Long-Term Residential Care

Establishes an information and referral process.  Requires the
Joint Legislative Committee on Long-term Care Subcommittee on
Residential Care to report on a study for adult residential care
facilities.  (CD1)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 1
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that Hawaii's citizens are
 2 faced with an overwhelming financial burden of caring for their
 3 elderly and disabled residents whose needs will continue to grow
 4 as the population ages.  The cost of nursing home care is
 5 currently the highest of all types of long-term care and
 6 continues to escalate.  Consequently, long-term residential care
 7 has become a realistic and cost-effective alternative.
 8      The legislature further finds that there is no one, simple,
 9 uniform way for a person who needs long-term care to easily and
10 quickly access the appropriate care.  An information and referral
11 system would provide a simple and uniform, yet sophisticated and
12 comprehensive way to allow people easy access into the long-term
13 residential care system that includes a screening process and
14 assessment tool.
15      Act 339, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997, created a two-year
16 joint legislative committee on long-term care financing.
17 Subsequently, House Concurrent Resolution No. 225, H.D. 1,
18 S.D. 1, 1998, required the joint committee to create a
19 subcommittee to study long-term residential care facilities.

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 1      The recommendations of the subcommittee included, among
 2 other things:
 3      (1)  Improving the regulatory environment to:
 4           (A)  Reduce fragmentation in the adult long-term
 5                residential care industry by consolidating and
 6                simplifying organizational categories of
 7                facilities;
 8           (B)  Increase uniformity of regulation across facility
 9                types; and
10           (C)  Promote parity of provider reimbursement for
11                similar services provided regardless of facility
12                type;
13      (2)  The implementation of an information and referral
14           process for all adult long-term residential care
15           facilities in the State; and
16      (3)  Maintenance of a uniform assessment tool that includes
17           the information obtained from the initial information
18           and referral screening process.
19      Pursuant to Act 339, S.B. No. 856, 1999, was introduced.
20 Your Committee believes that the provisions in S.B. No. 856,
21 relating to organizing the various residential care homes and
22 facilities into two categories of adult residential care
23 facilities, has merit and should be pursued by the department of

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 1 health.
 2      The purpose of this Act is to provide for an efficient,
 3 streamlined, and accessible long-term care system.
 4      SECTION 2.  Chapter 349, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended
 5 by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to
 6 read as follows:
 7      "§349-    Long-term care information and referral.  Subject
 8 to legislative appropriations, the executive office on aging
 9 shall establish an information and referral process that shall
10 serve all potential clients of licensed care homes, namely, the
11 elderly, the non-elderly under age sixty, and disabled persons of
12 all ages.  The information and referral process shall include a
13 uniform initial information and referral screening using a tool
14 to be developed by the executive office on aging."
15      SECTION 3.  A study on reorganizing all adult residential
16 care homes and facilities into a new "adult residential care
17 facilities" category, for regulatory purposes, as contained in
18 S.B. No. 856, H.D. 2, 1999 Regular Session, shall be conducted by
19 the subcommittee on residential care of the joint legislative
20 committee on long-term care, re-constituted as it was originally
21 created under House Concurrent Resolution No. 225, 1998.  The
22 study shall either:
23      (1)  Recommend enactment of a new adult residential care

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 1           facilities model with two facility categories and seven
 2           designated entities; or
 3      (2)  Recommend an alternative model with proposed
 4           legislation to reduce the fragmentation, increase cost-
 5           effectiveness, and improve operational effectiveness of
 6           residential care services.
 7      For purposes of the study, the joint legislative committee
 8 on long-term care, subcommittee on residential care, is
 9 encouraged to solicit the input of organizations concerned with
10 long-term care and providers of long-term care, including
11 facilities, homes, and hospitals.
12      The joint legislative committee on long-term care,
13 subcommittee on residential care, shall report on its findings
14 and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days
15 prior to the convening of the regular session of 2001.
16      SECTION 4.  New statutory material is underscored.
17      SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.