB 2982 Relating to Child Support (Decision Making only) JDC
2/25/2000 HB 1880 Relating to Firearms JHA
2/25/2000 HB 1922 (HSCR 427-00) Relating to Tobacco JHA
2/25/2000 HB 1952 Relating to Handguns JHA
2/25/2000 HB 291 Relating to Storage of Firearms JHA
2/25/2000 HB 2946 Relating to Firearms JHA
2/25/2000 SB 1095 (HSCR 1132) Relating to Hunting JHA

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/26/2000 NONE Notice of Issues Briefing on Human Services HSH/HLT
2/26/2000 HB 1231 HD1(A) PROPOSED Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Proposed HD1(A) JHA
2/26/2000 HB 1231 HD1(B) PROPOSED Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Proposed HD1(B) JHA
2/26/2000 HB 1928 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Proposed HD1 JHA
2/26/2000 NONE Informational Briefing to discuss the Rice v. Cayetano decision (Kauai) WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/27/2000 NONE Informational Briefing to discuss the Rice v. Cayetano decision (Molokai) WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/28/2000 HB 1762 HSCR 23 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 1775 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 1776 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 1913 Relating to Parking Citations CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 1933 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2017 Relating to Collection Agencies CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2129 Relating to Pawn Brokers and Secondhand Dealers CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2130 Relating to Secondhand Dealers CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2147 Relating to Used Motor Vehicles CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2148 Relating to Motorcycle and Motor Scooter Insurance CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2315 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2349 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2350 Relating to Covered Loss Deductible CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2396 Relating to Degree-Granting Institutions CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2470 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2477 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2482 Relating to Control Share Acquisitions CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2484 Relating to the Corporations CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2628 Relating to Advertising CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2716 Relating to Condominiums CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2798 HD1 HSCR 478 Relating to Workers' Compensation CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2918 Relating to Collection Agencies CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2945 Relating to Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 HB 2951 Relating to Motor Vehicles CPC/JHA
2/28/2000 GM 150 Kenneth R. Joynet, Lance M. Marugame, and Richard Y. Mitsumori, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology CPN
2/28/2000 GM 151 Robert E. Klein, D.C., Gubernatorial Nominee to the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners CPN
2/28/2000 GM 154 Barton M. Saxton, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Credit Union Advisory Board CPN
2/28/2000 GM 157 Gerald M. Yamamoto, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Elevator Mechanics Licensing Board CPN
2/28/2000 GM 166 Ronald Y. Fujimoto, D.O., David T. Lee, D.O., and Patricia L. Blanchette, M.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Medical Examiners CPN
2/28/2000 GM 169 Gregory G.Y. Pai, Ph.D., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
2/28/2000 SB 2165 Relating to Naturopathic Physicians CPN
2/28/2000 SB 2804 Relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Recognition CPN
2/28/2000 SB 2805 Relating to the Duties of the Board of Nursing CPN
2/28/2000 SB 3129 Relating to Hawaiian Healing Practices CPN
2/28/2000 Decision Making on SB 2830, SB 2836, SB 24700, SB 2510, SB 3182 (Deferred from 2/25/00) EDU
2/28/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing on the University of Hawaii's Community Colleges programs designed to help with the economic development of the State EDU/HED
2/28/2000 Decision Making on SB 3026 (Deferred from 2/25/00) EDU/WAM
2/28/2000 HB 1834 HD1 HSCR 311-00 Relating to Long-Term Care. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 1846 HSCR 21-00 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 1943 HSCR 214-00 Relating to the Attorney General. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 1985 HD1 HSCR 426-00 Relating to Feral Animals. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 1998 HD1 HSCR 403-00 Relating to State Leases. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2104 HSCR 16-00 Relating to Housing. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2273 HD1 HSCR 271-00 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2367 HD1 HSCR 368-00 Relating to Post-Secondary Education. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2368 HD1 HSCR 369-00 Relating to Housing. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2429 HD1 HSCR 272-00 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2431 HD1 HSCR 371-00 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2506 HD1 HSCR 408-00 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2509 HD1 HSCR 175-00 Relating to Kinship Care. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2510 HSCR 136-00 Relating to Foster Board Allowances for Students. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2512 HSCR 176-00 Relating to Financial Assistance Payments. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2514 HSCR 366-00 Relating to Public Assistance. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2524 HSCR 142-00 Relating to Prophylactics. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2528 HD1 HSCR 263-00 Relating to Safe Drinking Water. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2529 HD1 HSCR 381-00 Relating to Safe Drinking Water. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2530 HD1 HSCR 344-00 Relating to Air Pollution Control Public Notification. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2743 HD1 HSCR 397-00 Relating to Land Use. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 2986 HD1 HSCR 156-00 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 3022 HD1 HSCR 372-00 Making an Appropriation for Child Care Certification. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 536 HD2 HSCR 309-00 Relating to Human Services. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 540 HD2 HSCR 367-00 Relating to Human Services. FIN
2/28/2000 HB 755 HD1 HSCR 284-00 Relating to Public Lands. FIN
2/28/2000 SB 2042 SD1 Relating to School Records JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2063 SD1 Relating to Criminal History Record Checks JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2442 SD1 Relating to Caregivers JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2847 SD1 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2876 SD1 Relating to Criminal Background Checks for the Department of Health JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2930 SD1 Relating to Controlled Substances JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2931 Relating to Controlled Substances JDC
2/28/2000 SB 2996 SD1 Relating to Juveniles JDC
2/28/2000 SB 3038 Relating to Education JDC
2/28/2000 SB 862 SD1 Relating to Medical Use of Marijuana JDC
2/28/2000 Decision Making on SB 2738, SD1; SB 2750; SB 2755, SD1; SB 2858; SB 2872; SB 2877; SB 2878, SD1; SB 2883, SD1; SB 2892; SB 2530; SB 2427; SB 2751, SD1; SB 2533; SB 2961, SD1 (Deferred from 2/24/00) WAM
2/28/2000 HB 286, HD2, SD1 Relating to Speeding (Error on original notice listed this bill as SB 286, HD2, SD1) WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2005 Relating to Public Lands WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2021, SD1 Relating to Housing WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2058 Relating to Income Tax Credits WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2074, SD1 Relating to Corrections WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2093, SD1 Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2108, SD1 Relating to the Public Land Trust WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2109, SD1 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2110, SD1 Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2118, SD1 Relating to Historic Preservation WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2131 Relating to Federal Construction WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2132, SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Procurement Code WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2134 Relating to Agriculture and Animals WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2171 Relating to Disaster Relief WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2175, SD1 Relating to Conservation WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2181 Relating to Public Land Trust WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2186, SD1 Relating to Insurance WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2200 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2220 Relating to the Removal of Nuisance WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2221 Relating to Ethanol WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2234, SD1 Relating to Procurement of Professional Services WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2287, SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2299, SD1 Relating to Harbors WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2300, SD1 Relating to Harbors WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2301, SD1 Relating to Harbors WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2303, SD1 Relating to Harbors WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2308, SD1 Relating to Taxation WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2312 Relating to a Hoisting Machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2317, SD1 Relating to Boards of Water Supply WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2345, SD1 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2354 Relating to Public Access WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2387, SD1 Relating to Procurement WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2421 Relating to Taxation WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2429, SD1 Relating to Crime WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2432 Relating to a Sentencing Simulation Model WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2473, SD1 Relating to the Small Business Defender WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2482, SD1 Relating to Technology Business Taxation WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2484, SD1 Relating to Medicaid Recovery WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2509, SD1 Relating to Procurement Practices WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2544 Relating to Legislative Analyst WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2545 Relating to Glass Recovery WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2549, SD1 Relating to Energy Conservation Tax Credits WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2561, SD1 Relating to Insurance WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2576, SD1 Relating to State Owned Public Housing WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2598, SD1 Relating to Housing WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2652 Relating to School-to-Work WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2675 Relating to the Salary of the Executive Director of the State Ethics Commission WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2690, SD1 Relating to Probation WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2691 Relating to the Judiciary WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2692, SD1 Relating to Salaries WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2722, SD1 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2731, SD1 Relating to Insurance WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2745 Relating to Aquaculture WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2746, SD1 Relating to Pesticides WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2764, SD1 Relating to Tobacco Products Report WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2779, SD1 Relating to State Enterprise Zone WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2843 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WAM
2/28/2000 SB 286, HD2, SD1 Relating to Speeding (Listed in error - should be HB 286, HD2, SD1) WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2879, SD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2880, SD1 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2893 Relating to Minimum Wage WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2905 Relating to Employment Security WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2948, SD1 Relating to High Technology WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2971 Relating to Environmental Impact Statements WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2987 Relating to Public Contracts WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2988, SD1 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2990, SD1 Relating to the Recycling of Batteries WAM
2/28/2000 SB 2993, SD1 Relating to the Environment WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3003 Relating to Employees' Retirement System WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3043, SD1 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3104, SD1 Relating to Motor Vehicles WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3122, SD1 Relating to Noncommercial Piers WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3159, SD1 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3160, SD1 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants WAM
2/28/2000 SB 3199, SD1 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal WAM
2/28/2000 NONE Informational Briefing to discuss the Rice v. Cayetano decision (Maui) WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
2/29/2000 SB 2416 Relating to Public Access (Decision Making only) CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2589 Relating to Independent Medical Examinations (Decision Making only) CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2655 SD1 Relating to Health (Decision Making only) CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2657 SD1 Relating to Health (Decision Making only) CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2826 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2827 Relating to Chiropractic Licensure Requirements CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2829 Relating to Return of Prescription Drugs CPN
2/29/2000 SB 2866 SD1 Relating to Prescription Drugs CPN
2/29/2000 SB 3041 Relating to Optometry (Decision Making only) CPN
2/29/2000 SB 3053 SD1 Relating to Insurance (Decision Making only) CPN
2/29/2000 HB 2095 Relating to Education EDN
2/29/2000 HB 2490 Relating to the Hawaii Teachers Standards Board EDN
2/29/2000 HB 2495 Relating to Education EDN
2/29/2000 HB 1275 HD1 HSCR 409-00 Relating to Hospital Violence FIN
2/29/2000 HB 1844 HD1 HSCR 22-00 Making an Appropriation for the Development of Protocols and the Special Training of Paramedics in the Treatment of Domestic Violence Patients FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2024 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2193 HSCR 88-00 Relating to Public Access FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2194 HD1 HSCR 262-00 Relating to Public Access FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2434 HD1 HSCR 117-00 Relating to State Finances FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2521 HSCR 434-00 Relating to School Health Requirements FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2532 HSCR 321-00 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2534 HD1 HSCR 120-00 Relating to Critical Access Hospitals FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2834 HSCR 89-00 Making an Appropriation for Legislative Internal Computer Network FIN
2/29/2000 HB 3014 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds FIN
2/29/2000 SB 1390 SD1 Relating to Traffic Violations JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2318 SD1 Relating to Adminstrative Revocation of Driver's Licenses JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2441 Relating to Dangerous Dogs JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2504 SD1 Relating to Traffic Offenses JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2634 SD1 Relating to the Penal Code JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2635 Relating to Highways JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2707 SD1 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's License JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2760 SD1 Relating to Litigation Involving Highways JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2951 Relating to Traffic Accidents JDC
2/29/2000 SB 2955 Relating to Highway Safety JDC
2/29/2000 SB 3051 SD1 Relating to Liquor Export JDC
2/29/2000 SB 3073 SD1 Relating to Impaired Driving JDC
2/29/2000 SB 3082 Relating to Unauthorized Control of Propelled Vehicles JDC
2/29/2000 SB 3125 SD1 Relating to Publication of Notice JDC
2/29/2000 HB 1157 HD1 (HSCR 605) Relating to the Medical Use of Marijuana JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1618 HD1 (HSCR 346-00) Relating to Repeat Intoxicated Offenders JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1760 (HSCR 345-00) Relating to Highway Safety JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1837 Relating to Abuse of Family or Household Members JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1838 Relating to Domestic Abuse Protective Orders JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1841 Relating to Probation JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1843 Relating to Domestic Violence JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1845 Relating to Crime JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1876 (HSCR 448-00) Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Composition of the Board of Education JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1881 HD1 (HSCR 70-00) Relating to Use of Intoxicants JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1899 HD1 (HSCR 66-00) Relating to the Statewide Traffic Code JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1947 HD1 (HSCR 48-00) Relating to Fisheries JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1952 Relating to Handguns JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2078 HD1 (HSCR 439-00) Relating to School Safety JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2087 HD1 (HSCR 440-00) Relating to Juveniles JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2245 HD1 (HSCR 457-00) Relating to the Hawaii Tourism Authority JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2317 HD1 (HSCR 281-00) Relating to Intoxicating Liquor JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2362 Relating to Annulment, Divorce, and Separation JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2413 Relating to Computer Crime JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2423 (HSCR 141-00) Relating to Tobacco Products Report JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2513 (HSCR 362-00) Relating to Unclaimed Corpses JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2557 (HSCR 329-00) Relating to Occupational Safety and Health JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2558 (HSCR 330-00) Relating to Boiler and Elevator Law JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2615 (HSCR 268-00) Relating to Hazardous Materials JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2691 HD1 (HSCR 164-00) Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2745 (HSCR 247-00) Relating to Quarantine JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2762 (HSCR 243-00) Relating to Island Burial Councils JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2774 (HSCR 469-00) Relating to Discrimination in Public Places JHA
2/29/2000 HB 2999 HD1 (HSCR 196-00) Relating to the Right to Farm JHA
2/29/2000 HB 1868 Relating to the Process for Managed Competition Specified in Act 230, Session Laws of Hawaii 1998 LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 1875 HD1 HSCR 107-00 Relating to Educational Accountability LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 1987 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2261 Relating to Volunteer Services LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2446 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2447 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2448 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2458 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2511 HSCR 82-00 Relating to Long-Term Care LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 HB 2741 HD1 HSCR 355-00 Relating to Privately-Operated Correctional Facilities LAB/FIN
2/29/2000 SB 2674 Relating to Governmental Employee Organization Meetings Held During State Working Hours LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2769 Relating to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2867 Relating to Used Oil LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2870 Relating to Safe Drinking Water LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2898 Relating to Occupational Safety and Health LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2899 Relating to Boiler and Elevator Law LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2906 Relating to Garment Industry Homework LRE
2/29/2000 SB 2114 Relating to Motor Vehicles TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2316 Relating to Driver's Licenses TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2405 Relating to Driver's Licenses TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2443 Relating to Families TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2621 Relating to Health TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2621 SD1 Erratum - An error of the hearing notice listed SB 2621; the bill listing should read SB 2621 SD1. TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2643 Relating to Traffic Offenses TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2725 Relating to Towing Companies TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2903 Realting to the State Fire Council TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2904 Relating to the State Fire Council TIA
2/29/2000 SB 2953 Relating to Control of Vending TIA
2/29/2000 SB 3031 Relating to Highways TIA
2/29/2000 SB 3100 Relating to Temporary Instruction Permit TIA
2/29/2000 SB 3102 Relating to Driver License Renewal by Mail TIA
2/29/2000 Decision Making on SB 2848 SD1, SB 2755 SD1, SB 2877, SB 2878 SD1, SB 2530 (Deferred from 2/24 and 2/28/00) WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2040, SD1 Relating to Developmental Disabilities WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2059, SD1 Relating to Welfare Reform WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2062, SD1 Relating to Long Term Care WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2138, SD1 Relating to Public School Facilities WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2218, SD1 Relating to New Century Charter Schools WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2420, SD1 Relating to Technology WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2448, SD1 Relating to Autism WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2474, SD1 Relating to Education and Technology WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2489, SD1 Relating to Brain Injury WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2571, SD1 Relating to School-Based Budgeting WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2607 Relating to the Commission on the Status of Women WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2783 Relating to Economic Development Training WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2784, SD1 Relating to High Technology Development Corporation WAM
2/29/2000 SB 2837, SD1 Relating to Educational Accountability WAM
2/29/2000 SB 3123, SD1 Relating to Post-Secondary Education WAM
2/29/2000 NONE Informational Briefing to discuss the Rice v. Cayetano decision (Hawaii) WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/1/2000 HB 1906 HD1 HSCR 430 Relating to Licensing of Psychologists CPC
3/1/2000 HB 1934 HD1 HSCR 320 Relating to Optometry CPC
3/1/2000 HB 1977 HD1 HSCR 358 Relating to Gasoline Dealers CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2244 Relating to Telemarketers CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2279 HD1 HSCR 431 Relating to Health Care Professionals CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2314 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2316 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2365 Relating to Residential Leaseholds CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2473 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2476 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2764 HD1 HSCR 432 Relating to Naturopathic Physicians CPC
3/1/2000 HB 2888 Relating to Public Access CPC
3/1/2000 NONE Informational Briefing CPC
3/1/2000 Decision Making on SB 2416, SB 2729, SB 3053 SD1, SB 2655 SD1, SB 2657 SD1 (Deferred from 2/22 and 2/29) CPN
3/1/2000 SB 2306, SD1 Relating to Motor Carriers CPN
3/1/2000 SB 2307, SD1 Relating to Motor Carriers CPN
3/1/2000 SB 2782 Relating to Biological Materials CPN
3/1/2000 Decision Making on SB 2830, SB 2510 (Deferred from 2/25 and 2/28) EDU
3/1/2000 NONE Informational Briefing on the vision, programs and plans for the John A. Burns School of Medicine EDU/HED
3/1/2000 Decision Making on SB 3026 (Deferred from 2/25 and 2/28) EDU/WAM
3/1/2000 HB 1804 HD1 HSCR 378-00 Relating to False Claims FIN
3/1/2000 HB 1830 Relating to Income Tax Credits FIN
3/1/2000 HB 1877 HD1 HSCR 413-00 Relating to Information Privacy. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 1900 Relating to the State Budget. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 1944 HD1 HSCR 151-00 Relating to Public Service Company Tax. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 1946 HD1 HSCR 459-00 Relating to Energy Conservation. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 1970 HD1 HSCR 36-00 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Services. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2024 HD1 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies. (Pending) FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2092 HSCR 184-00 Relating to Education FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2151 Relating to State Bonds. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2156 HD1 HSCR 94-00 Making an Appropriation for Basic Dental Services for Adults. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2204 HD1 HSCR 302-00 Relating to Ethanol FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2311 HSCR 114-00 Relating to the Procurement Code for Design Professional Services FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2391 HSCR 295-00 Making an Appropriation for Parent-Community Networking Centers FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2392 HD1 HSCR 304-00 Relating to Health FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2408 HD1 HSCR 257-00 Relating to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2469 HSCR 150-00 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department fo Commerce and Consumer Affairs FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2472 HD1 HSCR 340-00 Relating to Insurance. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2537 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2564 HD1 HSCR 471-00 Relating to Employment Security FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2571 HD1 HSCR 265-00 Relating to State Boating Facilities FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2578 HD1 HSCR 455-00 Relating to the Natural Area Reserve Fund FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2599 Relating to the Department of Taxation FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2650 HSCR 341-00 Relating to the Judiciary. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2721 HD1 HSCR 209-00 Relating to Transportation. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2733 HD1 HSCR 380-00 Relating to the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2794 HD2 HSCR 353-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/1/2000 HB 283 HD1 HSCR 185-00 Relating to Education FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2835 HD1 HSCR 398-00 Relating to Watershed Protection. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 284 HD1 HSCR 459 Relating to Education. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2959 HD2 HSCR 475-00 Relating to the Entertainment Industry FIN
3/1/2000 HB 2984 HD1 HSCR 464-00 Relating to Minimum Wage FIN
3/1/2000 HB 3014 HD1 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds. (Pending) FIN
3/1/2000 HB 319 HD1 HSCR 548 Relating to School Health Services. FIN
3/1/2000 HB 564 HD1 HSCR 365 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System FIN
3/1/2000 HB 164 Proposing an Amendment to Article III, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Eligibility Requirements for Membership in the Senate or House of Representatives JDC
3/1/2000 SB 2352 SD1 Relating to Computer Offenses JDC
3/1/2000 SB 2465 SD1 Relating to Pornography JDC
3/1/2000 SB 2466 Relating to Computer Access by Minors JDC
3/1/2000 SB 2518 Proposing Amendments to the Hawaii Constitution to Provide for the Election of the Attorney General JDC
3/1/2000 SB 2628 Proposing an Amendment to Article V of the Hawaii Constitution to Provide for the Election of the Attorney General JDC
3/1/2000 SB 2941 Proposing an Amendment to Article VII, Section 3, of the State Constitution to Provide for the Appointment of a Tax Review Commission Every Ten Years JDC
3/1/2000 SB 539 SD1 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in All Matters Relating to the University JDC
3/1/2000 SB 565 Proposing an Amendment to Article V, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide for the Election of the Attorney General JDC
3/1/2000 SB 614 Proposing an Amendment to Article III, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Eligibility to Serve as a Member of the Senate or House of Representatives JDC
3/1/2000 HB 2572 Relating to Kaneohe Bay OMR/WLU
3/1/2000 HCR 13 Relating to Submerged Lands OMR/WLU
3/1/2000 Decision Making on SB 2878 SD1 (Deferred from 2/29/00) WAM
3/1/2000 Decision Making on Sb 2420 SD1, SB 2784 SD1, SB 2607 (Deferred from 2/29/00) WAM
3/1/2000 Decision Making on SB 2058, Sb 2131, SB 2186 SD1, SB 2200, Sb 2287 SD1, SB 2345 SD1, SB 3003, SB 2675, SB 3199 SD1, SB 2746 SD1, SB 2880 SD1, SB 2893, SB 2879 SD1, SB 2990 SD1, SB 2134, SB 2300 SD1, SB 2301 SD1, SB 2005, SB 2118 SD1, SB 2175 SD1, SB 2021 SD1, SB 2234 SD1, SB 2576 SD1, SB 2598 SD1, SB 2987, SB 2988 SD1 (Deferred from 2/28/00) WAM
3/1/2000 SB 1242, SD1 (PROPOSED) Relating to the Legislature WAM
3/1/2000 SB 1427 Relating to Aquaculture WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2003 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2115, SD1 Relating to False Claims WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2144, SD1 Relating to Election WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2194 Relating to Income Tax Credits WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2247, SD1 Relating to Feral Animals WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2289, SD1 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Service WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2320, SD1 Relating to a Long-Term Care Commission WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2348 Relating to Municipal Services WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2353, SD1 Relating to the Office of Information Practices WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2369 Relating to the Employee's Retirement System WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2409 SD1 Relating to Taxation (Decision Making only) WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2409, SD2 (PROPOSED) Relating to Taxation WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2411 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2419, SD1 Relating to Capital Access Program WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2434, SD1 Relating to Substance Abuse WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2457, SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2459, SD1 Relating to Professional Counselors WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2475, SD1 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2486, SD1 Relating to Taxation WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2494, SD1 Relating to Empowerment of the Blind WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2496. SD1 Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2499, SD1 (PROPOSED) Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2521, SD1 Relating to Professional Service Contracts WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2522, SD1 Relating to Office of Information Practices WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2536, SD1 Relating to the Uniform Principal and Income Act WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2542, SD1 (PROPOSED) Relating to State Bonds WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2578, SD1 Relating to Residential Lease-to-Fee Conversion WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2584, SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Community Development Authority WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2605, SD1 Relating to Employment Security Law WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2685 Relating to Trusts and Estates WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2686, SD1 Relating to Vehicles WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2759, SD1 Relating to Certificates of Identification WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2763, SD1 Relating to the Enforcement of the Tobacco Settlement Agreement WAM
3/1/2000 SB 278, SD2 Relating to Higher Education WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2808 Relating to the Consumer Advocate WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2809, SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2838 Relating to the State Internet Portal WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2873, SD1 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2909 Relating to State Parks WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2910 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2911 Relating to the Boating Special Fund WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2914, SD1 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2915, SD1 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2917, SD1 Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund WAM
3/1/2000 SB 2964 Relating to the University of Hawaii WAM
3/1/2000 SB 3132, SD1 Relating to Information Technology WAM
3/1/2000 SB 3141 Relating to the University of Hawaii WAM
3/1/2000 SB 3176, SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission WAM
3/1/2000 SB 3179 Relating to Tobacco WAM
3/1/2000 SB 3180 Relating to Taxation WAM
3/1/2000 SB 3201, SD1 Relating to a Scenic Highways System WAM
3/1/2000 SB 791, SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission WAM
3/1/2000 NONE Informational Briefing to discuss the Rice v. Cayetano decision (Oahu) WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/2/2000 HB 1777 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1863 Relating to Administrative Rules CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1864 Relating to Administrative Procedure CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1865 Relating to Boards and Commissions CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1883 HD1 HSCR 461 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1884 HD1 HSCR 332 Relating to Energy CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1912 Relating to the Motor Vehicle Rental Industry CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1913 Relating to Parking Citations CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2011 HSCR 412 Relating to Energy Conservation CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2158 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2187 Relating to Administrative Rules CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2188 Relating to Administrative Procedure CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2278 HD1 HSCR 37 Relating to Social Workers CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2373 Relating to the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2396 Relating to Degree-Granting Institutions CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2425 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2478 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2554 HD1 HSCR 415 Relating to Workers' Compensation CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2582 Relating to Administrative Rules CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2585 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2727 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2823 HD1 HSCR 133 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2906 Relating to Towing Companies CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2918 Relating to Collection Agencies CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2951 Relating to Motor Carriers CPC/JHA
3/2/2000 SB 2205 SD1 PROPOSED Relating to Nonprofit Corporations (Proposed draft attached) CPN
3/2/2000 SB 2333 SD1 Relating to Condominiums Property Regimes CPN
3/2/2000 SB 3117 Relating to Motor Vehicles CPN
3/2/2000 Decision Making on SB 2793 (Deferred from 2/25/00) CPN/LRE/WAM
3/2/2000 Decision Making on SB 3039, SB 2326, SB 2802, SB 3193 (Deferred from 2/25/00) CPN/WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2945 Relating to Taxation CPN/WAM
3/2/2000 HB 1788 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/2/2000 HB 1889 HD1 HSCR 402-00 Relating to Agriculture and Animals FIN
3/2/2000 HB 1902 HD1 HSCR 396-00 Relating to the State Water Code FIN
3/2/2000 HB 1917 HSCR 388-00 Relating to School Health FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2123 HD1 HSCR 479-00 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2171 HD1 HSCR 480-00 Relating to Meal Breaks. FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2183 HD1 HSCR 144-00 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2424 HD1 HSCR 451-00 Relating to Agricultural Lands FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2520 HD1 HSCR 417-00 Relating to Workers' Compensation FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2539 HD1 HSCR 349-00 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2556 HD1 HSCR 481-00 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment. FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2643 HD1 HSCR 289-00 Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2739 HD1 HSCR 92-00 Relating to Corrections. FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2753 HD1 HSCR 288-00 Relating to Ocean Recreation FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2760 HD1 HSCR 291-00 Relating to the College Savings Program FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2794 HD2 HSCR 353-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/2/2000 HB 3016 HSCR 374-00 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons FIN
3/2/2000 HB 839 HD1 HSCR 71-00 Relating to the General Excise Taxation of Wastewater Leasing FIN
3/2/2000 SB 2349 Relating to Condominiums GOH
3/2/2000 SB 2350 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes GOH
3/2/2000 SB 2766, SD1 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes GOH
3/2/2000 SB 2986 Relating to Condominiums GOH
3/2/2000 SB 2001 SD1 Relating to County Tort Liability JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2064 Repealing Section 327E-13(G), Hawaii Revised Statutes JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2192 SD1 Relating to the Whistleblower Protection Act JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2224 Relating to Land Use JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2254 SD1 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2277 SD1 Relating to the Land Court JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2296 Relating toUniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2437 SD1 Relating to Antitrust JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2467 SD1 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2527 SD1 Relating to Condominiums JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2672 Relating to Conflicts of Interests JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2815 Relating to Insurance JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2848 Relating to the Permanent Plan Hearing JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2863 SD1 Relating to Advance Health-Care Directives JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2869 Relating to Safe Drinking Water JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2918 SD1 Relating to Huntin Licenses JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2925 Relating to the Fuel Tax JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2983 SD1 Relating to Landowners' Liability JDC
3/2/2000 SB 3049 Relating to Historic Preservation JDC
3/2/2000 SB 3079 Relating to Criminal Trespass in the First Degree JDC
3/2/2000 SB 3194 SD1 Relating to the Right to Farm JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2151 Relating to Firearms (TIA Decision making only) JDC/TIA
3/2/2000 HB 1758 HD1 (HSCR 10-00) Relating to Motor Vehicle Driver Licensing JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2098 HD1 (HSCR 441-00) Relating to Criminal History JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2388 HD1 (HSCR 191-00) Relating to Education JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2441 (HSCR 90-00) Relating to Biological Materials JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2583 HD1 (HSCR 267-00) Relating to Open Meetings JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2634 Relating to No Candidates Filed for an Elective Office JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2649 Relating to Nonconsensual Common Law Liens JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2732 Relating to Court Reporters JHA
3/2/2000 HB 2891 Relating to Combative Sports JHA
3/2/2000 HB 1869 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 1871 Relating to the Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 1875 HD1 HSCR 107-00 Relating to Educational Accountability LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 1987 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2445 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2449 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2452 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2518 Relating to Public Employment. LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 HB 2741 HD1 HSCR 355-00 Relating to Privately-Operated Correctional Facilities LAB/FIN
3/2/2000 Decision Making on SB 2870 (Deferred from 2/29/00) LRE
3/2/2000 SB 2859 PROPOSED SD1 Relating to Public Employment LRE/WAM
3/2/2000 Decision making on SB 3031, SB 2316 (Deferred from 2/29/00) TIA
3/2/2000 SB 2151 Relating to Firearms (Decision Making only) TIA
3/2/2000 SB 2706 PROPOSED SD1 Relating to Taxation TIA
3/2/2000 Erratum - Original notice listed Room 212 as location to obtain copies of SB 2706, Proposed SD1. The proper location is Room 205. TIA/WAM
3/2/2000 Decision Making for SB 2434 SD1, SB 2763 SD1, SB 2457 SD1, SB 2496 SD1, SB 2486 SD1, SB 3180, SB 2194, SB 1427, SB 2838, SB 3132 SD1, SB 2409 SD2 (PROPOSED), SB 2499 SD1 (PROPOSED), SB 2542 SD1 (PROPOSED), SB 1242 SD1 (PROPOSED) (Deferred from 03/01/00) WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2061 SD1 Relating to Public Officer and Employees and Employment Practices WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2075 Making an Appropriation for Good Beginnings Alliance WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2112 SD1 Relating to the Waianae Coast Community Benchmarking Pilot Project WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2152 SD1 Relating to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2163 Relating to Aeromedical Services WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2164 SD1 Relating to the Organic Agriculture Industry WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2166 Relating to Wind Farms WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2219 SD1 Relating to Public School Facilities WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2342 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2446 SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Protection of Children and Families WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2456 Making an Appropriation for Blueprint for Change WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2469 SD1 Relating to Education WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2490 SD1 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2493 SD1 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2513 SD1 Relating to Conveyance Tax WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2523 SD1 Relating to Fees WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2529 SD1 Relating to a Land Exchange in North Kona WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2572 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2574 SD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2575 SD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2579 SD1 Relating to Housing WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2654 SD1 Relating to the Traumatic Brain Injury WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2658 Relating to General Assistance WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2736 SD1 Relating to Kikala-Keokea WAM
3/2/2000 SB 2781 SD1 Relating to Taxation WAM
3/2/2000 SB 3019 Making an Appropriation for the Healthy Start Program WAM
3/2/2000 SB 3032 SD1 Relating to Economic Development WAM
3/2/2000 SB 3177 SD1 Relating to Judges WAM
3/2/2000 NONE Informational Briefing to discuss the Rice v. Cayetano decision. WLH
3/2/2000 SB 2479 Relating to the Election of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH
3/2/2000 SB 2477 Relating to the Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs WLH/JDC
3/2/2000 SB 2479 Relating to the Election of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (Change from hearing to decision making only) WLH/JDC
3/2/2000 HB 2976 Amends Definition of "Action" in Section 343-2 and Inserts a Definition of "Project". WLU/JHA

