
Provides funds for infrastructure at Kikala-Keokea. (SB2736 HD1)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 1
STATE OF HAWAII                                            

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  Act 314, Session Laws of Hawaii 1991, as
 2 amended, authorized the department of land and natural resources
 3 to negotiate and enter into long-term leases with persons of
 4 Hawaiian ancestry who were dispossessed or displaced from their
 5 homes at Kalapana as a result of the volcanic eruptions on the
 6 island of Hawaii.  The Act also authorized the department of land
 7 and natural resources to subdivide and provide for the creation
 8 of a residential subdivision in the Kikala-Keokea homestead area
 9 for persons who receive long-term leases from the department of
10 land and natural resources.
11      The purpose of this Act is to provide funds for the
12 development of infrastructure at Kikala-Keokea by amending Act
13 242, Session Laws of Hawaii 1991.
14      SECTION 2.  Act 242, Session Laws of Hawaii 1991, is amended
15 by amending sections 1 through 4 to read as follows:
16      "SECTION 1.  The purpose of this Act is to provide
17 [low-interest loans to the residents and citizens of Hawaii who
18 have suffered the loss of their homes and lands to the
19 devastating effects of the continued volcanic eruptions on the
20 island of Hawaii.  Under current law, chapters 127, 171, and 209,

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 1 Hawaii Revised Statutes, some of Kilauea lava flow victims do not
 2 qualify for existing disaster recovery loans.  Some Kilauea lava
 3 flow residents and citizens do not have sufficient income to
 4 qualify for loan assistance to purchase replacement land and
 5 build a home.  These residents and citizens may be in need of a
 6 one-time public relief program with specific requirements for the
 7 repayment of low-interest loans to assist in rebuilding their
 8 homes in an area of lesser volcanic risk.] funds for the
 9 development of infrastructure at Kikala-Keokea.
10      SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general
11 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $1,750,000[,] or so
12 much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 1991-1992[,] to
13 provide [low-interest land acquisition, home construction, and
14 mortgage loans of up to $35,000 each to residents and citizens of
15 Hawaii] funding for infrastructure development to benefit
16 residents of Hawaiian ancestry who have been dispossessed of
17 their homes and lands at Kalapana as a result of the continued
18 volcanic eruptions on the island of Hawaii which began on January
19 3, 1983[; provided that the rate of interest on loans pursuant to
20 this Act shall not exceed three per cent per annum and interest
21 earnings on loans made pursuant to this Act may be used for
22 administrative and other expenses necessary for administering the
23 loan program.  Guidelines shall be established by the housing

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 1 finance and development corporation with respect to loan terms
 2 and loan qualification criteria.  Moneys appropriated for the
 3 purposes of this Act shall be deposited into the housing finance
 4 revolving fund; provided that upon fulfillment of the purposes of
 5 this Act, all unencumbered moneys shall lapse into the state
 6 general fund].
 7      SECTION 3.  [The housing finance and development corporation
 8 shall administer the loans for the purposes of this Act, and
 9 shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to carry out the
10 purposes of this Act.] There is created an infrastructure
11 development fund to be administered by the department of land and
12 natural resources.  The funds appropriated for the purposes of
13 this Act shall be deposited into the infrastructure development
14 fund.  The proceeds may be used for the necessary expenses in
15 administering this Act; provided that upon fulfillment of the
16 purposes of this Act, all unencumbered moneys shall lapse into
17 the state general fund.
18      SECTION 4.  The sum appropriated shall be expended by the
19 [housing finance and development corporation] department of land
20 and natural resources for the purposes of this Act[.]; provided
21 that all funding commitments to complete the design and
22 construction of infrastructure improvements shall be executed
23 before any moneys can be disbursed."

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 1      SECTION 3.  The funds appropriated under Act 242, Session
 2 Laws of Hawaii 1991, to the housing finance and development
 3 corporation, currently known as the housing and community
 4 development corporation of Hawaii, shall be deposited into the
 5 infrastructure development fund established by this Act that
 6 shall be administered by the department of land and natural
 7 resources.
 8      SECTION 4.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed.
 9 New statutory material is underscored.
10      SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2000.