Cruise ships

Transfers certain PSC taxes to the harbor special fund and
boating special fund for additions and improvements of passenger
cruise ship facilities.  (CD1)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 2
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT


 1      SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the cruise ship
 2 industry is experiencing tremendous growth and will contribute
 3 substantially to Hawaii's economy in the form of new jobs and an
 4 increase in tax revenues to the State.  However, to accommodate
 5 the anticipated increase in cruise ship passengers in Hawaii, the
 6 State's passenger terminal infrastructure and facilities need
 7 improvement.
 8      The legislature further finds that American Hawaii Cruises
 9 has been sailing the SS Independence on weekly cruises in Hawaii
10 for the past twenty years.  American Hawaii Cruises has three new
11 vessels scheduled to be placed in service in Hawaii over the next
12 four years if sufficient facilities are available.
13      The purpose of this Act is to allocate part of the public
14 service company tax revenue stream of passenger cruise vessels to
15 finance the improvements and additions to passenger cruise
16 facilities around the State as identified in the Leo A. Daly
17 Statewide Passenger Cruise Facility Study.  Those public service
18 company tax revenues identified shall be transferred to the
19 department of transportation's harbor special fund and the
20 department of land and natural resources' boating special fund
21 for this purpose.

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 1      SECTION 2.  Section 239-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
 2 amended to read as follows:
 3      "§239-10  Disposition of revenues.  (a)  All taxes collected
 4 under this chapter shall be state realizations[.]; provided that
 5 tax revenues from contract carriers by water engaged primarily in
 6 the business of transporting persons between harbors or wharves
 7 of the various counties for interisland cruises within the State:
 8      (1)  Shall be deposited as follows:
 9           (A)  Tax revenues from the gross income of contract
10                carriers received from passenger ticket revenue
11                from all vessels in service in Hawaii shall be
12                deposited into the general fund except those
13                deposited in the harbor special fund established
14                under section 266-19 or in the boating special
15                fund established under section 248-8 pursuant to
16                subparagraph (B);
17           (B)  Tax revenues from the gross income of contract
18                carriers received from passenger ticket revenue
19                from all vessels in service in Hawaii in any year
20                shall be deposited into the harbor special fund
21                established under section 266-19 and the boating
22                special fund established under section 248-8 in
23                the following amounts for the following fiscal
24                years:

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 1             Contributions to the Harbor Special Fund
 2              Fiscal Years        Amounts to be Deposited
 3                  2001                   $175,000
 4                  2002                   $450,000
 5                  2003                   $600,000
 6                  2004                   $750,000
 7                  2005                   $900,000
 8                  2006                  $1,100,000
 9                  2007                  $3,000,000
10                2008-2025         $2,900,000 in each year
11             Contributions to the Boating Special Fund
12              Fiscal Years        Amounts to be Deposited
13                  2001                   $325,000
14                  2002                   $450,000
15                  2003                   $500,000
16                  2004                   $575,000
17                  2005                   $625,000
18                  2006                   $700,000
19                  2007                   $665,000
20                2008-2020          $620,000 in each year
21                  2021                   $370,000
22                  2022                   $100,000
23           (C)  Tax revenues deposited in the harbor special fund
24                and the boating special fund pursuant to

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 1                subparagraph (B) are intended to provide funds to
 2                the harbors division of the department of
 3                transportation and the department of land and
 4                natural resources, respectively, for a portion of
 5                the funding necessary for improvements and
 6                additions to the passenger cruise facilities under
 7                the jurisdictions of the harbors division of the
 8                department of transportation and the department of
 9                land and natural resources, respectively, at the
10                ports identified in the Leo A. Daly Statewide
11                Passenger Cruise Facility Study, including:
12                (i)  Paying the costs of the improvements and
13                     additions;
14               (ii)  Reimbursing the special funds for the amount
15                     of expenditures made for the improvements and
16                     additions;
17              (iii)  Paying the debt service on revenue bonds
18                     issued to finance the improvements and
19                     additions; or
20               (iv)  Reimbursing the general fund for debt service
21                     on general obligation bonds, the proceeds of
22                     which were used to finance the improvements
23                     and additions.

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 1      (b)  The harbors division of the department of
 2 transportation and the department of land and natural resources
 3 shall report annually to the legislature on the amounts necessary
 4 to make the required improvements and additions to the passenger
 5 cruise facilities under their jurisdictions at the ports
 6 identified in the Leo A. Daly Statewide Passenger Cruise Facility
 7 Study.  The reports shall be submitted to the legislature no
 8 later than twenty days before the convening of each regular
 9 session."
10      SECTION 3.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed.
11 New statutory material is underscored.
12      SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon approval.