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/3/2000 HB 1977 HD1 HSCR 358 Relating to Gasoline Dealers CPC
3/3/2000 HB 2279 HD1 HSCR 431 Relating to Health Care Professionals CPC
3/3/2000 Decision making on SB 2655 SD1, SB 2333 SD1, SB 2205 (Deferred from 3/2/00) CPN
3/3/2000 SB 2974 Relating to Substance Abuse Insurance Benefits (Decision Making only) CPN
3/3/2000 Decision making on SB 2510 (Deferred from 3/1/00) EDU
3/3/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - Asia Pacific Center for E-commerce and Entrepreneurship at the University of Hawaii EDU/HED
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 3026 (Deferred from 3/1/00) EDU/WAM
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 2766 SD1, SB 2986, SB 2349, SB 2350 (Deferred from 3/2/00) GOH
3/3/2000 NONE Briefing: 1999 Homeless Needs Assessment Study HSH
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 2467 SD1, SB 2437 SD1, SB 2869, SB 2001 SD1, SB 2983 SD1, SB 2444 (Deferred from 3/2/00) JDC
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 565, SB 2518, SB 2628, HB 164, SB 614, SB 2941, SB 539 SD1, SB 2352 SD1, SB 2465 SD1, SB 2466 (Deferred from 3/1/00) JDC
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 3038, SB 2996 SD1, SB 2042 SD1, SB 2063 SD1, SB 2876 SD1, SB 2847 SD1, SB 2442 SD1, SB 2930 SD1, SB 2931, SB 862 SD1 (Deferred from 2/28/00) JDC
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 2155, SB 2076, SB 2374, SB 2151, SB 2127 (Deferred from 2/18/00) JDC
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 2707 SD1, SB 2318 SD1, SB 3073 SD1, SB 1390 SD1, SB 2504 SD1, SB 2635, SB 2951, SB 2955, SB 2760 SD1, SB 2634 SD1, SB 3082, SB 3051 SD1, SB 3125 SD1, SB 2441 (Deferred from 2/29/00) JDC
3/3/2000 Decision Making on SB 2982, SB 2413 (Deferred from 2/22/00) JDC
3/3/2000 SB 13 Relating to Process Servers (Pending re-referral to JDC only) JDC
3/3/2000 SB 2311 SD1 Relating to Mandatory Use of Seatbelts (Decision making only) JDC
3/3/2000 SB 2430 Relating to Civil Rights JDC
3/3/2000 SB 2438 Relating to Judgments (Pending re-referral to JDC only) JDC
3/3/2000 SB 3195 Relating to Garnishment JDC
3/3/2000 SB 2859 Relating to Public Employment (Decision Making) LRE/WAM
3/3/2000 SB 445 PROPOSED SD1 Relating to Funds WAM
3/3/2000 GM 158 Michael N. Goshi, Lori Ann C. Lum, and Patrick K. Kobayashi, Gubernatorial nominees to the Hawaii Community Development Authority WLH
3/3/2000 GM 161 Wonda Mae Agpalsa and Milton Pa, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaiian Homes Commission WLH
3/3/2000 GM 164 Lynn P. McCrory, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Land and Natural Resources WLH
3/3/2000 GM 165 Bruce A. Coppa and Lawrence N.C. Ing, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Land Use Commission WLH
3/3/2000 GM 167 George W. Maioho and Paul K. Elia, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Molokai Irrigation System Water Users Advisory Board WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/6/2000 GM 147 Richard W. Pollack, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Circuit Court, First Circuit JDC
3/6/2000 SB 680 SD1 HD2 Relating to Fireworks TIA/JDC/JHA/FIN

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/7/2000 HB 2507 Relating to the Permanent Plan Hearing HHS/JDC
3/7/2000 HB 3018 Relating to Child Abuse HHS/JDC

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/8/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing to discuss the need, plans and requirements for "Building a First Rate College of Engineering" EDU/HED
3/8/2000 GM 152 Allicyn Hikida Tasaka, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Civil Rights Commission JDC
3/8/2000 GM 155 Dana S. Ishibashi, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Defender Council JDC
3/8/2000 GM 3 Earl I. Anzai, Gubernatorial Nominee as Attorney General JDC

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/9/2000 GM 163 Don S. Fujimoto and Nadine K. Nakamura, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Directors, Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii GOH
3/9/2000 GM 163 Don S. Fujimoto and Nadine K. Nakamura, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Directors, Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii (Deleted from agenda) GOH
3/9/2000 GM 198 Leslie Y. Kurisaki, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Rental Housing Trust Fund Advisory Commission GOH
3/9/2000 HB 2344 Relating to Attorneys' Fees GOH
3/9/2000 JC 1 Barbara Richardson, Chief Justice's Nominee to the District Court of the First Circuit JDC
3/9/2000 JC 2 Aley K. Auna, Jr., Chief Justice's Nominee to the District Family Court of the Third Circuit JDC
3/9/2000 JC 3 Terrence T. Yoshioka, Chief Justice's Nominee to the District Family Court of the Third Circuit JDC

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/10/2000 NONE Informational Briefing on Quality-Teaching Reforms at the National Level EDU/EDN
3/10/2000 GM 159 Lloyd I. Unebasami, Lorraine H. Akiba, Kathryn S. Matayoshi, Irving Lauber, Tara Lulani McKenzie, Randolph G. Moore, Janis A. Reischmann, Faith Sereno Rex, and Ruthann S. Yamanaka, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii Performance Partnership Board WAM
3/10/2000 GM 4 Neal Miyahira, Gubernatorial Nominee as Director of Finance WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/13/2000 HB 1969 HD2 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs ECD
3/13/2000 HB 1994 HD2 Making an Appropriation for Agriculture ECD
3/13/2000 HB 2204 HD2 Relating to Ethanol ECD
3/13/2000 HB 2438 HD2 Relating to State Enterprise Zones ECD
3/13/2000 HB 2607 HD2 Relating to High Technology ECD
3/13/2000 HB 2801 HD2 Relating to Agriculture ECD
3/13/2000 HB 2802 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises ECD
3/13/2000 HB 3014 HD1 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds ECD
3/13/2000 GM 140 Joseph F. Blanco, Gubernatorial Nominee as Special Advisor for Technology Development EDU
3/13/2000 GM 170 Charles Kawakami and Walter Nunokawa, Ph.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Regents, University of Hawaii EDU
3/13/2000 GM 207 Clyde T. Kodani, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) EDU
3/13/2000 NONE Informational Briefing EEP/TIA
3/13/2000 HB 2506 HD1 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2510 Relating to Foster Board Allowances for Students HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2512 Relating to Financial Assistance Payments HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2513 HD1 Relating to Unclaimed Corpses HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2514 Relating to Public Assistance HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2517 HD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State Medical Assistance Program HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2524 Relating to Prophylactics HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2525 HD2 Relating to Prescription Drugs HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2531 HD1 Making an Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2534 HD2 Relating to Critical Access Hospitals HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2536 HD1 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health HHS
3/13/2000 HB 2542 HD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State's Medicaid Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled or Mentally Retarded Program HHS
3/13/2000 SB 2056 SD1 Relating to Individual Development Account Contribution Tax Credits HSH
3/13/2000 SB 2059 SD1 Relating to Welfare Reform HSH
3/13/2000 SB 2658 Relating to General Assistance HSH
3/13/2000 SB 2856 SD1 Relating to General Assistance HSH
3/13/2000 SB 2857 SD1 Relating to Public Assistance HSH
3/13/2000 GM 208 Michael D. Wilson, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Circuit Court of the First Circuit JDC

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/14/2000 HB 101 HD1 Relating to Buy Back of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit CPN
3/14/2000 HB 1871 Relating to Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund CPN
3/14/2000 HB 1906 HD1 Relating to Licensing of Psychologists CPN
3/14/2000 HB 1933 HD1 Realting to Unlicensed Contractors CPN
3/14/2000 HB 2445 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CPN
3/14/2000 HB 2446 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
3/14/2000 HB 2469 HD1 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (Correction on bill description) CPN
3/14/2000 HB 2469 HD1 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CPN
3/14/2000 HB 2891 HD1 Relating to Combative Sports CPN
3/14/2000 HB 564 HD2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
3/14/2000 SB 2218 SD1 Relating to New Century Charter Schools EDN/LAB
3/14/2000 SB 2469 SD2 Relating to Education EDN/LAB
3/14/2000 SB 2475 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports EDN/LAB
3/14/2000 SB 2024 SSCR 2061 Medical Research on Cancer Studies. HLT
3/14/2000 SB 2142 SD1 SSCR 2050 Relating to Rights of Victims and Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings. HLT
3/14/2000 SB 2254 SD1 SSCR 2623 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information. HLT
3/14/2000 SB 2655 SD2 SSCR 2689 Relating to Health. HLT
3/14/2000 SB 2764 SD1 SSCR 2547 Relating to Tobacco Products Report. HLT
3/14/2000 SB 2974 SSCR 2691 Relating to Substance Abuse Insurance Benefits. HLT
3/14/2000 SB 3179 SSCR 2621 Relating to Tobacco. HLT
3/14/2000 HB 1925 Relating to Elections JDC
3/14/2000 HB 1955 HD2 Relating to the Corrections Population Management Commission JDC
3/14/2000 HB 1984 HD1 Relating to Elections JDC
3/14/2000 HB 2022 Relating to Statutory Revision: Amending, Reenacting, or Repealing Various Provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes and the Session Laws of Hawaii for the Purpose of Correcting Errors and References, Clarifying Language, and Deleting Obsolete or Unneccessary Provisions JDC
3/14/2000 HB 2414 HD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Asbestos Property Damage Litigation JDC
3/14/2000 HB 2650 HD1 Relating to the Judiciary JDC
3/14/2000 HB 2829 HD2 Relating to the Elections Appoinment and Review Panel JDC
3/14/2000 SB 13 (SSCR 2753) Relating to Process Servers JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2535 (SSCR 2455) Relating to Probate JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2667 (SSCR 2457) Relating to No Candidates Filed for an Elective Office JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2668 SD1 (SSCR 2475) Relating to Voter Registration JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2670 (SSCR 2458) Relating to Elections JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2785 SD1 (SSCR 2434) Relating to Unclaimed Property JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2927 SD1 (SSCR 2445) Relating to Chapter 92F, Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) JHA
3/14/2000 SB 2941 (SSCR 2191)(SSCR 2642) Proposing an Amendment to Article VII, Section 3, of the State Constitution to Provide for the Appointment of a Tax Review Commission Every Ten Years JHA
3/14/2000 HB 1893 HD1 Relating to Energy LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2526 HD1 Relating to Used Oil LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2528 HD2 Relating to Safe Drinking Water LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2529 HD2 Relating to Safe Drinking Water LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2530 HD1 Relating to Air Pollution Control Public Notification LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2556 HD1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2565 Relating to Garment Industry Homework LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2619 HD2 Relating to Noise LRE
3/14/2000 HB 2895 HD1 Relating to Environmental Impact Statements LRE
3/14/2000 HB 3021 HD1 Relating to Gasoline LRE

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/15/2000 SB 2134 SD1 Relating to Agriculture and Animals AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 2164 SD2 Relating to the Organic Agriculture Industry AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 2342 SD1 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 2411 SD1 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 2530 SD1 Relating to Agriculture AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 2742 Relating to Pork AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 3194 SD2 Relating to the Right to Farm AGR/PSM
3/15/2000 SB 2186 SD2 SSCR 2697 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2200 SD1 SSCR 2661 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2657 SD2 SSCR 2657 Relating to Health CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2729 SD1 SSCR 2244 Relating to Service Contracts CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2731 SD1 SSCR 2258 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2808 SSCR 2537 Relating to the Consumer Advocate CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2809 SD1 SSCR 2259 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPC
3/15/2000 SB 3043 SD2 SSCR 2619 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CPC
3/15/2000 SB 3160 SD2 SSCR 2568 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants CPC
3/15/2000 SB 3193 SD1 SSCR 2687 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CPC
3/15/2000 SB 364 SD2 SSCR 2660 Relating to Taxation CPC
3/15/2000 SD 2561 SD2 SSCR 2536 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/15/2000 HB 1934 HD2 Relating to Optometry CPN
3/15/2000 HB 1970 HD2 relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Service CPN
3/15/2000 HB 1982 Relating to Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2463 HD1 Relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2464 HD1 Relating to the Duties of the Board of Nursing CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2485 HD1 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2486 HD1 Relating to Chiropractic Licensure Requirements CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2488 HD1 Relating to Return of Prescription Drugs CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2732 HD1 Relating to Court Reporters CPN
3/15/2000 HB 2023 HD2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2404 HD1 Relating to Aquaculture ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2406 HD1 Relating to Agriculture ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2407 HD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Agriculture ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2803 HD2 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2996 HD2 Relating to Agricultural Loans ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2997 Relating to Aquaculture Loans ECD
3/15/2000 HB 2999 HD2 Relating to the Right to Farm ECD
3/15/2000 NONE Deleted from ECD agenda: Informational briefing on Auditor's Report No. 00-08 ECD
3/15/2000 NONE Informational Briefing on Auditor's Report No. 00-08: Audit of the Convention Center Authority ECD
3/15/2000 NONE Joint Informational Briefing on Auditor's Report No. 00-08: Audit of the Convention Center Authority ECD/TSM
3/15/2000 HB 1905 HD2 Relating to School Fees EDU
3/15/2000 HB 1914 HD1 Relating to Comprehensive School Reform EDU
3/15/2000 HB 2098 HD2 Relating to Criminal History EDU
3/15/2000 HB 283 HD2 Relating to Education EDU
3/15/2000 HB 284 HD1 Relating to Education EDU
3/15/2000 SB 2611 Relating to Habitat Conservation EEP/OMR
3/15/2000 SB 2572 (SSCR 2704) Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund HED
3/15/2000 SB 2574 SD1 (SSCR 2732) Relating to the University of Hawaii HED
3/15/2000 SB 2575 SD2 (SSCR 2733) Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvement Special Fund HED
3/15/2000 SB 278 SD2 (SSCR 2582) Relating to Higher Education HED
3/15/2000 SB 2964 (SSCR 2587) Relating to the University of Hawaii HED
3/15/2000 SB 3141 (SSCR 2588) Relating to the University of Hawaii HED
3/15/2000 SB 539 SD1 (SSCR2676) Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in All Matters Related to the University HED
3/15/2000 HB 1836 Repealing Section 327E-13(G), Hawaii Revised Statutes HHS
3/15/2000 HB 1846 HD1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance HHS
3/15/2000 HB 2273 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund HHS
3/15/2000 HB 2277 HD1 Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Fund HHS
3/15/2000 HB 2746 HD1 Making an Appropriation for the Peer Education Program HHS
3/15/2000 HB 2774 Discrimination in Public Places HHS
3/15/2000 HB 536 HD2 Relating to Human Services HHS
3/15/2000 HB 540 HD2 Relating to Human Services HHS
3/15/2000 SB 2021 SD2 Relating to Housing. HSH
3/15/2000 SB 2576 SD2 Relating to State Owned Public Housing. HSH
3/15/2000 SB 2598 SD2 Relating to Housing. HSH
3/15/2000 SB 2062 SD1 Relating to Long Term Care HSH/CPC
3/15/2000 SB 2847 SD2 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents HSH/CPC
3/15/2000 HB 2410 HD1 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State and Providing Appropriations Therefor JDC
3/15/2000 HB 2418 Relating to Certificates of Identification JDC
3/15/2000 HB 2423 Relating to Tobacco Products Report JDC
3/15/2000 HB 2646 HD1 Relating to Trusts and Estates JDC
3/15/2000 HB 2648 HD2 Relating to Probation JDC
3/15/2000 HB 2653 HD2 Relating to the Judiciary JDC
3/15/2000 SB 2910 SD1 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund OMR
3/15/2000 SB 2911 Relating to Boating Special Fund OMR
3/15/2000 SB 3122 SD1 Relating to Noncommercial Piers OMR
3/15/2000 SB 1390 SD2 Relating to Traffic Violations. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2299 SD1 Relating to Harbors. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2300 SD2 Relating to Harbors. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2301 SD2 Relating to Harbors. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2303 SD2 Relating to Harbors. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2311 SD1 Relating to Mandatory Use of Seatbelts. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2316 SD1 Relating to Driver's Licenses. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2318 SD2 Relating to Administrative Revocation of Driver's Licenses. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2635 Relating to Highways. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2643 SD1 Relating to Traffic Offenses. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2725 Relating to Towing Companies. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2953 SD1 Relating to Control of Vending. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2955 Relating to Highway Safety. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 3073 SD2 Relating to Impaired Driving. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 3100 Relating to Temporary Instruction Permit. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 3201 SD1 Relating to a Scenic Highways System. TRN
3/15/2000 SB 2706 SD1 Relating to Taxation. TRN/EDB
3/15/2000 HB 2309 HD1 Relating to Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2573 HD1 Relating to Special Funds of the Land Division WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2575 Relating to Disposition of Water Rights WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2576 HD1 Relating to Water Resource Management Fund WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2733 HD1 Relating to the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2762 Relating to Island Burial Councils WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2768 HD1 Relating to Kikala-Keokea (Correction to original notice which listed the bill as HB 2768 HD2) WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2768 HD2 Relating to Kikala-Keokea WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2782 Relating to Burial Sites WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2835 HD2 Relating to Watershed Protection WLH
3/15/2000 HB 2836 HD1 Relating to Conveyance Tax WLH
3/15/2000 HB 3001 HD2 Relating to Noncommercial Piers WLH
3/15/2000 HB2574 HD1 Relating to Special Land and Development WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/16/2000 SB 2205 SD1 SSCR 2653 Relating to Nonprofit Corporations CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2278 SD1 SSCR 2501 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2292 SD1 SSCR 2688 Relating to Insurance Code CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2293 SSCR 2429 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2304 SD1 SSCR 2505 Relating to the Motor Carrier Law CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2562 SD1 SSCR 2656 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2815 SD1 SSCR 2624 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2818 SD1 SSCR 2745 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2819 SD1 SSCR 2508 Relating to Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2826 SD1 SSCR 2573 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure CPC
3/16/2000 SB 3190 SD1 SSCR 2509 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 SB 3192 SD1 SSCR 2510 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC
3/16/2000 HB 2314 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
3/16/2000 HB 2472 HD2 Relating to Insurance CPN
3/16/2000 HB 2473 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
3/16/2000 HB 2474 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
3/16/2000 HB 2477 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
3/16/2000 HB 2487 HD1 Relating to Financing the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund CPN
3/16/2000 SB 2003 SD1 Relating to Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2160 SD1 Relating to General Excise Tax EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2419 SD1 Relating to Capital Access Program EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2716 SD1 Relating to Taxation EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2779 SD1 Relating to State Enterprise Zones EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2838 SD1 Relating to State Internet Portal EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2906 Relating to Garment Industry Homework EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2924 SD1 Relating to Open Meetings EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2925 Relating to the Fuel Tax EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2945 SD1 Relating to Taxation EDB
3/16/2000 SB 3051 SD2 Relating to Liquor Export EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2289 SD2 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Cards EDB/CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2473 SD2 Relating to Small Business Defender EDB/CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2138 SD2 Relating to Public School Facilities EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2219 SD1 Relating to Public School Facilities EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2465 SD1 Relating to Pornography EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2466 SD1 Relating to Computer Access by Minors EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2474 SD1 Relating to Federal Aid EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2571 SD1 Relating to School-Based Budgeting EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2837 SD1 Relating to Eductional Accountability EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2996 SD2 Relating to Juveniles EDN
3/16/2000 SB 3026 SD1 Relating to School Facilities EDN
3/16/2000 SB 3079 Relating to Criminal Trespass in the First Degree EDN
3/16/2000 SB 2166 Relating to Wind Farms EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2166 Relating to Wind Farms EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2221 SD1 Relating to Ethanol EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2287 SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2287 SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2345 SD2 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2345 SD2 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2545 Relating to Glass Recovery EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2545 Relating to Glass Recovery EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2993 SD2 Relating to the Environment EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2993 SD2 Relating to the Environment EEP/AGR/EDB
3/16/2000 SB 2040 SD1 Relating to Developmental Disabilities. HLT
3/16/2000 SB 2489 SD2 Relating to Brain Injury. HLT
3/16/2000 SB 2873 SD1 Relating to Hawaii Health System Corporation. HLT
3/16/2000 SB 3019 SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Healthy Start Program. HLT
3/16/2000 SB 3129 Relating to Hawaiian Healing Practices. HLT
3/16/2000 SB 2110 SD2 (SSCR2694)(SSCR2122) Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims JHA
3/16/2000 SB 2115 SD1 (SSCR2729)(SSCR2281) Relating to False Claims JHA
3/16/2000 SB 2843 (SSCR2560)(SSCR2025) Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as Amended JHA
3/16/2000 SB 2863 SD1 (SSCR2622)(SSCR2397) Relating to Advance Health-Care Directives JHA
3/16/2000 SB 2869 (SSCR 2636)(SSCR2186) Relating to Safe Drinking Water JHA
3/16/2000 SB 2961 SD2 (SSCR2566)(SSCR2306) Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing and Providing Appropriations Therefor JHA
3/16/2000 SB 2536 SD1 (SSCR2610)(SSCR2286) Relating to the Uniform Principal and Income Act JHA/CPC
3/16/2000 SB 2870 SD1 (SSCR2682) Relating to Safe Drinking Water JHA/CPC
3/16/2000 GM 204 Rogelio Evangelista and Dania S. Krawec, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Advisory Board of Veterans' Services TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1757 HD1 Relating to Highway Safety TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1758 HD2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Driver Licensing TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1761 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1762 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1763 HD2 Relating to Bicycles TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1768 Relating to Registration of Motor Vehicles TIA
3/16/2000 HB 2643 HD1 Relating to Abandoned Motor Vehicles TIA
3/16/2000 HB 2727 HD1 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers TIA
3/16/2000 HB 2761 HD1 Relating to Motor Vehicles TIA
3/16/2000 HB 2823 HD2 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
3/16/2000 SCR 19/SR 6 Supporting a Missile Defense System for Hawaii TIA
3/16/2000 SCR 44 Requesting the State Department of Transportation to Conduct a Study of Traffic Accidents Involving Cellular Phone Use (Deleted from agenda) TIA
3/16/2000 SCR 44 Requesting the State Department of Transportation to Conduct a Study of Traffic Accidents Involving Cellular Phone Use TIA
3/16/2000 HB 1762 HD1 Relating to Motor Carriers (Deleted from agenda) TIA/CPN

