State Owned Public Housing

Establishes a resident advisory board to advise HCDCH on public
housing.  Allows a person who resides in federal low-rent public
housing, tenant-based section 8 housing assisted by the
corporation, state housing projects, or senior citizen housing
projects to serve on the HCDCH Board.  Provides a process which
culminates in three persons who reside in state low rent public
housing assisted by HCDCH serving on the HCDCH Board.  (CD1)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 1
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  The purpose of this Act is to comply with the
 2 Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998, P.L.
 3 105-276, 112 Stat. 2461, (QHWRA) by establishing a resident
 4 advisory board, which shall be responsible for:
 5      (1)  Advising the housing and community development
 6           corporation of Hawaii (HCDCH) in matters relating to
 7           the planning and administration of housing programs; 
 8      (2)  Complying with QWHRA requirements; and
 9      (3)  Recommending five public members for the HCDCH board to
10           the governor. 
11      In addition, this Act adds three additional public members
12 to the HCDCH board.  To comply with QHWRA and to ensure tenant
13 representation on the board, no fewer than one of the public
14 members shall be directly assisted by HCDCH as a resident in one
15 of the following types of housing projects:
16      (1)  Federal;
17      (2)  Federal section 8 tenant-based;
18      (3)  State; or
19      (4)  Housing project dedicated to senior citizens.

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 1      SECTION 2.  Chapter 201G, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
 2 amended by adding three new sections to be appropriately
 3 designated and to read as follows:
 4      "§201G-    Resident advisory board; establishment.  (a) The
 5 corporation, upon consultation with the state election office and
 6 with oversight conducted by an independent monitor, may establish
 7 a resident advisory board that shall be responsible for:
 8      (1)  Advising the corporation in matters relating to the
 9           planning and administration of housing programs; and
10      (2)  Complying with the federal Quality Housing and Work
11           Responsibility Act of 1998.
12      (b)  The resident advisory board shall be composed of
13 no more than twenty-one members representing federal, section 8,
14 State, and senior citizen housing projects.  The composition of
15 the resident advisory board shall reflect the percentages of each
16 type of housing project located in the State as deemed
17 appropriate by the corporation.
18      (c)  The corporation shall also recognize any jurisdiction-
19 wide resident council, as defined under federal law, that
20 requests to be designated as a resident advisory board.
21      (d)  The members of the resident advisory board shall not be
22 compensated for their services but shall be reimbursed for
23 necessary expenses, including travel expenses, per diem, and

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 1 child care allowances, incurred while engaged in business for the
 2 resident advisory board.
 3      (e)  The corporation may adopt rules in accordance with
 4 chapter 91 with respect to the establishment of the resident
 5 advisory board including but not limited to rules concerning the
 6 composition, eligibility, and selection of members.  This section
 7 shall not apply if it conflicts with any federal law.
 8      (f)  The board and the resident advisory board shall report
 9 annually to the legislature no later than thirty days prior to
10 the convening of the legislative session.
11      §201G-    Notice of vacancies.  During each odd-numbered
12 year, the corporation shall send notices of vacancies on the
13 resident advisory board for public members representing public
14 housing to each occupied housing project unit.
15      §201G-     Resident advisory board nomination of board
16 member.  (a)  In the event of a vacancy on the board for a
17 representative of public housing, the resident advisory board
18 shall compile a list of five individuals for the governor's
19 consideration for appointment to the board; provided the nominees
20 to the board shall be:
21      (1)  Current residents of state or federal low rent housing
22           assisted by the corporation and need not be members of
23           the resident advisory board;

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 1      (2)  At least eighteen years of age; and
 2      (3)  Signatories on the housing lease agreement. 
 3      (b)  The resident advisory board shall make its
 4 recommendations for the nominees to the board at a public
 5 meeting.  The corporation shall send notice of the meeting, at
 6 least twenty-one days prior to the public meeting, to all
 7 occupied housing project units."
 8      SECTION 3.  Section 201G-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes is
 9 amended by adding three new definitions to be appropriately
10 inserted and to read as follows:
11      ""Public housing resident" means any person who resides in
12 state or federal low rent housing assisted by the corporation, as
13 authorized by chapter 201G, who is eighteen years-of-age or
14 older, and whose name appears on the lease agreement.
15      "Tenant-based section 8 recipient" means any recipient of
16 tenant-based housing assistance authorized by the United States
17 Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by
18 the corporation."
19      SECTION 4.  Section 201G-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
20 amended as follows:
21      1.  By amending subsection (a) to read:
22      "(a)  There is created a board consisting of [nine] twelve
23 members, of whom [six] nine shall be public members appointed by

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 1 the governor as provided in section 26-34.  The governor shall
 2 appoint three public members representing public housing from the
 3 list of candidates compiled by the resident advisory board
 4 pursuant to section 201G-  .  A board member representing public
 5 housing who ceases to be a public housing resident shall resign
 6 from the board.  Public members shall be appointed from each of
 7 the counties of Honolulu, Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai.  One public
 8 member shall be the chairperson of the rental housing trust fund
 9 advisory commission.  The public members of the board shall serve
10 four-year staggered terms; provided that the [initial
11 appointments shall be as follows:  two members to be appointed
12 for four years; two members to be appointed for three years; and
13 one member to be appointed for two years.] members representing
14 public housing projects shall serve two-year terms.  The
15 chairperson of the rental housing trust fund advisory commission
16 shall serve a concurrent term on the board.  The director of
17 business, economic development, and tourism and the director of
18 human services, or their designated representatives, and a
19 representative of the governor's office, shall be ex officio
20 voting members.  The corporation shall be headed by the board."
21      2.  By amending subsection (c) to read:
22      "(c)  [Five] Seven members shall constitute a quorum, whose
23 affirmative vote shall be necessary for all actions by the

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 1 corporation.  The members shall receive no compensation for
 2 services, but shall be entitled to necessary expenses, including
 3 travel expenses, incurred in the performance of their duties."
 4      SECTION 5.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed.
 5 New statutory material is underscored.
 6      SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.