Historic Preservation

Establishes a burial site program within DLNR to assist island
burial councils with their mandated responsibilities.  Requires
DLNR to provide support to the burial councils.  (SB568 HD3)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 3
STATE OF HAWAII                                            

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  Section 6E-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
 2 amended to read as follows:
 3      "§6E-3 Historic preservation program.  There is established
 4 within the department a division to administer a comprehensive
 5 historic preservation program, which shall include but not be
 6 limited to the following:
 7      (1)  Development of an on-going program of historical,
 8           architectural, and archaeological research and
 9           development, including surveys, excavations, scientific
10           recording, interpretation, and publications on the
11           State's historical and cultural resources;
12      (2)  Acquisition of historic or cultural properties, real or
13           personal, in fee or in any lesser interest, by gift,
14           purchase, condemnation, devise, bequest, land exchange,
15           or other means; preservation, restoration,
16           administration, or transference of the property; and
17           the charging of reasonable admissions to that property;
18      (3)  Development of a statewide survey and inventory to
19           identify and document historic properties, aviation

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 1           artifacts, and burial sites, including all those owned
 2           by the State and the counties;
 3      (4)  Preparation of information for the Hawaii register of
 4           historic places and listing on the national register of
 5           historic places;
 6      (5)  Preparation, review, and revisions of a state historic
 7           preservation plan, including budget requirements and
 8           land use recommendations;
 9      (6)  Application for and receipt of gifts, grants, technical
10           assistance, and other funding from public and private
11           sources for the purposes of this chapter;
12      (7)  Provision of technical and financial assistance to the
13           counties and public and private agencies involved in
14           historic preservation activities;
15      (8)  Coordination of activities of the counties in
16           accordance with the state plan for historic
17           preservation;
18      (9)  Stimulation of public interest in historic
19           preservation, including the development and
20           implementation of interpretive programs for historic
21           properties listed on or eligible for the Hawaii
22           register of historic places;

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 1     (10)  Coordination of the evaluation and management of burial
 2           sites as provided in section 6E-43;
 3     (11)  Acquisition of burial sites in fee or in any lesser
 4           interest, by gift, purchase, condemnation, devise,
 5           bequest, land exchange, or other means, to be held in
 6           trust;
 7     (12)  Submittal of an annual report to the governor and
 8           legislature detailing the accomplishments of the year,
 9           recommendations for changes in the state plan or future
10           programs relating to historic preservation, and an
11           accounting of all income, expenditures, and the fund
12           balance of the Hawaii historic preservation special
13           fund;
14     (13)  Regulation of archaeological activities throughout the
15           State;
16     (14)  Employment of sufficient professional and technical
17           staff for the purposes of this chapter without regard
18           to chapters 76 and 77;
19     (15)  The charging of fees to at least partially defray the
20           costs of administering sections 6E-3(13), 6E-8, and
21           6E-42 of this chapter;
22     (16)  Adoption of rules in accordance with chapter 91,
23           necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter;
24           [and]

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 1     (17)  Development and adoption, in consultation with the
 2           office of Hawaiian affairs native historic preservation
 3           council, of rules governing permits for access by
 4           native Hawaiians and Hawaiians to cultural, historic,
 5           and pre-contact sites and monuments[.]; and
 6     (18)  Establishment, maintenance, and support of a burial
 7           sites program, to include administrative support to the
 8           island burial councils under section 6E-43.5 and
 9           handling inadvertent discovery of burial sites under
10           section 6E-43.6."
11      SECTION 2.  Section 6E-43.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
12 amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
13      "(a)  The department shall establish island burial councils
14 for Hawaii, Maui/Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai/Niihau, to
15 implement section 6E-43.  The department shall provide
16 administrative support to the island burial councils."
17      SECTION 3.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed.
18 New statutory material is underscored.
19      SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.