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/17/2000 HR 27 HCR 24 Requesting a Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Hawaii Farmer's Market AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 HR 38 HCR32 Relating to the Selection of an Official Tropical Fruit of the State of Hawaii AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 HR 39 HCR 33 Relating to the Selection of An Official Tropical Fruit Juice of the State of Hawaii AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 HR 44 HCR 37 Requesting the Support of the Twentieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii for the Responsible Use of Agriculture Biotechnology for the Benefit of Hawaii's People AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 SB 1427 SD1 Relating to Aquaculture AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 SB 2745 SD1 Relating to Aquaculture AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 SB 2747 SD1 Relating to Agriculture AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 SB 3199 SD1 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal AGR/OMR
3/17/2000 Decision Making on HB 1934 HD2, HB 1970 HD2, HB 1982, HB 2463 HD1, HB 2464 HD1, HB 2485 HD1, HB 2486 HD1, HB 2488 HD1 (Deferred from 3/15/00) CPN
3/17/2000 HB 1773 HD1 Relating to the Motor Carrier Law CPN
3/17/2000 HB 1882 HD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
3/17/2000 HB 1883 HD2 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources CPN
3/17/2000 HB 2467 HD1 Relating to Consumer Advocacy CPN
3/17/2000 HB 2468 HD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
3/17/2000 HB 1884 HD2 Relating to Energy CPN/EDU
3/17/2000 HB 1947 HD2 Relating to Fisheries ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2152 HD1 Relating to Hunting ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2568 HD1 Relating to State Parks ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2569 HD1 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2570 HD1 Relating to the Boating Special Fund ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2571 HD1 Relating to State Boating Facilities ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2753 HD2 Relating to Ocean Recreation ECD
3/17/2000 HB 1998 HD2 Relating to State Leases ECD/WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2572 HD1 Relating to Kaneohe Bay ECD/WLH
3/17/2000 Decision Making on HB 283 HD2, HD 284 HD1, HB 1905 HD2, HB 2908 HD2, HB 1914 HD1 (Deferred from 3/15/00) EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2060 HD2 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2062 HD2 Relating to Higher Education EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2066 HD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2073 HD2 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2262 HD2 Establishing a Commission to Celebrate the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Arrival of the Koreans to Hawaii EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2408 HD2 Relating to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2409 HD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2490 HD1 Relating to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2497 HD1 Relating to the State Internet Portal EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2620 HD2 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2624 HD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii EDU
3/17/2000 HB 2760 HD2 Relating to the College Savings Program EDU
3/17/2000 NONE New Statewide Network Infrastructure FIN
3/17/2000 HB 3016 HD1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons HHS
3/17/2000 HB 2511 HD1 Relating to Long Term Care HHS/LRE
3/17/2000 SB 2320 SD1 Relating to Long-Term Care Commission HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 2446 SD2 Making Appropriations for the Protection of Children and Families HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 2490 SD2 Relating to Long Term Residential Care HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 2493 SD2 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 2579 SD1 Relating to Housing HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 2717 SD1 Relating to Social Workers HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 2850 SD1 Relating to Kinship Care HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 SB 3123 SD2 Relating to Post-Secondary Education HSH/LAB/HLT
3/17/2000 Decision Making on HB 1955 HD2, HB 2022, HB 2414 HD1, HB 2829 HD2, HB 1925, HB 1984 HD1, HB 2650 HD1 (Deferred from 3/14/00) JDC
3/17/2000 Decision Making on HB2410 HD1, HB2418, HB2423, HB2646 HD1, HB2648 HD2, HB2653 HD2 (Deferred from 3/15/00) JDC
3/17/2000 GM 155 Dana S. Ishibashi, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Defender Council (Decision Making only) JDC
3/17/2000 SB 2108 SD2 (SSCR 2693)(SSCR 2017) Relating to the Public Land Trust JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2147 SD1 (SSCR 2468) Relating to Campaign Spending JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2151 SD1 (SSCR 2673) Relating to Firearms JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2154 SD1 (SSCR 2443) Relating to Protective Orders JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2352 SD2 (SSCR 2758)(SSCR 2381) Relating to Computer Offenses JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2480 SD1 (SSCR 2469) Relating to Annulment, Divorce, and Separation JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2758 SD1 (SSCR 2470) Relating to Child Support Enforcement JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2856 SD1 (HSCR 872-00)(SSCR 2523)(SSCR2232) Relating to Public Assistance JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2930 SD2 (SSCR 2631)(SSCR 23520 Relating to Controlled Substances JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2931 SD1 (SSCR 2632)(SSCR2367) Relating to Controlled Substances JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2982 SD1 (SSCR 2634) Relating to Child Support JHA
3/17/2000 SB 3125 SD2 (SSCR2669)(SSCR2339) Relating to Publication of Notice JHA
3/17/2000 SB 3133 SD1 (SSCR 2477) Relating to Crime JHA
3/17/2000 SB 2607 SD2 Relating to the Commission on the Status of Women LAB/EDB
3/17/2000 SB 2893 Relating to Mininum Wage LAB/EDB
3/17/2000 SB 2905 Relating to Employment Security LAB/EDB
3/17/2000 SB 2988 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement LAB/EDB
3/17/2000 LRE/HHS
3/17/2000 HB 2154 HD2 Relating to Community Services LRE/HHS
3/17/2000 HB 3022 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Child Care Certification LRE/HHS
3/17/2000 HB 2185 HD2 Relating to Public Lands TIA/WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2537 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division WAM/HHS
3/17/2000 HB 2551 HD1 Relating to the Correction of the Applicable Fiscal Year for the Appropriation to be Expended by the Department of Health in Section 6 of Act 304, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 WAM/HHS
3/17/2000 NONE Public Briefing by the Department of Health WAM/HHS
3/17/2000 HB 1902 HD1 Relating to the State Water Code WLH
3/17/2000 HB 1939 HD1 Relating to Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2501 HD2 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2573 HD1 Relating to Special Funds of the Land Division (Decision Making) WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2574 HD1 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund (Decision Making) WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2575 Relating to the Disposition of Water Rights (Decision Making) WLH
3/17/2000 HB 2576 HD1 Relating to Water Resource Management Fund (Decision Making) WLH
3/17/2000 HB 1909 HD1 Relating to Public Lands WLH/ECD
3/17/2000 HB 2504 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended WLH/LRE
3/17/2000 SB 2766 SD1 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes WLU
3/17/2000 SB 2766 SD1 SSCR 2683 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes. (Amended Agenda) WLU
3/17/2000 SB 2909 SD1 Relating to State Parks WLU
3/17/2000 SB 2914 SD1 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division WLU
3/17/2000 SB 2915 SD1 Relating to the Special Land and Development WLU
3/17/2000 SB 2917 SD2 Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund WLU
3/17/2000 SB 2918 SD2 Relating to Hunting Licenses WLU
3/17/2000 SB 3049 Relating to Historic Preservation WLU
3/17/2000 SB 35 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Hawaii Forestry and Communities Initiative WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/20/2000 SB 2205 SD1 SSCR 2653 Relating to Nonprofit Corporations. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2278 SD1 SSCR 2501 Relating to Captive Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2292 SD1 SSCR 2688 Relating to Insurance Code. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2293 SSCR 2429 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2304 SD1 SSCR 2505 Relating to Motor Carrier Law. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2333 SD2 SSCR 2748 Relating to Condominiums Property Regimes. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2527 SD2 SSCR 2625 Relating to Condominiums. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2562 SD1 SSCR 2656 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2766 SD1 SSCR 2164 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2811 SD1 SSCR 2506 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2814 SD1 SSCR 2507 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2815 SD1 SSCR 2624 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2818 SD1 SSCR 2745 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2819 SD1 SSCR 2508 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2826 SD1 SSCR 2573 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 3190 SD1 SSCR 2509 Relating to Captive Insurance. CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2467 SD2 SSCR 2671 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors. CPC/JHA
3/20/2000 SB 2486 SD2 SSCR 2764 Relating to Taxation. CPC/JHA
3/20/2000 SB 3117 SSCR 2692 Relating to Motor Vehicles. CPC/JHA
3/20/2000 SB 2987 SD1 SSCR 2708 Relating to Public Contracts. CPC/LAB
3/20/2000 Decision Making on HB 1884 HD2 (Deferred from 3/17/00) CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2123 HD2 Relating to Wages and Tips of Employees CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2129 HD1 Relating to Pawn Brokers and Secondhand Dealers CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2148 Relating to Motorcycle and Motor Scooter CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2218 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2378 HD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2604 HD2 Relating to Taxation CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2736 HD1 Relating to Identity Theft CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2983 HD1 Relating to Captive Insurance CPN
3/20/2000 HB 2986 HD2 Relating to State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CPN
3/20/2000 Decision Making on HB 2204 HD2, HD 3014 HD1 (Deferred from 3/13/00) ECD
3/20/2000 Decision Making on HB 2204 HD2, HB 3014 HD1 (Rescheduled to 5:00 pm) ECD
3/20/2000 HB 2500 HD2 Relating to Technology Development ECD/EDU/LRE
3/20/2000 SB 2289 SD2 SSCR 2533 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Cards. EDB/CPC
3/20/2000 SB 2473 SD2 SSCR 2038 Relating to Small Business Defender. EDB/CPC
3/20/2000 Decision Making on HB 1884 HD2 (Deferred from 3/17/00) EDU
3/20/2000 Decision Making on HB 2497 HD1, HB 2490 HD1, HB 2060 HD2, HB 2062 HD2, HB 2066 HD1, HB 2073 HD2, HB 2620 HD2, HB2624 HD1, HB 2760 HD2, HB 2262 HD2, HB 2408 HD2, HB 2409 HD1 (Deferred from 3/17/00) EDU
3/20/2000 HB 149 HD2 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Board of Education from an Elected Board to an Appointed Board EDU
3/20/2000 HB 1873 HD2 Relating to Education EDU
3/20/2000 HB 1876 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 2, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Change the Composition of the Board of Education EDU
3/20/2000 HB 2087 HD2 Relating to Juveniles EDU
3/20/2000 HB 2096 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Education EDU
3/20/2000 HB 2285 HD1 Making an Appropriation for the Hawaiian Studies Program EDU
3/20/2000 HB 2388 HD2 Relating to Education EDU
3/20/2000 HB 2391 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Parent-Community Networking Centers EDU
3/20/2000 HB 2566 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii State Public Library System EDU
3/20/2000 HB 3002 HD2 Relating to Playgrounds in Schools EDU
3/20/2000 NONE Sex Offender Treatment Facility at Waimano Homes EDU/HHS
3/20/2000 HB 1874 HD1 Relating to Educational Accountability EDU/LRE
3/20/2000 HB 1875 HD1 Relating to Educational Accountability EDU/LRE
3/20/2000 HB 2280 HD2 Relating to School-to-Work EDU/LRE
3/20/2000 HB 2701 HD3 Relating to Public Schools EDU/LRE
3/20/2000 SB 2549 SD1 SCR 2555 Relating to Energy Conservation Tax Credits. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2769 SCR 2579 Relating to Greenhouse Gas Emissions. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2867 SCR 2580 Relating to Used Oil. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2879 SD2 SCR 2713 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2880 SD2 SCR 2767 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2885 SCR 11 Relating to Sanitation. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2971 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to Environmental Impact Statements. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2971 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to Environmental Impact Statements. (Amended Agenda - Revised HD1) EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2990 SD2 SCR 2712 Relating to the Recycling of Batteries. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 2993 SD2 SCR 2548 Relating to the Environment. EEP
3/20/2000 SB 800 SD2 SCR 2589 Relating to Taxation. EEP
3/20/2000 HB 1275 HD1 Relating to Hospital Violence HHS
3/20/2000 HB 1387 HD2 Relating to Nurses HHS
3/20/2000 HB 2156 HD2 Making an Appropriation for Basic Dental Services for Adults HHS
3/20/2000 HB 2279 HD1 Relating to Health Care Professionals HHS
3/20/2000 SB 2443 SSCR 2645 Relating to Families. (Amended Agenda) HSH
3/20/2000 SB 2456 SD1 SSCR 2517 Making an Appropriation for Blueprint for Change. HSH
3/20/2000 SB 2849 SSCR 2428 Relating to Review Hearings. HSH
3/20/2000 SB 2245 SD1 SSCR 2726 Relating to Medical Fee Schedules. LAB/CPC
3/20/2000 SB 1242 SD1 Relating to the Legislature LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2062 SD1 Relating to Long Term Care LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2062 SD1 HD1 SCR 889-00 Relating to Long Term Care. LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2201 Relating to Public Service LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2218 SD1 Relating to New Century Charter Schools. LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2218 SD1 Relating to New Century Charter Schools LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2354 SD1 Relating to Public Access LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2412 SD1 Relating to the Auditor LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2499 SD1 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2544 SD1 Relating to the Legislative Analyst LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2675 SD1 Relating to the Salary of the Executive Director of the State Ethics Commission LMG
3/20/2000 SB 3045 SD1 Relating to the Auditor LMG
3/20/2000 SB 2933 SSCR 2617 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation Commission. PSM
3/20/2000 SB 2074 SD2 SSCR 2538 Relating to Corrections. PSM/HSH
3/20/2000 SB 2152 SD1 SSCR 2607 Relating to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders. PSM/JHA
3/20/2000 SB 2426 SD1 SSCR 2730 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation. PSM/JHA
3/20/2000 SB 2533 SD1 SSCR 2481 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation. PSM/JHA
3/20/2000 SB 2433 SD2 SSCR 2776 Relating to Prisons. PSM/LAB
3/20/2000 HB 755 HD2 Relating to Public Lands WLH
3/20/2000 SCR 167 Requesting the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to Work With Area Residents to Develop Use Options for the Stadium Bowl-O-Drome Property WLH
3/20/2000 SCR 2 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Acquire Kawaewae Heiau in Kaneohe, Oahu WLH
3/20/2000 SCR 66 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Review Current Statutes to Determine Whether it is Illegal to Remove and Sell Sand from Public Beaches WLH
3/20/2000 SCR 69 Requesting a Feasibility Study On Establishing Water Resource Management Districts That Utilize Community-Based Recommendations to Develop Water Resource Management Policies WLH
3/20/2000 SCR 70 Urging the Development of Infrastructure for the Residents of the Maunalaha Area of Makiki Heights on the Island of Oahu WLH
3/20/2000 SCR 93 Urging the Govener to Appoint the Trustees to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to Serve Out Their Terms of Office If the Rice V. Cayetano Decision Requires Their Removal as Elected Officials WLH
3/20/2000 SR 1 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Acquire Kawaewae Heiau in Kaneohe, Oahu WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/21/2000 Decision Making on HB 564 HD2, HB 1871, HB 2445, HB 2446, HB 2891 HD1 (Deferred from 3/14/00) CPN
3/21/2000 HB 2447 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
3/21/2000 HB 2458 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN
3/21/2000 HB 1944 HD2 Relating to Public Service Company Tax CPN/TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2448 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CPN/TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2751 HD2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN/TIA
3/21/2000 HB 1869 HD1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CPN/WAM
3/21/2000 HB 1889 HD2 Relating to Agriculture and Animals ECD/TIA
3/21/2000 HCR 52 Requesting the Department of Education to Facilitate and Assist Efforts to Strengthen and Evaluate Existing Student Leadership Programs. EDN
3/21/2000 SB 2218 SD1 SSCR 2583 Relating to New Century Charter Schools. EDN
3/21/2000 SB 2722 SD1 SSCR 2585 Relating to Hawaiian Immersion Program. EDN
3/21/2000 SB 3026 SD1 SSCR 2685 Relating to School Facilities. EDN
3/21/2000 SB 3038 SD1 SSCR 2641 Relating to Education. EDN
3/21/2000 SB 2442 SD2 SSCR 2754 Relating to Caregivers. EDN/HLT
3/21/2000 HB 2820 HD1 Relating to Education EDU/WAM
3/21/2000 SB 2058 SD1 SSCR 2601 Relating to Income Tax Credits. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2088 SSCR 2433 Relating to Short-Term Investment of State Moneys. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2194 SD1 SSCR 2603 Relating to Income Tax Credits. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2421 SD1 SSCR 2463 Relating to Taxation. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2521 SD1 SSCR 2600 Relating to Professional Service Contracts. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2542 SD1 SSCR 2741 Relating to State Bonds. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2736 SD2 SSCR 2596 Relating to Kikala-Keokea. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2750 SD1 SSCR 2705 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2791 SSCR 2464 Making an Emergency Appropriation to Pay the Share of Health Insurance Carrier Refund and Rate Credit Amounts Due to the Federal Government. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2858 SD1 SSCR 2766 Making and Emergency Appropriation for the State Medical Assistance Program. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2872 SD1 SSCR 2718 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2877 SD1 SSCR 2773 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2883 SD2 SSCR 2482 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the State's Medicaid Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled or Mentally Retarded Program. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2938 SD1 SSCR 2224 Relating to Conformity of the Hawaii Income Tax Law to the Internal Revenue Code. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2939 SD1 SSCR 2435 Relating to the Integrated Tax Information Management Systems Acquisition by the Department of Taxation. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2942 SSCR 2226 Relating to the General Fund Expenditure Ceiling Reporting Dates. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2946 SD1 SSCR 2436 Relating to Taxation Appeals. FIN
3/21/2000 SB 2947 SSCR 2465 Relating to Disclosure to Tax Information. FIN
3/21/2000 HB 2104 HD1 Relating to Housing GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2310 HD1 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2368 HD1 Relating to Housing GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2425 HD1 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2429 HD2 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2432 HD1 Relating to Low Income Tax Credit GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2846 HD1 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2877 HD2 Relating to Public Contracts GOH
3/21/2000 HB 2878 HD2 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement GOH
3/21/2000 SB 2163 SD1 SSCR 2763 Relating to Aeromedical Services. HLT
3/21/2000 SB 2165 SD1 SSCR 2749 Relating to Naturopathic Physicians. HLT
3/21/2000 SB 2621 SD1 SSCR 2646 Relating to Health. HLT
3/21/2000 SB 2459 SD2 SSCR 2737 Relating to Professional Counselors. HLT/CPC
3/21/2000 SB 2434 SD2 SSCR 2774 Relating to Substance Abuse. HLT/PSM
3/21/2000 HB 1457 Relating to the Traffic Code JDC
3/21/2000 HB 2020 Relating to Obsolete Laws JDC
3/21/2000 HB 2021 Relating to Act 316, Session Laws of Hawaii 1993, as Amended by Act 157, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995; and to Act 278, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999 JDC
3/21/2000 HB 2809 HD1 Relating to the Penal Code JDC
3/21/2000 HB 303 HD2 Relating to Identification JDC
3/21/2000 SB 2151 SD1 SSCR 2673 Relating to Firearms JHA
3/21/2000 SB 2523 SD1 (SSCR 2725) RELATING TO FEES JHA
3/21/2000 SB 2607 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Commission on the Status of Women JHA
3/21/2000 SB 2692 SD2 SSCR 2613 Relating to Salaries JHA
3/21/2000 SB 3133 SD1 SSCR 2477 Relating to Crime JHA
3/21/2000 SB 2061 SD1 SSCR 2527 Relating to Public Officers and Employees and Employment Practices LAB
3/21/2000 SB 2171 SD1 SSCR 2528 Relating to Disaster Relief LAB
3/21/2000 SB 2312 SSCR 2534 Relating to a Hoisting Machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund LAB
3/21/2000 SB 2672 SD2 SSCR 2496 Relating to Conflicts of Interests LAB
3/21/2000 SB 2672 SSCR 2496 Relating to Conflicts of Interest LAB
3/21/2000 Decision Making on HB 2619 HD2 (Deferred from 3/14/00) LRE
3/21/2000 GM 153 Ricardo Medina and Tom Sugita, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Civil Service Commission LRE
3/21/2000 GM 156 Lloyd Y. Kimura, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Trustees, Deferred Compensation Plan LRE
3/21/2000 GM 162 Gary McKeague and Clayton E. Winger, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hoisting Machine Operators Advisory Board LRE
3/21/2000 GM 205 Wayne Salas and Robert O Valentine, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Plants LRE
3/21/2000 GM 206 Stephen C. Green and Nora R. Macariola-See, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Water Treatment Plants LRE
3/21/2000 HB 2171 HD1 Relating to Meal Breaks LRE
3/21/2000 HB 2476 HD1 Relating to Insurance LRE
3/21/2000 HB 2984 HD2 Relating to Minimum Wage LRE
3/21/2000 HB 2289 Relating to Workers' Compensation LRE/CPN
3/21/2000 HB 1691 HD1 Relating to Taxation TIA
3/21/2000 HB 1881 HD2 Relating to Use of Intoxicants TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2243 HD2 Making an Appropriation for Veterans Cemeteries TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2354 HD2 Making an Appropriation for the Fiftieth Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War Commission TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2457 Relating to Veterans Loans TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2562 Relating to the State Fire Council TIA
3/21/2000 HB 2563 Relating to the State Fire Council TIA
3/21/2000 HB 1762 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA/CPN
3/21/2000 HB 2349 HD1 Relating to Insurance TIA/CPN
3/21/2000 HCR 126 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu. TSM
3/21/2000 HCR 126 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu. TSM
3/21/2000 HCR 164 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. TSM
3/21/2000 HCR 164 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. TSM
3/21/2000 HCR 94 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii. TSM
3/21/2000 HCR 94 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii. TSM
3/21/2000 HR 110 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu. TSM
3/21/2000 HR 110 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu. TSM
3/21/2000 HR 144 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. TSM
3/21/2000 HR 144 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. TSM
3/21/2000 HR 84 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii. TSM
3/21/2000 HR 84 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii. TSM
3/21/2000 HCR 126 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 HCR 164 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 HCR 94 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 HR 110 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 HR 144 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 HR 84 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2005 Relating to Public Lands. TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2005 Relating to Public Lands. TSM/WLU
3/21/2000 HCR 39 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Work with Service Providers and the Department of Health to Determine a Reasonable Rental Fee to Improve Infrastructure on the Waimano Training School and Hospital Grounds. WLU
3/21/2000 HR 137 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Work with Service Providers and the Department of Health to Determine a Reasonable Rental Fee to Improve Infrastructure on the Waimano Training School and Hospital Grounds. WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2108 SD2 HSCR 904-00 Relating to the Public Land Trust. WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2299 SD1 SSCR 2565 Relating to Harbors. WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2301 SD2 SSCR 2701 Relating to Harbors. WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2513 SD1 SSCR 2594 Relating to Conveyance Tax. WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2529 SD1 SSCR 2695 Relating to Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii. WLU
3/21/2000 SB 2983 SD2 SSCR 2638 Relating to Landowners' Liability. WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/22/2000 HCR 159 Requesting the Department of Agriculture to Adopt Rules to Regulate the Importation of Cocoa Beans into the State. AGR
3/22/2000 HR 139 Requesting the Department of Agriculture to Adopt Rules to Regulate the Importation of Cocoa Beans into the State. AGR
3/22/2000 SB 2530 SD1 SSCR 2554 Relating to Agriculture. AGR
3/22/2000 SB 2134 SD1 SSCR 2605 Relating to Agriculture and Animals. AGR/PSM
3/22/2000 SB 2741 SSCR 2169 Relating to the State Water Code. AGR/WLU
3/22/2000 HCR 145 HR 127 Requesting the Insurance Commissioner to Determine How the Cost Savings Attributable to Motor Vehicle Reform Under Act 251, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, Has Impacted Consumer Accessibility to Medically Reasonable, Necessary, and Appropriate Referral to Massage Therapy and Physical Therapy CPC
3/22/2000 HCR 183 HR 161 Requesting an Examination of Possible State Actions to Control Excess Profiteering by Pharmaceutical Companies CPC
3/22/2000 HCR 59 Requesting the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund to Establish a Low Cost Loan Fund and to Establish a Grant Program to Help Homeowners CPC
3/22/2000 HCR 65 HR 58 Requesting the Auditor to Study the Need For Regulating the Alarm Industry CPC
3/22/2000 SB 2287 SD1, HD1 HSCR 906 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CPC
3/22/2000 SB 2655 SD2, HD1 HSCR 884 Relating to Health CPC
3/22/2000 SB 2657 SD2 SSCR 2657 Relating to Health CPC
3/22/2000 SB 2729 SD1 SSCR 2744 Relating to Service Contracts CPC
3/22/2000 SB 2742 HSCR 886 Relating to Pork CPC
3/22/2000 SB 2945 SD1, HD1 HSCR 893 Relating to Taxation CPC
3/22/2000 SB 3043 SD2 SSCR 2619 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CPC
3/22/2000 SB 3193 SD1 SSCR 2687 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CPC
3/22/2000 SB 873 SD1 SSCR 796 Relating to Real Property Appraisals CPC
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 2289 (Deferred from 3/21/00) CPN
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 2314 HD1, HB 2477 HD1, HB 2487 HD1 (Deferred from 3/16/00) CPN
3/22/2000 HB 1983 HD1 Relating to Land Court CPN/GOH
3/22/2000 HB 222 HD1 Relating to Condominiums CPN/GOH
3/22/2000 HB 2188 HD2 Relating to Administrative Procedure CPN/JDC
3/22/2000 HB 2961 HD3 Relating to Tobacco CPN/JDC
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 2753 HD2, HB2571 HD1 (Deferred from 3/17/00) ECD
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 1889 HD2 (Deferred from 3/21/00) ECD
3/22/2000 HB 1780 HD1 Relating to the Convention Center ECD
3/22/2000 HB 1946 HD2 Relating to Energy Conservation ECD
3/22/2000 HB 1956 HD1 Relating to Small Business ECD
3/22/2000 HB 2183 HD1 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises ECD
3/22/2000 HB 2793 HD1 Relating to Agriculture ECD
3/22/2000 HB 2959 HD3 Relating to the Entertainment Industry ECD
3/22/2000 HB 2964 HD1 Relating to Community-Based Economic Development ECD
3/22/2000 HB 2955 HD1 Relating to New Economy Skills Training ECD/EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2745 HD1 Relating to Animal Quarantine ECD/HHS
3/22/2000 HB 1949 HD2 Relating to Alien Aquatic Organisms ECD/LRE
3/22/2000 HB 2973 HD2 Making an Appropriation for Miconia Eradication ECD/LRE
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 1909 HD1, HB 1998 HD2, HB 2572 HD1 (Deferred from 3/17/00) ECD/WLH
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 1905 HD2 (Deferred from 3/25 and 3/17) EDU
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 2490 HD1, HB 2062 HD2, HB 2066 HD1, HB 2262 HD2 (Deferred from 3/17 and 3/20), HB 1876, HB 149 HD2, HB 2566 HD2, HB 1873 HD2, HB 2388 HD2, HB 2087 HD2, HB 2285 HD1, HB 2096 HD1, HB 3002 HD2, HB 2391 HD1 (Deferred from 3/20) EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2040 HD1 Relating to Education EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2356 HD1 Relating to Child and Adolescent Mental Health EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2491 HD1 Relating to School Lunch EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2492 HD1 Relating to Education EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2763 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Teacher Education EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2822 HD1 Relating to School Administrators EDU
3/22/2000 HB 2443 HD2 Relating to High Technology Development Corporation EDU/ECD
3/22/2000 HB 2459 Relating to the Hawaii Telecommunications and Information Act EDU/ECD
3/22/2000 HB 1917 Relating to School Health EDU/HHS
3/22/2000 HB 2521 Relating to School Health Requirements EDU/HHS
3/22/2000 HB 319 HD2 Relating to School Health Services EDU/HHS
3/22/2000 Decision making on HB 1875 HD1, HB 1874 HD1, HB 2280 HD2, HB 2500 HD 2 (Deferred from 3/20/00) EDU/LRE
3/22/2000 SB 2166 SCR 2606 Relating to Wind Farms. EEP/CPC
3/22/2000 HB 1834 HD2 Relating to Long-Term Care HHS/CPN
3/22/2000 HB 2392 HD2 Relating to Health HHS/CPN
3/22/2000 Decision Making on HB 2154 HD2 (Deferred from 3/17/00) HHS/LRE
3/22/2000 HCR 104 HR 93 Requesting a Management and Financial Audit of the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii HSH
3/22/2000 HCR 108 HR 97 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Develop a Proactive Plan for Housing Households with Incomes Below Thirty Per Cent of the Median Income HSH
3/22/2000 HCR 190 HR 165 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Explore Homeownership Options at the State-Owned and Operated Palolo Homes I and II HSH
3/22/2000 HCR 25 Coordinating Policies and Services for Public Assistance Recipients In Public Housing HSH
3/22/2000 HCR 75 Urging the Counties to Incorporate Into the County Building Codes Provisions for Disability Accessibility HSH
3/22/2000 HB 2405 HD2 Relating to Pesticides LRE/ECD
3/22/2000 HCR 102 HR 91 Relating to Monk Seals OMR/WLU
3/22/2000 HCR 103 HR 92 Relating to Marine Mammal Watching Tours OMR/WLU
3/22/2000 HCR 13 Authorizing the Lease of Submerged Lands at Duke Kahanamoku Beach at Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu for Pier Purposes OMR/WLU
3/22/2000 HCR 53 HR 54 Relating to Community Based Subsistence OMR/WLU
3/22/2000 HCR 60 HR 57 Relating to Canoe Clubs; Leases OMR/WLU
3/22/2000 HB 2572 Relating to Kaneohe Bay WLH
3/22/2000 SCR 113 Requesting a Study of the Existing Representation Framework of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Effects of the Rice V. Cayetano Decision WLH/JDC
3/22/2000 SCR 207 Urging the Attorney General to Amicably and Informally Resolve, Through Negotiation and Settlement, Kalima V. State of Hawaii, Civil No. 99-4771-12 VSM, Pending Before the First Circuit Court WLH/JDC
3/22/2000 SR 56 Requesting a Study of the Existing Representation Framework of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Effects of the Rice V. Cayetano Decision WLH/JDC
3/22/2000 SCR 14 Urging that Pu`u O Kapolei Be Placed on the State and National Historic Registers WLH/TIA
3/22/2000 SCR 77/SR 31 Encouraging State Agencies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs WLH/TIA
3/22/2000 SCR 92/SR 45 Requesting that the President and Congress Recognize an Official Political Relationship Between the United States Government and the Hawaiian People WLH/TIA
3/22/2000 SCR 94 Requesting that the United States Secretary of the Interior, Upon the Establishment of the Hawaiian Homes Commission as an Elected Body, Affirm in Writing that the Hawaiian Homes commission is a Governing Body Duly Recognized by the Secretary of the Interior as a Native Group WLH/TIA
3/22/2000 SCR 95 Urging the Federal Government to Share in the Cost of Conducting a Comprehensive Inventory of the Ceded Lands in the State of Hawaii WLH/TIA
3/22/2000 HB 2505 Relating to Housing Loan and Mortgage Programs WLHGOH
3/22/2000 HCR 31 Relating to Land Acquisition. WLU
3/22/2000 HR 37 Relating to Land Acquisition. WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/23/2000 SB 2287 SD1 HD1 HSCR 906-00 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. CPC
3/23/2000 SB 2906 HSCR 892-00 Relating to Garment Industry Homework. CPC
3/23/2000 SB 873 SD1 SSCR 796 Relating to Real Property Appraisals. CPC
3/23/2000 SB 2024 HD1 HSCR 885-00 Relating to Medical Research on Cancer Studies. CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SB 2467 SD2 SSCR 2671 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors. CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SB 2486 SD2 SSCR 2764 Relating to Taxation. CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SB 2993 SD2 HD1 HSCR 928-00 Relating to the Environment. CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SB 3117 SSCR 2692 Relating to Motor Vehicles. CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SB 3176 SD2 SSCR 2698 Relating to Insurance. (Pending Re-referral) CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SB 3179 Relating to Tobacco. (HD1 - Pending referral from HLT) CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 SD 2467 SD2, SSCR 2671 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CPC/JHA
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2123 HD2, HB 2604 HD2 (Deferred from 3/20/00) CPN
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 1883 HD2, HB 1934 HD2 (Deferred from 3/15) CPN
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 1871, HB 2445 (Deferred from 3/14 and 3/21) CPN
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2751 HD2 (Deferred from 3/21/00) CPN
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2732 HD1 (Deferred from 3/15/00) CPN
3/23/2000 HB 2378 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN
3/23/2000 SB 2121 SD1 SCR 28 Relating to Obsolete Laws EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2131 SD1 SCR 83 Relating to Federal Construction EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2132 SD2 SCR 84 Relating to Hawaii Public Procurement Code EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2409 SD1 SCR 145 Relating to Taxation EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2420 SD2 SCR 150 Relating to Technology EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2482 SD1 SCR 180 Relating to Technology Business Taxation EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2711 SD1 SCR 238 Relating to Administrative Procedure EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2781 SD2 SCR 256 Relating to Taxation EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 2948 SD1 SCR 316 Relating to High Technology EDB/HED
3/23/2000 SB 3032 SD2 SCR 337 Relating to Economic Development EDB/HED
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2820 HD1 (Deferred from 3/21/00) EDU/WAM
3/23/2000 HCR 141 Urging the United States Government to Take Appropriate Action to Address the Serious Environmental and Public Health Problems Posed by the Toxic Wastes Left Behind at Former United States Military Installations in the Philippines. EEP
3/23/2000 HCR 143 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Working Group to Identify Potential Sources of Permanent Dedicated Funding and Funding Needs of the Natural Area Reserves System. EEP
3/23/2000 HCR 175 Requesting the Governor of the State of Hawaii to Issue an Administrative Directive in Accordance to the President of the United State's Executive Order 13123, Greening the Government Through Efficient Energy Management. EEP
3/23/2000 HCR 54 Encouraging the Counties of the State of Hawaii to Adopt the Standards for Residential Buildings in the Model Energy Code to Apply to All New Residential Real Property. EEP
3/23/2000 HCR 83 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau Conduct a Study to Assess the Availability and Possible Barriers of Native Hawaiian Plants in Local Nurseries for Use in Public Landscaping Projects and/or Commercial Projects. EEP
3/23/2000 HR 124 Urging the United States Government to Take Appropriate Action to Address the Serious Environmental and Public Health Problems Posed by the Toxic Wastes Left Behind at Former United States Military Installations in the Philippines. EEP
3/23/2000 HR 125 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Working Group to Identify Potential Sources of Permanent Dedicated Funding and Funding Needs of the Natural Area Reserves System. EEP
3/23/2000 HR 153 Requesting the Governor of the State of Hawaii to Issue an Administrative Directive in Accordance to the President of the United State's Executive Order 13123, Greening the Government Through Efficient Energy Management. EEP
3/23/2000 HR 55 Encouraging the Counties of the State of Hawaii to Adopt the Standards for Residential Buildings in the Model Energy Code to Apply to All New Residential Real Property. EEP
3/23/2000 HR 75 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau Conduct a Study to Assess the Availability and Possible Barriers of Native Hawaiian Plants in Local Nurseries for Use in Public Landscaping Projects and/or Commercial Projects. EEP
3/23/2000 SB 2879 SD2 SCR 2713 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires. EEP
3/23/2000 SB 2971 HD1 PROPOSED Relating to Environmental Impact Statements. EEP
3/23/2000 SB 2990 SD2 SCR 2712 Relating to the Recycling of Batteries. EEP
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2432 HD1, HB 2104 HD1, HB 2368 HD1, HB 2429 HD2, HB 2846 HD1, HB 2425, HD1, HB 2310 HD1, HB 2878 HD2, HB 2877 HD2 (Deferred from 3/21/00) GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2088 HD1 PROPOSED SD1 Relating to Procurement GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2311 PROPOSED SD1 Relating to the Procurement Code for Design Professional Services GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2581 HD1 Relating to the Repeal of Unnecessary Administrative Rules GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2582 HD1 Relating to Administrative Rules GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2587 HD1 Relating to the Repeal of Null and Void Administrative Rules GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2588 HD1 Relating to Audit and Accounting GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2716 HD1 PROPOSED SD1 Relating to Condominiums GOH
3/23/2000 HB 2451 HD1 Relating to a Repair and Maintenance Special Fund GOH/EDU
3/23/2000 HCR 111 Requesting the State Auditor to Conduct a Program and Financial Audit of the Department of Health's Adult Mental Health Division HLT
3/23/2000 HCR 88 Requesting a Task Force be Convened to Assist the Office of Information Practices Analyze Health Care Information Issues and Implement the Requirements of Chapter 323C, Hawaii Revised Statutes HLT
3/23/2000 HR 72 Relating to Organ Donation HLT
3/23/2000 SB 2247 SD1 SSCR 2514 Relating to Feral Animals HLT/EEP/EDN
3/23/2000 SB 2387 SD2 SSCR 2478 Relating to Procurement HLT/EEP/EDN
3/23/2000 SB 2448 SD2 SSCR 2516 Relating to Autism HLT/EEP/EDN
3/23/2000 HB 1940 HD2 Relating to Court Appointed Counsel Legal Fees JDC
3/23/2000 HB 2160 HD2 Relating to the Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund JDC/HHS
3/23/2000 HB 2422 HD1 Relating to the Enforcement of the Tobacco Settlement Agreement JDC/HHS
3/23/2000 SB 2164 SD2 HD1 SSCR 2734 Relating to the Organic Agriculture Industry. (Amended Notice) JHA
3/23/2000 SB 2427 SD1 SSCR 2775 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims. (Amended Notice) JHA
3/23/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 912-00) RELATING TO KINSHIP CARE JHA
3/23/2000 SB 2484 SD1 SSCR 2543 Relating to Medicaid Recovery. JHA/HSH
3/23/2000 NONE Informational Briefing: Presentations on a proposed plan to establish a captive insurance facility to manage the administration and financing of employee benefit obligations. LAB/FIN
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2171 HD1 (Deferred from 3/21/00) LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2261 HD1 Relating to Volunteer Services LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2519 HD1 Relating to Flexible Spending Accounts LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2520 HD2 Relating to Workers' Compensation LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2539 HD2 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2554 HD1 Relating to Workers' Compensation LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2555 HD1 Relating to Workers' Compensation Special Compensation Fund Expenses LRE
3/23/2000 HB 2615 Relating to Hazardous Materials LRE
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2154 HD2 (Deferred from 3/17 and 3/22) LRE/HHS
3/23/2000 HB 2549 HD2 Relating to Individual Wastewater Systems LRE/TIA
3/23/2000 HB 2559 HD1 Relating to the Hawaii Workforce Development Council LRE/TIA
3/23/2000 HB 839 HD1 Relating to the General Excise Taxation of Wastewater Leasing LRE/TIA
3/23/2000 Decision Making on SCR 14, SCR 77, SR 31, SCR 92, SR 45, SCR 94, SCR 95 (Deferred from 3/23/00) TIA
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 1768, HB 2823 HD2 (Deferred from 3/16/00) TIA
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2751 HD2 (Deferred from 3/21/00) TIA
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 1889 HD2 (Deferred from 3/21/00) TIA
3/23/2000 HB 1776 HD1 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
3/23/2000 HB 1777 HD2 Relating to Motor Carriers TIA
3/23/2000 HB 2691 HD2 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs TIA
3/23/2000 SCR 102 Urging the United States Navy to Provide a Briefing on the Future Workload Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard TIA
3/23/2000 HB 1759 HD2 Relating to Traffic Enforcement TIA/JDC
3/23/2000 HB 2618 HD2 Relating to Repeat Intoxicated Drivers TIA/JDC
3/23/2000 GM 159 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii Performance Partnership Board WAM
3/23/2000 GM 200 Carol Rae Baptista, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Taxation Review, First Taxation District (Oahu) WAM
3/23/2000 GM 201 Alan K. Bernaldo, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Taxation Review, Second Taxation District (Maui County) WAM
3/23/2000 GM 202 Bradly T. Kinoshita, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Taxation Review, Third Taxation District (Hawaii) WAM
3/23/2000 GM 203 Sandra I. Klutke, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Taxation Review, Fourth Taxation District (Kauai) WAM
3/23/2000 HB 179 HD2, SD1 Relating to Agricultural Lands WAM
3/23/2000 HB 2584 Relating to the Fuel Tax WAM
3/23/2000 HB 2834 Making an Appropriation for Legislative Internal Computer Network WAM
3/23/2000 HB 286, HD2, SD1 Relating to Speeding WAM
3/23/2000 SCR 47 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Identify Fiscally-Related Powers Conferred Upon or Assumed by the Executive Branch Since 1987 That May Be Reclaimed by the Legislature WAM
3/23/2000 SCR 56 Calling for the Estalbishment of a Joint Interim Committee to Develop a Policy on Legislative Bill Limits WAM
3/23/2000 Decision Making on HB 2537 (Deferred from 3/17/00) WAM/HHS

