Pay Equity

Requires department of human resources development to retain
records of positions, wages, and demographic characteristics.
Requires examination of such data to determine whether there is a
concentration of employees by gender.  Establishes the pay equity
task force.  (SB2061 HD2)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 1
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 2
STATE OF HAWAII                                            

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  Government must set an example in scrutinizing
 2 its operations to assure that they are free of bias and that
 3 discriminatory practices, if they exist, are identified and
 4 eliminated.
 5      SECTION 2.  Chapter 76, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended
 6 by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to
 7 read as follows:
 8      "§76-     Wage disclosure; recordkeeping; and reporting
 9 requirements.  (a)  The director of human resources development
10 shall make and retain records that provide the following
11 information:
12      (1)  All positions held by regular civil service employees;
13      (2)  All unencumbered positions which might be available;
14      (3)  The wages paid to each employee holding each position;
15      (4)  The bases used to establish, adjust, and determine the
16           wage rates paid for each position; and
17      (5)  The demographic characteristics (i.e., sex, race, and
18           age) of each employee who is employed in each position;
19 provided that if existing records can provide all of the

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 1 specified data, no supplemental records need to be maintained to
 2 ensure compliance with the requirements of this section.
 3      (b)  There shall be an examination of the data, which shall
 4 involve but need not be limited to, determining whether there is
 5 a concentration of employees by gender in classes and, as
 6 appropriate, relevant occupational categories, as of
 7 September 30, 1999.  If the initial examination identifies a
 8 concentration by gender, the examination shall be extended to
 9 determine whether, to the extent the information is available
10 without making specific inquiry of any individual employee, there
11 is discrimination against women with regard to wages or access to
12 such positions.  This initial examination shall also determine
13 whether there are unequal wages for males and females performing
14 the same type of job or jobs of equivalent value.  If the initial
15 examination indicates that there are unequal wages for males and
16 females, the examination shall be extended to determine whether
17 other gender-neutral factors, such as length of service, skill,
18 effort, or responsibility account for the differences or whether
19 there is indication of gender bias."
20      SECTION 3.  Establishment of a pay equity task force.  There
21 is established a four-year pay equity task force to be conducted
22 under the auspices of the office of the governor, beginning in
23 fiscal year 2001-2002 and continuing through fiscal year

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 1 2004-2005.  This task force shall consist of one representative
 2 from each of the unions serving as exclusive representative of
 3 civil service workers, the director of human resources
 4 development and four other representatives of public employers, a
 5 representative of the Hawaii state commission on the status of
 6 women, and three other individuals selected by the governor
 7 representing the public.  The office of the governor shall
 8 convene the first meeting at which the members shall elect a
 9 chair.  The purposes of the task force shall be to review:  the
10 1995 Study of Wage Equity in Public Employee Bargaining Units 1
11 and 10, the 1987 study titled, "A Job Evaluation Study of
12 Selected Job Classes of the State and Counties of Hawaii," and
13 the reports submitted by the director of human resources
14 development, as provided in section 2.  The task force may also
15 review other relevant information.  The task force shall review
16 the material and, as appropriate, develop recommendations to the
17 legislature for funds and specific actions needed to correct any
18 gender based pay inequities discovered.  In addition, the task
19 force shall provide the legislature with an annual report of its
20 progress.
21      SECTION 4.  No private right of action.  By evidencing the
22 legislature's purpose of reporting data and investigating the
23 efficacy of equalizing compensation between and among

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 1 substantially equivalent jobs or positions, this Act does not
 2 permit any individual to bring an action for monetary or
 3 injunctive relief in reliance hereon; nor does this Act create
 4 any legal or equitable right in any person to seek back pay or
 5 benefits for allegedly equivalent work.
 6      SECTION 5.  New statutory material is underscored.
 7      SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.