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/24/2000 HCR 127 HR 111 Approving and Authorizing the Establishment of State-Province Relations of Friendship Between the State of Hawaii of the United States of America and the Province of Thua Thien-Hue of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam CAR
3/24/2000 HCR 135 Approving and Authorizing the Establishment of a Sister State-Relationship Between the State of Hawaii and the Province of Yunnan of the People's Republic of China CAR
3/24/2000 HCR 200 HR 168 Requesting the Development of a Plan for the Conversion of Washington Place into a Museum CAR
3/24/2000 HCR 204 HR 172 Honoring and Supporting the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce in its Centennial Year CAR
3/24/2000 SB 2416 SD1 SSCR 2751 Relating to Public Access CPC
3/24/2000 SB 2945 SD1 HD1 HSCR 893-00 Relating to Taxation. CPC
3/24/2000 SB 873 SD1 SSCR 796 Relating to Real Property Appraisals CPC
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 1883 HD2 (Deferred from 3/15), HB 2604 HD2 (Deferred from 3/20), HB 2751 HD2 (Deferred from 3/21) CPN
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2959 HD3 (Deferred from 3/22/00) ECD
3/24/2000 HB 2403 Relating to Aquaculture ECD
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2451 HD1 (Deferred from 3/23/00) EDU
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2096 (Deferred from 3/20 and 3/22); HB 2822 HD1, HB 2763 HD1, HB 2491 HD1, HB 2040 HD1, HB 2492 HD1, HB 2536 HD1 (Deferred from 3/22) EDU
3/24/2000 HB 2901 HD2 Relating to the New Economy EDU/CPN/ECD
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 1874 HD1 (Deferred from 3/20 and 3/22) EDU/LRE
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2820 HD1 (Deferred from 3/21/00) EDU/WAM
3/24/2000 HCR 107 HR 96 Requesting the University of Hawaii at Hilo to explore the possibility of developing a space camp on the Big Island HED
3/24/2000 HCR 188 HR 163 Supporting the Establishment of a Research Institute and a Masters of Arts Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Center for Hawaiian Studies HED
3/24/2000 HCR 198 HR 166 Requesting that Plans be Developed to Convert the Queen Liliuokalani Building into the New Home of the John A. Burns School of Medicine and to Renovate the Kinau Hale Building HED
3/24/2000 HCR 92 HR 122 Requesting the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii to Establish a Hawaiian Language Doctoral Program Through the Hawaiian Language Program of the University of Hawaii at Hilo HED
3/24/2000 HCR 93 HR 83 Requesting the Development of a Ten-Year Plan ofr Teacher Education on the Neighbor Islands HED
3/24/2000 HCR 95 HR 85 Requesting the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the University of Hawaii at Hilo to Work Together to Transform the Big Island Into a Major Pacific-Wide Research Center HED
3/24/2000 HB 2156 HD2 Making an Appropriation for Basic Dental Services for Adults HHS
3/24/2000 HB 2279 HD1 Relating to Health Care Professionals HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 120 Requesting the Department of Health to Update the Legislature on the Existence and Purpose of Any Diabetes Programs in Hawaii HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 133 Convening a Task Force to Study the Implications of Increased Access to Sterile Syringes HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 134 Requesting the State Auditor to Conduct a Program and Financial Audit of the Department of Health's Adult Mental Health Division HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 136 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct a Comprehensive and Financial Audit of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division of the Department of Health HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 194 Requesting the Department of Health to Provide the Legislature with Statistical Data on Termination of Pregnancies HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 196 Requesting the Department of Health to Report on the Transition of the Hawaii State Hospital to a Secured Psychosocial Rehabilitation Facility HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 210/SR 99 Requesting the Department of Health to Implement the Recommendations of the Legislature's Consultant on the Provision of Mental Health Services at the Hawaii State Hospital HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 37/SR 15 Requesting an Examination of How Sliding Scale Home- and Community-Based Services Affects the Risk and Incidence of Institutionalized Care HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 4/SR 3 Supporting Continued Funding of Hawaii Health Start with General Fund Appropriations HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 42/SR 18 Requesting the Department of Health to Study the Health Benefits of Tofu and Soy Based Food Products HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 85/SR 38 Urging the Department of Health to Train and Consult with Operators and Staff of Adult Residential Care Home Operators, at the Time of Licensing and Periodically Thereafter, Regarding Their Duties and Responsibilities for Their Residents HHS
3/24/2000 SCR 88 Requesting the Department of Health to Improve Statewide Diabetes Awareness and Education and Examine the Possibility of Establishing a Program for Free Early Detection Screening for Diabetes HHS
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 1834 HD2, HB 2392 HD2 (Deferred from 3/22/00) HHS/CPN
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 1940 HD2 (Deferred from 3/23/00) JDC
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 1984 Hd1, HB 2650 HD1 (Deferred from 3/14 and 3/17) JDC
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 303 HD2, HB 1457, HB 2020, HB 2021, HB 2809 HD1 (Deferred from 3/21/00) JDC
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2618 HD2, HB 1759 HD2 (Deferred from 3/23/00) JDC
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2160 HD2, HB 2422 HD1 (Deferred from 3/23/00) JDC/HHS
3/24/2000 SB 2427 SD1 (SSCR 2775) Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims JHA
3/24/2000 SB 539 SD1 (HSCR 877-00) Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in All Matters Related to the University JHA
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2171 HD1, HB 2615 (Deferred from 3/21 and 3/23) LRE
3/24/2000 Decision Making on HB 2559 HD1, HB 2549 HD2, HB 839 HD1 (Deferred from 3/23/00) TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/28/2000 GM 191 Theodore E. Garduque, Lester H. Inouye, Arnoldo E. Prepose, Oscar Portugal, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Landscape Architects CPN
3/28/2000 GM 193 Howina Hiu Blume, Milton Y. Fuke, Dolores Foley, Ph.D., Bruce Y. Nakamura, James H. Yasuda, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Trustees, Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund CPN
3/28/2000 GM 195 Miles T. Nakatsu, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Pharmacy CPN
3/28/2000 GM 196 Steve Goodenow, Frederick Wm. Hackbarth, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Private Detectives and Guards CPN
3/28/2000 GM 197 Peter Rice, Casey K. Choi, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Real Estate Commission CPN
3/28/2000 HCR 124 HR 109 Requesting the Development of a Method By Which Students May Provide Feedback to Teachers Regarding Their Education on the Classroom EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 152 Requesting Legislators to Foster Community Support of Public Schools EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 163 HR 143 Urging CPR Training in High Schools EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 17 HR 17 Requesting the Incorporation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Standards in All New and Renovated Buildings of the Public School and Library Systems EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 186 Urging the Department of Education to Allow Water and Ocean-Based Sports in Hawaii's Schools and to Establish Outrigger Canoe Paddling as a Sanctioned School Sport Statewide EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 71 HR 62 Adopting and Achieving a Policy Goal that by the Year 2004 Ninety Percent of Students in Public Elementary Schools Read at or Above Grade Level by the End of the Third Grade EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 81 Declaring the Third Friday of September as Legislators Back-to-School Day in Hawaii EDN
3/28/2000 HR 12 Requesting the Governor to Appoint a Blue Ribbon Task Force to Study and Recommend Ways to Reduce the Drop Out Rates for All Public High Schools EDN
3/28/2000 SCR 142/SR 69 Requesting that the Department of Education Consider Establishing Either a work Experience or a Community Service Component as a Requirement for Graduation from High School EDU/LRE
3/28/2000 SCR 78/SR 32 Requesting the Department of Education to Establish an Integrated Pest Management Policy that Focuses on the Long-Term Health of Teachers, Staff, and Students and Prioritizes the Use of Nonchemical Methods of Pest Control and Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study of Alternative Methods of Pest Control for Common Areas Frequented by the Public EDU/LRE
3/28/2000 SCR 208/SR 98 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Working Group to Help Low-Income Families Become Self-Sufficient HHS/LRE
3/28/2000 HCR 110 Convening a Task Force to Study the Implications of Increasing Access to Sterile Syringes. HLT
3/28/2000 HCR 113 Requesting the Department of Health to Study Issues Concerning Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, the Health Consequences of Not Treating the Disorder, and to Recommend Whether Health Care Coverage for Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Should Be Required in Hawaii. HLT
3/28/2000 HCR 4 Supporting Continued Funding of Hawaii Healthy Start With General Fund Appropriations. HLT
3/28/2000 HR 3 Supporting Continued Funding of Hawaii Healthy Start With General Fund Appropriations. HLT
3/28/2000 HR 31 Relating to ADA Compliance. HLT
3/28/2000 HR 99 Convening a Task Force to Study the Implications of Increasing Access to Sterile Syringes. HLT
3/28/2000 HCR 101 Requesting the Departments of Health and Education to Assess the Prevalence of Head Lice and the Current Use of Chemical Treatment for Head Lice in Hawaii's Schools. HLT/EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 112 Requesting the Department of Health to Examine the Use of Psychiatric Drugs by Children Five to Eighteen Years Old and Related Incidents of Violence and Behavioral Problems in Schools. HLT/EDN
3/28/2000 HR 100 Requesting the Department of Health to Examine the Use of Psychiatric Drugs by Children Five to Eighteen Years Old and Related Incidents of Violence and Behavioral Problems in Schools. HLT/EDN
3/28/2000 HR 90 Requesting the Departments of Health and Education to Assess the Prevalence of Head Lice and the Current Use of Chemical Treatment for Head Lice in Hawaii's Schools. HLT/EDN
3/28/2000 HCR 196 Requesting the Governor to Establish a Task Force to Develop and Implement a Statewide, Comprehensive, and Effective Working Plan for Placing Qualified Persons with Disabilities in the Most Integrated Setting Possible and to Keep Waiting Lists That Move at a Reasonable Pace. HLT/HSH
3/28/2000 HCR 51 Requesting the State Health Planning and Development Agency to Require Detailed Justification from the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation in Any Certificate of Need Proposal to Reduce Long-Term Care Beds. HLT/HSH
3/28/2000 SCR 115 Requesting a Study of Hawaii's Election and Campaign Spending Laws JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 122 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 147/SR 72 Requesting the Campaign Spending Commission to Establish Clear Campaign Spending Guidelines JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 199 Requesting the Attorney General to Convene a Task Force to Stud and Make Recommendations on How to Improve the Laws Concerning the Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 35/SR 13 Supporting Federal Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 36/SR 14 Requesting the Department of Public Safety to Provide Gender Specific and Community Based Services for Women Offenders JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 72 Requesting the Attorney General to Review Existing Laws Concerning the Protection of Elders from Abuse and Fraud JDC
3/28/2000 SCR 114 Requesting the Attorney General to Continue the Domestic Violence Working Group Established in 1999 by the Hawaii State Legislature and Expand the Membership of the Group JDC/HHS
3/28/2000 SCR 161 Requesting the Department of Health to Adopt a Department-Wide Policy to Require Agencies Under State Contract Who Provide Services to Children to Conduct Criminal History Checks of Prospective Employees JDC/HHS
3/28/2000 SCR 3/SR 2 Requesting the Development and Implementation of a System to Identify and Provide Services and Support for Children of Incarcerated Parents JDC/HHS
3/28/2000 SCR 55 Requesting the Office of Information Practices to Convene a Task Force on Health Care Information Privacy JDC/HHS
3/28/2000 HCR 156 HR 135 Urging Congress to Clarify the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to Give Native Hawaiians a Status Like That of Indians in Organized Tribes and to Provide that the State of Hawaii has Broad Authority to Preserve that Status JHA
3/28/2000 HCR 27 HR 71 Commemorating the Centennial of the Organic Act JHA
3/28/2000 HCR 41 HR 46 Supporting Federal Recognition of a Hawaiian Nation JHA
3/28/2000 SB 2477 SD1 (SSCR 2497) Relating to the Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs JHA
3/28/2000 SB 2326 SD1 SSCR 2750 Relating to Pulic Employee Benefits. LAB/FIN
3/28/2000 SB 2802 SD1 SSCR 2769 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits. LAB/FIN
3/28/2000 SB 2859 SD1 SSCR 2686 Relating to Public Employment. LAB/FIN
3/28/2000 SB 3002 SD2 SSCR 2739 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System. LAB/FIN
3/28/2000 SB 3003 SD1 SSCR 2738 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System. LAB/FIN
3/28/2000 SCR 129/SR 62 Requesting a Study of Unplanned Releases of Emissions and Spills by Facilities at Campbell Industrial Park LRE
3/28/2000 SCR 143/SR 70 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Working Gropu to Identify Potential Sources of Permanent Dedicated Funding and Funding Needs of the Natural Area Reserves System LRE
3/28/2000 SCR 16 Relating to the Biennial Review of the Compensation Plans and the Costs Thereof LRE
3/28/2000 SCR 89 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Work Group to Study Conditions at Punaluu Beach and the Near-By Kamehame Beach and Recommend Appropriate Actions to Preserve and Protect the Area's Endangered Species and the Ecosystem LRE
3/28/2000 SCR 204/SR 95 Requesting the Department of Health to Follow-Up Soil Test at Village Park and West Loch Fairways LRE/HHS
3/28/2000 SCR 209 Requesting the Department of Health to Study the Feasibility of Converting the Small Business Ombudsman Position to an Environmental Consumer Advocate Position LRE/HHS
3/28/2000 HCR 120 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Create a Master Plan for Water Quality and Flood Mitigation for Waimanalo. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 132 Encouraging State Agencies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 133 Requesting That the Hawaii Tourism Authority Conduct a Study to Evaluate the Conditions of State Park Rest Room Facilities. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 148 Requesting the Governor to Appoint an Citizens' Advisory Commission to Review the State's Ala Wai Golf Course Revitalization Plan. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 151 Relating to a Comprehensive Master Plan for Kokee and Waimea Canyon State Parks. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 192 Requesting an Investigation into the Acquisition of No. 1 Capitol District by the State. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 203 Encouraging All State and County Agencies to Assist the Head Start Program to Obtain Land and Other Resources. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 78 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Study the Feasibility of Developing Seven Falls and Adjoining Areas Into a Tourist Attraction. WLU
3/28/2000 HCR 79 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Acquire Kawaewae Heiau in Kaneohe, Oahu. WLU
3/28/2000 HR 105 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Create a Master Plan for Water Quality and Flood Mitigation for Waimanalo. WLU
3/28/2000 HR 116 Encouraging State Agencies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs. WLU
3/28/2000 HR 117 Requesting That the Hawaii Tourism Authority Conduct a Study to Evaluate the Conditions of State Park Rest Room Facilities. WLU
3/28/2000 HR 130 Requesting the Governor to Appoint an Citizens' Advisory Commission to Review the State's Ala Wai Golf Course Revitalization Plan. WLU
3/28/2000 HR 171 Encouraging All State and County Agencies to Assist the Head Start Program to Obtain Land and Other Resources. WLU
3/28/2000 HR 73 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Acquire Kawaewae Heiau in Kaneohe, Oahu. WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/29/2000 SB 2283 SD1 SSCR 2504 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2333 SD2 SSCR 2478 Relating to Condominiums Property Regimes. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2527 SD2 SSCR 2625 Relating to Condominiums. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2563 SD1 SSCR 2743 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2711 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1035-00 Relating to Administrative Procedure. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2725 HD1 HSCR 958-00 Relating to Towing Companies. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2766 SD1 SSCR 2164 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2811 SD1 SSCR 2506 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2814 SD1 SSCR 2507 Relating to Insurance. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 3129 HD1 HSCR 942-00 Relating to Hawaiian Healing Practices. CPC
3/29/2000 SB 2254 SD1 HD1 HSCR 924-00 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information. CPC/JHA
3/29/2000 SCR 149/SR 73 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Open a Generic Docket on the Issues of Overhead and Underground Placement of Utility Lines CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 168 Requesting a Management Audit of the Public Utilities Commission CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 169 Requesting the Public Utilities Comission to Conduct a Study on Methods to Finance the Undergrounding of Overhead Utility Lines CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 170 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Collaborate with Electrical Service Providers and Assess Net Energy Metering CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 171 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Convene a Working Group to Study the Feasibility of Implementing a One-Call System for the Location of Underground Facilities CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 173/SR 84 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Open a New Docket on Demand Side Management CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 179 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Costs Issues CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 180 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Create and Implement a Standardized Power Purchase Agreement CPN
3/29/2000 SCR 181/SR 89 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Create and Implement a Standardized Interconnection Agreement CPN
3/29/2000 Decision Making on SCR 142, SR 69, SCR 78, SR 32 (Deferred from 3/28/00) EDU
3/29/2000 HB 2092 Relating to Education EDU
3/29/2000 HB 2095 Relating to Education EDU
3/29/2000 HB 2495 HD1 Relating to Education EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 106 Requesting the Hawaii State Public Library System to Cooperate and Facilitate the Establishment of a Program of Volunteer Starter Libraries EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 112 Requesting the Department of Education and the Athletic Directors and Coaches Association to Develop a Proposed Compensation Schedule for High School Coaches EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 176/SR 85 Requesting the Office of the Governor to Develop a Proposal for a Chief Information Officer for the State of Hawaii EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 177/SR 86 Requesting the University of Hawaii and the Department of Education to Study other Programs Nationwide that Deal with Proficiency-Based University Admissions and Standards-Based Education Reform EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 185 Requesting the University of Hawaii to Conduct an Analysis of Current and Comparative Patterns of Public School Financing for K-12 Education EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 57 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Assess the Department of Education's Development of Educational Standards for Public Schools Statewide EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 58 Requesting the Development of a School Choice Program for Hawaii Public Schools EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 59 Requesting the Ombudsman to Investigate and Obtain Information Regarding Geographic Exceptions Granted by the Department of Education EDU
3/29/2000 SCR 87/SR 40 Strongly Urging the United States Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental Health to Engage in a National Examination of the Appropriate Use of Psychiatric Drugs and Their Effects on Children EDU
3/29/2000 SB 2074 SD2 HD1 HSCR 938-00 Relating to Corrections FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2115 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1028-00 Relating to False Claims FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2152 SD1 HD1 HSCR 981-00 Relating to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2426 SD1 HSCR 979-00 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2427 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1068-00 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2432 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1060-00 Relating to a Sentencing Simulation Model FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1076-00 Relating to Prisons FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2484 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1059-00 Relating to Medicaid Recovery FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2533 SD1 HD1 HSCR 980-00 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2536 SD1 HD1 HSCR 948-00 Relating to the Uniform Principal and Income Act FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2692 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1017-00 Relating to Salaries FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2758 SD1 HD1 HSCR 968-00 Relating to Child Support Enforcement FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2863 SD1 HD1 HSCR 969-00 Relating to Advance Health-Care Directives FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2933 HSCR 937-00 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation Commission FIN
3/29/2000 SB 2935 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1069-00 Relating to Dangerous Drugs FIN
3/29/2000 SB 3125 SD2 HD1 HSCR 970-00 Relating to Publication of Notice FIN
3/29/2000 SB 914 HSCR 126-00 Relating to Vote Count FIN
3/29/2000 Decision Making on SCR 4, SR 3, SCR 37, SR 15, SCR 42, SR 18, SCR 88, SCR 120, SCR 133, SCR 134, SCR 136, SCR 194, SCR 196, SCR 210, SR 99 (Deferred from 3/24/00) HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 105/SR 53 Requesting the Governor to Convene a Task Force on Alternative Medicine HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 135 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Group to Examine Ways to Advocate the Capture of Federal Funds to Support Hawaii's Health and Human Services Programs HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 163/SR 81 Requesting the Governor to Convene a Task Force to Develop and Implement a Comprehensive Statewide Plan for Placing Qualified Persons with Disabilities in the Most Integrated Setting Possible and to Keep Waiting Lists that Move at a Reasonable Pace HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 166/SR 97 Requesting the Department of Education and Youth Organizations to Access the Website of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to Obtain Sex Offender Information HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 30 Urging the Hawaii Nurse's Association of Hawaii to Begin Discussions to Identify Problems and Provide Solutions for Acute-Care Issues Relating to Patient Safety, Nursing Care, and the Potential Nursing Shortage HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 38/SR 16 Requesitng Continued Discussion for a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 40/SR 17 Supporting the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 73/SR 2 Requesting the Departments of Health and Human Services to Study How Hawaii Would Respond to and Support Federal Action to Amend Medicare Benefits to Include Prescription Drug Assistance HHS
3/29/2000 SCR 76/SR 30 Supporting the Efforts of the World Health Organization and Waris Dirie to End the Harmful Tradition of Female Genital Mutilation HHS
3/29/2000 HCR 10 Requesting Continued Discussion For a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 105 Requesting an Overview Study of the German and Japanese Systems of Long-Term Care Insurance. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 11 Requesting an Examination of How Sliding-Scale, Home- and Community-Based Services Affects the Risk and Incidence of Institutionalized Care. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 174 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau, in Consultation With the Good Beginnings Alliance, to Identify Funding Sources for the Expansion of Early Childhood Education and Care Services. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 70 Requesting the Departments of Health and Human Services to Study How Hawaii Would Respond To and Support Federal Action to Amend Medicare Benefits to Include Prescription Drug Assistance to the Elderly and Disabled. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 76 Requesting the Disability and Communication Access Board to Conduct a Study for a Comprehensive Review to Assess Services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind Populations. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 86 Requesting the Executive Office on Aging to Conduct a Comprehensive Review of All Programs in the State For, and the Benefits Received By, Hawaii's Elders. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HR 152 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau, in Consultation With the Good Beginnings Alliance, to Identify Funding Sources for the Expansion of Early Childhood Education and Care Services. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HR 61 Requesting the Departments of Health and Human Services to Study How Hawaii Would Respond To and Support Federal Action to Amend Medicare Benefits to Include Prescription Drug Assistance to the Elderly and Disabled. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HR 79 Requesting the Executive Office on Aging to Conduct a Comprehensive Review of All Programs in the State For, and the Benefits Received By, Hawaii's Elders. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HR 8 Requesting Continued Discussion For a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HR 9 Requesting an Examination of How Sliding-Scale, Home- and Community-Based Services Affects the Risk and Incidence of Institutionalized Care. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HR 94 Requesting an Overview Study of the German and Japanese Systems of Long-Term Care Insurance. HSH/HLT
3/29/2000 HCR 3 Requesting the Development and Implementation of a System to Identify and Provide Services and Support for Children of Incarcerated Parents. HSH/PSM
3/29/2000 HCR 67 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Administer the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program in a Manner That is Not Unduly Restrictive for Bond Financed Projects and to Consider the Housing Needs of Military Personnel and Their Dependents. HSH/PSM
3/29/2000 HR 2 Requesting the Development and Implementation of a System to Identify and Provide Services and Support for Children of Incarcerated Parents. HSH/PSM
3/29/2000 JC 4 Geronimo Valdriz, Chief Justice's Appointee to the District Court of the Second Circuit JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 116/SR 57 Requesting the Judicial Selection Commission to Conduct Public Hearings and Consider Judicial Performance Based Upon Peer Review with Respect to Justices and Judges Who are Being Considered for Retention JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 153 Requesting the State Auditor to Conduct an Audit of Potential Cost Savings if Direct Filing of Criminal Charges Were Instituted JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 162 Requesting the Department of the Attorney General to Determine Whether Public Contracts with Private Non-Profit Service Providers Should Include Provisions Regarding Allocation of Liability JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 187 Requesting the Chief Justice of the Philippines Supreme Court to Expedite a Review of the Conviction of American Citizen Leon R. Rouse JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 23 Requesting the United States to Propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution on the Subject of Judicial Taxation JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 26 Requesting the Judiciary to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Drug Court in Hilo JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 31 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct an Audit of the Guardians Ad Litem Fees JDC
3/29/2000 SCR 6/SR4 Encouraging the Establishment of a Domestic Violence Court JDC

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/30/2000 HCR 75 HD1 HSCR 1095-00 Urging the Counties to Incorporate Into the County Building Codes Provisions for Disability Accessibility. CPC
3/30/2000 SCR 130/SR 63 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Evaluate Existing Construction Laws and Practices Relating to New Residential Owners Who Require Remedial Work CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 15/SR 5 Requesting that the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Implement Regulations to Assure that Appraisers of Personal Property Meet Certain Qualifications and Conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 165/SR 83 Requesting the Insurance Commissioner to Determine How the Cost Savings Attributable to Motor Vehicle Reform Under Act 251, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, Has Impacted Consumer Accessibility to Medically reasonable, Necessary, and Appropriate Referral to Massage Therapy and Physical Therapy CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 205/SR 96 Requesting the Office of Consumer Protection to Convene a Working Group to Study the Need for Legislation Requiring Platinum Stamping CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 24 Requesting a Sunrise Review of the Regulation of Geologists CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 25 Requesting the Development of Proposed Legislation for the Regulation of Certified Public Accountancy CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 52/SR 23 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Study the Advisability of Requiring All Licensed Guard Agencies, Licensed Guards, and Unlicensed Agents, Operatives, and Assistants of Licensed Guard Agencies to Complete a Standardized Training Program in Private Security CPN
3/30/2000 SCR 117/SR 58 Requesting a Study of Social Work Licensing Laws CPN/HHS
3/30/2000 SCR 32 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct a Study of Mandatory Health Insurance Coverage for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training CPN/HHS
3/30/2000 HCR 162 HR 142 Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Establishing an Annual Retail Tax Holiday in Hawaii EDB/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 18 HR 18 Requesting the Department of Consumer Affairs, the Board of Public Accountants, and the Hawaii Accountants Coalition to Cooperatively Develop Legislation for the Regulation of the Profession of Certified Public Accountancy to be Introduced in the 2001 Regular Session of the State Legislature Consistent with the Standards Recommended by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Uniform Accountancy Act EDB/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 84 Requesting the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Establish a Rule Drafting Policy Task Force EDB/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 96 HR 86 Requesting the Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs to Conduct a Public Policy Report on Hawaii and the New Economy EDB/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 121 HR 106 Project Citizen Recycling Bin Project for Keeau Middle School EDN/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 122 HR 107 Requesting that the Board of Education Provide Funding out of its Capitol Improvement Funds to Replace Degraded Electrical Wiring in Keaau Middle School's Building A EDN/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 142 Requesting that the Department of Education Study the Implication of Setting Coaches's Salaries in the Same Manner as Other Teachers EDN/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 157 HR 138 Requesting an Analysis of Current and Comparative Patterns of Public School Financing EDN/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 158 Requesting that the Department of Education and the University of Hawaii Community Colleges Initiate a Collaborative Partnership to Improve Services for Adults and Expand Opportunities for High School Students that will Result in Substantive Outcomes for the Two Entities EDN/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 199 HR 167 Requesting the Assessment of the Performance of the A-Plus Program and Including Recommendations for Its Improvement EDN/HED
3/30/2000 HCR 83 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau Conduct a Study to Assess the Availability and Possible Barriers of Native Hawaiian Plants in Local Nurseries for Use in Public Landscaping Projects and/or Commercial Projects. EEP
3/30/2000 HR 75 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau Conduct a Study to Assess the Availability and Possible Barriers of Native Hawaiian Plants in Local Nurseries for Use in Public Landscaping Projects and/or Commercial Projects. EEP
3/30/2000 SB 2867 SCR 2580 Relating to Used Oil. (Reconsideration) EEP
3/30/2000 HCR 176 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Open a New Docket on Demand Side Management. EEP/CPC
3/30/2000 HCR 178 Requiring the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Cost Issues. EEP/CPC
3/30/2000 HR 154 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Open a New Docket on Demand Side Management. EEP/CPC
3/30/2000 HR 156 Requiring the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Cost Issues. EEP/CPC
3/30/2000 HCR 52 HSCR 989-00 Requesting the Department of Education to Facilitate and Assist Efforts to Strengthen and Evaluate Existing Student Leadership Programs FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2108 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1011-00 Relating to the Public Land Trust FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2110 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1016-00 Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2134 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1051-00 Relating to Agriculture and Animals FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2186 SD2 HD1 HSCR 955-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2245 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1078-00 Relating to Medical Fee Schedules FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2342 SD1 HSCR 933-00 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2387 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1041-00 Relating to Procurement FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2411 SD1 HSCR 934-00 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2448 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1083-00 Relating to Autism FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2530 SD1 HSCR 1012-00 Relating to Agriculture FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2607 SD1 HD2 HSCR 1046-00 Relating to the Commission on the Status of Women FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2655 SD2 HD2 HSCR 1071-00 Relating to Health FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2657 SD2 HD1 HSCR 984-00 Relating to Health FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2731 SD1 HD1 HSCR 940-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2741 HD1 HSCR 1014-00 Relating to the State Water Code FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2742 HSCR 1026-00 Relating to Pork FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2745 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1015-00 Relating to Aquaculture FIN
3/30/2000 SB 278 SD2 HD1 HSCR 901-00 Relating to Higher Education FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2808 HD1 HSCR 983-00 Relating to the Consumer Advocate FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2869 HD1 HSCR 962-00 Relating to Safe Drinking Water FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2870 SD1 HD1 HSCR 949-00 Relating to Safe Drinking Water FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2873 SD1 HD1 HSCR 941-00 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation FIN
3/30/2000 SB 2961 SD2 HD1 HSCR 947-00 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor FIN
3/30/2000 SB 3043 SD2 HD1 HSCR 986-00 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration FIN
3/30/2000 SB 3176 SD2 HSCR 1066-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
3/30/2000 SB 3179 HD2 HSCR 1027-00 Relating to Tobacco FIN
3/30/2000 SB 3199 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1013-00 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine FIN
3/30/2000 SB 364 SD2 HD1 HSCR 939-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/30/2000 SB 539 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1067-00 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University with Autonomy in all Matters Related to the University FIN
3/30/2000 SCR 74 Requesting All Executive Departments and Agencies to Submit Reports to the Legislature On-Line and Requesting the Department of Accounting and General Services to Study Other Means of Reducing Paper Usage GOH
3/30/2000 SCR 8 Requesting the Auditor to Review the Office of the Governor GOH
3/30/2000 SR 60 Requesting the Government Operations and Housing Committee to Review Current Telephone Usage and to Determine Whether Departmental Guidelines Need to be Established GOH
3/30/2000 SR 91 Requesting the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Housing to Review the Procurement Process for Architectural and Engineering Services GOH
3/30/2000 SCR 127 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct an Annual Audit of the State Government and the Counties GOH/TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 39 PROPOSED SD1 Requesting Audits of Housing Programs of the City and County of Honolulu and the State GOH/TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 105/SR 53 Requesting the Governor to Convene a Task Force on Alternative Medicine HHS/CPN
3/30/2000 HCR 147 HR 129 Supporting and Encouraging Bicycling and Walking as Viable Choices for Transportation, Recreation, and Health Maintenance HLT
3/30/2000 HCR 155 HR 134 Requesting a Plan to Improve Emergency Services in the Hana, Maui, Community HLT
3/30/2000 HCR 193 Strongly Urging the President and the Congress of the United States of America to Lead the Nation and Immediately Address the Problem of High Cost of Prescription Drugs for all Americans HLT
3/30/2000 HCR 38 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Examine Ways to Increase the Number of Licensed Psychologists in Hawaii HLT
3/30/2000 HCR 44 Urging the Hawaii Nurses' Association and the Healthcare Association of Hawaii to Begin Discussions to Identify Problems and Provide Solutions for Acute-Care Issues Relating to Patient Safety, Nursing Care, and the Potential Nursing Shortage HLT
3/30/2000 HCR 5 HR 4 Urging the Development of Protocols and The Special Training of Paramedics in the Treatment of Domestic Violence Patients HLT
3/30/2000 HCR 77 HR 68 Requesting the State Health Planning and Development Agency to Require a Social Impact Statement to be Submitted for any Proposed Use Involving Mental Health or Public Safety in a Community HLT/PSM
3/30/2000 HCR 171 HR 149 Requesting the Department of Education and the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Consider Converting Vacant Teacher Cottages on or Immediately Adjacent to School Campuses into Custodian Cottages HSH/EDN
3/30/2000 HCR 72 HR 63 Expediting the Final Planning and Implementation of Act 367, Session Laws of Hawaii, 1989 HSH/EDN
3/30/2000 GM 222 Karen S.S. Ahn, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Circuit Court of the First Circuit JDC
3/30/2000 SCR 54 Requesting the Hawaii Supreme Court Standing Committee on Hawaii Rules of Evidence to Study the Appropriate Use of Computer Analysis of Physical Evidence at Traffic Accident Scenes JDC/TIA
3/30/2000 HCR 146 HR 128 Requesting the State Attorney General to Conduct a Legal Review of Concerns Regarding Automotic Permit Approval JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 149 HR 131 Requesting the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to Work With Area Residents to Develop Use Options for the Stadium Bowl-O-Drome Property JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 19 HR 136 Requesting a Study to Acertain the Feasibility of Amending the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to Allow for Direct Elections of Members JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 201 HR 169 Requesting the Auditor to Review the Office of the Attorney General's Actions and Expenses Related to the Felix Consent Decree, Special Education, and Section 504 Students JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 57 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 7 HR 6 Supporting the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 8 Requesting the Judiciary to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Drug Court in Hilo JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 87 HR 80 Urging Liberty Newspapers to Continue Publication of the Honolulu Star-Bulleting and to Actively Seek a Buyer to Preserve Two Independent Daily Newspapers in the Community JHA
3/30/2000 SB 3045 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 992-00) Relating to the Auditor JHA
3/30/2000 HCR 19 HR 136 Requesting a Study to Ascertain the Feasibility of Amending the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to Allow for Direct Election of Members JHA/LMG
3/30/2000 HCR 201 HR 169 Requesting the Auditor to Review the Office of the Attorney General's Actions and Expenses Related to the Felix Consent Decree, Special Education, and Section 504 Students JHA/LMG
3/30/2000 HCR 57 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks JHA/LMG
3/30/2000 Decision Making on SCR 129, SR 62, SCR 89, SCR 143, SR 70, SCR 16 (Deferred from 3/30/00) LRE
3/30/2000 Decision Making on SCR 142, SR 69, SCR 78, SR 32 (Deferred from 3/28/00) LRE
3/30/2000 Decision Making on SCR 204, SR 95, SCR 209, SCR 208, SR 98 (Deferred from 3/28/00) LRE/HHS
3/30/2000 SCR 104 Asking the Congress of the United States to Address the Issue of Availability of obtaining a Falso Identification Via the Internet TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 125 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Expand the Capacity of the Central H-1 Freeway Corridor TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 156 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Conduct a Feasibility Study for the Purpose of Providing Additional Safe Bikepaths TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 159 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Study and Make Recommendations Regarding the Establishment of Alternative Access Routes for the North Shore of Oahu TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 160 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Examine Costs and Ways to Connect the North Shore to the Waianae Coast Over the Kaena Point While Avoiding the Kaena Point Natural Reserve Area TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 191 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct a Financial Audit of the Former and Current State Government and Counties TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 197 Requesting the Keiki Injury Prevention Coalition to Convene a Working Group to Evaluate and Recommend Measures to Encourage the Use of Trigger or Gun Locks by Firearm Owners TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 98 Requesting the Auditor to Analyze the Impact of Increasing the Department of Transportation's authority and Jurisdiction Over the Harbors TIA
3/30/2000 SR 35 Requesting the Department of Motor Vehicles to Help Educate the English as a Second Language Groups and Promote Compliance with Department Rules TIA
3/30/2000 SR 61 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Expand the Capacity of the Central H-1 Freeway Corridor TIA
3/30/2000 SR 77 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Conduct a Feasibility Study for the Purpose of Providing Additional Safe Bikepaths TIA
3/30/2000 SR 80 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Study and Make Recommendations Regarding the Establishment of alternative Access Routes for the North Shore of Oahu TIA
3/30/2000 SCR 10 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct an Audit of the Department of Transportation's Request for Proposals Process for Taxi Management Concession Contract Covering the Honolulu International Airport TIA/GOH
3/30/2000 SCR 10 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct an Audit of the Department of Transportation's Request for Proposals Process for the Taxi Management Concession Contract Covering the Honolulu International Airport (Deleted from agenda) TIA/GOH

Bill Number Subject Committee
3/31/2000 HR 147 HCR 169 Requesting the University of Hawaii and the Department of Agriculture to Streamline Procedures to Facilitate Importation of Microorganisms AGR
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCR 24, SCR 52, SR 23, SCR 130, SR 63 (Deferred from 3/30/00) CPN
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCr 168, SCR 180, SCR 181, SR 89, SCR 173, SR 84, SCR 179, SCR 170, SCR 171, SCR 149, SR 73, SCR 169 (Deferred from 3/29/00) CPN
3/31/2000 HB 1938 Relating to Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 - Secured Transactions CPN
3/31/2000 HB 1938 HD1 Relating to Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 - Secured Transactions CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2480 Relating to Limited Liability Partnerships CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2480 HD1 Relating to Limited Liability Partnerships CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2481 Relating to the Uniform Securities Act CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2481 HD1 Relating to the Uniform Securities Act CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2482 Relating to Control Share Acquisition CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2482 HD1 Relating to Control Share Acquisitions CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2483 Relating to Business Registrations CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2483 HD1 Relating to Business Registration CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2585 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act CPN
3/31/2000 SCR 132/SR 65 Requesting the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund to Establish a Low Cost Loan Fund and to Establish a Grant Program to Help Homeowners CPN
3/31/2000 SCR 164/SR 82 Requesting the Insurance Commissioner to Investigate and Determine the Fairness of the Eligible Charge Reimbursement Rates of Hawaii's Mutual Benefit Societies and Health Maintenance Organizations CPN
3/31/2000 SCR 51/SR 22 Urging Liberty Newspapers to Continue Publication of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and to Actively Seek a Buyer to Preserve Two Independent Daily Newspapers in the community CPN
3/31/2000 SCR 84/SR 37 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Adopt Rules to Require Registered Travel Agencies and Registered Charter Tour Operators to Undergo Periodic Seminars About the Financial Pitfalls of their Business CPN
3/31/2000 HB 2585 HD1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CPN/EDU
3/31/2000 SCR 101/SR 50 Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Conduct a Study on the Effects of Big Box Retailers on Local Small and Medium Retail Businesses ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 131 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Evaluate the Agriculture Loan System in Hawaii ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 150/SR 74 Requesting the Governor to Develop a Process of Notifying State and County Elected Officials of Business Inquiries Made to State Agencies ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 22/SR 9 Requesting a Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Hawaii Film Industry Development Loan Guarantee Program ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 50/SR 21 Requesting an Update of the Honolulu Waterfront Master Plan to Consider New Opportunities for Development Activities ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 60/SR 24 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Study the Feasibility of Establishing, Assessing, and Collecting User Fees to Offset the Cost of Maintaining Kokee State Park and Alakai Swamp on the Island of Kauai ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 67 Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Examine the Capital Access Programs Developed in Other States and to Recommend to the Legislature Whether Hawaii Should Implement a Similar Program ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 68/SR 26 Requesting the Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs to Conduct a Public Policy Report on Hawaii and the New Economy ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 82/SR 34 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Resume Fry/Seed Production at the Anuenue Fisheries Research Center ECD
3/31/2000 SCR 97/SR 47 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii ECD
3/31/2000 SR 64 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Evaluate the Agricultural Loan System in Hawaii ECD
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCr 142, SR 69, SCR 78, SR 32 (Deferred from 3/28 and 3/29/00); HB 2092; HB 2095; HB 2495, HD1; SCR 176; SR 85; SCR 106; SCR 87; SR 40; SCR 112; SCR 185; SCR 177; SR 86; SCR 57; SCR 58; SCR 59 (Deferred from 3/29/00) EDU
3/31/2000 NONE Informational Briefing - The Department of Education will present its report on criminal history background checks for DOE employees. EDU/JDC
3/31/2000 SCR 123 Urging the Department of Education to Comply with Existing Laws and Regulations to Prevent the Employment of Persons with Criminal Convictions in Positions Which Place Them in Close Proximity to Children EDU/JDC
3/31/2000 SB 2021 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1010-00 Relating to Housing. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2056 SD1 HD1 HSCR 870-00 Relating to Individual Development Account Contribution Tax Credits. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2059 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1024-00 Relating to Welfare Reform. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2062 SD1 HD2 HSCR 998-00 Relating to Long-Term Care. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2160 SD1 HD1 HSCR 916-00 Relating to General Excise Tax FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2289 SD2 HSCR 1042-00 Relating to Prepaid Telephone Calling Service FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2300 SD2 HD1 HSCR 919-00 Relating to Harbors FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2303 SD2 HD1 HSCR 927-00 Relating to Harbors FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2409 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1020-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2419 SD1 HSCR 917-00 Relating to Capital Access Program. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2420 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1077-00 Relating to Technology. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2473 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1043-00 Relating to the Small Business Defender. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2486 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1073-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2490 SD2 HD1 HSCR 930-00 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2493 SD2 HD1 HSCR 931-00 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2576 SD2 HD1 HSCR 897-00 Relating to State Owned Public Housing. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2579 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1025-00 Relating to Housing. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2598 SD2 HD1 HSCR 888-00 Relating to Housing. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2706 SD1 HD1 HSCR 894-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2779 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1021-00 Relating to State Enterprise Zones FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2781 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1033-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2838 SD1 HD1 HSCR 896-00 Relating to the State Internet Portal. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD2 HSCR 1031-00 Relating to Kinship Care. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2856 SD1 HD1 HSCR 971-00 Relating to Public Assistance. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2945 SD1 HD2 HSCR 1064-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
3/31/2000 SB 2948 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1053-00 Relating to High Technology FIN
3/31/2000 SB 3032 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1034-00 Relating to Economic Development FIN
3/31/2000 SB 3123 SD2 HD1 HSCR 982-00 Relating to Post-Secondary Education. FIN
3/31/2000 SB 3201 SD1 HD1 HSCR 957-00 Relating to a Scenic Highways System FIN
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCR 85, SR 38, SCR 134, SCR 136, SCR 210, SR 99 (Deferred from 3/24 and 3/29/00) HHS
3/31/2000 SCR 29 Urging the Counties to Incorporate Into the County Building Codes Provides for Disability Accessibility HHS/TIA
3/31/2000 HCR 66 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Intergency Group to Examine Ways to Advocate the Capture and Maximization of Federal Funds to Support Hawaii's Health and Human Services Programs HSH/HLT
3/31/2000 HCR 74 HR 65 Urging the Department of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice to Conduct an Investigation Into the "Peter Boy" Kema Case HSH/HLT
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCR 54 (Deferred from 3/30/00) JDC
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCR 122, SCR 36, SR 14, SCR 72, SCR 199, SCR 35, SR 13, SCR 115, SCR 147, SR 72 (Deferred from 3/28/00) JDC
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCR 162, SCR 31, SCR 153, SCR 116, SR 57, SCR 26, SCR 6, SR 4, SCR 23, SCR 187 (Deferred from 3/29/00) JDC
3/31/2000 SCR 34, SR 12 Requesting the Attorney General to Develop a Quick and Easy Method for the Child Service Organizations and the Department of Education to Access Sex Offender Registration Information JDC/EDU
3/31/2000 Decision Making on SCR 55, SCR 3, SR2, SCR 114, SCR 161 (Deferred from 3/28/00) JDC/HHS
3/31/2000 SB 2001 SD2 (SSCR 2670) Relating to County Tort Liability JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2465 SD1 (HSCR 926-00) Relating to Pornography JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2466 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 922-00) Relating to Computer Access by Minors JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2621 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 1039-00) Relating to Health JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2635 HD1 PROPOSED (HSCR 880-00) Relating to Highways JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2666 SD1 (SSCR 2467) Relating to Elections JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2849 (HSCR 950-00) Relating to Review Hearings JHA
3/31/2000 SB 2924 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 1022-00) Relating to Open Meetings JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3023 SD1 (SSCR 2476) Relating to Crime JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3038 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 1007-00) Relating to Education JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3049 (HSCR 1004-00) Relating to Historic Preservation JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3049 (HSCR 1004-00) Relating to Historic Preservation JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3051 SD2 (HSCR 891-00) Relating to Liquor Export JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3073 SD2 HD1 (HSCR 946-00) Relating to Impaired Driving JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3079 (HSCR 972-00) Relating to Criminal Trespass in the First Degree JHA
3/31/2000 SB 3194 SD2 HD1 (HSCR 895-00) Relating to the Right to Farm JHA
3/31/2000 SB 862 SD2 (SSCR 2760) Relating to Medical Use of Marijuana JHA
3/31/2000 HCR 120 HR 105 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Create a Master Plan for Water Quality and Flood Mitigation for Waimanalo WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 120 HR 105 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Create a Master Plan for Water Quality and Flood Mitigation for Waimanalo WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 133 HR 117 Requesting that the Hawaii Tourism Authority Conduct a Study to Evaluate the Conditions of State Park Rest Room Facilities WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 133 HR 117 Requesting that the Hawaii Tourism Authority Conduct A Study to Evaluate the Conditions of State Park Rest Room Facilities WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 31 HR 37 Encouraging the State of Hawaii to Acquire Two Parcels of Land Adjacent to Limahuli Stream on the Island of Kauai for the Preservation of Important Cultural Resources and their Incorporation into Ha'ena State Park WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 31 HR 37 Encouraging the State of Hawaii to Acquire two Parcels of Land Adjacent to Limahuli Stream on the Island of Kauai for the Preservation of Important Cultural Resources and Their Incorporation Into Ha'ena State Park WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 39 HR 137 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Work with Service Providers and the Department of Health to Determine a Reasonable Rental Fee to Improve Infrastructure on the Waimano Training School and Hospital Grounds WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 55 Requesting the Hawaii Community Development Authority to Provide a Status Report on the Relocation of the City and County of Honolulu's Baseyard Facilities from the Kakaako Makai Area WLU
3/31/2000 HCR 55 Requesting the Hawaii Community Development Authority to Provide a Status Report on the Relocation of the City and County of Honolulu's Baseyard Facilities from the Kakaako Makai Area WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/3/2000 SB 2165 SD1, HD1 HSCR 1038 Relating to Naturopathic Physicians CPC
4/3/2000 SB 2717 SD1, HD1 HSCR 1086 Relating to Social Workers CPC
4/3/2000 SB 498 SD1 SSCR 565 Relating to Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses CPC
4/3/2000 SB 2254 SD1 HD1 HSCR 924-00 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information. CPC/JHA
4/3/2000 Decision Making on SCR 24 (Deferred from 3/30 and 3/31) CPN
4/3/2000 Decision Making on SCR 164, SR 82 (Deferred from 3/31/00) CPN
4/3/2000 HB 1387 HD2 Relating to Nursing CPN
4/3/2000 HB 1977 HD2 Relating to Gasoline Dealers CPN
4/3/2000 HB 2005 HD1 Relating to Reverse Mortgages CPN
4/3/2000 HB 2278 HD2 Relating to Social Workers CPN
4/3/2000 HB 2479 HD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Express Warranty Enforcement CPN
4/3/2000 HB 2525 HD2 Relating to Prescription Drugs CPN
4/3/2000 HB 2846 HD1 Relating to Condominiums Property Regimes CPN
4/3/2000 HB 2585 HD1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CPN/EDU
4/3/2000 Decision Making on SCR 68, SR 26 (Deferred from 3/31/00) ECD
4/3/2000 SCR 145 Requesting that the Hawaii Tourism Authority Conduct a Study to Evaluate the Conditions of State Park Rest Room Facilities ECD
4/3/2000 SCR 154/SR 75 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Determine the Allocation of Fishing Rights ECD
4/3/2000 SCR 155 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Implement the Recommendations Regarding Hawaii's Commercial Boating and Ocean Recreation Industry made by the Small Business Task Force on Regulatory Relief ECD
4/3/2000 SCR 172 Requesting the Governor of the State of Hawaii to Issue an Administrative Directive in Accordance to the President of the United States Executive Order 13123, Greening the Government Through Efficient Energy Management ECD
4/3/2000 SCR 183 Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Conduct a Study of the Use of Hydrogen as a Fuel for the Transportation and Power Generation ECD
4/3/2000 SCR 64 Requesting the Department of Agriculture to Consider Allowing Hawaii Growers to Import Specific Beneficial Insect Species Directly from Commercial Mainland Laboratories, Without Inspection, for Biological Pest Control Purposes ECD
4/3/2000 Decision Making on SCR 123, SCR 34, SR 12 (Deferred from 3/31), SCR 142, SR 69, SCR 78, SR 32 (Deferred from 3/28, 3/29 and 3/31), HB 2092, HB 2095, HB 2495 HD1, SCR 176, SR 85, SCR 106, SCR 87, SR 40, SCR 112, SCR 185, SCR 177, SR 86, SCR 57, SCR 58, SCR 59 (Deferred from 3/29 and 3/31) EDU
4/3/2000 SCR 206 Requesting a Management Audit Assessing the Impact of the Increased Workloads of School Principals on their Ability to be Effective Instructional Leaders EDU
4/3/2000 SCR 141/SR 68 Encouraging the University of Hawaii's Undersea Research Laboratory to Enter Into a Partnership Agreement With the United States Navy to Operate an Advanced Tethered Vehicle EDU/TIA
4/3/2000 SB 1095 HD1 HSCR 554-00 Relating to Hunting. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2005 HSCR 960-00 Relating to Public Lands. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2061 SD1 HD1048-00 Relating to Public Officers and Employees and Employment FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2166 HD1 HSCR 1056-00 Relating to Wind Farms. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2200 SD1 HSCR 935-00 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2287 SD1 HD2 HSCR 1070-00 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2312 SD1 HSCR 1047-00 Relating to a Hoisting Machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2475 SD1 HD2 HSCR 1045-00 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2499 SD1 HSCR 994-00 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2513 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1000-00 Relating to Conveyance Tax. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2544 SD1 HD1 HSCR 996-00 Relating to the Legislative Analyst. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2545 HD1 HSCR 1030-00 Relating to Glass Recovery. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2549 SD1 HD1 HSCR 929-00 Relating to Energy Conservation Tax Credits. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2611 HSCR 1074-00 Relating to Habitat Conservation. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2722 SD1 HD1 HSCR 976-00 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD1 HSCR 985-00 Relating to Service Contracts. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2785 SD1 HD1 HSCR 914-00 Relating to Unclaimed Property. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2879 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1054-00 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2905 HD1 HSCR 1081-00 Relating to Employment Security FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2910 SD1 HD1 HSCR 943-00 Relating to the Commercial Fisheries Special Fund. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2918 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1057-00 Relating to Hunting Licenses. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2941 HSCR 961-00 Proposing an Amendment to Article VII, Section 3, of the State Constitution to Provide for the Appointment of a Tax Review Commission Every Ten Years. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2971 HD1 HSCR 1075-00 Relating to Environmental Impact Statements. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 2993 SD2 HD2 HSCR 1072-00 Relating to the Environment. FIN
4/3/2000 SB 3026 SD1 HSCR 975-00 Relating to School Facilities FIN
4/3/2000 SB 800 SD2 HD1 HSCR 951-00 Relating to Taxation. FIN
4/3/2000 HCR 131 Requesting the Attorney General to Continue to Monitor Implementation of Recommendations and Expand the Domestic Violence Working Group to Encompass Issues Relating to Children and Adolescents. HSH/JHA
4/3/2000 HCR 160 Requesting Action to Improve the Child Protective Services System. HSH/JHA
4/3/2000 HR 115 Requesting the Attorney General to Continue to Monitor Implementation of Recommendations and Expand the Domestic Violence Working Group to Encompass Issues Relating to Children and Adolescents. HSH/JHA
4/3/2000 HR 140 Requesting Action to Improve the Child Protective Services System. HSH/JHA
4/3/2000 HCR 184 Requesting A Task Force to Review and Report on the Benefits and Feasibility of Collaborative Health Care Purchasing Arrangements Between Hawaii Quest and the Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund HSH/LAB
4/3/2000 Decision Making on SCR 123, SCR 34, SR 12 (Deferred from 3/31/00) JDC
4/3/2000 HB 1757 HD1 Relating to Highway Safety JDC
4/3/2000 HB 1763 HD2 SD1 Relating to Bicycles JDC
4/3/2000 HB 1881 HD2 SD1 Relating to Use of Intoxicants JDC
4/3/2000 HB 1922 HD1 Relating to Tobacco JDC
4/3/2000 HB 2691 HD2 SD1 Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs JDC
4/3/2000 HCR 129 HR 113 Requesting all Employers to Review Their Wages to Avoid Inadvertent Discrimination LAB
4/3/2000 HCR 139 Requesting the Department of Human Resources Development to Develop a Comprehensive Executive Salary Plan to Address Salary Discrepancies in the Administration LAB
4/3/2000 HCR 189 HD1 (HSCR 1096-00) Requesting the Department of Human Service to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Working Group to Help Low-Income Families Become Self-Sufficient LAB
4/3/2000 HCR 34 HR 40 Requesting the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Universal Medical Fee Schedule for the Prepaid Health Insurance System, the Medical Portion of the No-Fault Automobile Insurance System, and the Medical Portion of the Workers' Compensation Insurance System in Hawaii LAB
4/3/2000 HCR 62 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study on the Economic Impact of Instituting a Living Wage for all Persons Employed by a Private Company Under a State Contract LAB
4/3/2000 HR 164 Requesting the Department of Human Service to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Working Group to Help Low-Income Families Become Self-Sufficient LAB
4/3/2000 Decision Making on SCR 29 (Deferred from 3/31/00) TIA
4/3/2000 SCR 103/SR 52 Urging Support for the Documentary Film "An Untold Triumph" and for the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts to Assist Completion of the Film Project by Providing Funds TIA/EDU
4/3/2000 GM 192 Audrey Hidano, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawai`I Community Development Authority WLH
4/3/2000 GM 238 Jeffrey L. Chang, Isabella A. Abbott, Ph.D., and Robert J. Luuwai, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission WLH
4/3/2000 GM 242 Reginald E. David, Neal Evenhuis, Ph.D., and Lloyd L. Loope, Ph.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Natural Area Reserves System Commission WLH
4/3/2000 HB 1947, HD2, SD1 Relating to Fisheries WLH
4/3/2000 HB 750, HD1 Relating to Island Symbols WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/4/2000 HB 2219 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
4/4/2000 HB 2220 Relating to Captive Insurance CPN
4/4/2000 HB 2471 HD1 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Guaranty Association CPN
4/4/2000 HB 2475 HD1 Relating to Insurance CPN
4/4/2000 HB 2479 HD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Express Warranty Enforcement (Lemon Law) CPN
4/4/2000 HB 2797 HD1 Relating to Insurance Code CPN
4/4/2000 SB 2470 SD1 SSCR 2473 Relating to Education. EDN
4/4/2000 SB 2836 SD1 SSCR 2500 Relating to Education. EDN
4/4/2000 HCR 123 HR 108 Requesting the Development of a Proposed Compensation Schedule for High School Coaches EDN/LAB
4/4/2000 PROPOSED HD1 Requesting the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture to Take Measures to Mitigate the Infestation of Flies, and Unpleasant Odors, and the Severe Drainage Problems at Maili Elementary School EDN/LAB
4/4/2000 SB 2830 SSCR 2499 Relating to Employment of School Principals and Vice Principals. EDN/LAB
4/4/2000 SB 1281 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System FIN
4/4/2000 SB 185 SD2 HD1 Relating to Education FIN
4/4/2000 SB 2221 SD1 HD2 Relating to Ethanol FIN
4/4/2000 SB 2843 HD2 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, FIN
4/4/2000 SB 426 SD2 HD2 Relating to Funds FIN
4/4/2000 SB 568 SD2 HD3 Relating to Historic Preservation FIN
4/4/2000 HCR 202 HR 170 Urging the Office of the Governor to Develop and Award Certificates of Recognition to Families of Deceased Organ Donors HLT/CPC
4/4/2000 HB 1933 HD1 SD1 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors JDC
4/4/2000 HB 1982 Relating to Uniform Disclaimer Property Interests Act JDC
4/4/2000 HB 1983 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Land Court JDC
4/4/2000 HB 2129 HD1 Relating to Pawn Brokers and Secondhand Dealers JDC
4/4/2000 HB 2148 Relating to Motorcycle and Motor Scooter Insurance JDC
4/4/2000 HB 2469 HD1 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs JDC
4/4/2000 HB 2474 HD1 Relating to Insurance JDC
4/4/2000 HCR 156 HR 135 Urging Congress to Clarify the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to Give Native Hawaiians as Status Like That of Indians in Organized Tribes and to Provide that the State of Hawaii has Broad Authority to Preserve that Status JHA
4/4/2000 HCR 63 HR 69 Requesting Hawaii's Congressional Delegation to Introduce Approriate Measures in the United States Congress Calling for an Apology to the People of the Republic of the Marshall Islands for Injuries Sustained by Marshall Islanders as a Result of United States Nuclear Testing, and Increased Funding in the Renegotiated Compact of Free Association as Just Compensation for Nuclear-Related Injuries and Deaths and Expanded Medical Care for Affected Marshall Islanders JHA
4/4/2000 HCR 64 HR 70 Urging the United States Navy to Relocate from the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico and Return the Land to the Municipality of Vieques for Civilian Uses JHA
4/4/2000 HCR 74 HR 65 Urging the Department of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice to Conduct an Investigation into the "Peter Kema" Case JHA
4/4/2000 SB 2311 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 921-00) Relating to Mandatory Use of Seatbelts JHA
4/4/2000 SB 2430 (SSCR 2675) Relating to Civil Rights JHA
4/4/2000 SB 2635 SD1 (HSCR 880-00) Relating to Highways JHA
4/4/2000 SB 2982 SD1 (SSCR 2634) Relating to Child Support JHA
4/4/2000 SB 3038 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 1007-00) Relating to Education JHA
4/4/2000 SB 3045 SD1 HD1 (HSCR 992-00) Relating to the Auditor JHA
4/4/2000 SB 862 SD2 (SSCR 2760) Relating to Medical Use of Marijuana JHA
4/4/2000 SB 915 SD1 (SSCR 859) Relating to Candidate Vacancies JHA
4/4/2000 SB 2218 SD1 HD1 HSCR 977-00 Relating to New Century Charter Schools LAB/FIN
4/4/2000 SB 2837 SD1 HD1 HSCR 978-00 Relating to Educational Accountability LAB/FIN
4/4/2000 SB 3193 SD1 HD1 HSCR 987-00 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange LAB/FIN
4/4/2000 NONE Informational Briefing on the State Auditor's Management Audit of the Highways Division of the Department of Transportation and Plans for Future Rockslide Preparedness TIA/GOH
4/4/2000 Decision Making on HB 1883, HD2, SD1; HB 2531, HD1, SD1; HB 2537; HB 839, HD1; HB 2154, HD2, SD1; HB 2405, HD2; HB 2418 SD1; HB 2643, HD1, SD1 (Deferred 3/31/00) WAM
4/4/2000 HB 1900 HD1 Relating to the State Budget WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/5/2000 HCR 109 HR 98 Urging Landlords, Associations of Apartment Owners, and Tenants with and Without Pets, to Respect Each Others' Rights and to Work Together to Provide for the Needs of All Owners and Tenants CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 HCR 18, HD1 HSCR 1165 HR 18, HD1 HSCR 1164 Requesting the Development of Legislation for the Regulation of the Profession of Certified Public Accountancy that is Consistent with the Standards of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Uniform Accountancy Act as Recommended by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 HCR 193 HSCR 1181 Strongly Urging the President and the Congress of the United States of America to Lead the Nation and Immediately Address the Problem of High Cost of Prescription Drugs for all Americans CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 HCR 34 HD1 HR 40 HD1 Requesting the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Universal Medical Fee Schedule for the Prepaid Health Insurance System, the Medical Portion of the No-Fault Automobile Insurance System, and the Medical Portion of the Workers' Compensation Insurance System in Hawaii CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 HCR 38 HD1 HSCR 1182 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Review and Evaluate the Licensing For Psychologists CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2205 SD1, SSCR 2653 Relating to NonProfit Corporations CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2278 SD1, SSCR 2501 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2292 SD1, SSCR 2688 Relating to Insurance Code CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2293 SSCR 2429 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2304 SD1, SSCR 2505 Relating to the Motor Carrier Law CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2467 SD2, SSCR 2671 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2562 SD1, SSCR 2656 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2563 SD1, SSCR 2743 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2725 HD1, HSCR 958 Relating to Towing Companies CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2814 SD1, SSCR 2624 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2818 SD1, SSCR 2745 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2819 SD1, SSCR 2508 Relating to Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 2826 SD1 SSCR 2573 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 3190 SD1, SSCR 2509 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 3192 SD1, SSCR 2510 Relating to Captive Insurance CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 SB 498 SD1 SSCR 565 Relating to Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses CPC/JHA
4/5/2000 Decision Making on HB 1977 HD2 (Deferred from 4/3/00) CPN
4/5/2000 Decision Making on HB 1938, HB 2484, SCR 164, SR 82 (Deferred from 3/31/00) CPN
4/5/2000 HB 1761 Relating to Motor Carriers CPN
4/5/2000 HB 1773 HD1 Relating to the Motor Carrier Law CPN
4/5/2000 HB 1912 HD1 Relating to the Motor Vehicle Rental Industry CPN
4/5/2000 HB 2017 HD1 Relating to Collection Agencies CPN
4/5/2000 HB 2216 Relating to Uninsured Motor Vehicles CPN
4/5/2000 HB 2425 HD1 SD1 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes CPN
4/5/2000 HB 2476 HD1 SD1 Realting to Insurace CPN
4/5/2000 HB 2727 HD1 SD1 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers CPN
4/5/2000 Decision Making on HB 2092 (Deferred from 3/29, 3/31, and 4/3) EDU
4/5/2000 SB 2058 SD1 SSCR 2601 Relating to Income Tax Credits FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2059 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1024-00 Relating to Welfare Reform FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2108 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1011-00 Relating to the Public Land Trust FIN
4/5/2000 SB 211 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1313 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2110 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1016-00 Relating to Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual Claims FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2112 SD1 SSCR 2720 Relating to the Waianae Coast Community Benchmarking Pilot Project FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2194 SD1 SSCR 2603 Relating to Income Tax Credits FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2301 SD2 HD2 Relating to Harbors FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2303 SD2 HD1 HSCR 927-00 Relating to Harbors FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2342 SD1 HSCR 933-00 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2409 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1020-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2419 SD1 HSCR 917-00 Relating to Capital Access Program FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2420 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1077-00 Relating to Technology FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2427 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1068-00 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1076-00 Relating to Prisons FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2575 SD2 HD1 HSCR 902-00 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2692 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1017-00 Relating to Salaries FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2706 SD1 HD1 HSCR 894-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2781 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1033-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD2 HSCR 1031-00 Relating to Kinship Care FIN
4/5/2000 SB 2935 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1069-00 Relating to Dangerous Drugs FIN
4/5/2000 SB 3032 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1034-00 Relating to Economic Development FIN
4/5/2000 SB 3125 SD2 HD1 HSCR 970-00 Relating to Publication of Notice FIN
4/5/2000 SB 3160 SD2 HD1 HSCR 936-00 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants FIN
4/5/2000 SB 3176 SD2 HSCR 1066-00 Relating to Insurance FIN
4/5/2000 SB 873 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1065-00 Relating to Real Property Appraisals FIN
4/5/2000 SB 887 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1289 Relating to the Judiciary FIN
4/5/2000 HR 32 Requesting the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii to Adopt a Policy to Restrict the Direct Solicitation on Campus of Students for Credit Card Accounts and to Offer Consumer Credit Seminars as Part of Freshman Orientation HED
4/5/2000 HB 1491 HD1 Relating to Subpoenas JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2087 HD2 SD1 Relating to Juveniles JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2098 HD2 Relating to Criminal History Checks JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2297 Relating to Family or Household Member Abuse JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2388 HD2 SD1 Relating to Education JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2586 Relating to Chapter 92F, Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2649 HD1 Relating to Nonconsensual Common Law Liens JDC
4/5/2000 HB 2736 HD1 Relating to Identity Theft JDC
4/5/2000 Decision Making on HB 1947, HD2, SD1 (Deferred from 4/3/00) WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/6/2000 SB 96 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1338-00 Relating to Energy Resources. CPC
4/6/2000 Decision Making on HB 1773 HD1 (Deferred from 4/5/00) CPN
4/6/2000 Decision Making on HB 2219 HD1, HB 2220, HB 2471 HD1, HB 2475 HD1, HB 2797 HD1 (Deferred from 4/4/00) CPN
4/6/2000 HB 2158 HD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance CPN
4/6/2000 HB 2213 Relating to Binding Arbitration Awards CPN
4/6/2000 HCR 116 Requesting Tokyu Corporation, in Making Its Decision to Sell or Close Shirokiya Department Stores in Hawaii, to Consider the Forty-Year History of Shirokiya Department Stores in Hawaii and the Dedicated Patronage of Hawaii's Residents EDB
4/6/2000 PROPOSED HD1 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Study and, Where Appropriate, Recommend Legislative Measures Addressing the Ownership of Biological Materials EDB
4/6/2000 SCR 157/SR 78 Urging the Board of Education to Establish a Position of Military Liaison Officer for the Board of Education EDU/TIA
4/6/2000 SB 2166 HD1 HSCR 1056-00 Relating to Wind Farms FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2354 SD1 HD1 HSCR 995-00 Relating to Public Access FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1076-00 Relating to Prisons FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2482 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1052-00 Relating to Technology Business Taxation. FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2574 SD1 HSCR 879-00 Relating to the University of Hawaii. FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2657 SD2 HD1 HSCR 984-00 Relating to Health FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2716 SD1 HSCR 918-00 Relating to Taxation FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD1 HSCR 985-00 Relating to Service Contracts FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2987 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1005-00 Relating to Public Contracts FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2988 SD2 HD1 HSCR 1036-00 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement. FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2993 SD2 HD2 HSCR 1072-00 Relating to the Environment FIN
4/6/2000 SB 3026 SD1 HSCR 975-00 Relating to School Facilities FIN
4/6/2000 SB 426 SD2 HD2 Relating to Funds FIN
4/6/2000 SB 851 SD2 HD2 PROPOSED Relating to Health Care Proposed HD2 FIN
4/6/2000 SB 873 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1065-00 Relating to Real Property Appraisals FIN
4/6/2000 SCR 137 Urging Landlords, Associations of Apartment Owners, and Tenants With and Without Pets, to Respect Each Others' Rights and to Work Together to Provide for the Needs of All Owners and Tenants GOH
4/6/2000 HB 2088 HD1 SD1 Relating to Procurement JDC
4/6/2000 HB 2582 HD1 SD1 Relating to Administrative Rules JDC
4/6/2000 HB 2716 HD1 SD1 Relating to Condominiums JDC
4/6/2000 HB 2774 Relating to Discrimination in Public Places JDC
4/6/2000 HB 2999 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Right to Farm JDC
4/6/2000 HCR 16 HR 16 Supporting Federal Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Women JHA
4/6/2000 HCR 46 HR 49 Supporting the Efforts of the United States Goverenment to Free the Women of Afganistan From the Oppression of the Taliban Regime JHA
4/6/2000 HCR 47 HR 50 Supporting the Efforts of the World Health Organization and Waris die to End the Harmful Tradition of Female Genital Mutilation JHA
4/6/2000 SB 2430 Deferred from 4/4/00: Relating to Civil Rights JHA
4/6/2000 SB 2438 (SSCR 2674) Relating to Judgements JHA
4/6/2000 SB 862 SD 2 Deferred from 4/4/00: Relating to Medical use of Marijuana JHA
4/6/2000 SB 2218 SD1 HD1 HSCR 977-00 Relating to New Century Charter Schools. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2326 SD1 SSCR 2750 Relating to Public Employee Benefits. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2369 SD 1 SSCR 2608 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2802 SD1 SSCR 2769 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2837 SD1 HD1 HSCR 978-00 Relating to Educational Accountability. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 2859 SD1 SSCR 2686 Relating to Public Employment. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 3002 SD2 SSCR 2739 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 3003 SD1 SSCR 2738 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 SB 3193 SD1 HD1 HSCR 987-00 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange. LAB/FIN
4/6/2000 GM 228 Harvard C.S. Kim, Jodee Malia Crane, Norman Jimeno, and Nobleza E. Magsanoc, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii School-to-Work Executive Council LRE
4/6/2000 GM 263 Vernon D. Inoshita, Arnold L. Lum, Barbara M. Robeson, Raymond S. Tabata, Patricia Tummons, and Donn T. Fukuda, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Environmental Council LRE
4/6/2000 GM 240 David Mai, M.D., Stephen M. Oishi, M.D. and Robert L. Simmons, M.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Medical Advisory Board TIA
4/6/2000 HB 1764 Relating to Metropolitan Planning Organization TIA
4/6/2000 HB 2615 Relating to Hazardous Materials TIA
4/6/2000 SCR 21/SR 8 Urging the United States Military to Use Hawaii-Grown Coffee on All Military Vessels TIA/ECD
4/6/2000 Decision Making on HB 2531 HD1 SD1, HB 2154 HD2 SD1 (Deferred from 4/4/00) WAM
4/6/2000 HB 1632 HD3 SD1 Relating to Agriculture WAM
4/6/2000 HB 179 HD2 SD1 Relating Agricultural Lands WAM
4/6/2000 HB 1846 HD1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance WAM
4/6/2000 HB 1889 HD2 SD1 Relating to Agriculture and Animals WAM
4/6/2000 HB 1949 HD2 SD1 Relating to Alien Aquatic Organisms WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2024 HD1 SD1 (PROPOSED) Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2151 HD1 Relating to State Bonds WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2171 HD1 SD1 Relating to Meal Breaks WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2194 HD2 SD1 (PROPOSED) Relating to Public Access WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2222 HD1 SD1 Relating to Condominiums WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2273 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2277 HD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Fund WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2311 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Procurement Code for Design Professional Services WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2392 HD2 SD1 Relating to Health WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2403 Relating to Aquaculture WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2434 HD1 SD1 (PROPOSED) Relating to State Finances WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2445 SD1 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2446 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2472 HD1 SD1 Relating to Insurance WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2487 HD1 Relating to Financing the Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2491 HD1 SD1 Relating to School Lunch WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2510 Relating to Foster Board Allowance for Students WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2511 HD1 Relating to Long-Term Care WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2512 Relating to Financial Assistance Payments WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2513 HD1 Relating to Unclaimed Corpses WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2514 SD1 Relating to Public Assistance WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2521 SD1 Relating to School Health Requirements WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2524 Relating to Prophylactics WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2534 HD2 Relating to Critical Access Hospitals WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2539 HD2 Relating to the Environmental Response Revolving Fund WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2556 HD1 SD1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2570 HD1 Relating to the Boating Special Fund WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2650 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Judiciary WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2760 HD2 SD1 Relating to the College Savings Program WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2829 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Elections Appointment and Review Panel WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2835 HD2 SD2 (PROPOSED) Relating to Watershed Protection WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2901 HD2 SD1 Relating to the New Economy WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2996 HD2 Relating to Agriculture Loans WAM
4/6/2000 HB 2997 Relating to Aquaculture Loans WAM
4/6/2000 HB 3001 HD2 SD1 Relating to Noncommercial Piers WAM
4/6/2000 HB 3016 HD1 SD1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons WAM
4/6/2000 HB 536 HD2 Relating to Human Services WAM
4/6/2000 HB 540 HD2 SD1 Relating to Human Services WAM
4/6/2000 HB 564 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Employees Retirement System WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/7/2000 GM 194 Richard L. Klemm, Calvin H. Oda, and Blak Vance, Ph.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Advisory Committee on Pesticides ECD
4/7/2000 GM 225 Hin Chiu Lau, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Community-Based Economic Development Advisory Council ECD
4/7/2000 GM 236 David Lassner, Ph.d., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors, High Technology Development Corporation ECD
4/7/2000 HCR 126 HD1 Recognizing the Importance of the Golf Course Industry in Hawaii and Designating the Ewa Plains/Kapolei Region the Golf Capital of Oahu ECD
4/7/2000 SCR 14 SD1 Urging that Pu`u O Kapolei Be Placed on the State and National Historic Registers EDU
4/7/2000 SCR 166 SD1 Requesting the Department of Education and Youth Organizations to Access the Website of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to Obtain Sex Offender Information EDU
4/7/2000 Decision making on SCR 137 (Deferred from 4/6/00) GOH
4/7/2000 GM 199 Rosemary C. Adam-Terem, Ph.D., Jennifer Schember-Lang, and Gailynn Williamson, Ph.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Reproductive Rights Protection Committee HHS
4/7/2000 GM 226 Wayne M.T. Lu, William F. Mielcke, Carolyn A. Nii, Diane J. Plotts, and Clifton K. Tsuji, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation HHS
4/7/2000 GM 237 Barbara Fischlowitz-Leong, Randall Lichter, Garrett Toguchi, and Mark T. Obatake, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Statewide Independent Living Council HHS
4/7/2000 GM 252 Peter L. Fritz, Sterling Krysler, Mark Yabui, Lillian Y. Shibata, Victoria A. Suyat, Lynn C. Fox, Richard W. Smith, and Carrick Wong, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Rehabilitation Council HHS
4/7/2000 GM 255 Margaret K. Masunaga and Nanci Kreidman, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Commission on the Status of Women HHS
4/7/2000 GM 262 Abe Kaahui, Richard I.C. Caldito, Sr., Frederick K. Lee, Betty M. Matsumura, Bruce W. McCullough, Harold Kozuma, D.Ed., and Robert Y. Masuda, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Policy Advisory Board for Elderly Affairs HHS
4/7/2000 HB 2537 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division HHS
4/7/2000 HB 3018 Relating to Child Abuse HHS/TIA/JDC
4/7/2000 Decision Making on HB 1925 (Deferred from 3/14 and 3/17, 2000) JDC
4/7/2000 Decision Making on HB 1457 (Deferred from 3/1 and 3/24) JDC
4/7/2000 Decision Making on HB 1922 HD1, HB 1757 HD1, HB 2691 HD2 SD1, HB 1881 HD2 SD1, HB 1763 HD2 SD1 (Deferred from 4/3/00) JDC
4/7/2000 Decision Making on HB 1933 HD1 SD1, HB 2129 HD1, HB2474 HD1, HB 2148, HB 1982, HB 1983 HD1 SD1, HB 2469 HD1 (Deferred from 4/4/00) JDC
4/7/2000 Decision Making on HB 2999 HD2 SD1, HB 2774, HB 2716 HD1 SD1, HB 2582 HD1 SD1, HB 2088 HD1 SD1 (Deferred from 4/6/00) JDC
4/7/2000 Decision making on HB 2098 HD2, HB 2388 HD2 SD1, HB 2087 HD2 SD1, HB 2297, HB 2736 HD1, HB 2586, HB 1491 HD1, HB 2649 HD1 (Deferred from 4/4/00) JDC
4/7/2000 HB 1762 Relating to Motor Carriers JDC
4/7/2000 HB 1836 Repealing Section 327E-13(G), Hawaii Revised Statutes JDC
4/7/2000 HB 2349 HD1 Relating to Insurance JDC
4/7/2000 HB 2412 Relating to Contempt JDC
4/7/2000 HB 2506 HD1 SD1 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents JDC
4/7/2000 HB 2528 HD2 Relating to Safe Drinking Water JDC
4/7/2000 HB 2820 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education JDC
4/7/2000 HCR 152 Requesting Legislators to Foster Community Support of Public Schools LMG
4/7/2000 HCR 81 Declaring the Third Friday of September as Legislators Back-to-School Day in Hawaii LMG
4/7/2000 HB 2618 HD2 Relating to Repeat Intoxicated Drivers (Reconsideration of previous decision) TIA/JDC
4/7/2000 Decision Making on HB 2171 HD1 SD1, HB 564 HD2 SD1, HB 2521 SD1, HB 2277 HD1, HB 2392 HD2 SD1, HB2513 HD1, HB2514 SD1, HB 179 HD2 SD1, HB 2901 HD2 SD1 (Deferred from 4/6/00) WAM
4/7/2000 HB 1944 HD2 SD1 Relating to Public Service Company Tax WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2023 HD2 SD1 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2354, HD2, SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Fiftieth Anniversary Commemoration of the Korena War Commission WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2404, HD1, SD1 Relating to Aquaculture WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2438, HD2, SD1 (PROPOSED) Relating to State Enterprise Zones WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2447 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2458 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2554, HD1 Relating to Workers' Compensation WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2572, HD1, SD1 Relating to Kaneohe Bay WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2624, HD1, SD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii WAM
4/7/2000 HB 2878, HD2, SD1 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement WAM
4/7/2000 HB1780 HD1 SD1 (PROPOSED) Relating to the Convention Center WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/10/2000 SCR 205/SR 96 Requesting the Office of Consumer Protection to Convene a Working Group to Study the Need for Legislation Requiring Platinum Stamping CPN
4/10/2000 HCR 101/HR 90 HSCR 1124-00/1123-00 Requesting the Depatment of Health and Education to Assess the Prevalence of Head Lice and the Current Use of Chemical Treatment for Head Lice in Hawaii's Schools FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 103/HR 92 HSCR 1106-00/1105-00 Requesting a Study of the Impact that Commercial Marine Mammal Watching Tours May Have on Marine Mammals in Waters off the Waianae Coast of Oahu FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 111 HD1 HSCR 1180-00 Requesting the State Auditor to Conduct a Program and Financial Audit of the Department of Health's Adult Mental Health Division FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 117 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Review the Statutory Framework Relating to the Leasing of State Lands FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 12 Adopting Key Community Outcomes of Well-Being for the People of the State of Hawaii FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 120 HD1/HR 105 HD1 HSCR 1190-00/1189-00 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Create a Master Plan for Water Quality and Flood Mitigation for Waimanalo FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 13 HSCR 1109-00 Authorizing the Lease of Submerged Lands at Duke Kahanamoku Beach at Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu, For Pier Purposes FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 151 HSCR 1110-00 Relating to a Comprehensive Master Plan for Kokee and Waimea Canyon State Parks FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 157/HR 138 HSCR 1231-00 Requesting an Analysis of Current and Comparative Patterns of Public School Financing FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 158 HSCR 1232-00 Requesting that the Department of Education and the University of Hawaii Community Colleges Initiate a Collaborative Partnership to Improve Services for Adults and Expand Opportunities for High School Students that Will Result in Substantive Outcomes ofr the Two Entities FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 163 HD1/HR 143 HD1 HSCR 1159-00/1158-00 Urging CPR Training in High Schools FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 164 HD1/HR 144 HD1 HSCR 1088-00/1087-00 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities to the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 165 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Implement the Recommendations Regarding Hawaii's Commercial Boating and Ocean Recreation Industry Made by the Small Business Task Force on Regulatory Relief FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 17 HD1/HR 17 HD1 HSCR 1169-00/1168-00 Requesting the Incorporation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Standards in all New and Renovated Buildings of the Public School and Library Systems FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 172/HR 150 Requesting the Department of Health and the Department of Education to Assess the Prevalance and Current Treatment of Head Lice in Hawaii's Schools FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 182/HR 160 Relating to Waianae Coast Traffic Problems FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 184 HSCR 1246-00 Requesting a Task Force to Review and Report on the Benefits and Feasibility of Collaborative Health Care Purchasing Arrangements Between Hawaii Quest and the Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 186 HD1 HSCR 1167-00 Urging the Department of Education to Allow Water and Ocean-Based Sports in Hawaii's Schools and to Establish Outrigger Canoe Paddling as a Sanctioned School Sport Statewide FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 188 HD1/HR 163 HD1 HSCR 1229-00/1228-00 Encourging the Establishment of a Research Institute and a Master of Arts Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Center for Hawaiian Studies FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 190 HD1/HR 165 HD1 HSCR 1104-00/1103-00 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Explore Homeownership Options at the State-Owned and Operated Palolo Homes I and II FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 191 HD1 HSCR 1243-00 Requesting the United States Navy to Increase the Workload and Employment at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and to Provide a Briefing on the Future Workload Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 192 HSCR 1171-00 Requesting an Investigation into the Acquisition of No. 1 Capitol District by the State FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 195 Requesting the Department of Transportation and the Department of Transportation Services of the City and County of Honolulu to Study Traffic Patterns at the Junction of Lower Kaimuki, Kapahulu, Moiliili, Kapiolani Boulevard, St. Louis Heights, and University of Hawaii FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 196 HD1 HSCR 1126-00 Requesting the Governor to Establish a Task Force to Develop and Implement a Statewide, Comprehensive, and Effective Working Plan for Placing Qualified Persons with Disabilities in the Most Integrated Setting Possible and to Keep Waiting Lists that move at a Reasonable Pace FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 20 HD1 HSCR 1242-00 Requesting the Support of the State and County Administrations to Implement Events Planned by the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War Commission and Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 24 HD1/HR27 HD1 HSCR 1113-00/1112-00 Requesting A Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Hawaii Farmer's Market FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 5 HD1/HR4 HD1 HSCR1179-00/1178-00 Urging the Development of Protocols and the Special Training of Paramedics in the Treatment of Domestic Violence Patients FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 57 HSCR 1196-00 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 60/HR57 HSCR 1250-00/1247-00 Requesting the Board of Land and Natural Resources and Each County to Enter into Long-Term Leases and Development Agreements with Hawaiian Canoe Clubs that Desire to Make Improvements to Their Existing Tenancies FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 62 HD1 HSCR 1253-00 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study on the Economic Impact of Instituting a Living Wage for all Persons Employed by a Private Company Under a State Contract FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 65 HD1/HR 58 HD1 HSCR 1098-00/1097-00 Requesting the Auditor to Study the Need for Regulating the Alarm Industry FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 66 HSCR 1237-00 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Group to Examine Ways to Advocate the Capture and Maximization of Federal Funds to Support Hawaii's Health and Human Services Programs FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 67 HD1 HSCR 1117-00 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Administer the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program in a Manner that is not Unduly Restrictive for Bond Financed Projects and to Consider the Housing Needs of Military Personnel and Their Dependents FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 71/HR 62 HSCR 1155-00/1154-00 Adopting and Achieving a Policy Goal that by the Year 2004 Ninety Percent of Students in Public Elementary Schools Read at or Above Grade Level by the End of the Third Grade FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 77 HD1/HR 68 HD1 HSCR 1220-00/ 1219-00 Requesting the State Health Planning and Development Agency to Require a Social Impact Statement to be Submitted for Any Proposed Youth Facility Involving Mental Health or Public Safety in a Community FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 78 HSCR 1170-00 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Study the Feasibility of Developing Seven Falls and Adjoining Areas into a Tourist Attraction FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 8 HD1 HSCR 1195-00 Requesting the Judiciary to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Drug Court in Hilo FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 86 HD1/HR 79 HD1 HSCR 1245-00/1244-00 Requesting the Executive Office on Aging to Conduct a Comprehensive Review of All Programs in the State for, and the Benefits Received by, Hawaii's Elders FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 89 Requesting the Auditor to Update its 1992 Summary of Special and Revolving Funds FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 93/HR 83 HSCR 1133-00/1132-00 Requesting the Development of a Ten-Year Plan for Teacher Education on the Neighbor Islands FIN
4/10/2000 HCR 96/HR 86 HSCR 1218-00/1217-00 Requesting the Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs to Conduct a Public Policy Report on Hawaii and the New Economy FIN
4/10/2000 HCR199 HD1/HR167 HD1 HSCR 1226-00/1225-00 Requesting an Assessment of the Goals and Objectives of the A-Plus Program and Including Recommendations for Its Improvement in Conjunction with the Comprehensive Student Support System FIN
4/10/2000 HCR31 HD1/HR37 HD1 HSCR1177-00/1172-00 Encouraging the State of Hawaii to Acquire Two Parcels of Land Adjacent to Limahuli Stream on the Island of Kauai for the Preservation of Important Cultural Resources and Their Incorporation into Ha'ena State Park FIN
4/10/2000 HCR42 HD1/HR47 HD1 HSCR 1236-00/1235-00 Encouraging Expansion of a State Web Site Entitled "for the Sake of the Children" for Public Access Information Purposes FIN
4/10/2000 HCR7 HD1/HR6 HD1 HSCR 1194-00/1193-00 Supporting the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women FIN
4/10/2000 GM 229 Craig Kadooka, M.D., Noella J. Kong, Rosemary Nelson, Susan K. Forbes, DrPH, Patrick S. Saka and Melody S. Fanning, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council HHS
4/10/2000 GM 230 Mark Taylor, James P. Walsh, Pamela Hinsdale, Patricia Tompkins, Robyn Kaufman, Andrew W. Char, and Kathleen Delahanty, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Honolulu Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/10/2000 GM 231 C. Mik Kido, Wendy A. Abe, Lee Ellen Buenconsejo, M.D., Nelson M. Higa, and Richard F. Kolbe, Gubernatorial Nominees to the West Oahu Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/10/2000 GM 232 John E. Aoki, M.D., Leslie S. Chinen, Jim D. Aldred, Annette L. Ostrem, and Agnes E.P. Cadiz, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Windward Oahu Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/10/2000 GM 233 John McNeil, Clifford K. Motta, Ida H. Otake, Beverly Jean Withington, Susan B. Hunt, Robert M. Cartwright, Alan R. Parker, and Paul P. Paiva, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii County Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/10/2000 GM 234 David Peters, Cesar G. Cadabes, Carmen L. Panui, Belle Shepherd, Elizabeth Ubay, Kenneth Villabrille, Lili Bryan-Conant, and Petra Lopez, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/10/2000 GM 235 Timothy T. Shiroma, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Maui Council Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/10/2000 SCR 87 SD1/SR 40 SD1 Strongly Urging the United States Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental Health to Engage in a National Examination of the Appropriate Use of Psychiatric Drugs as Necessary to Treat Mental Illnesses in Children HHS
4/10/2000 HCR 141 HD 1 (HSCR 1188-00) Urging the United States Government to Take Appropriate Action to Address the Serious Environmental and Public Health Problems Posed by the Toxic Wastes Left Behind at Former United States Military Installations in the Philippines PSM
4/10/2000 HCR 141 HD1 (HSCR1188-00) HR 124 HD1 (HSCR1187-00) Urging the United States Government to Take Appropriate Action to Address the Serious Environmental and Public Health Problems Posed by the Toxic Wastes Left Behind at Former United States Military Installations in the Philippines PSM
4/10/2000 HR 124 HD 1 (HSCR 1187-00) Urging the United States Government to Take Appropriate Action to Address the Serious Environmental and Public Health Problems Posed by the Toxic Wastes Left Behind at Former United States PSM
4/10/2000 SCR 76/SR 30 Supporting the Efforts of the World Health Organization and Waris Dirie to End the Harmful Tradition of Female Genital Mutilation TIA
4/10/2000 NONE Correction to day and date of decision making WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 101 SD1 Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Conduct a Study on the Effects of Big Box Retailers on Local Small and Medium Retail Businesses WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 102 SD1 Urging the United States Navy to Provide a Briefing on the Future Workload Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 103 / SR 52 Urging Support for the Documentary Film "An Untold Triumph" and for the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts to Assist Completion of the Film Project by Providing Funds WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 105 SD1 Requesting the Governor to Convene a Task Force on Alternative Medicine WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 113 Requesting a Study of the Existing Representation Framework of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Effects of the Rice V. Cayetano Decision WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 114 Requesting the Attorney General to Continue the Domestic Violence Working Group Established in 1999 by the Hawaii State Legislature and Expand the Membership of the Group WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 115 SD1 Requesting a Study on Hawaii's Election and Campaign Spending Laws WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 116 SD1 / SR 57 Requesting the Judicial Selection Commission to Conduct Public Hearing and Consider Judicial Performance Based Upon Peer Review with Respect to Justices and Judges Who Are Being Considered for Retention WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 117 SD1 / SR 58 Requesting a Study of Social Work Licensing Laws WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 122 SD1 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 125 / SR 61 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Expand the Capacity of the Central H-1 Freeway Corridor WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 129 SD1 Requesting a Study of Unplanned Releases of Emissions and Spills by Facilities at Campbell Industrial Park WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 130/SR 63 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Evaluate Existing Construction Laws and Practices Relating to New Residential Owners Who Require Remedial Work WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 131 / SR 64 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Evaluate the Agriculture Loan System in Hawaii WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 133 SD1 Convening a Task Force to Study the Implications of Increased Access to Sterile Syringes WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 134 SD1 Requesting the State Auditor to Conduct a Program and Financial Audit of the Department of Health's Adult Mental Health Division WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 135 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Group to Examine Ways to Advocate the Capture and Maximization of Federal Funds to Support Hawaii's Health and Human Services Programs WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 141 / SR 68 Encouraging the University of Hawaii's Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory to Enter into a Partnership Agreement with the United States Navy to Operate an Advanced Tethered Vehicle WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 142 SD1 Requesting that the Department of Education Consider Establishing Either a Work Experience or a Community Service Component as a Requirement for Graduation from High School WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 143 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Working Group to Identify Potential Sources of Permanent Dedicated Funding and Funding Needs of the Natural Area Reserves System WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 149 SD1 / SR 73 SD1 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Open a Generic Docket on the Issues of Overhead and Underground Placement of Utility Lines WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 151 SD1 (PROPOSED) Requesting the Auditor to Update its 1992 Summary of Special and Revolving Funds and to Conduct a Financial and Management Audit of the University of Hawaii WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 155 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Implement the Recommendations Regarding Hawaii's Commercial Boating and Ocean Recreation Industry Made by the Small Business Task Force on Regulatory Relief WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 16 Relating to the Biennial Review of the Compensation Plans for Civil Service Employees and the Costs Thereof WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 169 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Conduct a Study on Methods to Finance the Undergrounding of Overhead Utility Lines WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 170 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Collaborate with Electrical Service Providers and Assess Net Energy Metering WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 173 SD1 / SR 84 SD1 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Open a New Docket on Demand Side Management WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 176 SD1 Requesting the Office of the Governor to Develop a Proposal for a Chief Information Officer for the State of Hawaii WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 179 SD1 Requiring the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Cost Issues WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 18 SD1 Urging Military and Federal Agencies to Honor the Definition of State Resident for Contracts WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 183 Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Conduct a Study of the Use of Hydrogen as a Fuel for Transportation and Power Generation WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 185 Requesting the University of Hawaii to Conduct an Analysis of Current and Comparative Patterns of Public School Financing for K-12 Education WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 196 SD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Report on the Transition of the Hawaii State Hospital to a Secured Psychosocial Rehabilitation Facility WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 204 Requesting the Department of Health to Conduct Follow-Up Soil Tests at Village Park and West Loch Fairways WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 207 SD1 Urging the Attorney General to Amicably and Informally Resolve, Through Negotiation and Settlement, Kalima V. Sata of Hawaii, Civil No. 99-4771-12 VSM, Pending Before the First Circuit Court WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 208 SD1 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Working Group to Help Low-Income Families Become Self-Sufficient WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 210 SD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Implement the Recommendations of the Legislature's Consultant on the Provision of Mental Health Services at the Hawaii State Hospital WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 26 SD1 Requesting the Judiciary to Study the Feasibility of Establishing a Drug Court in Hilo WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 29 SD1 Urging the Counties to Incorporate Into the County Building Codes Provisions for Disability Accessibility WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 30 SD1 Urging the Hawaii Nurses' Association and the Healthcare Association of Hawaii to Begin Discussions to Identify Problems and Provide Solutions for Acute-Care Issues Relating to Patient Safety, Nursing Care, and the Potential Nursing Shortage WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 32 Requesting the Auditor to Conduct a Study of Mandatory Health Insurance Coverage for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 38 SD1 / SR 16 SD1 Requesting Continued Discussion for a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 57 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Assess the Department of Education's Development of Educational Standards for Public Schools Statewide WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 58 SD1 Requesting the Development of a School Choice Program for Hawaii Public Schools WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 59 Requesting the Ombudsman to Investigate and Obtain Information Regarding Geographic Exceptions Granted by the Department of Education WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 6 SD1 / SR 4 Encouraging the Establishment of a Domestic Violence Court WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 60 / SR 24 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Study the Feasibility of Establishing, Assessing, and Collecting User Fees to Offset the Cost of Maintaining Kokee State Park, Alakai Swamp, and Waimea Canyon State Park on the Island of Kauai WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 68 / SR 26 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Resume Fry/Seed Production at the Anuenue Fisheries Research Center WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 68 / SR 26 Requesting the Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs to Conduct a Public Policy Report on Hawaii and the New Economy (Corrected listing of title) WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 73 SD1 / SR 28 SD1 Urging the United States Congress to Support Legislation to Extend Medicare Coverage to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly and Disabled WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 74 SD1 Requesting All Executive Departments and Agencies to Submit Reports to the Legislature On-Line and Requesting the Department of Accounting and General Services to Study Other Means of Reducing Paper Usage WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 77 Encouraging State Agencies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 82 SD1 / SR 34 SD1 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Resume Fry/Seed Production at the Anuenue Fisheries Research Center WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 85 SD1 / SR 38 SD1 Urging the Department of Health to Train and Consult with Operators and Staff of Adult Residential Care Home Operators, at the Time of Licensing and Periodically Thereafter, Regarding Their Duties and Responsibilities for Their Residents, and Requesting the Department of Health to Amend the Rules on Adult Residential Care Homes to Address Concerns by the Operators WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 88 SD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Improve Statewide Diabetes Awareness and Education and to Convene a Task Force to Address Early Detection and Screening WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 89 SD1 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Work Group to Study Conditions at Punaluu Beach and the Near-By Kamehame Beach and Recommend Appropriate Actions to Preserve and Protect the Area's Endangered Species and the Ecosystem WAM
4/10/2000 SCR 95 Urging the Federal Government to Share in the Cost of Conducting a Comprehensive Inventory of the Ceded Lands in the State of Hawaii WAM
4/10/2000 HCR 132 Encouraging State Agnecies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs WLH/TIA
4/10/2000 HCR 27 Commemorating the Centennial of the Organic Act WLH/TIA
4/10/2000 HCR 41 Supporting Federal Recognition of a Hawaiian Nation WLH/TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/11/2000 SCR 104 Asking the Congress of the United States to Address the Issue of Availability of Obtaining a False Identification Via the Internet JDC
4/11/2000 SCR 92 SD1 / SR 45 SD1 Requesting that the President and Congress Recognize an Official Political Relationship Between the United States Government and the Native Hawaiian People JDC
4/11/2000 SCR 93 Urging the Governor to Appoint the Trustees to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to Serve Out Their Terms of Office if the Rice v. Cayetano Decision Requires Their Removal as Elected Officials JDC
4/11/2000 Decision Making on SCr 76, SR 30 (Deferred from 4/10/00) TIA
4/11/2000 SCR 171 SD1 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Conduct a Study on the Feasibility of Implementing a One-Call System to Locate Underground Facilities WAM
4/11/2000 SCR 181 SD1 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Create and Implement a Standardized Interconnection Agreement for Smaller Independent Producers of Energy WAM
4/11/2000 SCR 199 SD1 Requesting the Attorney General to Convene a Task Force to Study and Make Recommendations on How to Improve the Laws Concerning the Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children WAM
4/11/2000 SCR 206 SD1 Requesting a Management Audit Assessing the Impact of the Increased Workload of School Principals and Other Administrators on Their Ability to be Effective Instructional Leaders WAM
4/11/2000 SCR 97 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Hawaii WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/12/2000 GM 229 Craig Kadooka, M.D., Noella J. Kong, Rosemary Nelson, Susan K. forbes, DrPH., Patrick S. Saka, and Melody S. Fanning, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council (Rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 GM 230 Mark Taylor, James P. Walsh, Pamela Hinsdale, Patricia Tompkins, Robyn Kaufman, Andrew W. Char, and Kathleen Delahanty, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Honolulu Subarea Health Planning Council (Rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 GM 231 C. Mike Kido, Wendy A. Abe, Lee Ellen Buenconsejo, M.D., Nelson M. Higa, and Richard F. Kolbe, Gubernatorial Nominees to the West Oahu Subarea Health Planning Council (Rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 GM 232 John E. Aoki, M.D., Leslie S. Chinen, Jim D. Aldred, Annette L. Ostrem, and Agnes E.P. Cadiz, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Windward Oahu Subarea Health Planning Council (Rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 GM 233 John McNeil, Clifford K. Motta, Ida H. Otake, Beverly Jean Withington, Susan B. Hunt, Robert M. Cartwright, Alan R. Parker, and Paul P. Paiva, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii County Subarea Health Planning Council (Rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 GM 234 David Peters, Cesar G. Cadabes, Carmen L. Panui, Belle Shepherd, Elizabeth Ubay, Kenneth Villabrille, Lili Bryan-Conant, and Petra Lopez, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council (rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 GM 235 Timothy T. Shiroma, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Maui Council Subarea Health Planning Council (Rescheduled from 4/10/00) HHS
4/12/2000 SCR 87 SD1/SR 40 SD1 Strongly Urging the United States Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental Health to Engage in a National Examination of the Appropriate Use of Psychiatric Drugs as Necessary to Treat Mental Illnesses in Children (Deleted from agenda) HHS
4/12/2000 HCR 110 HR 99 Convening a Task Force to Study the Implications of Increased Access to Sterile Syringes JHA
4/12/2000 HCR 140 HR 123 Requesting the United States House of Representatives to Speedily Pass S. 1052 Relating to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands JHA
4/12/2000 SB 2927 SD1 Relating to Chapter 92F, Uniform Information Practices Act JHA
4/12/2000 HCR 27 Commemorating the Centennial of the Organic Act WLH
4/12/2000 HCR 132 Encouraging State Agencies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs WLH/TIA
4/12/2000 HCR 41 Supporting Federal Recognition of a Hawaiian Nation WLH/TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/13/2000 GM 163 Don S. Fujimoto and nadine K. Nakamura, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Directors, Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawai`I GOH
4/13/2000 GM 198 Leslie Y. Kurisaki, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Rental Housing Trust Fund Advisory Commission GOH
4/13/2000 SR 11 Requesting a Review and Evaluation of Air Conditioning Maintenance Service at the State Capitol GOH
4/13/2000 GM 224 Jack Law, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Civil Rights Commission JDC
4/13/2000 GM 227 Lani Rae Garcia, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawaii Paroling Authority JDC
4/13/2000 GM 248 Euclid Lee, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Registration, Island of Oahu JDC
4/13/2000 GM 249 David M. Vieira, Sr., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Registration, Island of Hawaii JDC
4/13/2000 GM 250 Paul K. Shinseki, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Registration, Kauai and Niihau JDC
4/13/2000 GM 251 Anthony Mondello and Craig G. Nakamura, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Registration, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kahoolawe JDC
4/13/2000 GM 254 Hiroshi Sakai, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation JDC
4/13/2000 GM 221 Randall Y. Iwase, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Labor and Industrial Relations Appeals Board LRE
4/13/2000 HCR 102 Requesting the National Marine Fisheries Service to Close the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Lobster Fishery to Protect the Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal LRE
4/13/2000 Decision Making on HCR 132 (Deferred from 4/12/00) TIA
4/13/2000 GM 289 Jane N. Yamashiroya, Lester T. Fushikoshi, and David W. Rae, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Commission on Transportation TIA
4/13/2000 HCR 40 HD1 Requesting the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Congressional Leaders to Work Toward Allowing Filipino American Veterans to be Interred in National or State Veterans Cemeteries TIA
4/13/2000 HCR 55 Requesting the Hawaii Community Development Authority to Provide a Status Report on the Relocation of the City and County of Honolulu's Baseyard Facilities from the Kakaako Makai Area TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/14/2000 GM 148 Bert L. Hatton, Larry G. Jefts, Denis C.H. Kam, Chris J. Kanazawa, Yukio Kitagawa, Diane L. Ley, Allan A. Smith, and Robert S. Sutherland, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Direcftors, Agribusiness Development Corporation ECD
4/14/2000 GM 260 Neil N. Nakamura, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Agriculture ECD
4/14/2000 HCR 37 HD1 Requesting the Support of the Twentieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii for the Responsible Use of Agricultural Biotechnology for the Benefit of Hawaii's People ECD
4/14/2000 HCR 94 HD1 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association of Hawaii ECD
4/14/2000 GM 160 Lorraine Henderson, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board EDU
4/14/2000 GM 239 Lyons K. Naone, III, Eric K. Keawe, Mary Lani Akui, Casina K. Waterman, and Lane Kaalai, Gubernatorial Nominees to the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission EDU
4/14/2000 GM 246 Charles T. Araki, Ed.D. and Donald S. Karimoto, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Post-Secondary Education Commission EDU
4/14/2000 GM 253 Lynn C. Kinney, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors, Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii EDU
4/14/2000 GM 261 Stanley S. Gima and Ian L. Mattoch, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Commission EDU
4/14/2000 GM 280 William K. Mills, Michiko Kodama-Nishimoto, Agnes E. Griffin, Gaylord C. Kubota, and Linda Nishigaya, Ph.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawai`I Historic Places Review Board EDU
4/14/2000 Informational Briefing HSH/HLT/HHS
4/14/2000 GM 273 Howard C.O. Lum and Rick Egged, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Barbers Point Naval Air Station Redevelopment Commission WLH
4/14/2000 GM 282 John B. Ray, J. Keolalani Hanoa, Perry H. Kealoha, E. Nalei Pate-Kahakalau, K. Kealoha Pisciotta, and Pearl Ulunui Garmon, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawai`I WLH
4/14/2000 GM 283 John A.P. Kruse, R. Kalani Fronda, Michael H. Furukawa, A. James Wriston, III, Bruce B. Robinson, La France Kapaka-Arboleda, Donna Kaliko Santos, and Presley V. Wann, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kauai and Niihau WLH
4/14/2000 GM 284 Glenn Richardson and Mercer K. Vicens, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Maui and Lanai WLH
4/14/2000 GM 285 Wayde H. Lee and Robert Alcain, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Island Burial Council, Island of Molokai WLH
4/14/2000 GM 286 Kalei S. Kini, Peter K. Apo, A. Van Horn Diamond, Lurline Naone Salvador, Thomas T. Shirai, Jr., Clarence De Lude, and Phyllis Coochie Cayan, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Island of Oahu WLH
4/14/2000 HCR 149 HD1 Requesting the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to Work with Area Residents to Develop Use Options for the Stadium Bowl-O-Drome Property WLH
4/14/2000 Decision Making on HCR 41 (Deferred from 4/12/00) WLH/TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/17/2000 GM 193 Milton Y. Fuke and James H. Yasuda, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Trustees, Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund CPN
4/17/2000 GM 223 Roen K. Hirose, Gubernatorial Nominee to the State Board of Accountancy CPN
4/17/2000 GM 241 Robert K. Tirrell, Howard A. Okita, and Morrie Stoebner, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board CPN
4/17/2000 GM 243 Diana Joy Ostroff, N.D. and Stephen G. Dubey, N.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Examiners in Naturopathy CPN
4/17/2000 GM 244 Cherilyn S.L. Lai, O.D., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Examiner in Optometry CPN
4/17/2000 GM 245 Michael E. Krupnick, Henry L. Guerrero, Sr., and Gordon M. Macado, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Pest Control Board CPN
4/17/2000 GM 247 Albert K.P. Ah Nee, Gubernatorial Noinee to the Radiologic Technology Board CPN
4/17/2000 GM 278 Clinton Cho, D.D.S., Ronald L. Young, D.M.D., Jill Tsuchitori, Deborah E. Lichota, RDH, Wallace F. Chong, Jr., D.D.S., and Roger H. Yokoyama, D.D.S, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Dental Examiners CPN
4/17/2000 GM 281 Gregory M. Sato, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Trustees, Hawai`I Public Employees Health Fund CPN
4/17/2000 GM 272 Frank James "Jim" Lyon, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors, Aloha Tower Development Corporation ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 103 HD1 Requesting a Study of the Impact that Commercial Marine Mammal Watching Tours May Have on Marine Mammals in Waters Off the Waianae Coast of Oahu ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 127 HD1 Requesting the Establishment of State-Province Relations of Friendship Between the State of Hawaii of the United States of America and the Province of Thua thien-Hue of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 135 HD1 Approving and Authorizing the Establishment of a Sister State-Relationship Between the State of Yunnan and the People's Republic of China ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 164 HD2 Requesting the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Establish a Transition Plan to Transfer the Functions and Responsibilities of the Convention Center Authority to the Hawaii Tourism Authority ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 165 HD1 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Implement the Recommendations Regarding Hawaii's Commercial Boating and Ocean Recreation Industry Made by the Small business Task Force on Regulatory Relief ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 24 HD1 Requesting Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Hawaii Farmer's Market ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 94 HD1 Supporting the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association's Interest in Having a Future Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association of Hawaii ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 96 Requesting the Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs to Conduct a Public Policy Report on Hawaii and the New Economy ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 166 HD1 Requesting the Establishment of an Advisory Council to Study Issues Relating to Encouraging and Attracting the Development of Public and Private High Technology Bioscience Research in the State EDU/ECD
4/17/2000 HCR 159 HD1 PROPOSED SD1 Urging the Establishment of a Commission to Update and Reevaluate the 1986 Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) Report and Other Related Issues WLH/ECD

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/18/2000 HB 1900 HD1 SD1 Relating to the State Budget CONF
4/18/2000 HB 2151 HD1 SD1 Relating to State Bonds CONF
4/18/2000 HB 2650 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/18/2000 SCR 123 Urging the Department of Education to Comply with Existing Law and Regulations to Prevent the Employment of Persons with Criminal Convictions in Positions Which Place Them in Close Proximity to Children EDN/PSM
4/18/2000 SCR 157 Urging the Board of Education to Establish a Position of Military Liaision Officer for the Board of Education EDN/PSM
4/18/2000 SCR 166 SD1 Requesting the Department of Education and Youth Organizations to Access the Website of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to Obtain Sex Offender Information EDN/PSM
4/18/2000 SCR 57 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Assess the Department of Education's Development of Educational Standards for Public Schools Statewide EDN/PSM
4/18/2000 SCR 59 Requesting the Ombudsman to Investigate and Obtain Information Regarding Geographic Exceptions Granted by the Department of Education EDN/PSM
4/18/2000 HB 2409, HD1, SD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services, Information and Communication Services Division FIN
4/18/2000 HB 2537, SD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Adult Mental Health Division FIN
4/18/2000 Decision Making on GM 163, SR 11, GM 198 (Deferred from 4/13/00) GOH
4/18/2000 NONE Informational briefing on the Birch Street Family Housing and Wisteria Vista Elderly Housing projects GOH
4/18/2000 GM 274 Keith E. Tanaka, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Defender Council JDC
4/18/2000 GM 310 Karl Kenji Sakamoto, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Circuit Court of the First Circuit JDC
4/18/2000 GM 311 Simeon R. Acoba, Jr., Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawaii Supreme Court JDC
4/18/2000 SCR 14, SD1 Urging that Pu`u O Kapolei Be Placed on the State and National Historic Registers. WLU
4/18/2000 SCR 60, SD1 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Study the Feasibility of Establishing, Assessing, and Collecting User Fees to Offset the Cost of Maintaining Kokee State Park, Alakai Swamp, and Waimea Canyon State Park on the Island of Kauai. WLU
4/18/2000 SCR 77, HD1 PROPOSED Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Work with Service Providers and the Department of Health to Determine a Reasonable Rental Fee to Improve Infrastructure on the Waimano Training School and Hospital Grounds. (Proposed HD1) WLU
4/18/2000 SCR 95 Urging the Federal Government to Share in the Cost of Conducting a Comprehensive Inventory of Ceded Lands in the State of Hawaii. WLU

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/19/2000 HB 0374 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 HB 0540, HD2, SD1 Relating to Human Services CONF
4/19/2000 HB 0557 HD 2 SD 1 Making an Appropriation for Tropical Flowers and Programs CONF
4/19/2000 HB 0949 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 HB 1846, HD1, SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance CONF
4/19/2000 HB 1994 HD 2 SD 2 Making an Appropriation for Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2023 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2060 HD2 SD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2062 HD2 SD1 Relating to Higher Education CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2066 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Univesity of Hawaii Facilities Use Revolving Fund CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2160 HD2 SD2 Relating to Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2273, HD2, SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2277 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Funds CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2406 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2506, HD1, SD2 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2513, HD1, SD1 Relating to Unclaimed Corpses CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2514, SD2 Relating to Public Assistance CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2534 HD2 SD1 Relating to Critical Access Hospital CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2572, HD1, SD2 Relating to Kaneohe Bay CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2793 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2801 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 HB 2802 SD 1 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose CONF
4/19/2000 HB 3016, HD1, SD1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons CONF
4/19/2000 SB 0278 SD2 HD1 Relating to Higher Education CONF
4/19/2000 SB 0539 SD1 HD1 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in all Matters Related to the University CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2059 SD 1 HD 2 Relating to Welfare Reform CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2484 SD 1 HD 1 Relating to Medicaid Recovery CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2490 SD 2 HD 1 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2493 SD 2 HD 1 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2530 SD1 HD1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2574 SD1 HD1 Relating to the University of Hawaii CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2575 SD2 HD2 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2579 SD 1 HD 2 Relating to Housing CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2745 SD1 HD2 Relating to Aquaculture CONF
4/19/2000 SB 2850 SD 1 HD 2 Relating to Kinship Care CONF
4/19/2000 SB 3194 SD2 HD2 Relating to Right to Farm CONF
4/19/2000 SB 3199 SD1 HD2 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine CONF
4/19/2000 SCR 130 SSCR 3472 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Evaluate Existing Construction Laws and Practices Relating to New Residential Owners Who Require Remedial Work CPC
4/19/2000 SCR 171 SD1 SSCR 3481 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Conduct A Study on the Feasibility of Implementing a One-Call System to Locate Underground Facilities CPC
4/19/2000 SCR 205 SD1 Requesting the Insurance Commissioner and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to Collect Data on Independent Medical Examinations Conducted in Workers' Compensation and Motor Vehicle Insurance Cases CPC
4/19/2000 SCR 25 SD1 SSCR 3397 Requesting the Development of Proposed Legislation for the Regulation of Certified Public Accountancy CPC
4/19/2000 SCR 88 SD1 SSCR 3435 Requesting the Department of Health to Improve Statewide Diabetes Awareness and Education and to Covene a Task Force to Address Early Detection and Screening CPC
4/19/2000 HCR 145 HD1 Requesting the Insurance Commissioner to Determine Whether Motor Vehicle Reform Under Act 251, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, Has Impacted Consumer Access to Medically Reasonable, Necessary, and Appropriate Referral to Massage Therapy and Physical Therapy, and If This Has Contributed to Consumer Cost Savings Under the Act CPN
4/19/2000 HCR 18 HD1 Requesting the Development of Legislation for the Regulation of the Profession of Certified Public Accountancy that is Consistent with the Standards of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Uniform Accountancy Act as Recommended by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy CPN
4/19/2000 HCR 184 Requesting a Task Force to Review and Report on the Benefits and Feasibility of Collaborative Health Care Purchasing Arrangement Between Hawaii Quest and the Hawaii Public Employees Health Fund CPN
4/19/2000 HCR 38 HD1 Requesting the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to Review and Evaluate the Licensing Requirements for Psychologists CPN
4/19/2000 HCR 87 Urging Liberty Newspapers to Continue Publication of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and to Actively Seek a Buyer to Preserve Two Independent Daily Newspapers in the Community CPN
4/19/2000 HCR 65 HD1 Requesting the Auditor to Study the Need for Regulating the Alarm Industry CPN/TIA
4/19/2000 Decision making on HCR 159 HD1 Proposed SD1 (Deferred from 4/17/00) ECD
4/19/2000 Decision making on HCR 127 HD1, HCR 135 HD1, HCR 116, HD1 (Deferred from 4/17/00) ECD/EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 123 HD1 Requesting the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture to Take Measures to Mitigate the Infestation of Flies, Unpleasant Odors, Inundation by Dust, and Severe Drainage Problems at Maili Elementary School EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 157 Requesting an Analysis of Current and Comparative Patterns of Public School Financing EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 158 Requesting that the Department of Education and the University of Hawaii Community Colleges Initiate a Collaborative Partnership to Improve Services for Adults and Expand Opportunities for High School Students That Will Result in Substantive Outcomes for the Two Entities EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 163 HD1 Urging CPR Training in High Schools EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 188 HD1 Encouraging the Establishment of a Research Institute and a Masters of Arts Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Center for Hawaiian Studies EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 52 HD1 Requesting the Department of Education to Facilitate and Assist Efforts to Strengthen and Evaluate Existing Student Leadership Programs EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 71 Adopting and Achieving a Policy Goal that by the Year 2004 Ninety Percent of Students in Public Elementary Schools Read at or Above Grade Level by the End of the Third Grade EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 81 HD1 Declaring the Second Tuesday of September as Legisaltors Back-to-School Day in Hawaii EDU
4/19/2000 HCR 93 PROPOSED SD1 Establishing a City, State, and Community Task Force to Develop a Master Plan for Improvements to Roosevelt High School Complex EDU
4/19/2000 SCR 129 SD1 Requesting a Study of Unplanned Releases of Emissions and Spills by Facilities at Campbell Industrial Park EEP
4/19/2000 SCR 143 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Working Group to Identify Potential Sources of Permanent Dedicated Funding and Funding Needs of the Natural Area Reserves System EEP
4/19/2000 SCR 183, PROPOSED HD1 Requesting that the Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Hawaii Tourism Authority Discuss the Conditions of Selected State Park Restroom Facilities EEP
4/19/2000 SCR 204 SD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Conduct Follow-up Soil Tests at Village Park and West Loch Fairways EEP
4/19/2000 SCR 173 SD1 Requesting the Hawaiian Electric Company to Maintain its Demand Side Management Programs Benefitting Electricity Customers EEP/CPC
4/19/2000 SCR 179 SD1 Requiring the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Cost Issues EEP/CPC
4/19/2000 GM 276 / GM 299 Betsy Whitney, Gary A. Okamoto, M.D., William Austin Burwell, Ellen M. Ching, Heather Proud, Laura Robertson, Martha Guinan, Anita Yuskauskas, Ph.D., Candice Cullin-Payne, Angie Connor, M.D., and Elroy K. Malo, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities HHS
4/19/2000 GM 277 Kenneth C.C. Chang, Jan Lori Fried, Aaron S. Fujii, Gretchen S. Lawson, Mark B. Macanas, Ronald K. Awa, Harold R. DeCosta, Dean M. Georgiev, Stephen G. Laracuente, Donald A. Medeiros, Christina M. Pilkington, Anthony S. Akamine, Richard R. Chaves, Francine M.L. Aona Kenyon, Lucy Miller, Ph.D., Patricia M. Nielsen, and Oscar C. Paez, Jr., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Disability and Communication Access Board HHS
4/19/2000 GM 278 James P. Epure, M.D. and Stephen K. Miyasato, M.D., Gubernatorial Nominees to the Drug Product Selection Board HHS
4/19/2000 GM 279 Patricia S. Jones, Doug Connors, Ed.D., Angela M. Texeira, Teofilo Phil Tacbian, David William May, Cathy Stevens, Joseph W. Turban, M.D., and Milton C. Martin, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee HHS
4/19/2000 GM 302 Stanley G. Yates, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council HHS
4/19/2000 GM 304 Pauline D. Arellano, Sharon P. Yokote, Debra T. Farmer, Sally J. Crovo, James M. Mihalke, William C. Lennox, Jr., Howard A. Lesser, Lonia Burroughs, Vicky M. Followell, Albert Hauola Perez, Gordon M. Bronson, and Sharon Rose Nobriga, Gubernatorial Nominees to the State Council on Mental Health HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 111 HD1 Requesting the State Auditor to Conduct a Program and Financial Audit of the Department of Health's Adult Mental Health Division HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 196, HD1 Requesting the Governor to Develop and Implement a Statewide, Comprehensive, and Effective Working Plan for Placing Qualified Persons with Disabilities in the Most Integrated Settings Possible and to Keep Waiting Lists that Move at a Reasonable Pace HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 44 HD1 Urging the Hawaii Nurses' Association and the Healthcare Association of Hawaii to Begin Discussions to identify Problems and Provide Solutions for Acute-Care Issues Relating to Patient Safety, Nursing Care, and the Potential Nursing Shortage HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 47 Supporting the Efforts of the World Health Organization and Waris Dirie to End the Harmful Tradition of Female Genital Mutilation HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 66 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Group to Examine Ways to Advocate the Capture and Maximization of Federal Funds to Support Hawaii's Health and Human Services Programs HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 7 HD1 Supporting the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 75 HD1 Urging the Counties to Incorporate Into the County Building Codes Provisions for Disability Accessibility HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 77 Requesting the State Health Planning and Development Agency to Require a Social Impact Statement to be Submitted for any Proposed Youth Facility Involving Mental Health or Public Safety in a Community HHS
4/19/2000 HCR 86 HD1 Requesting the Executive Office on Aging to Conduct a Comprehensive Review of All Programs in the State for, and the Benefits Received by, Hawaii's Elders HHS
4/19/2000 HCR202 Urging the Office of the Governor to Develop and Award Certificates of Recognition to Families of Deceased Organ Donors HHS
4/19/2000 SCR 73 SD 1 SSCR 3431 Urging the United States Congress to Support Legislation to Extend Medicare Coverage to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly and Disabled HSH/HLT
4/19/2000 SCR 135 SD 1 SSCR 3440 Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Group to Examine Ways to Advocate the Capture and Maximization of Federal Funds to Support Hawaii's Health and Human Services Programs HSH/HLT
4/19/2000 SCR 137 SD 1 SSCR 635 Committee on Human Services and Housing Only. Requesting the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to Investigate the Management of All State Government Housing Projects HSH/HLT
4/19/2000 SCR 208 SD 1 SSCR 658 Committee on Human Services and Housing Only. Requesting the Department of Human Services to Convene a Public-Private Interagency Working Group to Help Low-Income Families Become Self-Sufficient HSH/HLT
4/19/2000 SCR 38 SD 1 SSCR 3429 Requesting Continued Discussion for a Review of Current Child Protection Laws HSH/HLT
4/19/2000 SCR 85 SD 1 SSCR 3108 Urging the Department of Health to Train and Consult with Operators and Staff of Adult Resdential Care Homes, at the Time of Licensing and Periodically Thereafter, Regarding Their Duties and Responsibilities for Their Residents, and Requesting the Department of Health to Amend the Rules on Adult Residential Care Homes to Address Concerns by the Operators HSH/HLT
4/19/2000 SCR 116 SD1 SSCR 3468 Requesting the Judiciary to Promote Excellence in the Judiciary Through Recognition of Excellence, Review of Judicial Performance and Public Education JHA
4/19/2000 SCR 122 SD1 SSCR 3471 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks JHA
4/19/2000 SCR 199 SD1 SSCR 3487 Requesting the Attorney General to Convene a Task Force to Study and Make Recommendations on How to Improve the Laws Concerning the Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children JHA
4/19/2000 SCR 26 SD1 SSCR 3456 Requesting the Judiciary to Study the Feasibility of Establishing Drug Courts on the Islands of Hawaii and Kauai JHA
4/19/2000 SCR 47 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Identify Fiscally-Related Powers Conferred Upon or Assumed by the Executive Branch Since 1987 that may be Reclaimed by the Legislature. LMG
4/19/2000 SCR 56 Calling for the Establishment of a Joint Interim Committee to Develop a Policy on Legislative Bill Limits. LMG
4/19/2000 SCR 102 Urging the US Navy to Provide a Briefing on the Future Workload Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard PSM
4/19/2000 SCR 102 SD1 (SSCR 3445) Urging the US Navy to Provide a Briefing on the Future Workload Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard PSM
4/19/2000 SCR 102 Urging the US Navy to Provide a Briefing on the Future Workload Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard PSM/EDB/CAR
4/19/2000 SCR 103 Urging Support for the Documentary Film "An Untold Triumph" and for the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts to Assist Completion of the Film Project by Providing Funds PSM/EDB/CAR
4/19/2000 GM 303 Gubernatorial Nominee to the Kaneohe Bay Regional Council WLH
4/19/2000 HCR 101 HD1 Requesting a Study to Ascertain the Feasibility of Amending the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to Allow for Direct Election of Members WLH
4/19/2000 HCR 120 HD1 Requesting the Establishment of a Task Force to Create a Master planed for Flood Mitigation for Waimanalo WLH
4/19/2000 HCR 13 Authorizing the Lease of Submerged Lands at Duke Kahanamoku Beach at Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu, for Pier Purposes WLH
4/19/2000 HCR 151 Relating to a Comprehensive Master Plan for Kokee and Waimea Canyon State Parks WLH
4/19/2000 HCR 156 HD1 Requesting the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to Commission a Study to Determine the Security of the 5(F) Trust Assets in Light of the Rice v. Cayetano U.S. Supreme Court Ruling WLH
4/19/2000 HCR 31 HD2 Encouraging the State of Hawaii to Acquire Two Parcels of Land Adjacent to Limahuli Stream on the Island of Kauai for the Preservation of Important Cultural Resources and their Incorporation into Ha'ena State Park WLH

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/20/2000 HB 2023, HD2, SD2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure AGR/FIN
4/20/2000 HB 2802, SD1 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises AGR/FIN
4/20/2000 HB 949, HD2, SD2 Relating to Agriculture AGR/FIN
4/20/2000 SB 3194, SD2, HD2 Relating to Right to Farm AGR/FIN
4/20/2000 SB 3199, SD1, HD2 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine AGR/FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 21 SSCR 3395 Urging the United States Military to Use Hawaii-Grown Coffee on all Military Vessels AGR/PSM
4/20/2000 HB 0284 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 HB 0531 SD 2 Relating to Corrections CONF
4/20/2000 HB 0540 HD2 SD1 Relating to Human Services CONF
4/20/2000 HB 0645, SD2 Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits CONF
4/20/2000 HB 0949, HD2, SD2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1632 HD3 SD1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1846 HD1 SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1874 HD1 SD2 Relating to Educational Accountability CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1893 HD1, SD1 Relating to Energy CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1900, HD1, SD1 Relating to the State Budget CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1905 HD2 SD2 Relating to School Fees CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1925 SD1 Relating to Elections CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1938 HD1 SD1 Relating to Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 -- Secured Transactions CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1939, HD1, SD1 Relating to Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1940 HD2 SD2 Relating to Court Appointed Counsel Legal Fees CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1946 HD2, SD1 Relating to Energy Conservation CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1947 HD2, SD2 Relating to Fisheries CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1955 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to the Corrections Population Management Commission CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1969 HD2 SD1 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1983 HD1 SD2 Relating to the Land Court CONF
4/20/2000 HB 1984 HD1 SD2 Relating to Elections CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2023, HD2, SD2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2024 HD1 SD2 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2092 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2095 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2098 HD2 SD1 Relating to Criminal History CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2151, HD1, SD1 Relating to State Bonds CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2154 HD2 SD2 Relating to Community Services CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2160 HD2 SD2 Relating to Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2171 HD1 SD2 Relating to Meal Breaks CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2183 HD1, SD1 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2194 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to the Legislative Streaming Media Pilot Project, Childcare Pilot Program, Sale and Distribution of Legislative Publications, PAR Full-Time Staff Position and Legislative Internal Computer Network Appropriation CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2218 HD1 SD1 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2273 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2277 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Fund CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2280 HD2 SD1 Relating to School-to-Work CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2297 SD1 Relating to Family or Household Member Abuse CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2311 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Procurement of Professional Design Services CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2405 HD2 SD1 Relating to Pesticides CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2418 SD1 Relating to Certificates of Identification CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2423 SD1 Relating to Tobacco Products Report CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2469 HD1 SD1 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2471 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Guaranty Association CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2472 HD2 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2476 HD1 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2480 HD1 SD1 Relating to Limited Liability Partnerships CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2481 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Uniform Securities Act CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2483 HD1 SD1 Relating to Business Registration CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2484 SD1 Relating to the Corporations CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2490 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2491 HD1 SD1 Relating to School Lunch CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2492 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2501, HD2, SD1 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as Amended CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2506 HD1 SD2 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2521 SD1 Relating to School Health Requirements CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2534 HD2 SD1 Relating to Critical Access Hospital CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2556 HD1 SD1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2559 HD1 SD2 Relating to the Hawaii Workforce Development Council CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2585 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2649 HD1 SD1 Relating to Nonconsenual Common Law Liens CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2650, HD1, SD2 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2653 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2797 HD1 SD1 Relating to Insurance Code CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2802, SD1 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2820 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 HB 2955 HD1 SD1 Relating to New Economy Skills Training CONF
4/20/2000 HB 3016 HD1 SD1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons CONF
4/20/2000 HB 3021 HD1, SD1 Relating to Gasoline CONF
4/20/2000 HB 389 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 HB1956 HD1 SD2 Relating to Small Business CONF
4/20/2000 SB 0185 SD2 HD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 SB 0539 SD1 HD1 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in all Matters Related to the University CONF
4/20/2000 SB 0568 SD2 HD3 Relating to Historic Preservation CONF
4/20/2000 SB 0579 SD1 HD2 Relating to Housing CONF
4/20/2000 SB 0680 SD1 HD2 Relating to Fireworks CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2059 SD1 HD2 Relating to Welfare Reform CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2108 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Public Land Trust CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2115 SD1 HD2 Relating to False Crimes CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2154 SD1 HD1 Relating to Protective Orders CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2166 HD2 Relating to Wind Farms CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2186 SD2 HD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2221 SD1 HD2 Relating to Ethanol. CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2283 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2293 HD1 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2301 SD2 HD1 Relating to Harbors CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2352 SD2 HD1 Relating to Computer Offenses CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2354 SD1 HD2 Relating to Public Access CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2409 SD1 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2411 SD1 HD1 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Processing Enterprises CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2427 SD1 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victimes CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2432 SD1 HD1 Relating to a Sentencing Simulation Model CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD2 Relating to Prisons CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2467 SD2 HD1 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2480 SD1 HD1 Relating to Annulment, Divorce, and Separation CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2482 SD1 HD1 Relating to Technology Business Taxation CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2484 SD1 HD1 Relating to Medicaid Recovery CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2490 SD2 HD1 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2493 SD2 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2513 SD1 HD1 Relating to Conveyance Tax CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2533 SD1 HD2 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2692 SD2 HD2 Relating to Salaries CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2722 SD1 HD2 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD2 Relating to Service Contracts CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2731 SD1 HD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2779 SD1 HD2 Relating to State Enterprise Zones CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2781 SD2 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2808 HD2 Relating to the Consumer Advocate CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2819 SD1 HD1 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2843 HD2 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD2 Relating to Kinship Care CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2905 HD2 Relating to Employment Security CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2948 SD1 HD2 Relating to High Technology CONF
4/20/2000 SB 2982 SD1 HD1 Relating to Child Support CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3032 SD2 HD2 Relating to Economic Development CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3038 SD1 HD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3043 SD2 HD1 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3073 SD2 HD1 Relating to Impaired Driving. CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3073 SD2 HD1 Relating to Impaired Driving CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3073 SD2 HD1 Relating to Impaired Driving (Decision making cancelled) CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3079 HD1 Relating to Criminal Trespass in the First Degree CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3129 HD2 Relating to Hawaiian Healing Practices CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3133 SD1 HD1 Relating to Crime CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3179 HD3 Relating to Tobacco CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3190 SD1 HD1 Relating to Captive Insurance CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3193 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3194, SD2, HD2 Relating to Right to Farm CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3199, SD1, HD2 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine CONF
4/20/2000 SB 3201 SD1 HD2 Relating to a Scenic Highways System CONF
4/20/2000 SCR 18 SD1 Urging Military and Federal Agencies to Honor the Definition of State Resident for Contracts EDB/LAB
4/20/2000 HR 130 HSCR 1130-00 Requesting the Governor to Appoint a Citizens' Advisory Commission to Review the State's Ala Wai Golf Course Revitalization Plan. FIN
4/20/2000 HR 137 HD1 HSCR 1175-00 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Work with Service Providers and the Department of Health to Determine a Reasonable Rental Fee to Improve Infrastructure on the Waimano Training School and Hospital Grounds. FIN
4/20/2000 HR 166 HD1 HSCR 1136-00 Requesting that Plans be Developed to Convert the Queen Liliuokalani Building into the New Home of the John A. Burns School of Medicine and to Renovate the Kinau Hale Building. FIN
4/20/2000 HR 166 HD1 HSCR 1136-00 Requesting that Plans be Developed to Identify Possible Locations for the John A. Burns School of Medicine FIN
4/20/2000 HR 96 HD1 HSCR 1134-00 Requesting the University of Hawaii at Hilo to Explore the Possibility of Developing a Space Camp on the Big Island. FIN
4/20/2000 HR 96 HD1 HSCR 1134-00 Requesting the Hawaii Space Grant College in Conjunction with the University of Hawaii at Hilo, and the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Expand the Space Camp Program on the Big Island FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 116 SD1 HSCR 1562-00 Requesting the Judicial to Promote Excellence in the Judiciary Through Recognition of Excellence, Review of Judicial Performance, and Public Education FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 12 SSCR 2792 Adopting Key Community Outcomes of Well-Being for the People of the State of Hawaii. FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 122 SD1 HSCR 1563-00 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Conduct a Study Concerning Criminal History Record Checks FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 129 SD1 Requesting a Study of Unplanned Releases of Emissions and Spills by Facilities at Campbell Industrial Park. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 131 SSCR 3474 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Evaluate the Agriculture Loan System in Hawaii. FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 143 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Working Group to Identify Potential Sources of Permanent Dedicated Funding and Funding Needs of the Natural Area Reserves System. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 143 HD1 HSCR 1567-00 Relating to State Park Restroom Facilities and Funding for the Natural Area Reserve System FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 173 SD1 Requesting the Hawaiian Electric Company to Maintain its Demand Side Management Programs Benefitting Electricity Customers. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 173 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1569-00 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Address and Consider Additional Demand Side Management Issues in Related, Pending or New Commission Dockets FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 176 SD1 SSCR 3423 Requesting the Office of the Governor to Develop a Proposal for a Chief Information Officer for the State of Hawaii. FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 179 SD1 Requesting the Governor to Appoint a Citizens' Advisory Commission to Review the State's Ala Wai Golf Course Revitalization Plan. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 179 SD1 HD1 HSCR 1570-00 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Cost Issues FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 18 SD1 Urging Military and Federal Agencies to Honor the Definition of State Resident for Contracts. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 18 SD1 Urging Military and Federal Agencies to Honor the Definition of State Resident for Contracts FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 183 Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to Resolve Avoided Cost Issues. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 183 HSCR 1565-00 Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism to Conduct a Study of the Use of Hydrogen as a Fuel for Transportation and Power Generation FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 204 HD1 HSCR 1568-00 Requesting the Department of Health to Conduct Follow-Up Soil Tests at Village Park and West Loch Fairways FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 26 SD1 HSCR 1561-00 Requesting the Judiciary to Study the Feasibility of Establishing Drug Courts on the Islands of Hawaii and Kauai FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 38 SD1 Requesting Continued Discussion for a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 38 SD1 Requesting Continued Discussion for a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 47 HSCR 1553-00 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Identify Fiscally Related Powers Conferred Upon or Assumed by the Executive Branch Since 1987 that May Be Reclaimed by the Legislature FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 57 Requesting the Auditor to Review and Assess the Department of Education's Development of Educational Standards for Public Schools Statewide. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 59 Requesting the Ombudsman to Investigate and Obtain Information Regarding Geographic Exceptions Granted by the Department of Education. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 60 SD1 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Study the Feasibility of Establishing, Assessing, and Collecting User Fees to Offset the Cost of Maintaining Kokee State Park, Alakai Swamp, and Waimea Canyon State Park on the Island of Kauai. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 73 SD1 Urging the United States Congress to Support Legislation to Extend Medicare Coverage to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly and Disabled. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 74 SD1 SSCR 3416 Requesting All Executive Departments and Agencies to Submit Reports to the Legislature On-Line and Requesting the Department of Accounting and General Services to Study Other Means of Reducing Paper Usage. FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 77 Encouraging State Agencies to Work Cooperatively to Allow Public Access to Haiku Stairs. (Pending Referral) FIN
4/20/2000 SCR 77 HD1 HSCR 1577-00 Requesting the Department of Health to Work with Service Providers and the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Determine a Reasonable Rental Fee to Improve Infrastructure on the Waimano Training School and Hospital Grounds FIN
4/20/2000 GM 288 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Procurement Policy Board (Rescheduled to 2:30 p.m.) GOH
4/20/2000 GM 288 Winifred M. Odo, David Leong, Greg King, Phyllis M. Koike, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Procurement Policy Board GOH
4/20/2000 HCR 190 HD1 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Explore Home Ownership Options at the State-Owned and Operated Palolo Homes I and II and Other State-Owned and Operated Housing Projects (Deleted from agenda) GOH
4/20/2000 HCR 190 HD1 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Explore Home Ownership Options at the State-Owned and Operated Palolo Homes I and II and Other State-Owned and Operated Housing Projects GOH
4/20/2000 HCR 192 Requesting an Investigation into the Acquisition of No. 1 Capitol District by the State (Deleted from Agenda) GOH
4/20/2000 HCR 192 Requesting an Investigation Into the Acquisition of No. 1 Capitol District by the State GOH
4/20/2000 SCR 196 SD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Report on the Transition of the Hawaii State Hospital to a Secured Psychosocial Rehabilitation Facility HLT
4/20/2000 SCR 210 SD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Implement the Recommendations of the Legislature's Consultant on the Provision of Mental Health Services at the Hawaii State Hospital HLT
4/20/2000 Decision making on GM 311, GM 310 (Deferred from 4/18/00) JDC
4/20/2000 SCR 16 Relating to the Biennial Review of the Compensation Plans and the Costs Thereof. LAB
4/20/2000 GM 300 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii Labor Relations Board LRE
4/20/2000 GM 309 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Hawaii Workforce Development Council LRE
4/20/2000 HCR 62 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Compile Data on the Number and Percentage of Employees of Private Companies on Contract with the State Who May be Affected by the Implementation of a Living Wage Law (Deleted from agenda - pending re-referral to WAM) LRE
4/20/2000 HCR 62 HD1 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Compile Data on the Number and Percentage of Employees of Private Companies on Contract with the State Who May be Affected by the Implementation of a Living Wage Law LRE
4/20/2000 SCR 141 Encouraging the University of Hawaii's Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory to Enter into a Partnership Agreement with the United States Navy to Operate an Advanced Tethered Vehicle OMR
4/20/2000 SCR 82 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Resume Fry/Seed Production at the Anuenue Fisheries Research Center OMR
4/20/2000 SCR 89 Requesting the Department of Land and Natural Resources to Convene a Work Group to Study Conditions at Punalu'u Beach and the Near-by Kamehame Beach and Recommend Appropriate Actions to Preserve and Protect the Area's Endangered Species and the Ecosystem OMR
4/20/2000 GM 296 Linda C. Tseu and Alejandro Lomosad, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Civil Defense Advisory Council TIA
4/20/2000 HCR 63 HD1 Requesting Hawaii's Congressional Delegation to Introduce Appropriate Measures in the United States Congress Calling for an Apology to the People of the Republic of the Marshall Islands for Injuries Sustained by Marshall Islanders as a Result of United States Nuclear Testing, and Increased Funding in the Renegotiated Compact of Free Association as Just Compensation for Nuclear-Related Injuries and Deaths and Expanded Medical Care for Affected Marshall Islanders TIA
4/20/2000 SCR 125 Requesting the Department of Transportation to Expand the Capacity of the Central H-1 Freeway Corridor TRN
4/20/2000 HCR 190 HD1 Requesting the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii to Explore Home Ownership Options at the State-Owned and Operated palolo Home I and II and Other State-Owned and Operated Housing Projects WAM
4/20/2000 HCR 192 Requesting an Investigation into the Acquisition of No. 1 Capitol District by the State WAM
4/20/2000 HCR 62 HD1 Requesting the Legislative Reference Bureau to Compile Data on the Number and Percentages of Employees of Private Companies on Contract with the State Who May be Affected by the Implementation of a Living Wage Law WAM
4/20/2000 HCR 89 Requesting the Auditor to Update its 1992 Summary of Special and Revolving Funds WAM

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/21/2000 HB 1883 HD2 SD3 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources. CONF
4/21/2000 HB 1900 HD1 SD1 Relating to The State Budget CONF
4/21/2000 HB 2151 HD1 SD1 Relating to State Bonds CONF
4/21/2000 HB 2650 HD1 SD2 Relating to The Judiciary CONF
4/21/2000 HB 2878 HD2 SD2 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement CONF
4/21/2000 SB 2121 SD1 HD1 Relating to Obsolete Laws CONF
4/21/2000 SB 2711 SD1 HD1 Relating to Administrative Procedure CONF
4/21/2000 SB 2859 SD1 HD1 Relating to Public Employment CONF
4/21/2000 SB 2905 HD2 Relating to Employment Security. CONF
4/21/2000 SB 2988 SD2 HD2 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement CONF

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/24/2000 HB 0101 HD1 SD1 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0159 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Whistleblower Protection. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0284 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0389 SD1 Relating to Education. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0540 HD2 SD1 Relating to Human Services CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0564 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0749 HD3 SD2 Relating to Dietitians CONF
4/24/2000 HB 0949 HD2 SD2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1491 HD1 SD1 Relating to Subpoenas. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1773 HD1 SD1 Relating to Motor Carrier Law. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1846 HD1 SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1869 HD1 SD1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1873 HD2 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1874 HD1 SD2 Relating to Educational Accountability. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1883 HD2 SD3 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1900 HD1 SD1 Relating to the State Budget CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1905 HD2 SD2 Relating to School Fees. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1912 HD1 SD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Rental Industry. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1925 SD1 Relating to Elections CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1934 HD2 SD1 Relating to Optometry CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1940 HD2 SD2 Relating to Court Appointed Counsel Legal Fees CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1944 HD2 SD2 Relating to Public Service Company Tax. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1956 HD1 SD2 Relating to Small Business CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1969 HD2 SD1 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1983 HD1 SD2 Relating to the Land Court CONF
4/24/2000 HB 1984 HD1 SD2 Relating to Elections CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2017 HD1 SD1 Relating to Collection Agencies. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2023 HD2 SD2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2024 HD1 SD2 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2092 SD1 Relating to Education. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2095 SD1 Relating to Education. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2129 HD1 SD1 Relating to Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2151 HD1 SD1 Relating to State Bonds CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2154 HD2 SD2 Relating to Community Services CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2154 HD2 SD2 Relating to Community Services CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2160 HD2 SD2 Relating to Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2171 HD1 SD2 Relating to Meal Breaks CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2171 HD1 SD2 Relating to Meal Breaks CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2194 HD2 SD1 Relating to Public Access CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2222 HD1 SD1 Relating to Condominiums. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2273 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2277 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Funds. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2280 HD2 SD1 Relating to School-to-Work. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2311 HD1 SD1 Relating to Procurement of Professional Design Services CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2392 HD2 SD1 Relating to Health. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2405 HD2 SD1 Relating to Pesticides CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2410 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State and Providing Appropriations Therefor. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2418 SD1 Relating to Certificates of Identification CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2429 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2432 HD1 SD1 Relating to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2445 SD1 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2446 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2447 SD2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2458 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2468 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2469 HD1 SD1 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2469 HD1 SD1 Relating to Subpoenas Issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2472 HD2 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2472 HD2 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2476 HD1 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2476 HD1 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2485 HD1 SD1 Relating to Exemptions for Psychologist Licensure. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2490 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2491 HD1 SD1 Relating to School Lunch. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2492 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2506 HD1 SD2 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2521 SD1 Relating to School Health Requirements. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2530 HD1 SD1 Relating to Air Pollution Control Public Notification CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2534 HD2 SD1 Relating to Critical Access Hospital. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2556 HD1 SD1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2556 HD1 SD1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2585 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2585 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2648 HD 2 SD2 Relating to Probation. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2650 HD1 SD2 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2653 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2701 HD3 SD1 Relating to Public Schools CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2774 SD1 Relating to Discrimination in Public Places CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2901 HD2 SD2 Relating to the New Economy CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2955 HD1 SD1 Relating to New Economy Skills Training CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2984 HD2 SD2 Relating to Minimum Wage. CONF
4/24/2000 HB 2984 HD2 SD2 Relating to Minimum Wage CONF
4/24/2000 HB 3016 HD1 SD1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons CONF
4/24/2000 HB2098 HD2 SD1 Relating to Criminal History CONF
4/24/2000 HB2820 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/24/2000 SB 0185 SD2 HD1 Relating to Education. CONF
4/24/2000 SB 0680 SD1 HD2 Relating to Fireworks CONF
4/24/2000 SB 0873 SD1 HD2 Relating to Real Property Appraisals CONF
4/24/2000 SB 1276 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Superintendent of Education CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2021 SD2 HD1 Relating to Housing CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2059 SD1 HD2 Relating to Welfare Reform CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2115 SD1 HD2 Relating to False Claims CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2121 SD1 HD1 Relating to Obsolete Laws CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2154 SD1 HD1 Relating to Protective Orders CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2166 HD2 Relating to Wind Farms CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2186 SD2 HD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2218 SD1 HD2 Relating to New Century Charter Schools CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2221 SD1 HD2 Relating to Ethanol. CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2283 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2283 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2287 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2312 SD1 HD1 Relating to a Hoisting Machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2352 SD2 HD1 Relating to Computer Offenses CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2354 SD1 HD2 Relating to Public Access. CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2369 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2409 SD1 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2420 SD2 HD2 Relating to Technology CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2427 SD1 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2432 SD1 HD1 Relating to a Sentencing Simulation Model CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD2 Relating to Prisons CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2448 SD2 HD2 Relating to Autism CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2467 SD2 HD1 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2475 SD1 HD3 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2482 SD1 HD1 Relating to Technology Business Taxation CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2484 SD1 HD1 Relating to Medicaid Recovery CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2486 SD2 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2490 SD2 HD1 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2493 SD2 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2521 SD1 HD1 Relating to Professional Service Contracts CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2533 SD1 HD2 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2576 SD2 HD1 Relating to State Owned Public Housing CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2579 SD1 HD2 Relating to Housing CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2598 SD2 HD1 Relating to Housing CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2657 SD2 HD2 Relating to General Health CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2692 SD2 HD2 Relating to Salaries CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2711 SD1 HD1 Relating to Administrative Procedure CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2722 SD1 HD2 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program. CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD2 Relating to Service Contracts CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD2 Relating to Service Contracts CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2766 SD1 HD1 Relating to Condominium Property Regimes CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2779 SD1 HD2 Relating to State Enterprise Zones CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2781 SD2 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2802 SD1 HD1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2808 HD2 Relating to the Consumer Advocate CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2837 SD1 HD2 Relating to Educational Accountability CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2838 SD1 HD1 Relating to the State Internet Portal CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2843 HD2 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD2 Relating to Kinship Care CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2879 SD 2 HD 2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2879 SD2 HD2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2905 HD2 Relating to Employment Security CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2948 SD1 HD2 Relating to High Technology CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2982 SD1 HD1 Relating to Child Support CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2987 SD1 HD2 Relating to Public Contracts CONF
4/24/2000 SB 2993 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Environment CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3002 SD2 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3003 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3026 SD1 HD1 Relating to School Facilities CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3032 SD2 HD2 Relating to Economic Development CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3038 SD1 HD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3043 SD2 HD1 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3079 HD1 Relating to Criminal Trespass in the First Degree CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3123 SD2 HD2 Relating to Post-Secondary Education CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3160 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-occupants CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3179 HD3 Relating to Tobacco. CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3193 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CONF
4/24/2000 SB 3199 SD1 HD2 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine CONF
4/24/2000 GM 264 Michael Jay Green and Edward K. Hamada, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Stadium Authority ECD
4/24/2000 GM 301 Peter H. Schall, Millicent M.Y.H. Kim, Ron Wright, and Keith Vieira, Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Directors, Hawai`I Tourism Authority ECD
4/24/2000 GM 407 T. George Paris, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Stadium Authority ECD

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/25/2000 HB 0037 HD1 SD2 Relating to Film Production Funding. CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0101 HD1 SD1 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Creidt CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0159 HD2 SD2 Relating to Whistleblower Protection CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0286 HD2 SD2 Relating to Speeding CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0540 HD2 SD1 Relating to Human Services CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0564 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0755 HD2 SD2 Relating to Public Lands CONF
4/25/2000 HB 0949 HD2 SD2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1172 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Bureau of Conveyances CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1457 SD1 Relating to the Traffic Code CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1632 HD3 SD1 Relating to Agriculture. CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1846 HD1 SD1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1869 HD1 SD1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1873 HD2 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1881 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Use of Intoxicants CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1883 HD2 SD 3 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1900 HD1 SD1 Relating to the State Budget CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1902 HD1 SD1 Relating to the State Water Code CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1905 HD2 SD1 Relating to School Fees CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1925 SD1 Relating to Elections CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1944 HD2 SD2 Relating to Public Service Company Tax Conferees CONF
4/25/2000 HB 1984 HD1 SD2 Relating to Elections CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2017 HD1 SD1 Relating to Collection Agencies CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2023 HD2 SD2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2092 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2098 HD2 SD 1 Relating to Criminal History CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2151 HD1 SD1 Relating to State Bonds CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2160 HD2 SD2 Relating to Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2171 HD1 SD2 Relating to Meal Breaks CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2222 HD1 SD1 Relating to Condominiums CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2273 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2277 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Funds CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2309 HD1 SD1 Relating to Land Exchange in North Kona, Hawaii CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2314 HD1 SD2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2407 HD1 SD 2 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Department fo Agriculture CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2429 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Housing and Community Devleopment Corporation of Hawaii CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2445 SD1 Relating to Public Employees Health Fund CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2446 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2472 HD2 SD2 Relating to Insurance. CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2476 HD1 SD2 Relating to Insurance. CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2492 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2506 HD1 SD2 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2534 HD2 SD1 Relating to Critical Access Hospital CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2556 HD1 SD1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Related Equipment CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2573 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Special Funds of the Land Division CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2574 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Special Land and Development Fund CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2576 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Water Resource Management Fund CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2585 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2588 HD1 SD 1 Relating to Audit and Accounting CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2624 HD1 SD1 Relating to University of Hawaii CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2650 HD1 SD2 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2727 HD1 SD2 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2835 HD2 SD2 Relating to Watershed Protection CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2878 HD2 SD2 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2901 HD2 SD2 Relating to the New Economy CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2906 HD1 SD1 Relating to Towing Companies CONF
4/25/2000 HB 2984 HD2 SD2 Relating to Minimum Wage CONF
4/25/2000 HB 3014 HD1 SD 1 Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds CONF
4/25/2000 HB 3016 HD1 SD1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons CONF
4/25/2000 SB 0680 SD1 HD2 Relating to Fireworks CONF
4/25/2000 SB 0851 SD2 HD2 Relating to Health Care CONF
4/25/2000 SB 0873 SD1 HD2 Relating to Real Property Appraisals CONF
4/25/2000 SB 1276 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Superintendent of Education CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2021 SD2 HD1 Relating to Housing CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2059 SD1 HD2 Relating to Welfare Reform CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2062 SD1 HD3 Relating to Long-Term Care CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2115 SD1 HD2 Relating to False Claims CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2121 SD1 HD1 Relating to Obsolete Laws CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2134 SD1 HD2 Relating to Agriculture and Animals CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2154 SD1 HD1 Relating to Protective Orders CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2218 SD1 HD2 Relating to New Century Charter Schools CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2221 SD1 HD2 Relating to Ethanol CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2254 SD1 HD2 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2287 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2311 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Mandatory Use of Seatbelts CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2312 SD1 HD1 Relating to a Hoisting machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2352 SD2 HD1 Relating to Computer Offenses CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2369 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2419 SD1 HD1 Relating to Capital Access Program CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2420 SD2 HD2 Relating to Technology CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD2 Relating to Prisons CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2448 SD2 HD2 Relating to Autism CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2467 SD2 HD1 Relating to Unlicensed Contractors CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2475 SD1 HD3 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2484 SD1 HD1 Relating to Medicaid Recovery CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2486 SD2 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2490 SD2 HD1 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2493 SD2 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2576 SD2 HD1 Relating to State Owned Public Housing CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2579 SD1 HD2 Relating to Housing CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2598 SD2 HD1 Relating to Housing CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2655 SD2 HD2 Relating to Health CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2711 SD1 HD1 Relating to Administrative Procedure CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2716 SD1 HD 1 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2722 SD1 HD2 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD2 Relating to Service Contracts CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2745 SD1 HD2 Relating to Aquaculture CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2802 SD1 HD1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2838 SD1 HD1 Relating to the State Internet Portal CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD2 Relating to Kinship Care CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2879 SD2 HD2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2905 HD2 Relating to Employment Security CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2945 SD1 HD3 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2946 SD1 HD 1 Relating to Taxation Appeals CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2961 SD2 HD1 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2982 SD1 HD1 Relating to Child Support CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2988 SD2 HD2 Relating to Public Contracts and Procurement CONF
4/25/2000 SB 2993 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Environment CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3002 SD2 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3003 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3026 SD1 HD1 Relating to School Facilities CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3038 SD1 HD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3043 SD2 HD1 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3123 SD2 HD2 Relating to Post-Secondary Education CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3179 HD3 Relating to Tobacco CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3193 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3194 SD2 HD2 Relating to Right to Farm. CONF
4/25/2000 SB 3199 SD1 HD2 Relating to Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine CONF
4/25/2000 GM 169 Gregory G.Y. Pai, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Public Utilities Commission CPN
4/25/2000 Decision making on GM 163 (Deferred from 4/13 and 4/18) GOH
4/25/2000 Decision Making on GM 288 (Deferred from 4/20/00) GOH

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/26/2000 HB 0037 HD1 SD2 Relating to Film Production Funding CONF
4/26/2000 HB 0389 SD 1 Relating to Education CONF
4/26/2000 HB 0531 SD2 Relating to Corrections CONF
4/26/2000 HB 0564 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/26/2000 HB 0750 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Island Symbols CONF
4/26/2000 HB 0949 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/26/2000 HB 101 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Buyback of Employees' Retirement System Membership Service Credit CONF
4/26/2000 HB 139 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to Federal Construction CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1632 HD3 SD1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1759 HD2 SD2 Relating to Traffic Enforcement CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1763 HD2 SD2 Relating to Bicycles CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1764 SD1 Relating to the Metropolitan Planning Organization CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1846 HD 1 SD 1 Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginning Alliance CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1869 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1881 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Use of Intoxicants CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1883 HD 2 SD 3 Relating to Renewable Energy Resources CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1900 HD1 SD 1 Relating to the State Budget. CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1912 HD1 SD1 Relating to Motor Vehicle Rental Industry Conferees CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1934 HD2 SD1 Relating to Optometry CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1944 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Public Service Company Tax CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1956 HD1 SD2 Relating to Small Business CONF
4/26/2000 HB 1969 HD2 SD1 Making an Appropriation to Match Federal Funds for the Establishment of Manufacturing Extension Programs CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2017 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Collection Agencies CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2024 HD1 SD2 Making an Appropriation to the Legislative Agencies CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2098 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to Criminal History CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2151 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to State Bonds. CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2171 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to Meal Breaks CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2183 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Industrial Enterprises CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2188 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Administrative Procedure CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2194 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Legislative Streaming Media Pilot Program, Sale and Distribution of Legislative Publications, PAR Full-Time Staff Position and Legislative Internal Computer Network Appropriation CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2213 SD 1 Relating to Binding Arbitration Awards CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2222 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Condominiums CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2273 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to the Hawaii Children's Trust Fund CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2277 HD1 SD1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Special Funds CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2280 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to School-to-Work CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2311 HD1 SD1 Relating to Procurement of Professional Design Services CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2314 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2354 HD2 SD2 Appropriation for the Fiftieth Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War Commission CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2392 HD2 SD1 Relating to Health CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2429 HD2 SD2 Relating to the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2445 SD 1 Relating to the Public Employees Health Fund CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2447 SD2 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2458 SD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2476 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to Insurance CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2492 HD1 SD1 Relating to Education CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2506 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to Prospective Adoptive Parents CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2534 HD2 SD1 Relating to Critical Access Hospital CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2556 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Safety Inspection Frequencies for Regulated Equipment CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2572 HD1 SD2 Relating to Kaneohe Bay CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2585 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2588 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Audit and Accounting CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2650 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to the Judiciary. CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2727 HD1 SD2 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2774 SD1 Relating to Discrimination in Public Places CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2901 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to the New Economy CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2955 HD1 SD1 Relating to New Economy Skills Training CONF
4/26/2000 HB 2984 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Minimum Wage CONF
4/26/2000 HB 3016 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to Medical Assistance to Low-Income Persons CONF
4/26/2000 HB 3018 SD 1 Relating to Child Abuse CONF
4/26/2000 HB 540 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to Human Services CONF
4/26/2000 SB 0539 SD1 HD1 Proposing an Amendment to Article X, Section 6, of the Hawaii Constitution, to Provide the University of Hawaii with Autonomy in all Matters Related to the University. CONF
4/26/2000 SB 0680 SD1 HD2 Relating to Fireworks CONF
4/26/2000 SB 0851 SD2 HD2 Relating to Health Care CONF
4/26/2000 SB 0873 SD1 HD2 Relating to Real Property Appraisals CONF
4/26/2000 SB 1276 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Superintendent of Education CONF
4/26/2000 SB 1504 SD1 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Emergency Medical Services CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2059 SD1 HD2 Relating to Welfare Reform CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2062 SD1 HD3 Relating to Long-Term Care CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2074 SD2 HD2 Relating to Corrections CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2108 HD2 Relating to the Public Land Trust CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2121 SD1 HD1 Relating to Obsolete Laws CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2134 SD1 HD1 Relating to Agriculture and Animals CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2151 SD1 HD1 Relating to Firearms CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2152 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2154 SD1 HD1 Relating to Protective Orders CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2166 HD2 Relating to Wind Farms CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2218 SD1 HD2 Relating to New Century Charter Schools CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2254 SD1 HD2 Relating to Privacy of Health Care Information CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2287 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Public Utilities Commission CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2303 SD2 HD2 Relating to Harbors CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2311 SD1 HD1 Relating to Mandatory Use of Seatbelts CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2312 SD1 HD1 Relating to a Hoisting Machine Operators Certification Revolving Fund CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2352 SD2 HD1 Relating to Computer Offenses CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2354 SD1 HD2 Relating to Public Access CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2409 SD1 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2420 SD 2 HD 2 Relating to Technology CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2433 SD2 HD2 Relating to Prisons CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2448 SD2 HD2 Relating to Autism CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2475 SD1 HD3 Relating to Gender Equity in Sports CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2482 SD1 HD1 Relating to Technology Business Taxation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2484 SD1 HD1 Relating to Medicaid Recovery CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2490 SD2 HD1 Relating to Long-Term Residential Care CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2493 SD2 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Substance Abuse Treatment Services CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2521 SD1 HD1 Relating to Professional Service Contracts CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2575 SD2 HD2 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund. CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2576 SD2 HD1 Relating to State Owned Public Housing CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2579 SD1 HD2 Relating to Housing CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2598 SD2 HD1 Relating to Housing CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2607 SD1 HD3 Relating to the Commission on the Status of Women CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2621 SD1 HD2 Relating to Health CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2655 SD2 HD2 Relating to Health CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2657 SD2 HD2 Relating to General Health CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2706 SD1 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2711 SD1 HD1 Relating to Administrative Procedure CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2716 SD 1 HD 1 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2729 SD1 HD2 Relating to Service Contracts CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2741 HD2 Relating to the State Water Code CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2779 SD1 HD2 Relating to State Enterprise Zones CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2781 SD2 HD2 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2802 SD1 HD1 Relating to Public Employee Health Benefits CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2838 SD1 HD1 Relating to the State Internet Portal CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2843 HD2 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2850 SD1 HD2 Relating to Kinship Care CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2856 SD1 HD1 Relating to Public Assistance CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2859 SD1 HD1 Relating to Public Employment CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2863 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Advance Health-Care Directives CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2872 SD1 HD1 Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2873 SD1 HD2 Relating to Hawaii Health Systems Corporation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2879 SD2 HD2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2905 HD2 Relating to Employment Security CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2945 SD1 HD3 Relating to Taxation CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2946 SD 1 HD 1 Relating to Taxation Appeals CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2948 SD1 HD2 Relating to High Technology CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2987 SD1 HD2 Relating to Public Contracts CONF
4/26/2000 SB 2993 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Environment CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3002 SD2 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3003 SD1 HD1 Relating to the Employees' Retirement System CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3026 SD1 HD1 Relating to School Facilities CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3032 SD2 HD2 Relating to Economic Development CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3043 SD2 HD1 Relating to the State Risk Management and Insurance Administration CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3045 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Auditor CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3123 SD2 HD2 Relating to Post-Secondary Education CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3133 SD1 HD1 Relating to Crime CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3160 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Sale of Residential Condominium Apartments to Owner-Occupants CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3179 HD3 Relating to Tobacco CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3193 SD1 HD2 Relating to the Hawaii Insurance Exchange CONF
4/26/2000 SB 3194 SD 2 HD 2 Relating to Right to Farm CONF
4/26/2000 SCR 129 SD1 HD1 Requesting a Study of Unplanned Releases of Emissions and Spills by Facilities at Campbell Industrial Park CONF
4/26/2000 SCR 204 HD1 Requesting the Department of Health to Conduct Follow-Up Soil Tests at Village Park and West Loch Fairways CONF

Bill Number Subject Committee
4/27/2000 HB 0037 HD1 SD2 Relating to Film Production Funding CONF
4/27/2000 HB 0303 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to Identification CONF
4/27/2000 HB 1172 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to the Bureau of Conveyances CONF
4/27/2000 HB 1763 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Bicycles CONF
4/27/2000 HB 1940 HD2 SD2 Relating to Court Appointed Counsel Legal Fees CONF
4/27/2000 HB 1994 HD2 SD2 Making an Appropriation for Agriculture CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2023 HD2 SD2 Relating to Agricultural Infrastructure CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2194 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to Public Access CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2277 HD 1 SD 1 Relating to the Hawaii Tobacco Settlement CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2410 HD1 SD2 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the State and Providing Appropriations Therefor CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2418 SD1 Relating to Certificates of Identification CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2434, HD1, SD1 Relating to State Finances CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2534 HD 2 SD 1 Relating to Critical Access Hospital CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2648 HD2 SD2 Relating to Probation CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2653 HD2 SD1 Relating to the Judiciary CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2727 HD 1 SD 2 Relating to Interisland Vehicle Transfers CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2774 SD1 Relating to Discrimination in Public Places CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2793 HD1 SD1 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2801 HD2 SD2 Relating to Agriculture CONF
4/27/2000 HB 2835 HD 2 SD 2 Relating to Watershed Protection CONF
4/27/2000 HB 645 SD2 Relating to Veterans Rights and Benefits CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2056 SD1 HD1 Relating to Individual Development Account Contribution Tax Credits CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2108 SD2 HD2 Relating to the Public Land Trust CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2221 SD1 HD2 Relating to Ethanol CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2311 SD1 HD1 Relating to Mandatory Use of Seatbelts CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2427 SD1 HD1 Making an Appropriation for Compensation of Crime Victims CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2432 SD1 HD1 Relating to a Sentencing Simulation Model CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2533 SD1 HD2 Relating to Crime Victim Compensation CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2575 SD 2 HD 2 Relating to the University of Hawaii Facilities Improvements Special Fund CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2692 SD2 HD2 Relating to Salaries CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2722 SD1 HD2 Relating to Hawaiian Language Immersion Program CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2741 HD2 Relating to the State Water Code CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2843 HD2 Relating to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, As Amended CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2879 SD2 HD2 Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires CONF
4/27/2000 SB 2961 SD2 HD1 Relating to the Relief of Certain Persons' Claims Against the University of Hawaii and Providing Appropriations Therefor CONF
4/27/2000 GM 287 Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Physical Therapy CPN
4/27/2000 GM 294 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Acupuncture CPN
4/27/2000 GM 295 Gubernatorial Nomines to the State Boxing Commission of Hawaii CPN
4/27/2000 GM 297 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Contractors License Board CPN
4/27/2000 GM 298 Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Dental Examiners CPN
4/27/2000 GM 305 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Board CPN
4/27/2000 GM 306 Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Psychology CPN
4/27/2000 GM 308 Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Veterinary Examiners CPN
4/27/2000 GM 163 Gubernatorial Nominees to the Board of Directors, Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii GOH

Bill Number Subject Committee
9/18/2000 NONE Briefing on the Future Work Load Plans for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard TIA

Bill Number Subject Committee
10/25/2000 NONE Addressing the current and long-term repair and maintenance needs of Hawaii's public school facilities - following up on Act 239, SLH 2000 WAM/EDU